Jodi Arias trial discussion #21 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I think she gets her dialogue from really bad romance novels.

Remember when she and Fabio had that brief fling? But then the "I can't believe it's not butter!" people came in and jacked that all up!
I hate to say this - but her childhood sounds perfectly normal to me. I believe she has taken a few "wooden spoon" incidents and embellished because nothing adds up.
So she's called her mom fat; she's called her dad mean and not funny; she called Victor's parents slobs; She called Victor/Bobby's parents old hoarders; she called Victor/Bobby an abuser ...

Can't wait to hear who else she insults
Shocker! She starts living with yet another man. Has there ever NOT been a man or more in her life?
Honestly, I can't believe the judge is letting this nonsense continue

Judge Perry would have put a stop to it hours ago
good grief. Mom and Aunt are smiling and laughing. In front of the jury. CRAZY.

And she just more or less called her Mom "overweight", says dad didn't like her mom being a size 10. :what: I'd give anything to be a size 10 again! What a self centered and cruel ***** of a daughter she is! :furious:

This chick doesn't have one foot, not even one toe, that's planted in "Reality Ville". :banghead: I guess she really does take after her totally inappropriate family members.

I wish she would just shut up! :furious:
I think all this carp the Defense is pulling out of Jodi is to cloud the jury's minds. She is hypnotizing the jury!
I would bet Nurmi goes home tonight and wants to commit suicide for having this client! He is as bored as we are. Can she ever shut up? She has no sorrow or feeling for anybody. But she LOVES talking about herself.
Those of you who followed the Jason Young trial and heard him on the stand will remember how utterly pointless his little stories were. Not to mention a pack 'o lies. All murdering monsters on the stand are indulged as their useless lives are explored in so much detail you want to chew your own foot off to escape the bear trap of their monologues.
It's a wonder she didn't have STD's!! Wait.........she might have?
:furious:She's in for a rude awakening. Going from Nurmi's softballs to Juan and his Nolan Ryan 100MPH fastballs up around her chin.

And he at least has an overnight to work with her testimony today. :what:
Jodi didn't stay on Matts dad's couch very long before Matt's girlfriend was history and she had moved in with Matt.

I need to go home and brush my teeth. Really, really good. And gargle. Alot.

'Til tomorrow.
The judge is so baffled she forgot to tell anyone when to come back or give them admonishments.
Hey Madeline or anyone else... do you recall how many days Jason Young was on the stand in his first trial? I want to say it was two but cannot recall.
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