John Morgan to depose Casey

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I read the document earlier and for some reason, it really bothers me when people misspell her name. I notified them so I hope they can spell it correctly in the future.

I was talking with a fellow WS-er, and she mentioned that perhaps the misspelling was done intentionally (she knows Morgan is a sly fox) and that if KC and JB even answer at all, it will indicate they have engaged in the process by even making a correction and will be forced to answer them all. Just a thought. It might have been a sneaky little strategy to same "game on!".
What is next? Will ZFG get any justice?

Casey Anthony plans to take the Fifth Amendment in civil case

February 2, 2009
Casey Anthony doesn't plan on answering the series of written questions posed on behalf of a woman suing her, including whether Anthony knows who killed her daughter Caylee Marie and whether was she involved.

Amened Notice Of Service Of Interrogatories
*correct scrivener's error*
Case Number: 2008-CA-0024573-O

1/29/2009 AMENDED NOTICE TAKING DEPO OF GEORGE ANTHONY ON 2/26/2009 @ 10:30 AM & CINDY ANTHONY ON 2/26/2009 @ 1:30 PM
Just wondering...could they have misspelled Caylee's name to prove the fact that even though the name is spelled different, that KC knows who they are talking about to prove the point that Zenaida's name may be spelled different, but she was the only Zenaida Gonzalez that had been to Sawgrass?
so if i understand you correctly, it was a mutual decision between ZFG and her employer that she wouldn't work there any longer. i agree with debs. casey has never ever identified this woman as the woman she was talking about. casey did not identify her in a photo lineup. she does not fit the description, does has children where Casey's ZFG doesn't, hair is different, age is different.
i don't understand how this issue has gotten this far in a court. ZFG and her employer worked out something that worked for them. RK and his boss worked out something that works for them. yes, they have been briefly in the spotlight. yes it has been uncomfortable. both have been cleared and are not in any way responsible for Caylee's disappearance or death.
everyone with a thinking brain understands that this woman had nothing to do with the crime.
george and cindy are in the center of the storm. i have not heard if cindy has lost her job. george loses his jobs with regularity so it is hard to know with him. lee is obviously working. RK got a pay raise with his new job, but it isn't the first time he's ever transfered within the utility company.
all the other ZFGs seem to be handling it just fine. this one hears cash registers. i think debs is right. this ZFG just wants to cash in.

itsyourworld, ITA with you and Debs. I tried to give her the benefit of a doubt, but her claim is just not holding up with me anymore. The only reason the public is aware of this particular ZG, is because she did show her face in the media. The only reason we are hearing her name mentioned anymore, is because of her lawsuit. The other ZG's that were interviewed have not shown their face and are not making any claims that their lives have been ruined, or they lost their job because of this. Lots of lives are involved and the media is hounding all of them....only ZG is the only one trying to make claims through a lawsuit.
Okay, I made a phone call last night & feel impelled to take back something I said yesterday. The name misspelling may not be an error, it might really truly have been on purpose.

I called a relative who works for an Orlando lawfirm. We'll call him/her "Pat" (just like the SNL character!). Pat doesn't work for any of the lawfirms involved in this case. S/He was unaware of the misspelling of Caylee's name until I told him/her. Pat immediately snorted & said "that was on purpose!!" That took me by suprize!! "Why would JM's office purposely misspell the name??"

"Because that's just how underhanded JM is. He wants to p*$$ off KC and/or her family. It was no accident. That's how they work."

An Amended Notice of Service of Interrogatories was filed on Monday with the correct spelling for Caylee.
Whether it is before of after the criminal trial George, Cindy, and Casey and I hope Lee gets included in there too will end up being depo'd. There is no way that they can get out of it. They are countersuing this poor woman and you better believe they will have to set down an answer any and all questions at some point. Their attorney's can object but they still have to answer the questions asked by the lady's attorney...Morgan.

They will all be put on the stand when there is a civil trial too. Remember when OJ Simpson had to take the stand at his civil trial and he stuttered and stammered his way through all of the questions just as guilty as everything. He lost big time because the jury could see right through him unlike at his criminal trial where he had Dr. Henry Lee lie about the blood on the gate, in his vehicle and on the sock in his bedroom. And of course there were the gloves that they had him put on over laytex gloves...insane.

Civil trials are different then criminal trials. I would think that this lady should be able to put a lien on the Anthony home and whatever monies they may have coming in. They will have to return to work one of these days.

Looks like you get your wish, Bobbisangel. Lee will be deposed the day after C & G.
I was talking with a fellow WS-er, and she mentioned that perhaps the misspelling was done intentionally (she knows Morgan is a sly fox) and that if KC and JB even answer at all, it will indicate they have engaged in the process by even making a correction and will be forced to answer them all. Just a thought. It might have been a sneaky little strategy to same "game on!".

Good point, I hope she ends up having to answer the questions, one way or another, absolutely!
<<Anthony's attorneys could request a hearing to discuss the questions from Fernandez-Gonzalez and whether they are appropriate. So far, no motion has been filed and no hearing has been set.>>

Why no motion filed?

She's going to plead the 5th no matter what questions are asked.

As well, he can't keep tossing the questions back with motion after motion until he gets questions THEY deem are appropriate. Not to mention, if handled poorly by JB, Judge could just as easily retract right to depose by question, versus in person.

ETA: always a dollar short & two days late. Groundhog day was yesterday. Or was that the day before? The all look the same to me.
Good point, I hope she ends up having to answer the questions, one way or another, absolutely!

I wish she had some actual money or a job so if (G-d forbid) she is not convicted in the criminal trial, someone could sue her for wrongful death in a civil suit. Her answers to the ZG questions would be great in that.
That's not fair that she can take the 5th! So this means it has to wait until after the criminal trial? To me her taking the 5th just means "I can't answer 'cause I made up Zani anyway!"
That's not fair that she can take the 5th! So this means it has to wait until after the criminal trial? To me her taking the 5th just means "I can't answer 'cause I made up Zani anyway!"

I think John Morgan is setting her up. If she answers the questions she can harm her murder case, and without answering him Zenaida can win her case and maybe just maybe claim rights to the fortune this family is making off this murdered little angel.

I don't know for sure, but I gotta think he anticipated Casey taking the fifth.
I just don't understand how anyone who is indited for murder or any criminal act has so many rights. What about the "Victim" ? This whole case since day one has been about Casey's rights and protecting Casey. What about Caylee? I don't understand that Casey can plead the 5th over and over. She will not have to speak at trial, she doesn't have to answer to the FBI or LE. I just don't there a "LAW" that has been over looked? If so, someone needs to fax the "Law" to LE, SA and Morgan. This can't be, it just can't. I do not understand..:confused: :mad: :furious:
:furious: I thought KC couldn't take the fifth since she is countersuing? I thought that was mentioned in court? I just don't understand how she can do this.,0,4855543.story

Casey Anthony takes the Fifth in defamation suit
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
February 3, 2009

Casey Anthony doesn't plan on answering a series of written questions posed on behalf of a woman suing her, including whether Anthony knows who killed her daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, and whether she was involved.
I think John Morgan is setting her up. If she answers the questions she can harm her murder case, and without answering him Zenaida can win her case and maybe just maybe claim rights to the fortune this family is making off this murdered little angel.

I don't know for sure, but I gotta think he anticipated Casey taking the fifth.

and she has the right to not implicate herself. all she has to write is that "on the advice of my attorney, i refuse to answer on the grounds that it may tend to incriminate me" and be done with it. but this is a ridiculous request for information. any of these questions can be answered with "this is not the ZFG i am associated with" which is what i would instruct casey to say if i were her attorney. how does this ZFG know that the ZFG casey is associated with didn't steal her identity? yes, i know there is no nanny. but who is to say that casey didn't know a ZFG who stole this woman's ID?

at the end of it all, ZFG will not have cleared her name any more substantially than what she has gotten from the get-go, and that is the media and LE saying she is not the ZFG that casey says took caylee.
:furious: I thought KC couldn't take the fifth since she is counter-suing? I thought that was mentioned in court? I just don't understand how she can do this.,0,4855543.story

Casey Anthony takes the Fifth in defamation suit
Sarah Lundy | Sentinel Staff Writer
February 3, 2009

Casey Anthony doesn't plan on answering a series of written questions posed on behalf of a woman suing her, including whether Anthony knows who killed her daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, and whether she was involved.

That was my understanding as well. But then Baez withdrew the counter-suit and that is why she can plead the Fifth (I think, that is the Reason). My question is this, if the judge ordered her to answer the depo before the counter-suit was withdrawn I would think that Morgan can take this back to court and the judge may be able to enforce the motion for Casey to answer the depo. But, I am no legal expert, I am just assuming. Anyone know?
and she has the right to not implicate herself. all she has to write is that "on the advice of my attorney, i refuse to answer on the grounds that it may tend to incriminate me" and be done with it. but this is a ridiculous request for information. any of these questions can be answered with "this is not the ZFG i am associated with" which is what i would instruct casey to say if i were her attorney. how does this ZFG know that the ZFG casey is associated with didn't steal her identity? yes, i know there is no nanny. but who is to say that casey didn't know a ZFG who stole this woman's ID?

at the end of it all, ZFG will not have cleared her name any more substantially than what she has gotten from the get-go, and that is the media and LE saying she is not the ZFG that casey says took caylee.

The problem is, there are too many similarities (her visiting Sawgrass for one) that point to THIS ZFG. If it was just a matter of her name, this would probably be dismissed as a frivolous suit.
Bolded by me. Well said. I think this poor woman doesn't have the resources to move on, no job prospects at this time because of her name. But sincerely, would you ever hire a sitter named Zanny, even though you know KC's nanny was imaginary? The woman's very name is tainted now.

I can understand why ZFG is doing this. KC has carelessly thrown her name out there and there is the name recognition.
I know a young man whos last name is McVay. He had just graduated college and gotten a really good job about the time we were introduced to Timothy Mcvay. Every time he met new people or was heading a meeting he would always be asked if they were related. He eventually legally changed his last name to his mothers maiden name. His dad wasn't happy about this, but I can sure understand why.
The problem is, there are too many similarities (her visiting Sawgrass for one) that point to THIS ZFG. If it was just a matter of her name, this would probably be dismissed as a frivolous suit.

they would have to prove it was casey that got that information from sawgrass. even the people at sawgrass say that casey has never been in their office.
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