LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #29

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I want to say the Taco Bells in my area of Louisiana close the indoor seating area between 10pm and midnight. I want to say they close the inside at 10pm. It may be midnight on the weekends, but no, I don't think the inside would have still been open.

Thanks! I do not eat at Taco Bell, and have not been to the one at Campus in Lafayette for nearly 22 years.

I think the truly scary part is that we are all putting ourselves in the mindsight of a PERP to catch a PERP; and the fact we can even wrap our brains around like that is unbelievably scary. I do not think a PERP would risk having an IP address; so I tend to think he/she is not amongst us.

Oh I disagree, they like dropping clues.

Jefferson, honestly, unless the victim is a relative of a LEO, they do not spend the time and effort. it is a sad but true fact :( any real digital reconnaissance is privately funded and i can tell you its EXPENSIVE! (i am not selling anything, just explaining the facts) one of my last contracts we charged $98,000 per day for the full gambit, helo's in the air, fixed wing live feed in color and IR, fast response vessels, digital forensics, META data analysis, GPS tracking, etc

normal people simply do not matter to law enforcement :(
this is a gentle reminder that there is no evidence the bike and Mickey traveled together. Imagine them together, sure, but also, bare in mind that they may have been picked up separately, and the individual(s) who picked up the bike may or may not have had knowledge of Mickey until May 25th, which is about the date they shared the still image of Mickey on the bike.

If this is the case, then the bike would have been left in the street. As heavy as the traffic in Lafayette is that time of night someone would have passed it laying in the road. Not everyone stops and grabs things dropped or left behind, but someone would have noticed it. You would think if this was the case, someone would have admitted it by now.

The other day I went to the gas station. I dropped my gas card, filled up, and drove off. I thought to check my wallet and noticed it was not there. I turned around, and drove back. It was still in the same spot. I dropped it at a busy gas station in Dallas, no one grabbed it. In fact as I pulled up, a man walked past it, looked down at it, and kept going.

I think the truly scary part is that we are all putting ourselves in the mindsight of a PERP to catch a PERP; and the fact we can even wrap our brains around like that is unbelievably scary. I do not think a PERP would risk having an IP address; so I tend to think he/she is not amongst us.

The with the age of smartphones and such sadly tracking IP addys is not as easy as it once was. I really wish it was.:what:
It's tough to put a bike inside of a car if it is not broken down. By that I mean removing a tire. It it has a quick release tire, it's fairly easy, but I dont see someone getting all that involved. It would be far easier to throw it in the back of the truck and shag *advertiser censored*.

If you are a loner, or single guy bring the bike in the house by cover of darkness and then keep it till you can figure out where it should go.

I believe it was dumped a few days before it was found, not on the same night. It was 2 am when she was grabbed. If they went straight to WB it would be nearly 2:30 and then it would take time to get bike in the water just so. It would be cutting it close as fishermen usually start early. IMO, any perp has the victim on his mind, not the bike, purse and any other identifying things that belong to them.

For this reason, I believe it was dumped in a calculated fashion at WB, it would snarl the investigation because several different parishes would need to be involved. It would widen the search to the Bayou which makes it nearly impossible to get an answer.

This is the reason I think this was very cooly and cleverly calculated. I still waffle on if this was a crime of opportunity or someone who stalked or knew her for a while.


I agree that it is likely a truck but trying to keep an open mind. Until the case is solved and I am told otherwise, I will always believe it was the white truck. It's my opinion that they identified the truck and the person driving it and that's why they haven't made further pleas to the public. If they have the answers or the link to the answers then they do not need us.

In one of the pics I enlarged you could make out a partial license plate number. If I can see that much then I am sure their video forensics experts can see a lot more. If they were able to make a good impression of the tire track near the bike dump site then they likely have their suspect in sight. By now they have the forensics back on the bike and know precisely what took place. It takes time to build a case when they haven't located Mickey.

I am just hoping that it was an accident and the person panicked and may still have her somewhere recovering while they decide what to do. Trying to stay hopeful.

It would be interesting to have it confirmed if she had the same backpack purse with her that night...the one that is seen on the daytime bike pic.
I think the truly scary part is that we are all putting ourselves in the mindsight of a PERP to catch a PERP; and the fact we can even wrap our brains around like that is unbelievably scary. I do not think a PERP would risk having an IP address; so I tend to think he/she is not amongst us.

I understand what you're saying, but the anonymity of posters protects us unless, or until, we post something which requires verification of ID. Unless the poster says something that would indicate he/she has information known only to the perp, there would be no reason to suspect anyone. That's why I am cautious about accepting any posters at face value if they are not verified, and why I don't give specific info on my location. WS posters are so good that I've always thought this website is used by others like Nancy Grace and others like her, attorneys, and sometimes LE. I just don't know if it's a good thing if perps are here, or a bad thing. As in, does it assist or hinder bringing a suspect to justice?

Anyone else ever think that maybe what happened to Mickey started not from a car, but from the ground? Just thinking out loud here...

I have always considered that someone Mickey was familiar with is responsible for Mickey's disappearance. I really do believe it is possible that she saw someone who lives in that area, someone she recognized and had probably spoken to before, and stopped to chat. That person either used a ruse to get her indoors, or maybe Mickey asked if she could use the restroom (she had complained of nausea earlier) and once inside, that person did not allow her to leave.

IF IF IF that happened, then Mickey could be in a residence right along her route, and if she is being held there, we can still find her and bring her home.

I wish we knew exactly how far she got along her way home.....I've personally seen three LE searches in the Cajun Dome/Blackham Coliseum area in the early days of the search.

It's possible the perp or perps were familiar enough to Mickey that she accepted a ride.


Being picked up or invited inside by someone she felt comfortable with is the only easy way for *me* to explain how all of her belongings disappeared with her.
I was at a Dave Matthews Concert this weekend in a town far away from Louisiana. I came upon a beautiful, blonde, curly haired girl who resemblance to Mickey was quite uncanny. I looked her in the eyes and thought, wow, what if? Then I realized there were so many girls who resembled her even in her own crowd of earth loving friends. How I wished it was her. She is always on my mind. Never stop looking...that's all. :please:

Hugs to you Ms. Shunick, my heart goes out to you.
If this is the case, then the bike would have been left in the street. As heavy as the traffic in Lafayette is that time of night someone would have passed it laying in the road. Not everyone stops and grabs things dropped or left behind, but someone would have noticed it. You would think if this was the case, someone would have admitted it by now.

The other day I went to the gas station. I dropped my gas card, filled up, and drove off. I thought to check my wallet and noticed it was not there. I turned around, and drove back. It was still in the same spot. I dropped it at a busy gas station in Dallas, no one grabbed it. In fact as I pulled up, a man walked past it, looked down at it, and kept going.

there is something that could be a smushed bike in more than one of the LE images. For example there are two objects above the Oldsmobile 98 in the pic shot from above the graveyard. One looks hume with white t shirt, the other slightly to the right and down looks like..?
Hiding your IP is beyond easy. If I wanted to I could show mine from Russia, within a second switch to Hawaii and back again.

It's beyond easy for someone who knows this. I don't think the average person understands IP addresses.
there is something that could be a smushed bike in more than one of the LE images. For example there are two objects above the Oldsmobile 98 in the pic shot from above the graveyard. One looks hume with white t shirt, the other slightly to the right and down looks like..?
If those images are what you suggest, LE would have more and would know that this was in fact what happened. I don't believe they would keep this from the public.
If those images are what you suggest, LE would have more and would know that this was in fact what happened. I don't believe they would keep this from the public.

That - or they wouldn't have released them in the first place.
I agree that it is likely a truck but trying to keep an open mind. Until the case is solved and I am told otherwise, I will always believe it was the white truck. It's my opinion that they identified the truck and the person driving it and that's why they haven't made further pleas to the public. If they have the answers or the link to the answers then they do not need us.

In one of the pics I enlarged you could make out a partial license plate number. If I can see that much then I am sure their video forensics experts can see a lot more. If they were able to make a good impression of the tire track near the bike dump site then they likely have their suspect in sight. By now they have the forensics back on the bike and know precisely what took place. It takes time to build a case when they haven't located Mickey.

I am just hoping that it was an accident and the person panicked and may still have her somewhere recovering while they decide what to do. Trying to stay hopeful.

It would be interesting to have it confirmed if she had the same backpack purse with her that night...the one that is seen on the daytime bike pic.

It's a given LE has more angles of the DWT they haven't released. And they don't seem to be that concerned about finding it or else they would have released more and would be talking about it. It's one of the only things we have so we focus on it but I suspect LE's only interest in it is as a possible witness to seeing Mickey that night.

There have been rumors that at least one camera inside a business picked up a biker much farther down from the Saint street area but it wasn't clear enough to ID the person. It may well be that whatever happened to her occurred elsewhere and didn't involve the DWT.
I understand what some posters are saying about how traffickers wouldn't abduct a middle class white woman because of all the attention and resources put into the case but then I also think that they probably get a "high" from knowing that their newest victim is "famous", perverts might pay higher amounts, runaways might have STD's or be busted-looking, etc.
Maybe the FBI is starting to figure out that this is a new market.

Agree. Premium product to the buyers. They are as close to "untainted" and ready to go, as they would be able to find.

Doesn't the trail go from Mid-America to Southern-America with these petite blondes? Seems headed toward a port in the South.

Why not scout somewhere like Minnesota, where blondes are more prevalent? Or are the blondes there tall and not the "type", and too far from the port to the South?

I'd also like to know how many blonde young women go missing from Scandinavia. Or are they too tall as well, and too inaccessible?
It's a given LE has more angles of the DWT they haven't released. And they don't seem to be that concerned about finding it or else they would have released more and would be talking about it. It's one of the only things we have so we focus on it but I suspect LE's only interest in it is as a possible witness to seeing Mickey that night.

There have been rumors that at least one camera inside a business picked up a biker much farther down from the Saint street area but it wasn't clear enough to ID the person. It may well be that whatever happened to her occurred elsewhere and didn't involve the DWT.

Anything is a possibility...just stating my personal opinion.
Good Morning, Sleuths. Please let today be the day! Let's find Mickey!
Maybe the FBI is starting to figure out that this is a new market.

Agree. Premium product to the buyers. They are as close to "untainted" and ready to go, as they would be able to find.

Doesn't the trail go from Mid-America to Southern-America with these petite blondes? Seems headed toward a port in the South.

Why not scout somewhere like Minnesota, where blondes are more prevalent? Or are the blondes there tall and not the "type", and too far from the port to the South?

I'd also like to know how many blonde young women go missing from Scandinavia. Or are they too tall as well, and too inaccessible?

I've started to agree with the human trafficking angle. If this was an accident the perp just got very lucky that no trace was left behind. And as much as I want to believe it was an accident, grabbing a girl and a bike at best, or a girl, a bike, belongings and debris at "worst" and being able to conceal them in a truck/car/van and make off into the night, leaving no trace, is unlikely. It's still possible, but unlikely.

The human trafficking angle is a definite possibility because the fact that no trace was left behind points to this being highly organized/executed by someone(s) who are experienced with this sort of thing. I agree with the theory that the DWT is likely not involved. There's not enough urgency there. Someone(s) involved though. Have we ever discussed the possibility that it was 2 vehicles, working together to execute this? One grabbed Mickey and took off (East possibly, but I think West) and the other grabbed the bike and took off (East, towards Whiskey Bay). By the time the bike was dropped at Whiskey Bay, Mickey could have been 20-30 minutes in the complete opposite direction.

While I don't think the Brittney Wood disappearance is connected, in the above theory the bike dropping perp could have easily been involved in BW going mysteriously missing. Her family and LE could assume that she's run away/hiding due to her background, but in reality she could have been picked up. The fact that her phone has come back on in recent days, however, discourages me from jumping on board this theory.

But, let's run with it. Are there any other petite young women along the I-10 corridor (in either direction) that have gone missing after MS/BW?

I do think we need to disregard the blond hair angle. It's easy to make anyone blonde. In fact, I believe Mickey's blonde that we've so become accustomed to isn't actually natural. I think she's blond-ish, but not the bleach blonde we've been seeing. In the human trafficking angle, any petite young missing woman is a possibility, IMO.
Anything is a possibility...just stating my personal opinion.

I'm actually partly agreeing with you. I think LE has IDed the truck or could with the public's help, if they released more photos or even released footage. But they don't. That either means the DWT isn't involved or like you said, they're trying to build a case. However I dont think the latter is likely because they'd have warrants and would have been aggressive in investigating. This isn't like an investigation of a past crime where time isn't as important as getting their ducks in a row. Mickey may be alive and her life is more important than building a case. But as you said JMO.
Anyone else ever think that maybe what happened to Mickey started not from a car, but from the ground? Just thinking out loud here...
Yes, absolutely. Someone lying in wait could have run out, ambushed her and held her until the vehicle arrived. For all we know, it could have happened very near the Circle K.
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