Laura Babcock Murder Trial 11.17.17 - Day 18

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Same as MS in the TB trial. He pieced together a story from information we knew... text messages and pings. Wrong details? She said they got the ipad after the burn. Definitely she said. The burn was on the 23rd. The ipad was connected on the 4th.

Wouldn't that suggest then, that the iPad was connected by DM and not MS as someone else said, after it was pointed out that MS was asking for the password later in time?
This would play into MSs defense to a small degree.
It's diabolical how DM plants these things on his friends as if preparing contingency defence. Remember him telling AM to follow LB around? AM could have been spotted.
have mixed fillings today....was expecting more from today's testimony...nothing we did not know before...and for a sec I thought - is there any reason to believe LB is alive?
It seems she lied when she said she got it after the burn, if it is correct that she took a pic with it on July 5.

MS told her "Don't tell them anything" and she hasn't.

As I said before, Blockbuster to come.

I disagree. For one, she didn’t lie. What would be the purpose of lying? It’s nothing of significance... She couldn’t remember specifically when they got the iPad, but knows they had it after the incineration. It’s not a big deal.

And for two, yeah MS yelled “don’t tell them anything”. Welp, she clearly didn’t listen! She’s been talking since day one. Telling police and lawyers everything she was told, knew and saw since MS was arrested.
that explains the wheelchair ramp in the green van. but its weird that MM would have seen WM on his scooter at home AND at the hangar but SS who worked at the hangar said WM didn't use a wheelchair, etc.

I know a scooter is not the same as a wheelchair but its an odd thing for SS to have said given the circumstances.

Surely if MM saw WM at the hangar using a scooter than SS must also have had opportunity to see WM at the hangar using a scooter.

I predict this will come up a lot more at the trial re: WM
Yeah, weird. I wonder why SS is hiding this information? What did his boss DM do this time? Sell his dad's scooter out from under him?
There must be some HARD evidence coming up. I think the reason DM is playing lawyer is because he knows he's screwed and is having some fun. If he thought he has a shot he wouldn't risk it. And don't buy this no money nonsense. If skateboarding MS can afford a lawyer DM surely can too.

IMO She was the lookout.

4-5 hours (not sure of the # of hours) late at night in a dark, secluded area, and she is close to an enormous, roaring, metal crematorium, that is spitting embers?

I find it impossible to believe that she couldn't sense the gravity of the situation, even if she claims that she wasn't explicitly told what was taking place.

Look out for what?
Quick! Someone's coming! Hide the ten foot, 1600 degree, smoking, ember spitting evidence!!!
Yeah, weird. I wonder why SS is hiding this information? What did his boss DM do this time? Sell his dad's scooter out from under him?

Maybe it was stolen, and SS got rid of the serial no. and gps -- I'm joking, but who knows, it might even be true, given the individuals in that hangar. IMO
What if the reason WM was killed was because he knew DM killed LB? Would crown be allowed to bring up the murder of LB by DM ? Surely they would have to??
Look out for what?
Quick! Someone's coming! Hide the ten foot, 1600 degree, smoking, ember spitting evidence!!!

LOL, besides- they were just testing the thing... ya know, with all that garbage at the hanger.
Lisa Hepfner:

Meneses says she played on the iPad a lot. When did they get it? "It was definitely after they played with the incinerator. It was still nice outside. It wasn't cold." #LauraBabcock

So in my opinion, MM is trying to recall when they “got” the iPad. She sounds unsure, but knows they had it after the night with the incinerator.

Still sounds like when "they" got it meant when it was given to them(MS)?
When she uses the term they, I think she means her and MS and not the whole gang.
Does DM have anything up his sleeve for MM cross? Because when I was there yesterday he asked the judge to see if it's okay with Dungey that they cross her first? DM said he won't have any questions for her ( unless something pops up)so MS defense should go first. Dungey refused.

I'm wondering if the only thing DM is worried about is if MS uses her information to prove he didn't get the iPad till late July and therefore may not have been aware of it on the 4th? If he doesn't pick up on it, DM will rest?
That occurred to me, but on the other hand, it was very late and a warm summer night. I would be falling asleep too.

yeah maybe just dozing. but its surprising to me that she wouldn't even rouse when DM and MS got back in the car? she said she didn't wake up til en route back to the barn
Wouldn't that suggest then, that the iPad was connected by DM and not MS as someone else said, after it was pointed out that MS was asking for the password later in time?
This would play into MSs defense to a small degree.
It's diabolical how DM plants these things on his friends as if preparing contingency defence. Remember him telling AM to follow LB around? AM could have been spotted.

If you go back to Bill's super awesome timeline and reach the texts between Laura and AM in April 2012, I get the feeling AM had a thing for Laura and she wasn't interested. If that's the case and DM knew, AM likely didn't mind that instruction
I disagree. For one, she didn’t lie. What would be the purpose of lying? It’s nothing of significance... She couldn’t remember specifically when they got the iPad, but knows they had it after the incineration. It’s not a big deal.

And for two, yeah MS yelled “don’t tell them anything”. Welp, she clearly didn’t listen! She’s been talking since day one. Telling police and lawyers everything she was told, knew and saw since MS was arrested.

The timing would be off then, would it not? And it is significant because it would tie her to the house on the 4th. And she does not want that.
She watched DM and MS wipe things off of it but doesn't know what. Likely on the 4th when it got the name change, and then she used it on the 5th.
Unless there is more that we don't know.
I'm not surprised that MM didn't know Laura.

From the TB trial we learned that MM and MS were not really part of the group. DM kept them off to the side to do his bidding. They were OK to hang around with when it came to doing the dirty work but otherwise, they really were not included.

MM was also kept in the dark a lot by MS. He dragged her around and she was there for some things but totally not understanding. She had learned not ask.

If MS was hanging off DM's coat tails, MM was hanging off MS's. MM was dependant on MS for where she lived and what they did. He controlled her and was known to be abusive. This is a guy who wanted her to strip to support them and I am sure he would have pimped her out eventually. They were into the drug scene and did a lot of stuff not just weed. The fact that she can't remember stuff doesn't surprise me in the least.

MM has told us what she knows, however muddy the dates and times may appear. I don't think she's holding back.

Yeah, weird. I wonder why SS is hiding this information? What did his boss DM do this time? Sell his dad's scooter out from under him?

SS may have only have seen WM at the hanger, for brief periods. WM may not have needed the scooter for short errands.
I disagree. For one, she didn’t lie. What would be the purpose of lying? It’s nothing of significance... She couldn’t remember specifically when they got the iPad, but knows they had it after the incineration. It’s not a big deal.

And for two, yeah MS yelled “don’t tell them anything”. Welp, she clearly didn’t listen! She’s been talking since day one. Telling police and lawyers everything she was told, knew and saw since MS was arrested.

It all hinges on what MM thought the question meant "When did they get it?" and remember defense never asks a question to which they don't already know the answer.
Obviously by the time stamps, the ipad first appeared on July 4th. MM either has a very poor memory for dates or the ipad was around and it was DM's initially and then after the burn (MS had earned his payment for helping dispose of LB) DM gave it to them. I actually think she was on/off drug and not remembering clearly. A sibling and I once discussed something that happened several years previously - interesting how very different our recollections of the same situation were - it was like we were at different events!

My question is if DM and MS had to place LB into the incinerator after lying in the barn for 20 days I would have thought they would sell having touched the "spliff". Rotting flesh smell clings to you!
The timing would be off then, would it not? And it is significant because it would tie her to the house on the 4th.
She watched DM and MS wipe things off of it but doesn't know what. Likely on the 4th when it got the name change, and then she used it on the 5th.
Unless there is more that we don't know.

I completely agree that those are the facts with the evidence we know of. I just think she didn’t remembered it correctly today on the stand, not that she lied.
What if the reason WM was killed was because he knew DM killed LB? Would crown be allowed to bring up the murder of LB by DM ? Surely they would have to??

That poses an interesting state of affairs, doesn't it!?!?! If there were texts messages along the lines of 'Well, Dad confronted me about killing Laura, so I guess he's gotta go...', would they even be allowed as evidence in THIS trial? I'd certainly hope so, but....
yeah maybe just dozing. but its surprising to me that she wouldn't even rouse when DM and MS got back in the car? she said she didn't wake up til en route back to the barn
If you're tired enough or under the weather it's surprising what you can sleep through.
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