Mel Gibson

michelle said:
They are saying on MSNBC right now that Mel kept talking about how his wife Robin (?) was and is such a saint, then he when arrested the first thing he said was how screwed up his life was. He used another choice word there, lol. I think he was definatly having some issues, maybe him and his wife had a fight??

could be, michelle....maybe him being 'off the wagon' ...i understand that alcoholics have it rough..extremely hard battle, but it's very hard for family members to watch & be around.....
JBean said:
Likewise, people often focus on what they don't have, as opposed to what they DO have. It is a very frustrating part of human nature to me and I have little patience for it.
So true JBean.
I'm always telling the little one, be grateful for what you have!
Life's too short to think about what you are missing out on.
You will never be happy if you are thinking about what you don't have.
close_enough said:
could be, michelle....maybe him being 'off the wagon' ...i understand that alcoholics have it rough..extremely hard battle, but it's very hard for family members to watch & be around.....
That is true, you can only take so much.
jilly said:
This is what I don't understand about these Stars - they can afford to take limos everywhere. If Mel was worried about leaving his car he could have taken a cab and had his car towed home. How stupid - he gets in the Lexus after drinking, and speeds with a bottle of tequila.

Once a person is drunk, they are incapable of assessing the situation realistically. The problem is drunks never think they are incapacitated and think they are perfectly fine to drive! It's usually pretty difficult to reason with a drunk, if anyone's ever tried.
narlacat said:
So true JBean.
I'm always telling the little one, be grateful for what you have!
Life's too short to think about what you are missing out on.
You will never be happy if you are thinking about what you don't have.

true...i guess, in the long run, it's better to just be 'plain folk', use to not having a whole lot...working regular jobs, making ends meet, having close friends & family (although my family is pretty dysfunctional :p ..heck, so are some of my friends) point is, i know when i DO get/buy something special, or what i deem special, i really appreciate it, & that makes me happy :)
Liz said:
Once a person is drunk, they are incapable of assessing the situation realistically. The problem is drunks never think they are incapacitated and think they are perfectly fine to drive! It's usually pretty difficult to reason with a drunk, if anyone's ever tried.
Yea but if you are going to a bar and you have a history of abuse I would think calling a cab or a limo would be something to do.
do we know if he has been convicted of this offense before?

gosh if I am reading that penalty grid right, this couldn't be his first time.:confused:
Liz said:
Once a person is drunk, they are incapable of assessing the situation realistically. The problem is drunks never think they are incapacitated and think they are perfectly fine to drive! It's usually pretty difficult to reason with a drunk, if anyone's ever tried.
I've had friends too drunk to walk but think they are perfectly capable of driving home lol
JBean said:
do we know if he has been convicted of this offense before?

gosh if I am reading that penalty grid right, this couldn't be his first time.:confused:
JBean, they were showing on NG tonight how he has been stopped before and the officer was suspicious he was drinking but let him go! Also he has been stopped a few times for driving fast, like 90 mph or something.
close_enough said:
true...i guess, in the long run, it's better to just be 'plain folk', use to not having a whole lot...working regular jobs, making ends meet, having close friends & family (although my family is pretty dysfunctional :p ..heck, so are some of my friends) point is, i know when i DO get/buy something special, or what i deem special, i really appreciate it, & that makes me happy :)

Exactly close enough!
It's the little things that make me happy, doesn't take much lol it really doesn't.
My son and his friends have discovered cabs and take them wherever they go when they are drinking.

The other night, he was partying in Laguna Beach with friends and they were bar hopping. He was hailing a cab on PCH and a lady stopped and picked up him and his friend!
Can you imagine picking up 2 drunk men as a woman driving alone?
Can you imagine being stupid enough to get in the car with a woman stupid enough to pick up 2 drunk men?
1)You're a moderator here, tybee...and 2)a well respected poster, I'll tread lightly on the first and try to be concise re the second:

"Regardless of how it might hurt his wife or 7 children "
That is for Mel to deal with and is not my concern since I choose not to drive drunk at an insane speed level, insult women or people of the Jewish Faith.

"Yes a terrible human being that has been married to one woman in Hollywood, raised children that are not making headlines as trouble makers or spoiled Hollywood brats."
He may be a terrible human being or a wonderful human being...I don't know that either is true and have not opined other than his actions in this case we're discussing does not speak to his "wonderfulness". Many people stay married to the same woman and remain true to their vows, are home every possible night and raise their children to be upstanding citizens. I'd suggest that men like that are to be admired and eumulated. I really can't comment about his children because I don't know any of them nor would I wish to comment on them if they pajama partied in my home once a month.

"Yes this man deserves no recognition for deserving anything as a human being."
IMO, he's merely another Hollywood Actor or similar "celebrity" who misbehaves (dangerously in his case) and it's my humble opinion that he has yet to deserve his place on any pedestal for making some movies that I liked and some that I did not like so well.

"A life time of achievement deserves nothing in the face of one night of drunken idiocy."
(see above)...his achievements are not so notable that I would excuse him for being a danger to others, for his personal demons, he has to answer to himself, his family, his friends and those he has defamed.

"Off with his head!!"
No, not at all...nothing so dramatic as that from one of his movies...I've been near situations where people were mangled like that and would never advocate that for anyone.
michelle said:
Yea but if you are going to a bar and you have a history of abuse I would think calling a cab or a limo would be something to do.

True, but that's from a sober person's POV. lol! Once drunk, thinking logically (unfortunately) goes out the window.
michelle said:
JBean, they were showing on NG tonight how he has been stopped before and the officer was suspicious he was drinking but let him go! Also he has been stopped a few times for driving fast, like 90 mph or something.
But I am wondering if he has gotten a DUI. because the grid doesn't say you would face up to 6 months in jail on a first offense.??

here is the CA DUI penalty grid, by offense.

Now this article says and i have hard it reported that he could spend up to 6 months in jail if convicted of this offense.
>>If convicted, Gibson faces up to six months in jail, the district attorney's office said<<

So cripes..can we gather he has been convicted before? that would be bad.I really hope not, i really do.
JBean said:
But I am wondering if he has gotten a DUI. because the grid doesn't say you would face up to 6 months in jail on a first offense.??

here is the CA DUI penalty grid, by offense.

Now this article says and i have hard it reported that he could spend up to 6 months in jail if convicted of this offense.
>>If convicted, Gibson faces up to six months in jail, the district attorney's office said<<

So cripes..can we gather he has been convicted before? that would be bad.I really hope not, i really do.
Well wasnt he stopped 25 years ago for the same thing though? That was in Canada though. Now you got me wondering? :waitasec:
JBean said:
My son and his friends have discovered cabs and take them wherever they go when they are drinking.

The other night, he was partying in Laguna Beach with friends and they were bar hopping. He was hailing a cab on PCH and a lady stopped and picked up him and his friend!
Can you imagine picking up 2 drunk men as a woman driving alone?
Can you imagine being stupid enough to get in the car with a woman stupid enough to pick up 2 drunk men?

Wow, JBean! I'm wondering if she was drunk!? (Doesn't seem like a thinking person, for sure, in this day and age.)
Liz said:
Wow, JBean! I'm wondering if she was drunk!? (Doesn't seem like a thinking person, for sure, in this day and age.)
Oh how comforting:doh:

That's Laguna Beach for ya.
:laugh: :laugh:
Liz said:
Wow, JBean! I'm wondering if she was drunk!? (Doesn't seem like a thinking person, for sure, in this day and age.)
For real! I mean who in the world would pick up 2 men. Well, I think I have seen a pic of JBeans boy and that would pretty much explain it. :blushing:
michelle said:
:laugh: :laugh: For real! I mean who in the world would pick up 2 men. Well, I think I have seen a pic of JBeans boy and that would pretty much explain it. :blushing:
Oh these guys are cute alright...but those are the ones ya gotta watch!
I mean what if she were to say they attacked her or something...or if she was a psycho... .oh gosh this goes on the Motherhood thread..never mind..
Liz said:
True, but that's from a sober person's POV. lol! Once drunk, thinking logically (unfortunately) goes out the window.

actually, i know more than a few folks that will call a cab, when they've had too much to drink...more people should do the same..

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