Look Out Houston, Texas - Here Comes ICA?

She would be smart to stay far, far away from Texas. We don't play around with the DP here.
I'm sorry but I don't believe this for one minute. This sounds bogus to me.
From what I have read, that would be one seriously broad search.

Hahaha. True.

I just read in a buried thread that Florida law would not recognize a civil suit by a father if the child is born out of wedlock and there was no acceptance of support by that father. If the father is dead, then clearly neither he nor the family can sue her.

That hurts.

With all of Casey's impending financial issues, that offer from Vivid suddenly looks pretty good.
Oh really!

We Houstonians would handle Casey well...in fact, I would offer to pick her up and drop her off in the middle of 3rd or 5th Ward, Acres Homes or better yet, Trinity Gardens in the middle of "alleged child killer" Mona Foster's neighborhood and they would gladly welcome her out of jailhouse protection and into GP like she's never seen before!

Houston would not be accepting of Casey's indignant attitude and would let her know rather quickly how people like her are dealt with here!

I do wonder, since JB and team harped on the fact that "she's not right" one would expect they would ensure her first stop would be an inpatient rehab of sorts????

Oh, maybe she can go live with her star witness grief specialist nurse, bet she could help her cope with her grief and heal whatever her DT believes "just isn't right with her".
Tim Miller telling on HLN that he just recieved a phone call that told him a distant relative of Cindy's is offering to let her come and live with them in Houston!!

Thank you for posting this. I would call BS on this. There is no way that any of them are going to leak where ICA will move to. Okay, wait a minute. It didn't say that she would, it was just an offer. CA is probably trying to find a safe place for ICA, I say she need not worry herself with that. I think that Baez is in charge of that department now. I don't think that ICA will ever step into the Hope Spring home again either. Matter of fact, I don't think that the A's will either. I think that they will have someone go in a pack and move the contents of the house into a storage unit or maybe even onto a ship container. They may even have another home set up for them out of the States. I would if I were them. But as I always say. No matter where you go, there you are. IMO
Maybe she should just share time at each of the jurors homes till she gets pregnant.
ICA is going to Hopespring Dr. It wouldn't surprise me though if the whole family moves into a bigger and better neighborhood or even state.

You know that Cindy is dying to be mother-of-the-bride! Just think of the grand affair that will be. Then, there will be another grandchild for her to spoil. The iorny is rich... and the Anthonys will be, too.
Don't both George and Cindy have relatives in Ohio? Buckeyes...watch out. She may be headed your way.
Thank you for posting this. I would call BS on this. There is no way that any of them are going to leak where ICA will move to. Okay, wait a minute. It didn't say that she would, it was just an offer. CA is probably trying to find a safe place for ICA, I say she need not worry herself with that. I think that Baez is in charge of that department now. I don't think that ICA will ever step into the Hope Spring home again either. Matter of fact, I don't think that the A's will either. I think that they will have someone go in a pack and move the contents of the house into a storage unit or maybe even onto a ship container. They may even have another home set up for them out of the States. I would if I were them. But as I always say. No matter where you go, there you are. IMO

Yep, and they can do it all on their Foundatin Fund Money..:maddening:
Yo!! Casey!! In Texas, when you kill somebody, we kill you back!

Don't mess with Texas....

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! It's the 1st time I've laughed since the verdict (and I'm quite easily entertained). I think I'm on my way to being "over" Casey Anthony, now. Thanks again! :seeya:

Oh…and if you run into Casey, and if you have your pointy toes boots on, would ya kick her in the shins once for me?

I just heard ICA might move to here to Texas and went in to tell my very sweet, God-fearing 72-year-old mother and her response was....

%$#@!! NO, she can't come here! %$#@!!Q
Tim Miller telling on HLN that he just recieved a phone call that told him a distant relative of Cindy's is offering to let her come and live with them in Houston!!

Can she leave the State? IIRC RH tweeted that she is a convicted felon and cannot move out of state...? plus her address will be public record..? Is this right?
send her to my house

i have a pool and duct tape and gas cans.

i have a swampy bayou only about 50 yds from my house.

we'll get to know each other real well..........maybe do a little role-play.

Lol, I love it.....
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! It's the 1st time I've laughed since the verdict (and I'm quite easily entertained). I think I'm on my way to being "over" Casey Anthony, now. Thanks again! :seeya:

Oh…and if you run into Casey, and if you have your pointy toes boots on, would ya kick her in the shins once for me?

I wish the rest of the country was like Texas. At one time Florida was conservative but you can see it has clearly changed.
Hahaha. True.

I just read in a buried thread that Florida law would not recognize a civil suit by a father if the child is born out of wedlock and there was no acceptance of support by that father. If the father is dead, then clearly neither he nor the family can sue her.

That hurts.

With all of Casey's impending financial issues, that offer from Vivid suddenly looks pretty good.
But what if he did not know he was the Dad would the same be true?
Can she leave the State? IIRC RH tweeted that she is a convicted felon and cannot move out of state...? plus her address will be public record..? Is this right?

She has served her time and can live anywhere she wants, AFAIK.
This jury decision is disgusting but they didn't have a death qualified jury and they selected liberals ( they can tell by their votor reg). I suspect the SA thought that there was enough to convince even a liberal...apparently not.

I heard many say they were not for the death penalty. No good liberal is going to convict if they think the person would get death...God Forbid!!
Tim Miller is being interviewed right now on HLN and he says he got a phone call from someone who claims to be a distant relative of the Anthony family (Cindy's side?) who says that Casey will be coming to live with them in Houston, Texas.

Does CA think that the people of Texas don't watch TV or have computers? I personally don't think Texas will be far enough. Unless this person has a ranch big enough to have its own zip code.

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