MA MA - Ana Walshe - Supposedly Left Home in Rideshare to Airport - Cohasset #2

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The hearing didn't say BW was getting his mother, only driving to his mother's house. What if his mom was there for New Years but did not intend to stay long. BW tells mom AW has been called away on work, can you stay at our house for a few days to help take care of the boys? BW then goes to his mom's house to get her belongings.

Did he actually go up there? Or did he just say he did?
So when I see something really obvious like a possible murder weapon being found in the basement of a person's house, I start to think that well, maybe someone is trying to frame them.

In every case so far it hasn't been that. It's just been that the perpetrator is really stupid.
I'm grateful for AW's employer in this case, without her report to long would it have been until someone else noticed?
If her family lives in Serbia, as I understand, I would assume communication is normally somewhat intermittent.
I'm sure friends would have eventually become aware...but without the quick report from the employer, who knows how much of a head start BW would have had on LE?
I can't believe the judge is allowing the option of bail. This guy has committed so many crimes, and thumbed his nose at the justice system that put the bracelet on his ankle, not to mention send LE on a wild goose chase in Ana's disappearance.
Something triggered this, and since this guy seems to have all about the $$$ for a good long time now, while seemingly doing little do actually earn some, I wonder less about divorce alone as a motive versus divorce + affair / suspicion of an affair.

Anything that suddenly and significantly impinged on his closely-held view of himself -- seemingly supported by his mother -- as a successful man and parent might have tipped the balance.

Plenty of Patrick Frazee echoes here, minus the horses and plus a few Warhols.

Also some genuinely oddball bits of backdrop with the burning home and hotel crooks / spies / whatevers. Strange case with a missing mum not to be forgotten at its core.
He's got a bit of an ego. He went into a Boston restaurant and ordered all the truffles they had and every bottle of wine from his birth year. He seemed to enjoy playing the big man with his money and my guess is that this happened because he saw all his money evaporating. He felt like less of a man, she's doing well and it just bugged him.
Relationships are different. This may seem odd, but we have to remember a lot of adults do go missing, for whatever reason. And show up, eventually.

But it seems like LEO is definitely doing due diligence in this case, and beyond, as evidenced by their thorough search of the immediate area.

And just because someone purchases $450 in cleaning supplies, including tarps doesn't mean anything suspicious.

You wouldn’t happen to be BW’s mom, right?
Relationships are different. This may seem odd, but we have to remember a lot of adults do go missing, for whatever reason. And show up, eventually.

But it seems like LEO is definitely doing due diligence in this case, and beyond, as evidenced by their thorough search of the immediate area.

And just because someone purchases $450 in cleaning supplies, including tarps doesn't mean anything suspicious.

IF the purchase of $450 in cleaning supplies wasn't lied about to the police, it MIGHT not be suspicious.

IF the purchase wasn't made after his wife went missing and he didn't report her missing, it MIGHT not be suspicious.

IF the purchase was made and police didn't find blood and a knife in his basement, it MIGHT not be suspicious.

But all of those other actions did happen, so it is very suspicious that he bought cleaning supplies, lied about it to police, had blood and bloody knife at home and didn't report wife missing.

Suspicious enough that he was arrested and is in jail for misleading the investigation.

Relationships are different. This may seem odd, but we have to remember a lot of adults do go missing, for whatever reason. And show up, eventually.

But it seems like LEO is definitely doing due diligence in this case, and beyond, as evidenced by their thorough search of the immediate area.

And just because someone purchases $450 in cleaning supplies, including tarps doesn't mean anything suspicious.

Purchasing cleaning supplies in general doesn't make it suspicious. Missing persons, blood, bloody knife and lying to LEO in conjunction with purchasing $450 worth of cleaning supplies does make it suspicious.
I can't believe the judge is allowing the option of bail. This guy has committed so many crimes, and thumbed his nose at the justice system that put the bracelet on his ankle, not to mention send LE on a wild goose chase in Ana's disappearance.
Bail can be required by law. His lawyer's argument was this crime calls for a low bail (under the guidelines) so the question should be kicked up to the feds who can deal with violation of the previous bail conditions.

IMO even if he were able to meet bail for this crime, it would go back to the feds to address the probation violations there. I don't think there's a reasonable chance he's going home any time soon.

Hopefully the murder charges are just waiting on the lab matching the blood found in the basement to AW.
I watched the hearing and I thought it was interesting how quickly the Judge ordered the state's requested bail. Like did not even take one second to think about it. Just ordered.

That is insane bail for an obstruction charge. I mean, obviously it's because he is arrested for obstruction while the prosecution gets everything set up for the inevitable murder charge, but it ends up looking very weird.

I guess there are no hard and fast rules about bail amounts. I wonder if he's set a record for assigned bail on an obstruction charge!
Purchasing cleaning supplies in general doesn't make it suspicious. Missing persons, blood, bloody knife and lying to LEO in conjunction with purchasing $450 worth of cleaning supplies does make it suspicious.
$450 is also a LOT OF MONEY for cleaning supplies.

Maybe he was finally going to fix the pool? /sarcasm
IF BW did anything nefarious, wouldn't his electronic ankle monitor capture his activity? Assume that this is what the court document refers to when the prosecutor said 'surveillance' by LE showed BW's whereabouts on different days. Is the ankle monitor removeable by BW? If not, very confusing as to why anyone would allegedly commit crimes while wearing one.
I might also speculate that he had assistance from someone either as babysitter, cleanup crew, or disposer. Would that person then be an accessory? m00
Relationships are different. This may seem odd, but we have to remember a lot of adults do go missing, for whatever reason. And show up, eventually.

But it seems like LEO is definitely doing due diligence in this case, and beyond, as evidenced by their thorough search of the immediate area.

And just because someone purchases $450 in cleaning supplies, including tarps doesn't mean anything suspicious.

Buying $450 in cleaning supplies, including a tyvek suit, is absolutely suspicious when the person is on ankle bracelet monitoring, their wife is missing, and and they lie about buying those cleaning supplies and instead tell authorities they are taking their son for ice cream. MOO.
Why were LE looking at the Home Depot footage where he was spotted? I wonder if they got tipped off by someone who recognized him or if it was electronic monitoring as others have mentioned. Do we know that he is wearing a monitor?

Follow up Q: can local police look at that ankle monitor data for what was and still is, technically, a missing persons case or do they need a warrant? Procedural question I guess, do the state/local police have legal access to a position monitor placed by a federal court?
I take from this quote that he was going to visit his mother at her house in Swampscott, so if she was there she couldn't have been down at the house with the boys or have been there to see Ana off in the Uber. So who was it? MOO MOO MOO
Is it possible his mother still owned a house in Swampscott even though she was living with them? So he was going to his mother's house, but not necessarily to visit his mother?
The hearing didn't say BW was getting his mother, only driving to his mother's house. What if his mom was there for New Years but did not intend to stay long. BW tells mom AW has been called away on work, can you stay at our house for a few days to help take care of the boys? BW then goes to his mom's house to get her belongings.

Did he actually go up there? Or did he just say he did?
Maybe his mom doesn't drive or doesn't like to drive.

Maybe he had gone previously to her home and brought her to the Cohasset house for NYE and she stayed over because it was a late night.

Maybe his driving to her house (when he "got lost") was taking her back home, meaning she was in the car with him when they "got lost"!

I can envision a truthful situation when a person gets lost along a familiar route (traffic detours etc) but I doubt that's what actually happened here.

Also in spite of the fact that they sold the place nearly a year ago and that another family was at risk, I hope investigators are looking VERY carefully at the site of the burned former home.

All speculation and MOO
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