Laura Babcock Murder Trial 11.10.17 - Day 14

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If LB was killed via strangulation/smothering, whatever, and there was no blood evidence on the mattress, but a new mattress had to be purchased right away, it could indicate that CN was immediately aware of what had taken place, and made it clear that she wouldn't be sleeping on it? (I don't know if the time of the murder was during the time when DM was 'not' calling her his gf, or if that was a different time... can't keep up)

The body starts decomposing within 4 min. Some people pee or poop once deceased and enzymes leak out. Perhaps more than blood to be concerned about.
Well, SS and MM coming up for another round of "Murder Trial Witness" could prove interesting. SS was warming up the "BBQ"...MM was waiting out front while they talked with the girl out back...wonder which one choked- or did both of them? I'm thinking SS knew more than MM, but then again, I am leaning towards MM- MS seemed to have had loose lips on more than one the "guys in the garage" rap show.

"McLane said a team led by Detective Mike Carbone got new leads that have drawn them back to the Roseville Road farm in the disappearance of 23-year-old Laura Babcock, who was last seen in June 2012."

"We're looking for evidence … to corroborate information we've received," said McLane, who refused to elaborate further."

MM destroyed them both last trial saying they were celebrating afterward. She is someone who I suspect will be honest with what she knows.

Suspect she is going to say that MS gave her a gift (that bathing suit is likely it) on July 4
In regards to the ipad and when MS got it... Have to remember the photos of MM taken the next day on the thing. Pretty good sign MS had the thing.
If DM and MS are scheduled to testify next week, then that means the Crown will close its case, and the defence will present their case.. after which closing arguments will take place.. trial could be over by end of next week??

We have heard that Shane and Marlena will testify next week. :) Won’t know about the other two for a little bit still.
MM destroyed them both last trial saying they were celebrating afterward. She is someone who I suspect will be honest with what she knows.

Suspect she is going to say that MS gave her a gift (that bathing suit is likely it) on July 4

DM in his callousness, popped into Booster Juice on his way back. No conscience! He did ask if MS and MM wanted anything...Maybe she has something to say about that.

No celebration because what did he get out of this? No truck. No money. ...Idiots.
Since I've never owned an iPad, and the texts were rather confusing with respect to the testimony surrounding the backup files found on DM's computer, I felt the need to do a little research... Based on what I've read on the Apple Support website, it seems to me that SL's iPad was most likely renamed "Mark's iPad" on the device itself PRIOR to it's first backup to the computer on July 4. (I assume immediately before.) For the first backup of the device to a new computer, the serial number would not be recognized, so I believe you'd be forced to go through the steps of setting it up to back up to THAT computer. Apple support indicates that you should not edit, move, rename, etc. the backup files, because those actions could ruin the files. From what I understand (though it's still a bit unclear to me), I would think that if the device itself hadn't been renamed prior to this first backup, there would be a separate backup file on the computer's hard drive with the original device name, and then a new file altogether with the new device name if it were renamed subsequent to the next backup. Any Apple experts here to help confirm or correct this?

This is correct! If I go into the settings on my iPhone, click on general, and then about, the first option is name. If that's clicked on you can change the device name.
If DM and MS are scheduled to testify next week, then that means the Crown will close its case, and the defence will present their case.. after which closing arguments will take place.. trial could be over by end of next week??

No neither of them are scheduled to testify next week and IMO I doubt either will.

They covered 3 weeks in the first two weeks so right now they are running a week early in a 9 week trial. So they are currently on track to wrap up Dec 15?
DM in his callousness, popped into Booster Juice on his way back. No conscience! He did ask if MS and MM wanted anything...Maybe she has something to say about that.

No celebration because what did he get out of this? No truck. No money. ...Idiots.

Ha! Booster Juice is how CN had her DNA traced back to the gloves she had on while helping DM with the incinerator.
Also, the blue tarp is familiar. I know that blue tarps are common, but I'm wondering if this one being carried out of the barn full of straw is the same one they used to wrap LB in. I can't imagine "frugal" DM burning up a good tarp.
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I don't thing they'd want to unwrap a maggot juicy body IMO I think they'd burn the tarp and there was a grommet found like might be on a tarp IIRC
All through this I want to say, "Ever heard of call blocking DM & CN?"

Really, he only murdered her because she was annoying, caused drama and to have fun. How sad. Has to be mentally unstable. IMO
Did anyone find anything suspicious online August 2012 - when a 2nd fuel up was requested? Anyone want to hazard a guess?
Well I had to get mobile and I can't post tweets from my phone. Thought we had at least an hour left. Your turn on Tuesday if you're around. LOL

I can’t do it Tuesday but I’ll take over on Wednesday!
I don't thing they'd want to unwrap a maggot juicy body IMO I think they'd burn the tarp and there was a grommet found like might be on a tarp IIRC
I think there are a lot of grommets in that swamp
I do believe that what we are seeing inside of the incinerator in the photo released are human bones. I think the jury will believe Dr Tracy Rogers' expert opinion on this as well.

I also believe they are human bones.
Probably not my most intelligent post but here goes. It looks to me that Pedo the dog knows that there is a dead person he knows in the tarp. His ears are down, he is postured with his back curved and in a submissive way. I hate that he had to have his dog there for these missions. Dogs understand their world through the sense of smell. Pedo likely knew Laura, who also had a dog, and would have detected her in there, even in a state of decomp. Smich jokes about getting a dog to try out in the incinerator. I hate these people.

Pedo speaks the truth. He doesn't need words. Although he can't be called to the stand, he still has this remarkable opportunity to testify, and his message is clearly understood.
Pedo speaks the truth. He doesn't need words. Although he can't be called to the stand, he still has this remarkable opportunity to testify, and his message is clearly understood.

I wonder where that poor pup is now.
MM destroyed them both last trial saying they were celebrating afterward. She is someone who I suspect will be honest with what she knows.

Suspect she is going to say that MS gave her a gift (that bathing suit is likely it) on July 4

MS's parting words to MM as he was being arrested was "Don't Tell Them Anything". She may not have known a lot about the TB murder but methinks she knew about LB. His words take on a whole new meaning. Don't Tell Them Anything! MM has stuff to tell or else he wouldn't have said that.

Also, the blue tarp is familiar. I know that blue tarps are common, but I'm wondering if this one being carried out of the barn full of straw is the same one they used to wrap LB in. I can't imagine "frugal" DM burning up a good tarp.
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And the blue tarp from the court pic's- note it appears to be a van door opened on the right of the pic
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