Jodi Arias trial discussion #21 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Yes, and did you notice she was smiling and gave a little laugh when she said she was upset by that? I would think if you're recalling something that really upset you you wouldn't be smiling and suppressing laughter while recalling it.

I noticed that as well, she was sorta laughing when she described Bobby strangling her:what:
We finally move on from Bobby to Matt and .......... we are done for the day!





Her dad yells ugly things out the car window at overweight people that are crossing the street at red light! :furious:
She's laughing because she KNOWS she is NOT a size ten! That's a "gift" from Jodi for throwing her under the bus.

OMG :floorlaugh:
Must have been delayed video bc I thought the mom grin/giggle/laugh when JA stated her father was a 'gossiper'.. 'ohh hehe if that's even a word'..
Sounds like she has always done the breaking up and moving on, and not the man, except for TA.

And, he got slaughtered for it.

She also has a pattern of then "dating" the old boyfriend's friends or acquaintances.
Here's what I got from this testimony:

She started moving in with boys from the time she was 16 or 17 and hasn't stopped since then. She jumps from one relationship to another to another.

Violence is acceptable in a relationship but disloyalty is not.

Jodi has had to endure the flaws and imperfections of fat people, hoarders, and people who tried to tell her what to do. She would have none of it.
why do you think Juan isn't objecting?

I think he's not objecting because 1) he doesn't want to look like he is attacking the poor victim (which would add to her being seen as the battered woman) and 2) because her testimony isn't doing any damage. When I saw her on 48 hours, she is EXCELLENT at playing the role of strength, but she does not do well trying to play victim. Compared to her 48 hours display, even while lying about everything, she was smooth. Here, she is choppy and her answers sound rehearsed. She appears to be trying to portray an emotion (victim, battered) that she has trouble letting herself feel.

If it is true she is a narcissist, they feel so empty inside and have no empathy or conscience. To make up for the void, they love to play the hero or something grand. To play a victim, even to save her own life, would be very against her nature, something she would not want to convey or let herself feel. I actually think her testimony will help the prosecution, especially when compared to all her interviews with LE. When you look at those interviews, it is obvious that this timid, shy girl is not her true personality, even under questioning re murder.

Juan is doing the right thing. Again.
Shocker! She starts living with yet another man. Has there ever NOT been a man or more in her life?

Hi, GoBluth. With relationships. Jodi is like a person crossing a stream: She lifts one foot only when she has another firmly on another rock.
My husband wanted to know how it was going. All I could tell him was Victor blah blah, Bobby blah blah, Matt blah blah, and a lot of blah blah in between. How old is she now that she is with Matt?
Juan, like all prosecutors, knows that you don't interrupt the lying rambling of a murderer if you get the gift of them testilying. You wait and wait, salivating at all they are saying, while you let them twist themselves up in long ropes of their mistruths. Like a spider with a very wide net, he is letting Jodi get tangled in her own web of lies.

When he is good and ready he will slowly kill her and eat her (theoretically-speaking of course, as he is the spider in this analogy).
She has had an incredible amount of jobs - what are we up to - about 18 years old? Something tells me she cannot keep a job because she acts out there also.

This whole thing has me stunned. I wish I knew why they are allowing this verbal diarrhea. If anything it is hurting her case - the testimony doesn't really reflect her as a battered woman IMO. If I were a juror I know I would be baffled by her demeanor.

Her defense team did not look happy at the very end there as they were packing up.
I'm just hoping Matt's Dad didn't get involved with her too?
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