Jodi Arias trial discussion #21 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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He was kind of mean...wait, which one is being mean now?
Decided a relationship isn't going to work...Bobby had this other girl and he was still talking to her, but Jodi bought him clothing anyways. She made trips up to see Bobby and on weekends they'd take these trips. THIS IS THE SAME AS SHE DID WITH TRAVIS.

Wow, she latched onto the men like a tick. They just could not get away from this woman. IMO she is proving that she was a stalker.
Please move on from Bobby to Matt already ... we know Matt is going to testify
How many different jobs is that now? In about one or two years? Can't keep a job either.
all this martial arts (at least 2 of the BF and her dad) so now we know where the ninja story came from
Bobby saw her with Matt!!! Bokins are like little swords.
At this rate the trial won't conclude until 2014!! Why is she allowed to babble incessantly? I'm getting a serious headache from listening to her.
Now Bobby has come around the corner again!!!!!
JA parents were very united, very loyal, she never saw physical violence, they loved each other, geez, and she wants us to believe that they were physically abusive to an extreme toward her. Please.

I could believe her...sounds like my husband's parents when he was growing up.
I am so not interested in the windmills of her mind. This to me is deadly dull. So horribly pointless. If I'm on the jury I'm tuning out at this point. WHO CARES?

I will only be interested in what Juan says. The Juan and Only!

If I were on the jury I would be in a coma now. I rushed to listen when I saw she was on the stand-silly me. If this is to humanize her I don't see it working. She's boring and creepy. I admire those her are listening non-stop. I'm just plugging my headphones into my ears here and there.

:banghead: OMG, he put her into a strangle hold and then threatened her family. Kinda like the ninja story, huh?

Yes, and did you notice she was smiling and gave a little laugh when she said she was upset by that? I would think if you're recalling something that really upset you you wouldn't be smiling and suppressing laughter while recalling it.
I think Im going to throw up.

If the defense expert gets up there and lies and says this woman was abused Im going to bang my head up against a wall.:banghead: Ridiculous. She is a stalker and a murderer.

I'll hold your bucket if you hold mine.
Is JA's mother laughing? WTH

Is this the 'hail mary' to convince the jury of What exactly?

She's laughing because she KNOWS she is NOT a size ten! That's a "gift" from Jodi for throwing her under the bus.
DEFENSE ATTORNEY FAIL -----------> Why would you let her tell about playing with swords! LMAO

This is so pitiful, I think I will just laugh.
This is like a reeeeally bad episode of Jerry Springer. I would rather watch paint dry, but I just cant.break.away.
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