Kyron Horman Discussion Thread 2017-2019

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Something is up, hoping it leads to TH's arrest!!!!

I would like to take a moment to call out the herculean efforts of LE and the DA involved in this case. They have never given up on justice for Kyron. In my books they are the real superheroes! God Bless them, Desiree, and our dear little Kryon. Now let's haven an arrest....soon!
Roses, I admit I'm really conflicted whether or not I believe DDS was involved in Kyron's disappearance. Reviewing more articles, there are red flags surrounding DDS that do pique my suspicions.

A second person was reportedly seen in TH's truck at Skyline School. MSM suggests it could have been DDS. But, I haven't seen a description of the person that would place suspicion on DDS specifically. Could it have been Kyron in the truck?

DDS was missing from her work site for 1½ hrs. It's possible she was off somewhere on the vast property talking with TH and didn't hear anyone calling her. During the time that DDS was MIA, TH's time was also unaccounted for (supposedly). A KATU article, though, stated that TH checked into the gym at 11:39 AM:

"At 11:39 a.m., Terri checked in at a 24-hour Fitness in Beaverton on Waterhouse Avenue and worked out for about an hour until 12:40 p.m."

Problem is, those links no longer work for me (I had the quote copied in some notes on my computer with the links), and I can't find it on other MSM sites to verify. Witnesses state DDS abruptly left the property around 11:30 AM:

"Detectives learned that Spicher, who shares Terri Horman's passion for fitness and gardening, was doing gardening work for a Northwest Portland homeowner on June 4. She abruptly left the house about 11:30 a.m. and didn't return until an hour to 90 minutes later."

That would have given DDS enough time to arrive at the gym by 11:39 AM, if I remember the location of the gym correctly. What if DDS checked in at the gym under TH's name, to provide an alibi for TH? DDS could have done the favor for TH without question. If TH had already shoved Kyron into the ravine soon after leaving Skyline School (IIRC, there was a brief time unaccounted for then), why would she need an alibi between 11:30 and 1:00, and what was she doing during that time frame?

According to this video, DDS was missing from her work site for 3 hours and her car never moved:


If the scenario of TH shoving Kyron into a ravine where investigators have been searching is correct, she wouldn't have needed help except for an alibi. The timeline for DDS's absence from her work site doesn't fit in with that. So, I'm not sure what to think. :gaah: We'll just have to wait and see what comes of the searches. :waiting: I had hoped Kyron was still alive somewhere, but sadly I don't think that's the direction the investigation is going so I just want his parents to be able to put him to rest and justice to be served.

All MOO. :moo:
I dont think he was shoved and then left hoping he had expired. *If* someone did harm him, i'm betting they made sure he was deceased, and that involved a fatal act. Did either TH or her seemingly doppleganger buddy harm him or had him harmed? If not, they have the horrid misfortune of being cast in a very bright light of suspicion.

All amateur speculation and opinion.
On TH being at the gym - is there CCTV on her? Or she just "punched" in. If CCTV - is she carrying her baby? If not, then it "could" be DDS. Who would leave their baby in the car? I know.... to many people.

Where are you Kyron!!!
Roses, I admit I'm really conflicted whether or not I believe DDS was involved in Kyron's disappearance. Reviewing more articles, there are red flags surrounding DDS that do pique my suspicions.

A second person was reportedly seen in TH's truck at Skyline School. MSM suggests it could have been DDS. But, I haven't seen a description of the person that would place suspicion on DDS specifically. Could it have been Kyron in the truck?

DDS was missing from her work site for 1½ hrs. It's possible she was off somewhere on the vast property talking with TH and didn't hear anyone calling her. During the time that DDS was MIA, TH's time was also unaccounted for (supposedly). A KATU article, though, stated that TH checked into the gym at 11:39 AM:

"At 11:39 a.m., Terri checked in at a 24-hour Fitness in Beaverton on Waterhouse Avenue and worked out for about an hour until 12:40 p.m."

Problem is, those links no longer work for me (I had the quote copied in some notes on my computer with the links), and I can't find it on other MSM sites to verify. Witnesses state DDS abruptly left the property around 11:30 AM:

"Detectives learned that Spicher, who shares Terri Horman's passion for fitness and gardening, was doing gardening work for a Northwest Portland homeowner on June 4. She abruptly left the house about 11:30 a.m. and didn't return until an hour to 90 minutes later."

That would have given DDS enough time to arrive at the gym by 11:39 AM, if I remember the location of the gym correctly. What if DDS checked in at the gym under TH's name, to provide an alibi for TH? DDS could have done the favor for TH without question. If TH had already shoved Kyron into the ravine soon after leaving Skyline School (IIRC, there was a brief time unaccounted for then), why would she need an alibi between 11:30 and 1:00, and what was she doing during that time frame?

According to this video, DDS was missing from her work site for 3 hours and her car never moved:


If the scenario of TH shoving Kyron into a ravine where investigators have been searching is correct, she wouldn't have needed help except for an alibi. The timeline for DDS's absence from her work site doesn't fit in with that. So, I'm not sure what to think. :gaah: We'll just have to wait and see what comes of the searches. :waiting: I had hoped Kyron was still alive somewhere, but sadly I don't think that's the direction the investigation is going so I just want his parents to be able to put him to rest and justice to be served.

All MOO. :moo:

Here's a MSM link from KOMO News (that still works) for the same article that you quoted above. Very frustrating that many of these old articles no longer work.
On TH being at the gym - is there CCTV on her? Or she just "punched" in. If CCTV - is she carrying her baby? If not, then it "could" be DDS. Who would leave their baby in the car? I know.... to many people.

Where are you Kyron!!!

I think they have daycare there, but could be wrong
I always felt TH was attempting to set up an alibi by all the stops she made. Plus IIRC she bought drugs at the Albertson and Fred Meyer grocery stores for the baby's earache? I need to refresh myself on the facts of the case, but as stated above a lot of the original links to articles have gone poof. Thanks to OSU for the KOMO 2010 article link.

Between 10:10 in the morning and 11:39, Terri claimed she drove her daughter Kiara around on rural roads in the family's white truck because Kiara had an earache. She claimed she was trying to soothe the toddler with the motion of the vehicle.

IMO, she told Kyron to leave at a different exit (not the front entrance) and come back to the truck. She then bought the meds to drug Kyron and killed him and buried him at some pre-dug location at some time during the 10:10 and 11:39 time frame. This precious child needs to be found and TH needs to pay (if I had my way) with her own life. She is EVIL personified.
I think the alibi at the gym is pretty tight. But I really like the possiblity of Of Dede switching places with terri. I like all these new possiblities. I do wonder why Dede plead the 5th so many times. Unless TH picked her up, got dropped off at the gym, and Dede took Kyron somewhere. I don't know, I wished I did though.

I go back on how TH could get Kyron to leave the school, and no one saw anything. Just seems odd. Like he might of told his friends he is leaving. What about early in the case, a child said Kyron told him he was going to look at some cool project. I think a lot of the early thoughts, and actions should be reviewed. I also keep thinking about they searched the woods for Kyron, did someone say something about him out there?
I wish he could be found.
I have not followed this case too much.

I know everything points to the step-mom. And everyone's focus has been on her. Her behaviours can seem suspicious and everything may seem to correlate, but in focusing only on her have other possibilities been ruled out?

Have we looked at another party taking him from the school? Have we looked at trends of children abducted from school settings over the years in that gender and age bracket? A science fair would be on social media and other places. Anyone could know just how chaotic those are a make an easy grab. I would just hate to see this situation turn out like Jacee Duggard or others like it where the step-parent was suspect and lived under a cloud of doubt for years.

I'm not saying she did or didn't plan this. But, the timelines are pretty tight and there is a lot of speculation. It also seems, looking at the article I posted above, she has been his primary caregiver for quite sometime. So it's not like suddenly she's dealing with a kid transplanted into her house with no knowledge of rules, routine, etc. And as a mom who had joint custody that was hit or miss on dads end, the frustration one has getting a kiddo back from the other parent after a few days is real. Its confusing for the child...different rules, different expectations, wanting to please both sets of parents, not wanting to hurt other parents, saying things like I want to be with you (mom or dad) so the parent doesn't feel bad. It takes days to adjust and its very hard on everyone. Whole routines are de-stablized, even bedtimes and dietary. Rules are different. Seriously, as a parent, dealing with my son coming back from dads on weekends where there were no rules, no bedtimes, junk food, toys, homework wasn't done, etc was frustrating as heck. Im sure my text history would reveal there were times I wanted to throttle dad and my son :angel: But, thats just normal mom frustration.
Anyway, I'm newer to this case snd would love to hear feedback or more information.Thanks :loveyou:

(Snipped for space).


Going back in time, I had at one time assembled facts that seemed to point to her involvement in his disappearance. Here's what I wrote in 2014, that may be of interest to you:

What caused many to feel TH was involved was a combination of the following:

1. That TH was the last parent to see Kyron.
2. That TH was the last person at all, who has come forward, to say they saw Kyron.
3. Her long, rambling ride through heavily forested areas, with a baby who was sick with an earache, according to both parents, on the day Kyron went missing, and then taking that same baby to a gym daycare to be cared for while TH worked out.
4. TH telling Kyron's teacher, in advance, that he had a doctor's appointment on the day he went missing, according to sources. (Which would cause the teacher to not be alarmed that he didn't show up for class. Note, a classmate of Kyron's stated to the media that Kyron told him he was leaving for an appointment that day, on the same day). Then, after the investigation began, stating the teacher was wrong and that he had an appointment the following Friday, because: "The past 2 weeks he's been acting really weird. Staring off into space. Can't remember anything. Walks into the room and then back out, stopping to stare and then move on. The doc thinks that he is having mini seizures and I made an appt on Thursday for next Friday to have him checked out.&#8221; However, neither parent has ever verified either appointment and Kaine has stated there was nothing wrong with Kyron. Desiree was unaware of such an appointment or that Kyron had been acting oddly. If such was true and Kyron was due to go to his mother that Friday, one would think TH would have alerted her in case he had anymore "mini-seizures" while with his mom that weekend. That's a pretty significant health issue she never brought up to Desiree.
5. TH being the only parent of the four to complain about the investigation and the polygraphs.
6. TH telling Desiree, on the day she failed a polygraph: "I want you to know, I loved your son." (Note the past tense).
7. TH storming out of a second polygraph and suddenly refusing to cooperate further with the investigation.
8. TH sending e-mails, prior to Kyron's disappearance, indicating an extreme hatred of Kyron and talking about wanting to hurt him.
9. Kyron wetting the bed and becoming very upset when it was time to go back to his dad's and constantly stating he wanted to stay with his mom, in the months prior to his disappearance.
10. TH asking Desiree to take back custody of Kyron, shortly before he disappeared:
11. The MFH plot allegations.
12. TH failing to contest, at all, the MFH allegations and the allegations that she was involved in Kyron's disappearance, thereby acquiescing to a restraining order against her that barred her from having contact with her own infant daughter, effectively giving up custody of the child, and permanently affecting her ability to ever regain significant rights to her child, on the grounds that it might incriminate her.

Finally, I do not believe her attorneys were actually concerned about her implicating herself in something unrelated to Kyron (or the MFH plot) because contesting the restraining order would only require that she answer questions regarding those issues and I am unaware of any, other crimes she may be suspected of committing, so it's unlikely that questions rgeading the allegations we know of would lead down a rabbit hole to allegations of a totally unrelated crime.

Also, as a family law attorney, I can tell you that it takes a lot for a mother who actually loves her child, or wants her child, to give up custody. I can't imagine the incredible coincidence of:
a) Questions regarding Kyron's disappearance and/or the MFH plot leading to another, totally unrelated crime,
b) Such a crime being significant enough to cause TH to give up custody of her infant, rather than answer questions about an unrelated matter, on the off chance she may incriminate herself in another crime,
c) TH having committed an unrelated crime at the very same time that there are untrue MFH allegations and untrue allegations that she harmed her step-son,
d) TH actually telling her attorneys she was guilty of something at all (that's rarer than you might think, because defense attorneys do not ask the question. If they do, they are not allowed to ask questions of parties or witnesses that they know the answer will be a lie to. They can't make arguments indicating that the person is innocent, when they know he or she is not).

Listen, I know child custody litigation. I know divorcing parents. I know when you can keep your client off the stand in a criminal action and when you can't. This is a simple case to me. And a very clear one. If it takes more effort to twist and turn in order to find a possibility as to why a person is likely not guilty, then one must ask why it is necessary to make so many twists and turns. What's the motivation?

In this, as in many matters, I think the most simple explanation is the correct one. At a certain point, there are just too many factors pointing to guilt, to ignore reality.

The investigation in this case involved the following agencies:

Multnomah County Sheriff's Office, Gresham Police, Fairview Police, Troutdale Police, Portland Police, Port of Portland Police, Clackamas County Sheriff's Office, Clackamas County DA MCT, Multnomah County DA's investigators, Washington County District Attorney's Office, Washington County Sheriff's Office, Gladstone Police, Oregon City Police, Milwaukie Police, Canby Police, Lake Oswego Police, West Linn Police, Vancouver Police, Hillsboro Police, Beaverton Police, FBI, DEA, ICE, Secret Service, DOD Defense Criminal Investigative Services, Oregon DOJ, Oregon State Police.

I think it would be highly unlikely that the focus of the investigation here is incorrect or that some crucial key to this case was missed by 26, separate agencies, that led to some other explanation for Kyron's disappearance. There is a reason that the focus has been on TH. There is also a lot we don;t know.

For me, one of the most glaring facts pointing to TH's guilt was her willingness to give up custody of her infant daughter, and contact with the child, rather than undergo a psychological evaluation that would include questions about Kyron and his disappearance. I think there is no way in hell an innocent mother would do such a thing.

Kyron's parents actions and statements after being shown evidence in this case that we are not privy to further cement my feeling that the focus is right.

I believe there is no way possible that all those agencies neglected to conduct a thorough investigation that explored all possibilities. Clearly, they did. And clearly it eventually all led to one direction.
I think they have daycare there, but could be wrong

There was gym daycare. It seemed odd that she stated her daughter had a terrible earache, and in response she drove her around for a long period of time and then dropped her off at the gym daycare while she worked out. There was a lot of discussion about that back in the day.
On TH being at the gym - is there CCTV on her? Or she just "punched" in. If CCTV - is she carrying her baby? If not, then it "could" be DDS. Who would leave their baby in the car? I know.... to many people.

Where are you Kyron!!!

I think witnesses at the gym confirmed she was there as well as her daughter. I recall conversation about whether the baby was sick or not and seem to remember that either TH stated the baby was sick or witnesses did say she seemed a bit ill. But I can't remember!!!!

On another note, I found an old article which really goes into TH, her history, personality, desire for control, and how things began to change around the time Kyron disappeared. Good read for newcomers or those of us who want a refresher:

Her attitude changed in the past year after Kyron entered second grade, he said. His teacher, with a color-coding system for her class, rated the kids on their behavior. Green was good, yellow signaled moments of inattention, blue indicated trouble and red sent them home.

Kaine said the teacher called parents about a blue or red card. But he said his wife was the only parent who asked for daily accounts from the teacher.

Kyron Horman's mother, Desiree Young and step-mother Terri Moulton Horman listen during a news conference near Skyline Elementary School in Northwest Portland
"Terri wanted notification whether it was green, yellow, red or blue," he said. "Every day she wanted it. That, to me, is extremely excessive. The child is in second grade."
He said when Kyron brought home anything but a green card she wanted Kaine to discipline him by grounding him to his room for the evening, eliminating play time or not letting him watch movies.

"There was no room for error," Kaine said.

The couple frequently argued about disciplining Kyron, he said.

At the same time, Terri fired off long e-mails to Kyron's mother, Desiree Young, peppered with complaints.

"She was venting about the teacher and why she should have her job," Desiree said, "and she was venting about Kaine &#8212; everything."



  • 8827423-large.jpg
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If anyone needs motivation to keep up the search, the fight for justice....well this image should do the trick.

If anyone needs motivation to keep up the search, the fight for justice....well this image should do the trick.


It always creeped me out how TH gripped onto and cuddled Desiree. IIRC, by that time Desiree had a good feeling TH had something to do with it. Even more creepy.
Aside from the fact that looking at TH in the above picture makes me :censored::rant::needdrink::puke: I *love* the look in the eyes of TY, Desiree's husband. While his face is expressing extreme pain and sorrow, those Detective eyes are scanning....scanning....
I'm sure he knew right away.
Is this area anywhere near the road where a man claimed to have seen a red head driving a white truck?

IIRC, a man named "Chas" claimed to have seen a redhead driving a white Ford truck that morning pulling off of Logie Trail Rd., onto HWY 30 near Sauvie Island. I'll have to look for the links.
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