Lisa Doe believes she was kidnapped - Can you help?, 1960s


Loving Colorado!
Aug 2, 2008
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I wasn't around back during the Delia Cly hoax ... and I'm kind of thankful for that ... but I received an invitation to a youtube video and a twitter link about a lady who thinks she was kidnapped in the 1960's ... she say's for "legal reasons" she can't give much information. This just sent red flags up to me ... but the story is compelling so I searched anyway and found that the picture of this person, as a child, looks a lot like Elizabeth Ann Gill ... when I read her thread I learned about Delia Cly. Just wanted those of you that know more about Cly to take a peek and see if this is the same song second verse?


Do You Know who I am? - "My Prayer" performed by Kim Everett - Written by Danny Borgers. - YouTube
I wasn't around back during the Delia Cly hoax ... and I'm kind of thankful for that ... but I received an invitation to a youtube video and a twitter link about a lady who thinks she was kidnapped in the 1960's ... she say's for "legal reasons" she can't give much information. This just sent red flags up to me ... but the story is compelling so I searched anyway and found that the picture of this person, as a child, looks a lot like Elizabeth Ann Gill ... when I read her thread I learned about Delia Cly. Just wanted those of you that know more about Cly to take a peek and see if this is the same song second verse?


Proceed with caution...
That's easy, she's the Zodiac Killer's long lost stepdaughter ;-)
I wasn't around back during the Delia Cly hoax ... and I'm kind of thankful for that ... but I received an invitation to a youtube video and a twitter link about a lady who thinks she was kidnapped in the 1960's ... she say's for "legal reasons" she can't give much information. This just sent red flags up to me ... but the story is compelling so I searched anyway and found that the picture of this person, as a child, looks a lot like Elizabeth Ann Gill ... when I read her thread I learned about Delia Cly. Just wanted those of you that know more about Cly to take a peek and see if this is the same song second verse?


She does resemble Elizabth Ann Gill. Hummm... Is there any information as to why she thinks she was a kidnap victim?
Serious answer: look past the pudding bowl haircut and there is some resemblance in the jawline. Coloring also matches.

However look at Elizabeth's eyebrows - they are very long and extend out far beyond her eyes. The nose is quite narrow however and very pretty whereas the older girl's nose is much wider in proportion to her mouth. I would guess that the "earliest photo" is at about 5 years old, so maybe two years after the kidnapping - but those details still match all the way into the age progression to 44.
link says dna in codis..

I agree with believe, proceed with caution. Can she give any non identifying information which would circumvent what she describes as legal reasons, or is the information she's made public all the info she is willing to share.
I sent an email to the address listed on the various links ... not to the person who forwarded me the information originally, and recieved a prompt reply. It is as follows

Hello Pam:
Thank you so much! I actually had DNA testing for Elizabeth Gill and it did not match. I am friends now with her sister. If you run across any other cases from that time frame please let me know. I appreciate the offer but not even sure what I could ask you to do. I would like to keep your email ]if that is ok. Have an awesome night!

Well alrighty then, strange that she is friends with EAG's sister and did not come to us at WS directly?

Kind of reminds me of the Richard Barnes/Stephen Damman case. Barnes said he thought he was the kidnapped Damman boy, he even had the FBI and the father of the kidnapped boy involved- turned out, nope, not him. It was a huge story here because Damman's father lives in IA. Barnes' dad said he had no idea why his son thought he was the kidnapped Dammon boy.

It's too bad she won't disclose any details, unfortunately, there are far more attention seekers or mentally ill folks out there. I'll keep her in mind just in case though.
I have a feeling that with the publicity surrounding the Jaycee Dugard case, we may be seeing a lot of people coming out of the woodwork claiming that they were kidnapped as children.

BTW, my above comment should not be construed as an opinion on this particular case, as I have no reason to believe one way or the other on whether this woman's claims are legitimate.
I sent an email to the address listed on the various links ... not to the person who forwarded me the information originally, and recieved a prompt reply. It is as follows

Well alrighty then, strange that she is friends with EAG's sister and did not come to us at WS directly?


Ok, her dna is in codis. She is friends with EAG's sister. There is very little non identifying information in the links you shared in your first post. Such as an appx birth year. There is more information than a 'missing person' can ask for here at WS. Links to various data bases, support info, and the info this potentially abducted person is extremely limited. Look for example at Benjaman Kyle and the hours and hours he has poured over missing persons data bases. Does this person recall her mother having a regional accent of any kind? If she remembers the song, clearly she would remembr her mothers voice? singing with a southern drawl or a north eastern accent?

Personally I would need a lot more non identifying information before I would choose to proceed with looking further into it.

My hinky meter went off, which makes me feel a bit hypocritical, being nearly sure that I myself am not who my family says I am.
But this one, there is a lot that really makes me wonder. For instance, I put everything that I could out there, minus current name and address, in the hunt to find out who I am or might be. She doesn't seem to do that and I can't think of any good legal reason to do so. If it's information about your own life, noone can stop you legally from telling it, and if you are desperate to find out who you are, you will share that info.
So, yeah, my hinky meter went off.
While I don't really believe her, the first female child to pop into my head was Kathy Shea from Tyrone, PA. She disappeared in 1965. While she doesn't bear much resemblance to the adult Shea's, it's all that immediately sprang to mind.
For instance, I put everything that I could out there, minus current name and address, in the hunt to find out who I am or might be. She doesn't seem to do that and I can't think of any good legal reason to do so. If it's information about your own life, noone can stop you legally from telling it, and if you are desperate to find out who you are, you will share that info.
So, yeah, my hinky meter went off.

I don't disagree with you, but to play devil's advocate for a moment, maybe the info that she is withholding is information that would disparage the person who raised her into adulthood or maybe that person has an accomplice. Unless she has solid info on this/these person(s), she might not want to be exposing herself to a civil lawsuit for libel or slander.

But on the other hand, truth is an absolute defense to those types of lawsuits.

I am wondering how she is coming to the conclusion that she was kidnapped, as opposed to put up for adoption by a mother who kept her for a few years and then decided that she wasn't up to the job of parenting. She isn't providing much of an explanation of why she believes the scenario that she is describing.

I am sure that there are countless cases like that where persons were put up for adoption at 4 or 5 and have vague memories of their pre-adoption life and wonder now why they were taken away from the mothers that they loved.

I personally know of a few cases where a person adopted as a child grew up without ever discussing the circumstances of their adoption with their adoptive parents.

Do You Know Me?

I belong to a little girl who now is all grown up
I have held her tears
for many many years
You see one day she was taken from her family so dear
And made to live with someone who anyone would fear
When she first was kidnapped I helped her fall asleep
But it was so hard every night to listen to her weep
She is all grown up now
But her Christmas wish remains
For one more chance to be held close
By those who loved her so
Maybe they are searching for her too
She has such beautiful eyes of blue
She has a happy spirit that has never left her heart
She believes she got this from her family who taught her how to love
She is so determined
To find her way back home
And have a chance to say
She always held them in her heart
And wished they were never ripped apart

If you have any information, please Email:
Buried Beneath the Lies – You’ll find me: Lisa Doe


My mother loved to sing to me. If I close my eyes really tight and think hard I remember. I remember being in one room and her in another separated by a child guard she would sing so heavenly it would ease my discomfort of her not holding me.

That was one of only a couple of memories I have from my early years. See my mother she would never hold me again. I would never hear her sing again. We didn’t share our lives together.

Sometime in the early to mid 1960’s I was ripped away from my security. The peace, joy and comfort I had with my mother were replaced with years of deceit, confusion, fear and terror. Sure I was given three squares a day like any inmate would receive. There was a roof over my head and clothes on my back, but it was never home. Not my home. I was abducted.


I long for the day I can go home. It’s been over forty-five years but my desire is as strong now, as it was when I was torn from my mothers love.

The name Lisa is of a pretend friend of mine from childhood. Why Lisa? Could Lisa be my name? The difference in my story is that I’m living, breathing and desperately seeking to find my way home. Can you help me?

I could have been from anywhere in the United States, East Coast, West Coast, or Canada. Anywhere is possible. Child
Here is what I look like today, my stats:


Age: (approx) 49
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'9

Birthmarks/ scars: scar on inside lower right leg

Health conditions: Asthma, Allergies, Tooth with no adult tooth underneath, high blood pressure, diabetes

Other: Freckles

Do you know anyone else who looks like this, or looked like this? I’m looking for my mother. Maybe there’s a sister or aunt who are also searching for a stolen child from the 60’s? I want to find my way home. You can help me do this? Please circulate this to every person you know in this world. I believe that the right person at the right time will see this and know who I am. They can tell me. I can find my way home.

If you are the person who knows me, please contact me through this blogger:

Can You Identify Me?
Attn: Rebel J. Morris

The above story you just read is not fictional. This person is not deceased. This person is alive and looking for her family. She contacted Can You Identify Me? to place her story in this unique setting. The information about this case has been verified with NCMEC and a private investigator handling the case. If you have any information pertaining to the true identity of this woman please contact Can You Identify Me? and I’ll pass it along. Thank You Child Child

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