Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 13

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This is one that alludes to the 'boot' which is a whacky english word for trunk, I think? :D

If they killed her that night and disposed of her that night permanently, there would be nothing for the dogs to smell. Bodies don't start smelling like cadavers for a few hours after death.

I think that Madeleine probably interrupted their fun (sex, a run, dinner) and someone struck her and killed her. I think they took her somewhere safe for the night to get her out of the apartment and set their alibi. I think they went back later and permanently buried her....hence the smell of a body on the key, Kate's clothes, and in the trunk.

Sad sad sad.


The cadaver dogs scented and reacted immediately being brought to Laci Peterson's house, remember her case? Everyone believes she was killed in the home (soft kill). Dogs scented Laci's body to the driveway, where they reacted, showing she left in a vehicle at that point. Then the dogs scented her all the way to the Bay and the actual pier where they think Scott launched the boat to dispose of her body. Which was miles and miles down highways etc...

they also reacted to the tarp in the shed, police just couldn't prove anything because of the gas poured, leaked onto it. The dogs were awesome in Laci's case.

After reading, putting together what we know so far, and I haven't kept up with the case as must here have, nor do I know all the important details, but I believe she was moved from her original placement right after death, that's why they have the hits from the dogs on property Madeline wasn't suppose to ever had contact with.

This is getting more darker and evil. It adds another sinister twist to her disappearance and possible murder, which we're pretty sure she is dead. The parents having killed her, which I always suspected and believed, it didn't add up to me.

They went further in their crime and removed her little body to further keep secret their evil dark lives to decieve the public and law enforcement. Then to have accepted and generated the monies in donations to help find Madeline, how much sicker, selfish, arrogant and heartless can two individuals be. They feel the world, including Maddy owed them everything. Their selfish needs and fun were more important.

They are guilty to me. Maddy hindered their Un-Godly lifestyle as she was getting older, could talk, have better understanding of her environment around her, they couldn't do as they wanted. The age of Maddy is when parents really have to start buckling down and live on the up and up, not when their first born, because the babies don't understand much that goes on around them.

I believe they drugged their children in order to maintain their swinging lifestyle of glamour, drugs and glitz. They were new parents, and Maddy had only in the last year began to be a thorn in the A__!

I've observed Kate on video today, it's plastered all over the news here like never before for us, and she has a look of I'm better than anyone, and above all. Her body language is that of Kiss my butt! I don't care what you think. In your face, that's what I'm seeing this morning of the last few days of video. Their hiding soemthing, you can see it in their faces on the interviews their showing today with multiple people.

Someone needs to stuff that toy cat in her mouth for about five minutes, let her see how it feels to have no control or compassion shown towards her.
after reading that i have a question. what if any is the difference between suspect and "arguida" ? sounds like the same laws we have about your Miranda rights and they just use a different word for it.

I think the arguido/arguida status also confers something U.S. citizens who are suspects do not have until formally arraigned on charges, the right to see all evidence against them.
Here you go:

Sorry, meant to link it before.

ETA: I find the second to the last sentence is a little strange.....

Wow...they are scared, aren't they? Very defensive. Did you notice how he said it's ludicrous that KATE had anything to do with Madeleiine's disappearance? He didn't say, it's ludicrous that WE had anything to do with it....
Wow...they are scared, aren't they? Very defensive. Did you notice how he said it's ludicrous that KATE had anything to do with Madeleiine's disappearance? He didn't say, it's ludicrous that WE had anything to do with it....

He also said "his" interview was longer than hers. Very defensive but narcissistic at the same time. I can't say I am surprised.
Here's another thing that is telling about them....

They are british and they have perfect teeth....definite narcissists! :D


Ain't that the truth. We have a lot of people come to our Houston Corp. offices from our offices over there and in Scotland. I don't want to stereotype but the ones I've seen and talked to do for the most part have yucky teeth. Some of the royals look like they could even use some dental work. I guess it's priorities but I use the heck out of my dental ins. Thanks goodness for the ins. is dirt cheap.
Wow, how horrible...if that was when she was killed. I can't imagine knowing that my daughter was killed by her mother and was screaming for me to help her...if that's what happened.


Being that it's reported this woman witness heard maddy screaming for her daddy two days prior to being reported missing, was Maddy not seen for those two days by reliable un-biased witnesses at all up and until the parents actually reported her missing?

If so, I have missed this detail. So was Maddy not seen for two days leading up to her disappearance by anyone reliable or not connected to the case?,,91210-1283158,00.html

Sky sources have said Kate McCann could be charged with the accidental death of her daughter.

Mrs McCann's lawyer has warned her she may face charges today, said a family friend.

Just going to vent a bit.As I watched this video theres this young man there to Martin Brunts left,wearing a light blue shirt...I just want to smack that silly smile off his face and then the girl gets herself in view of the camera and she has a smile too!!

That just irked me to no end!This is about a 3 yearold little girl whose parent(s) are suspected of killing her.Shows what a lack of respect some people have these days :mad:

Ok rant over.Sorry for going off topic a bit everyone.
If so, I have missed this detail. So was Maddy not seen for two days leading up to her disappearance by anyone reliable or not connected to the case?
They put the kids in the day camp, she was seen. The screaming I beleive is unrelated although could be telling of the family dynamics.
I'm surprised the McCanns didn't see this coming. When they weren't told officially about the tests or the results, they should have realized that there was some hard evidence against them--not just the unanswered questions/time line discrepancies, etc.
They put the kids in the day camp, she was seen. The screaming I beleive is unrelated although could be telling of the family dynamics.

I once went to the Bahamas alone because my wife had given birth a few months before (how I got away with that I will NEVER know). The lady asked why I didn't bring my wife and baby and I told her that there was no use...1) I was only there for a couple days for fishing and 2) why spend the money if my wife couldn't enjoy being there. The lady said "Awww mon, we watch babies all the time while the parents play". Even at 28, I thought "no damn way I am leaving my kid with a stranger. Plus, the joy of vacation is spending it with family....I think. :D

This family is FUBAR.

I think we may have a separate forum for this case soon. I'm checking with the other mods.

Yahoo for Jeana, your the best darn it. I don't care what I said yesterday. Oh, that's right, I liked you yesterday too! :p I always like you, thanks, especially from the ones who keep up some diligently with this case.

Someone mentioned Kate would be the first one too break, being the weaker of the two, uhm, not neccessarily, especially if she is the murderer.
I saw previously mentioned that there is photo with Kate where she has bruises.... does anyone have a link to this pic? Or an explanation of where the bruises came from?
Wow. Just hearing about this on Fox news.

Some forensic evidence returned seems to have led to naming her as a formal suspect. In Portugal, when you are named a "suspect" it means LE has greater latitude for questioning than when you are just a witness. She's allowed to decline to answer anything she doesn't want to.

Sister station reporting blood evidence may have been found in the car the McCann's drove. (Sky reporting this) She may have died accidentally in the hotel and then have been taken away in that car.

(Reporting what was said.)

WOW. So sad.
Even at 28, I thought "no damn way I am leaving my kid with a stranger. Plus, the joy of vacation is spending it with family....I think. :D

This family is FUBAR.


Unless of course you leave them behind ;)

I've used hotel services. What is curious is they did too but chose not to in the evenings.
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