Look Out Houston, Texas - Here Comes ICA?


I just heard ICA might move to here to Texas and went in to tell my very sweet, God-fearing 72-year-old mother and her response was....

%$#@!! NO, she can't come here! %$#@!!Q

Aw, I like your mama! Bless her heart. :heartbeat:
But what if he did not know he was the Dad would the same be true?

Not sure about that. Here is the citation from FedRafaFan:

Florida Statute section 768.18, Wrongful Death Statute:

"Survivors" means the decedent's spouse, children, parents, and, when partly or wholly dependent on the decedent for support or services, any blood relatives and adoptive brothers and sisters. It includes the child born out of wedlock of a mother, but not the child born out of wedlock of the father unless the father has recognized a responsibility for the child's support.
Oh really!

We Houstonians would handle Casey well...in fact, I would offer to pick her up and drop her off in the middle of 3rd or 5th Ward, Acres Homes or better yet, Trinity Gardens in the middle of "alleged child killer" Mona Foster's neighborhood and they would gladly welcome her out of jailhouse protection and into GP like she's never seen before!

Houston would not be accepting of Casey's indignant attitude and would let her know rather quickly how people like her are dealt with here!

I do wonder, since JB and team Harper on the fact that "she's not right" one would expect they would ensure her first stop would be an inpatient rehab of sorts????

Oh, maybe she can go live with her star witness grief specialist nurse, bet she could help her cope with her grief and heal whatever her DT believes "just isn't right with her".

oh snap, 3rd ward and 5th ward, you said it lol acres homes!

Hi , Im a fellow houstonian
She really needs a few years in jail. A few years from now when she is released (if she survives) people will have moved on and her money-making opportunities, all gone.

Who thinks HHJP will give her four consecutive one year sentences to keep her locked up a while? A child died, and she lied... if any lying to police conviction deserves the max, this one does. Is there anything stopping him from doling out the maximum?
No F'n way! OMG that's just down the road from me! Hey, she pulls some carp here...Texas will kill her...no doubt.

If this case had been in Texas she would be on death row right now.
Not in my state! NO WAY!

I agree... I'm in Dallas.. find another state! We don't like lying psyco child murderers here!!! Go live with your DT since they love you so much.

What is wrong with these relatives are they CRAZY?
Some lucky Houstonian may be the proud papa of a Casey Anthony offspring. Her jailhouse letters indicate that she will be on the prowl for another baby.
This jury decision is disgusting but they didn't have a death qualified jury and they selected liberals ( they can tell by their votor reg). I suspect the SA thought that there was enough to convince even a liberal...apparently not.

I heard many say they were not for the death penalty. No good liberal is going to convict if they think the person would get death...God Forbid!!

I am a true-blue, card carrying liberal. I am as liberal as they come (my father likes to joke around about me being a commie)-except when it comes to anyone who harms an animal or innocent person. I fully believe that Casey should have gotten murder 1 and I would have NO problem giving her the DP. None whatsoever. I'd probably be in jail if someone ever harmed one of my family members or pets because I would seek justice at whatever cost.

I'm sure that I'm not the only person out there who is a liberal but believes in justice, including the death penalty when the death penalty is warranted (and IMO-it was in this case). In fact, I have some very conservative friends who are very anti-death penalty. I would hope that this jury was able to make up their minds based on the facts shown in this case. I don't think that was what they did, but I also don't think that they arrived at their decision based on their social politics. :twocents:
No good liberal is going to convict if they think the person would get death...God Forbid!!

Most liberals I know are very honest. They would have outed their stance on the death penalty at jury selection
If this case had been in Texas she would be on death row right now.

That's right .. our jurys would have at least looked at the evidence and deliberated!!!

And we have no mercy on child killers.. i don't care if you are a young white female.
Does CA think that the people of Texas don't watch TV or have computers? I personally don't think Texas will be far enough. Unless this person has a ranch big enough to have its own zip code.

We do have that here, however I doubt anyone there is related to Casey.
The King Ranch 825000 acres located in south Texas between Corpus Christi and Houston...it's bigger than the state of Rhode Island and its own zip code.:crazy:
This jury decision is disgusting but they didn't have a death qualified jury and they selected liberals ( they can tell by their votor reg). I suspect the SA thought that there was enough to convince even a liberal...apparently not.

I heard many say they were not for the death penalty. No good liberal is going to convict if they think the person would get death...God Forbid!!

This liberal would. ;)
No matter where she ends up, she will be hounded and stalked forever.

People are not likely to forget what she did and got away with.

Good luck living the good life in Houston ICA!!!!

I agree fully look at Joran van Der Slooth with all the peeps mad at her and no family to speak of or anybody else on this planet that believes she is innocent it will be a hard lonely sad life..I wouldnt want to trade places with her even for 10 times all the money she can make. Her life is over we can rest assured on that note. Just because she is free does not mean she is really free.....
Nope, nope, and nope. I just don't see Casey going to any family member - especially to Texas. Lots of great bars there though!

My theory is that she will be whisked off via a private jet right here to the West Coast. Los Angeles is the hub for "celebrities" and she will fit in just fine with all the dysfunctional people there (no offense to those who live in Los Angeles - I used to). Trust me, Manson could walk down the boulevards in LA and get high fives all around. Casey will fit right in!

Geraldo will call up one of his cronies and set her up in some swank shack, while he preps to get the first interview. I thought New York might be an option, but I think that's just too close for comfort.

No - I think she's coming my way and I don't like it. But that's how I see this playing out.

My opinion only.


I am a true-blue, card carrying liberal. I am as liberal as they come (my father likes to joke around about me being a commie)-except when it comes to anyone who harms an animal or innocent person. I fully believe that Casey should have gotten murder 1 and I would have NO problem giving her the DP. None whatsoever. I'd probably be in jail if someone ever harmed one of my family members or pets because I would seek justice at whatever cost.

I'm sure that I'm not the only person out there who is a liberal but believes in justice, including the death penalty when the death penalty is warranted (and IMO-it was in this case). In fact, I have some very conservative friends who are very anti-death penalty. I would hope that this jury was able to make up their minds based on the facts shown in this case. I don't think that was what they did, but I also don't think that they arrived at their decision based on their social politics. :twocents:

Thank you!! Everything you said. I have seen a few posts about "it's all the liberals fault", and that hurt, because even if I am liberal, I believe in justice and I believe she is guilty. Plus, it is dang hard to be a liberal in Texas anyways, lol!
Well once she can go where she wants, I really believe it will be Costa Rica, wasn't that where she said her and her Mom were going to go when this was over? Told in her jail letter to inmate pen pal.

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