LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #24

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Ok, so we have discriptions of two people, (or so we are told, and we have them possibly stalking Mickey on previous nights. They have got to have proof of that on video or they wouldn't know.
Call it stalking then... It sounds like they have video evidence to me.

Like that girl, whose name escapes me right now, that disappeared in MO and they found out she was being stalked in a Target before he attacked her in the parking lot. They might have surveillance of previous days of someone taking an interest in her or caught a conversation where she is visibly uncomfortable and he won't leave her alone.
Could they have been targeting her for trafficking? Wouldn't that give us some reason to believe she just might still be alive?
I bet they have tapes of perp there on previous nights!!! Before MS disappeared!

If there are tapes of the perp(s) on that night or previous nights, I'm going to be one mad at LE citizen. Because they would have wasted three freaking weeks looking for whitevtrucks, when all they would have had to do is ID the guys on the tape.
How does Abdella know this?

Strictly conjecture here: one theory is that perhaps the two independent witnesses who described the two POIs he referenced earlier actually saw these people lingering on a regular(ish) basis in the neighborhood where MS disappeared and, thus, deduced that they were conducting the surveillance.
Call it stalking then... It sounds like they have video evidence to me.

I totally agree, there could be. I just didn't want people assuming it was said by him, since we don't have the actual quote or link yet. I was just paraphrasing from what I heard on TV. I know how quickly things can snowball on here
I always say that random crime doesn't worry me. I feel I always have the upper hand in that kind of situation because I'm always ready.

Being stalked is something else entirely. Someone watching you for days or weeks or months. They know everything about you, so they know when you are at your weakest and most vulnerable.

That is why it is so important to vary routines and routes.
Could they have been targeting her for trafficking? Wouldn't that give us some reason to believe she just might still be alive?

At the end of the broadcast the reporter asked Abdella if he believed she was still alive..he said he would give it a 50/50 chance.
I don't really want to go there, but I have to go there.

Torso seems to me more ease of storage or transport than identity avoidance. A torso is compact.

If the dismemberment was solely for identification reasons, it's not necessary to remove the arms and legs - I'm aware of the bicycle tattoo.

It sounds too much like someone keeping the body in a freezer or transporting it in a suitcase. Something of that nature.

Remember the nurse in New Jersey?

Sorry if I've offended anyone.

I thought the same thing. Both families/friends of MS & Jaren's would most likely know about these peircings, so why release that info to the public (unless the finder's were going to leak it first?!)....that would be ignorant on LE's part when they know these girls are missing. So, I thought it was probably a torso they weren't looking for already :-/
Could they have been targeting her for trafficking? Wouldn't that give us some reason to believe she just might still be alive?

In my opinion, no.

There are too many runaways and homeless women available to traffickers. They don't need to hunt down one single college girl.
I keep thinking she crossed paths with someone else on a bike, don't know why...

One of the LE said there were many cyclists out at that time of night seen on the video footage before they spotted MS. Something about that statement stuck with me.

Oh and I so needed to get to bed early tonight!
I thought the same thing. Both families/friends of MS & Jaren's would most likely know about these peircings, so why release that info to the public (unless the finder's were going to leak it first?!)....that would be ignorant on LE's part when they know these girls are missing.

I'm hoping it wasn't as hideously mishandled with the families as it appears to have been.
Most state health departments do not allow facial piercings or anything other than one earring in each ear. I think the issue is with them falling into the food, however unlikely that may be. But, I know that when I wear earrings, I have an allergic reaction sometimes and there are some pretty gross bodily fluids. My boyfriend has his ears "gauged" and the same happens to him sometimes, only it is a lot more fluids because the holes are larger.

bbm. My hubby does too but I've never thought of it as unsanitary.
I am really worried right now. Did you guys hear of the speed freak killers? That is where I live and they think they killed upwards of 20 women over a several year period and just very recentley have found some of those poor girls in wells. Both were in jail, one was released on a technicality the one in jail starting telling where the bodies were and the other killed himself (there are rumors he didn't) but anyways. It seems so odd that a pair would do these type of crimes then I thought of these two evil people
Strictly conjecture here: one theory is that perhaps the two independent witnesses who described the two POIs he referenced earlier actually saw these people lingering in the neighborhood where MS disappeared on a regular(ish) basis and, thus, deduced that they were conducting the surveillance.

I agree. It would also really stand out if those same 2 guys are no longer lingering in that neighborhood.
I keep thinking she crossed paths with someone else on a bike, don't know why...

One of the LE said there were many cyclists out at that time of night seen on the video footage before they spotted MS. Something about that statement stuck with me.

Oh and I so needed to get to bed early tonight!

Me too. 7:00 AM meeting.

Then again, I know none of my relatives washed up on a beach today, so I'll take sleep deprivation.
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