Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 21

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Brilliant interview by Sandra Felgueiras

She asks questions that everyone should be asking & they are clearly not happy!

Gerry doesn't have nightmares, good for him, glad he can sleep easy!

& the abductor was almost caught by Jane Tanner, this is actually funny if it wasn't so sad!

Tapas Cook Video Translation (Thanks X!)

[Inside SIC Studio]

Journalist on Studio: And tomorrow, 3rd of May marks a year since Madeleine McCann disappeared. There in Praia da Luz, Maria João [name of the other Journalist], good evening, is there any ceremonial service predicted?

[Cut to journalist on location]

Maria João: Here, in the Ocean Club, no, nothing is going to happen here to mark the date, just a mass that will be done tomorrow at 18:30pm in the church of Luz. A bilingual mass which is going to mark one year since the disappearance of Maddie. In relation to the process, there are no new developments expected for the next few days. Only in the 15th the Judge of Criminal Instruction from Portimão’s Court is going to reassess if the process continues or not under Secrecy of Justice. It’s very likely that the process continues like in the last year. Who broke the silence, while we're on the subject, were the Portuguese employees from the Tapas Bar, the restaurant where the couple McCann had dinner in the night of Maddie’s disappearance. Those 8 Portuguese employees didn’t see their contracts renewed this year. They were obliged in the last 12 months to be silent, forbidden to talk with journalists. Since they contracts were not renewed they decided to talk. SIC has spoken with the cook.

[Cut to medium shot of 2 people behind a tree]

Voice over Introduction: She doesn’t ‘show’ her face but a year later and without working in the Ocean Club, Manuela decided that she wasn’t obliged to the silence anymore. The cook [chef] who prepared a ‘Robalo’ [Snook fish/ Sargeant fish] with cuscus [signature dish of the Arab world] and the pepper steak meal the McCanns had to dinner in the night Maddie disappeared was in the griller area 3 meters away from the table of the couple.

[Shot of interior of the Ocean Club, focus on the Tapas Bar]

Manuela, the cook: They had already eaten the main course, [Cut to blurry image of a woman’s face, with a strong southern accent from Algarve], because it was already around 9:30pm when she gave the alarm.

Voice over: This former employee from the Tapas tells that immediately various colleagues left their work posts to help the searches. Meanwhile, in the hours that followed, during most of the time the McCanns stayed inside the apartment.

Manuela: My colleagues were indignated [angered/offended], because they went… One of them even had his feet all red, tired… and he was offended because he went to search though he wasn’t anything related to the girl, and the parents didn’t. [Cut to apartment] They stayed indoors, in the apartment.

[Various shots around the Ocean Club, archive footage of Police and Media]
Voice Over: A year ago, suddenly everything changed in the Ocean Club. The quiet resort, ideal for family holidays, was invaded by police and journalists.

Manuela: The Ocean Club, the Tapas turned into a pandemonium [chaos]. No one could get out, no one could get in. Even if we were married, our husbands couldn’t get in, neither our friends. Everything was surrounded… The security officers didn’t know the employees. They thought the employees were journalists. In the beginning everything was really complicated.

Voice Over: The Judiciary went in a full scale operation to Praia da Luz. For more than a month the investigators created a kind of headquarters in one of the apartments of the Ocean Club. All the employees from the resort were heard.

Manuela: They all went in two… in two hours by two hours, two [referring to the number of people –in pairs], during sometime. Close to a month. We were almost 200 employees.

Voice Over: Manuela remembers of seeing Madeleine sometimes.

Manuela: When the Parents would put her at the crèche, in the babysitters, the kitchen was next to it.

Journalist on location: How was Madeleine’s routine during those holidays? When she entered there, in the Ocean Club?

Manuela: She got in, was delivered to the babysitters. The babysitters would do a class; they would do a group course with the girls. Between 4pm and 4:30pm they had something to eat. In the morning they had a fruit lunch [breakfast?]… And then the parents would come to pick them up at 5 o’clock in the afternoon.

Journalist: In the middle of all those children do you remember Maddie?

Manuela: Because she entered there, she would wave goodbye, or say hello…She was really nice [lovely/polite]. She was always smiling.

Voice Over: After the disappearance of the girl, several family members of Kate and Gerry came to the Algarve.

Manuela: I remember that the family members instead of being worried with the family, would go to the pool, rented the tennis court, played tennis… Instead of being worried with the child that was disappeared!

Voice Over: The majority of the employees who was in the Tapas in the night of the Maddie’s disappearance as already left the resort.

Manuela: The contract ended and they sent us to unemployment.

Journalist: All the team that was in the Tapas that night?

Manuela: All the team that was there in that night.

Voice Over: After the disappearance of Maddie, the McCanns stayed in the Ocean Club for more 65 days. In July they moved to a house in the outskirts, away from the journalists eyes. It was there that they stayed until the 9 of September, the day that they went back to England.

Clarence Mitchell warns chat rooms & forum members!

" There are forums and chatrooms that are totally
free for all and I am afraid they are cesspit of speculation , innuendo and downright defamation. I am afraid our lawyers are aware of that, I am aware of it ,there are ways and means of dealing with that too
and if we need too we will deal as well.".

He is such a bully. :rolleyes:

Tapas Cook Video Translation (Thanks X!)

[Inside SIC Studio]

Journalist on Studio: And tomorrow, 3rd of May marks a year since Madeleine McCann disappeared. There in Praia da Luz, Maria João [name of the other Journalist], good evening, is there any ceremonial service predicted?

[Cut to journalist on location]

Maria João: Here, in the Ocean Club, no, nothing is going to happen here to mark the date, just a mass that will be done tomorrow at 18:30pm in the church of Luz. A bilingual mass which is going to mark one year since the disappearance of Maddie. In relation to the process, there are no new developments expected for the next few days. Only in the 15th the Judge of Criminal Instruction from Portimão’s Court is going to reassess if the process continues or not under Secrecy of Justice. It’s very likely that the process continues like in the last year. Who broke the silence, while we're on the subject, were the Portuguese employees from the Tapas Bar, the restaurant where the couple McCann had dinner in the night of Maddie’s disappearance. Those 8 Portuguese employees didn’t see their contracts renewed this year. They were obliged in the last 12 months to be silent, forbidden to talk with journalists. Since they contracts were not renewed they decided to talk. SIC has spoken with the cook.

[Cut to medium shot of 2 people behind a tree]

Voice over Introduction: She doesn’t ‘show’ her face but a year later and without working in the Ocean Club, Manuela decided that she wasn’t obliged to the silence anymore. The cook [chef] who prepared a ‘Robalo’ [Snook fish/ Sargeant fish] with cuscus [signature dish of the Arab world] and the pepper steak meal the McCanns had to dinner in the night Maddie disappeared was in the griller area 3 meters away from the table of the couple.

[Shot of interior of the Ocean Club, focus on the Tapas Bar]

Manuela, the cook: They had already eaten the main course, [Cut to blurry image of a woman’s face, with a strong southern accent from Algarve], because it was already around 9:30pm when she gave the alarm.

Voice over: This former employee from the Tapas tells that immediately various colleagues left their work posts to help the searches. Meanwhile, in the hours that followed, during most of the time the McCanns stayed inside the apartment.

Manuela: My colleagues were indignated [angered/offended], because they went… One of them even had his feet all red, tired… and he was offended because he went to search though he wasn’t anything related to the girl, and the parents didn’t. [Cut to apartment] They stayed indoors, in the apartment.

[Various shots around the Ocean Club, archive footage of Police and Media]
Voice Over: A year ago, suddenly everything changed in the Ocean Club. The quiet resort, ideal for family holidays, was invaded by police and journalists.

Manuela: The Ocean Club, the Tapas turned into a pandemonium [chaos]. No one could get out, no one could get in. Even if we were married, our husbands couldn’t get in, neither our friends. Everything was surrounded… The security officers didn’t know the employees. They thought the employees were journalists. In the beginning everything was really complicated.

Voice Over: The Judiciary went in a full scale operation to Praia da Luz. For more than a month the investigators created a kind of headquarters in one of the apartments of the Ocean Club. All the employees from the resort were heard.

Manuela: They all went in two… in two hours by two hours, two [referring to the number of people –in pairs], during sometime. Close to a month. We were almost 200 employees.

Voice Over: Manuela remembers of seeing Madeleine sometimes.

Manuela: When the Parents would put her at the crèche, in the babysitters, the kitchen was next to it.

Journalist on location: How was Madeleine’s routine during those holidays? When she entered there, in the Ocean Club?

Manuela: She got in, was delivered to the babysitters. The babysitters would do a class; they would do a group course with the girls. Between 4pm and 4:30pm they had something to eat. In the morning they had a fruit lunch [breakfast?]… And then the parents would come to pick them up at 5 o’clock in the afternoon.

Journalist: In the middle of all those children do you remember Maddie?

Manuela: Because she entered there, she would wave goodbye, or say hello…She was really nice [lovely/polite]. She was always smiling.

Voice Over: After the disappearance of the girl, several family members of Kate and Gerry came to the Algarve.

Manuela: I remember that the family members instead of being worried with the family, would go to the pool, rented the tennis court, played tennis… Instead of being worried with the child that was disappeared!

Voice Over: The majority of the employees who was in the Tapas in the night of the Maddie’s disappearance as already left the resort.

Manuela: The contract ended and they sent us to unemployment.

Journalist: All the team that was in the Tapas that night?

Manuela: All the team that was there in that night.

Voice Over: After the disappearance of Maddie, the McCanns stayed in the Ocean Club for more 65 days. In July they moved to a house in the outskirts, away from the journalists eyes. It was there that they stayed until the 9 of September, the day that they went back to England.

Lovely little girl as we all imagined, smiling despite the fact that I doubt she had much to smile about!

Family flown to Portugal courtesy of the fund, had a holiday, makes me sick!
Give up on her????? What are you talking about????
Colomom If you missed them I suggest you read posts #433,439,440, and 441. I think you will find that in these Madeleines death is assumed. :waitasec: :waitasec:

Assumptions don't do it for me, which is why I said....without evidence that Madeleine is dead...I won't give up on her

I like this quote from the article:

"A friend revealed Gerry had to be persuaded to not volunteer to be on call over the weekend at Glenfield hospital, in Leicester, where he is a cardiologist.

. . . The friend said: "They are trying to get their lives back to normality.

"But Gerry could see in the end that he couldn't be on call on this weekend."

The couple's spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, admitted they were finding the anniversary more painful than they had anticipated.

He said: "It is an intensely private day, very difficult. In some ways being at home is the best place but in other ways it is the worst."

No, Gerry - you can't go to work on the anniversary of Madeleine's disappearance! :crazy:

Barnaby said:

Clarence Mitchell warns chat rooms & forum members!

" There are forums and chatrooms that are totally
free for all and I am afraid they are cesspit of speculation , innuendo and downright defamation. I am afraid our lawyers are aware of that, I am aware of it ,there are ways and means of dealing with that too
and if we need too we will deal as well.".
Yeah, well there's this little thing called "freedom of speech" as long as we say these are our opinions. Look around, Clarence - no one gets a free ride here!
Here's the thing; it's not giving up on Madeleine to admit she might no longer be living. It's the reality for pedophilic kidnappings, that the majority of the children are not living soon after the abduction.

There has been no ransom request for Maddie. No credible sightings of her alive after May 3rd.

It's not giving up on her to admit that she might no longer be living. In fact, in some ways, thinking about her being in heaven/as opposed to her suffering with repeated rapes or molestations--you pick the one that is easier to imagine.

But you decide who has given up on Maddie. Her parents refer to her in the past tense, they have yet to ever voice the thought that Maddie might be alive and suffering at the hands of an abductor, they are the ones who use words like 'moved on'' when referring to Madeleine in the 24 hour period of her disappearance.

They are the ones who never released the actual height/weight of Maddie for identification, they are the ones who released only one or two current photos, they are the ones who talked more about their jogging and the possibility of the Amber Alert in Europe than anything else...

So who gave up on Maddie? Kate and Gerry McCann. Period.
Here's the thing; it's not giving up on Madeleine to admit she might no longer be living. It's the reality for pedophilic kidnappings, that the majority of the children are not living soon after the abduction.

There has been no ransom request for Maddie. No credible sightings of her alive after May 3rd.

It's not giving up on her to admit that she might no longer be living. In fact, in some ways, thinking about her being in heaven/as opposed to her suffering with repeated rapes or molestations--you pick the one that is easier to imagine.

But you decide who has given up on Maddie. Her parents refer to her in the past tense, they have yet to ever voice the thought that Maddie might be alive and suffering at the hands of an abductor, they are the ones who use words like 'moved on'' when referring to Madeleine in the 24 hour period of her disappearance.

They are the ones who never released the actual height/weight of Maddie for identification, they are the ones who released only one or two current photos, they are the ones who talked more about their jogging and the possibility of the Amber Alert in Europe than anything else...

So who gave up on Maddie? Kate and Gerry McCann. Period.
Sorry Texana I apologize as I shouldn't have added your post and will remove it if I can.
But except for your post where you first agreed with the assumption you did qualify it. There was no 'might be dead." about the other posts in question. No speculation but a very clear assumption of Madeleines fate. IMO.

You may choose not to believe them but her parents have clearly not given up on Madeleiene. IMO
I thought the programme was very good,the McCanns came across very well and did not appear to be deceptive,dishonest or guilty of anything imo.I thought the Christmas card Gerry read out was cruel and sick and reminded me a lot of what is written across the forums.NOONE knows these people personally not you, not I-we DONT know that what we read is true-that this happened or they said that.We dont know what the evidence is or where it points despite some people feeling they know this case better than those closest to the PJ,McCanns or any other parties.These people have lost their child through poor judgement and a degree of selfishness,it is Madeleine who is paying the price for that but my heart is not so hard that I cannot feel some sympathy for her parents and I hope it never becomes so.
Excellent post.....Well said daffodil. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Kate McCann's pulpit plea: Stay with us and pray like mad Stay with us and pray like mad/

She was barely audible, and struggled to hold back tears, as she said: "I have spoken quite a lot this week so I will keep it short.
"It is just to say a huge thank-you really for coming to remember, for your support.
"We have been quite strong but couldn't have got through without you.
"You know how much she means to us, and to Sean and Amelie.
"We know you have been praying and we ask you to keep going."
As Kate, 40, returned to her pew, the 200-strong congregation applauded and friends rushed to console her as she fell weeping into her husband's arms.

Also in church were David and Fiona Payne, and Rachel and Dr Matthew Oldfield, four of the 'Tapas Seven' friends who were dining with the McCanns when Madeleine vanished.

Gerry, 39, was hugged by friends and wept at the end of the service – which included a prayer written by the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu.
Kate's aunt, Janet Kennedy, said: 'How Kate mustered the courage to speak, I don't know. But it was very inspiring."
deleine, the incidental onlooker Timesonline

Rod Liddle
Sunday May 04, 2008

Come on, be honest. When Kate McCann appears before you on your television screen, do you sink your head low and remember poor Madeleine, somehow spirited out of that Praia da Luz apartment, or are you overwhelmed with a sense of irritation, annoyance and ennui?

Or like me, is it a little bit of both, callous pig that I am?

Madeleine went missing exactly a year ago. I very much hope she is found, but I very much doubt that she will be. And I’m absolutely certain that the latest anniversary publicity blitz will do nothing to help any of us - Kate, Gerry, the viewers - find anything about “Maddy”, one way or the other. Perhaps another dippy tourist will see some toddler in Chiang Mai or Torremolinos or Constanta and hysterically contact the media.

Kate and Gerry will be there to express hope and reiterate the point that they know they let her down by having a meal 100 metres away when they, or someone, should have been in rather closer contact.

The weird thing is the way the story has taken on a life of its own, with Madeleine as a terribly absent onlooker, almost incidental

Absolutely Roy :clap: couldn't agree more.
The one who is getting a free pass :)

You are repeating yourself, what kidnapper? I am quite surprised a person like you who screams *evidence* in your posts would make such a big assumption.
You are repeating yourself, what kidnapper? I am quite surprised a person like you who screams *evidence* in your posts would make such a big assumption.
As for repeating just did it too..:)
It's very clear, no assumption here, the PJ bungled this investigation from day one when they failed basic police procedure by not protecting a possible crime scene. :mad:
Is it really any surprise that they didn't find "evidence" of a kidnapper. :rolleyes:
There were witnesses to a possible kidnapper, though some still choose to dismiss them. :rolleyes:

There is no "evidence" that the McCanns killed Madeleine either..but that doesn't stop the continued and very cruel accusations against them.
I would call the completely impartial cadaver dogs coming up with a scent a HUGE bit of evidence. (And no, I'm not buying rotten meat...dirty diapers...all those silly excuses. The dogs are trained to detect HUMAN CADAVER.)
Here's the thing; it's not giving up on Madeleine to admit she might no longer be living. It's the reality for pedophilic kidnappings, that the majority of the children are not living soon after the abduction.

There has been no ransom request for Maddie. No credible sightings of her alive after May 3rd.

It's not giving up on her to admit that she might no longer be living. In fact, in some ways, thinking about her being in heaven/as opposed to her suffering with repeated rapes or molestations--you pick the one that is easier to imagine.

But you decide who has given up on Maddie. Her parents refer to her in the past tense, they have yet to ever voice the thought that Maddie might be alive and suffering at the hands of an abductor, they are the ones who use words like 'moved on'' when referring to Madeleine in the 24 hour period of her disappearance.

They are the ones who never released the actual height/weight of Maddie for identification, they are the ones who released only one or two current photos, they are the ones who talked more about their jogging and the possibility of the Amber Alert in Europe than anything else...

So who gave up on Maddie? Kate and Gerry McCann. Period.

ITA! texana, they are the ones who have talked in the past tense since the beginning. The ones who moved on so quickly that they went about normal daily life almost immediately! What father could book a game of tennis a day or two after his 3 year old went missing?

Gerry McCann 'played tennis days after Madeleine disappeared'

What mother could go have her highlights done? Go for a jog? I would need to be sedated to keep myself out of a mental institution so where the energy for jogging? Anyone here knows that worry saps energy even more so then a hard days work! I know when i am really worried I am exhausted, if I was carrying bricks all day it would be a healthy tiredness but a worried exhaustion is like nothing else!

I thought the programme was very good,the McCanns came across very well and did not appear to be deceptive,dishonest or guilty of anything imo.I thought the Christmas card Gerry read out was cruel and sick and reminded me a lot of what is written across the forums.NOONE knows these people personally not you, not I-we DONT know that what we read is true-that this happened or they said that.We dont know what the evidence is or where it points despite some people feeling they know this case better than those closest to the PJ,McCanns or any other parties.These people have lost their child through poor judgement and a degree of selfishness,it is Madeleine who is paying the price for that but my heart is not so hard that I cannot feel some sympathy for her parents and I hope it never becomes so.

Have a look after they think the cameras have stopped rolling!

BBC East Midlands

when their interview is finished, cameras are still rolling.,,30200-1314938,00.html

McCanns Hope Attention Will Wane

"...............................You look at where it's led for us, the problems it's created," he said..............."

All about us again. I thought the media campaign was to find Madeleine!
They started the rollercoaster now when they are shooting themselves in the foot with every appearance, it appears that they want off!
So which is it Gerry, keep Madeleine's profile out there in order to find her or not?

Mixed message from McCanns

ON the one hand, Kate and Gerry McCann want no stone unturned in the hunt for Madeleine.
And on the other, they are reluctant to return to Portugal for a reconstruction.
One the one hand, they court publicity.
And on the other, they get huffy when journalists don’t follow the McCann agenda.
Watching the TV interviews last week on the anniversary of Madeleine’s disappearance I was struck by how many awkward questions they faced.
They included the leaked witness statement where Kate admitted Madeleine had asked why she was left to cry.
The fact remains they did have “something to do” with Madeleine’s disappearance.
By that, I mean leaving her and her siblings alone that night.
And therefore contributing to a sequence of events which resulted in tragedy.
All right-minded people will hope their daughter is found.
But her parents are doing themselves no favours with the contradictory messages they send out.

I don't understand HOW the McCanns can now say they hope media attention will be waning.,,30200-1314938,00.html

(thanks for the link, Barnaby.)

Haven't they said all along that the media attention is for Maddie, that they have to keep her face in the news? Obviously, to keep people looking for her? Isn't that the number one focus of the whole campaign? And now they hope and want the media to go away?

Also, Kate says that personal details about them are not relevant.

Well, duh. Who's the one who talked about jogging and Kate's times running? Gerry, of course. Who talked about the twins' activities and their eating habits? Kate. Who released photos of their wedding and baby pics of Maddie? The Mccanns, of course.

The unbearable hypocrisy that is the McCanns' core behavior....
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