Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 21

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The McCanns talk out of both sides of their mouths.

The are travelling all over the world to get this European Amber Alert system in place to "raise awareness" and all that, but they feel that media attention has caused problems?

What they really mean is that they want to be left alone with no questions asked, but they don't mind looking like the champions of missing children when it suits their purposes.

Do they think that the parents of other missing kids don't come under scrutiny?

Are the police to blame every time a child goes missing? No, obviously not.

Remember the child who was hidden in a sofa recently, and her whole family knew about it? Meanwhile they were out pleading for people to find her.

Is that the fault of the local police who finally solved the case? :rolleyes:
Exactly, Thoughtfox, I'm afraid you are exactly right. The McCanns want it both ways.

Remember when they were in the U.S. recently but didn't publicize it, because they didn't want to take the "focus" off Maddie?

And now they don't want even the focus they are getting with the one-year anniversary?

What is going on here? Along with Clarence Mitchell's not so subtly veiled threats about internet chat rooms and forums?

What on earth does Gerry mean when he says, "You look at where it's led for us, the problems it's created...'' He seems to believe that absent the media, no questioning or examination by the Portuguese LE would have occurred.

And what problems could possibly be worse than the possibility of not enough attention getting out about Madeleine?
I don't understand HOW the McCanns can now say they hope media attention will be waning.,,30200-1314938,00.html

(thanks for the link, Barnaby.)

Haven't they said all along that the media attention is for Maddie, that they have to keep her face in the news? Obviously, to keep people looking for her? Isn't that the number one focus of the whole campaign? And now they hope and want the media to go away?

Also, Kate says that personal details about them are not relevant.

Well, duh. Who's the one who talked about jogging and Kate's times running? Gerry, of course. Who talked about the twins' activities and their eating habits? Kate. Who released photos of their wedding and baby pics of Maddie? The Mccanns, of course.

The unbearable hypocrisy that is the McCanns' core behavior....

Welcome Texana!

Too right you are! I mean did you care how long it took Kate to jog up the hill in PDL? I bet you didn't, I bet you were more concerned about Madeleines safety than her jogging mother was!

The McCanns talk out of both sides of their mouths.

The are travelling all over the world to get this European Amber Alert system in place to "raise awareness" and all that, but they feel that media attention has caused problems?

What they really mean is that they want to be left alone with no questions asked, but they don't mind looking like the champions of missing children when it suits their purposes.

Do they think that the parents of other missing kids don't come under scrutiny?

Are the police to blame every time a child goes missing? No, obviously not.

Remember the child who was hidden in a sofa recently, and her whole family knew about it? Meanwhile they were out pleading for people to find her.

Is that the fault of the local police who finally solved the case? :rolleyes:

Absolutely Thoughfox!

Police are only allowed to investigate one side of the McCann case, the one that says they are responsible parents & none of this is their fault!
If there is any questioning of the parents whatsoever, then they are not doing their jobs! I always thought that investigate meant to look at every aspect of the case & every possibility! Not in this case it seems!
PJ really should overlook all their lies & contradictions & get on with harrassing another innocent man!
The McCanns insist that they are "responsible parents" and should not be investigated or questioned. They knew from the very beginning Madeleine had been abducted. They excoriate the Portuguese LE for not recognizing that fact immediately as well.

However, the McCanns were NOT responsible parents. They admit leaving their children alone for at least TWO nights, and even their comparisons to "dining in the garden" have been shown to be completely ridiculous.

So, they're asking to be excused because they are obviously such responsible parents, take them at their word, they would never do anything to harm Maddie or put her in harm's way, etc, etc.

When they did just that, more than once. Therefore, they have no credibility, and absolutely no moral authority to be angry or upset that they are now arguidos. They have no moral high ground to complain about how they are viewed by the Portguese police.

I just can't believe that they complained about how they were being treated on the anniversary of Madeleine's disappearance. I really had hoped that it would be more about Maddie.

Ask yourself this: Why did we not get an age progression picture of Maddie or even a photo of her with different hair style? Why do we STILL not know how tall or how heavy she actually was at age four?

But we're supposed to be looking for her? Help us out a little here, McCanns.
I so Totally agree Texana. There are a couple posters here on WS who are certain the PJ have blundered this entire investigation and insinuate they are the cause of Madeleine's demise, Team McCann refer to them as Keystone Cops and ridicule them constantly. BUT, BUT BUT, for some reason, Team McCann think they are brilliant when it comes to some things such as disclosing Maddie's true height and weight when she went missing because it was suggested not to do so, (not ordered) by the PJ. Why? If they are so incompetent, so blundering, so irresponsible, why listen to ANY (not required legally) advice from them? They took the "Don't show any emotion for the phantom kidnapper" advice to heart. BUT they make a big deal about the coloboma, (Which is fake IMHO) when the police asked them not to.

What is it? The McCanns praise the PJ when it's convenient to them condem them when it isn't.
Agree Texana & Interestedwoman, they released what they wanted contrary to advice given! There have been many suggestions that the coloboma was fake & pics that do not show it but they never said that she was about 10cms too short for her age, never made a big deal of that so really people should have been looking for a 2-3 year old & not a 4 year old!
Amazing people who went to such lengths to find their daughter never issued an accurate description & yes an age progression picture for the one year anniversary would have been very helpful, if they really are looking for her that is!
I so Totally agree Texana. There are a couple posters here on WS who are certain the PJ have blundered this entire investigation and insinuate they are the cause of Madeleine's demise, Team McCann refer to them as Keystone Cops and ridicule them constantly. BUT, BUT BUT, for some reason, Team McCann think they are brilliant when it comes to some things such as disclosing Maddie's true height and weight when she went missing because it was suggested not to do so, (not ordered) by the PJ. Why? If they are so incompetent, so blundering, so irresponsible, why listen to ANY (not required legally) advice from them? They took the "Don't show any emotion for the phantom kidnapper" advice to heart. BUT they make a big deal about the coloboma, (Which is fake IMHO) when the police asked them not to.

What is it? The McCanns praise the PJ when it's convenient to them condem them when it isn't.

They feel free to say anything they like about the Portuguese LE, but any negative comments about the McCanns are just being "nasty for nastiness' sake."

They want everyone to take them at their word that they were responsible, and still are, responsible parents AND they want to be able to say whatever they like about anyone else.
Two chances that they will return; slim & none!

They are now gathering all the evidence themselves, want witnesses to talk to them so their lawyers will have everything to hand for their defence! HUH!
Two chances that they will return; slim & none!

They are now gathering all the evidence themselves, want witnesses to talk to them so their lawyers will have everything to hand for their defence! HUH!

Who makes these kinds of demands?

Surely their private investigators have already talked to everyone involved. How else could they justify their bills? How could they then have even an inkling of where to supposedly be looking for Madeleine?
The sight of their smug arrogant faces makes me want to throw up. They look like killers who know they've gotten away with it.
As for repeating just did it too..:)

Because you did not answer the question. ;)

It's very clear, no assumption here, the PJ bungled this investigation from day one when they failed basic police procedure by not protecting a possible crime scene. :mad:

Says who?

Is it really any surprise that they didn't find "evidence" of a kidnapper. :rolleyes:

Well, if there was such kidnapper. Where is the EVIDENCE? Hair, footprints, etc???

There were witnesses to a possible kidnapper, though some still choose to dismiss them. :rolleyes:

Well hon, there were people all over the world who swore they saw Maddie and....?:rolleyes:

There is no "evidence" that the McCanns killed Madeleine either..but that doesn't stop the continued and very cruel accusations against them.

Well, no evidence so far (that we know of) but the fact remains they are ARGUIDOS in the disappearance of their own daughter. So, even though there may be not enough evidence to charge them right now, their status is something that should be taken into consideration. They are not just the parents of Madeleine Mc Cann. They are also the prime suspects.
I got all the answers I needed from the McCanns' appearances this week. No worries.
Portuguese authorities set to shelve Maddie case

The Portuguese weekly, Expresso, reported on Friday that the PJ were preparing to exonerate Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, who remain formal suspects in her disappearance
Who knows if there is any truth to this. I guess time will tell.
I so Totally agree Texana. There are a couple posters here on WS who are certain the PJ have blundered this entire investigation and insinuate they are the cause of Madeleine's demise, Team McCann refer to them as Keystone Cops and ridicule them constantly. BUT, BUT BUT, for some reason, Team McCann think they are brilliant when it comes to some things such as disclosing Maddie's true height and weight when she went missing because it was suggested not to do so, (not ordered) by the PJ. Why? If they are so incompetent, so blundering, so irresponsible, why listen to ANY (not required legally) advice from them? They took the "Don't show any emotion for the phantom kidnapper" advice to heart. BUT they make a big deal about the coloboma, (Which is fake IMHO) when the police asked them not to.

What is it? The McCanns praise the PJ when it's convenient to them condem them when it isn't.
IW, Has anyone here really insinuated that the PJ are the cause of Madeleines demise?
I know it's been a long time but without proof that she's dead I still hope she can be recovered alive.
Portuguese authorities set to shelve Maddie case

The Portuguese weekly, Expresso, reported on Friday that the PJ were preparing to exonerate Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, who remain formal suspects in her disappearance
Who knows if there is any truth to this. I guess time will tell.

If that article is true then I will join in the brigade that says PJ are bumbling idiots!

I somehow doubt it though, why ask for the parents to return to PDL if investigation about to be shelved? I think there is a long way to go before that happens & if it does it will be entirely due to the parents lack of cooperation!
Because they are not charged or convicted does not mean they are innocent! Many a guilty person has walked free & many an innocent person in prison!

Police need a watertight case to win against the world's top lawyers that the McCanns have hired, darned sure they are not going to return to PDL to give them that case!
It is so laughable, here are 2 people who say they will do anything to find their daughter yet they will not take part in a reconstruction, only one reason for that I am afraid!
Also totally laughable the the "victims" of a "heinous crime" need lawyers who represented one of the world's biggest tyrants! Please!
Because they are not charged or convicted does not mean they are innocent! Many a guilty person has walked free & many an innocent person in prison!
Barnaby the only thing that surprises me about these comments is the timing.
Why? What about the timing is any different than a month ago or a month from now?
The difference being when/if the arguedo status is removed.
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