Mexico Mexico - David Hartley, 30, Lake Falcon, 30 Sept 2010 #3

Sheriff: Two New Suspects In Falcon Lake Murder


"More than two months after the alleged murder of an American jet skier on Falcon Lake, Zapata County Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez said he was looking for two men who opened fire on David and Tiffany Hartley on September 30.

Gonzalez said he believed the suspects were in Mexico. "But they sometimes, I understand, come over to the U.S.," he said.

The sheriff said the suspects were from Guerrero, Mexico, and are known smugglers suspected of drug and human trafficking. He said they were working with the Zetas on Falcon Lake and fired shots at the Hartleys. David died and Tiffany fled on her jet ski back to the U.S. side of the lake.

"And they had also supposedly gotten the green light to kill her also, but she was able to escape," Gonzalez said.

Gonzalez told KRGV Channel 5 News he got his information from confidential informants who told him David's body and jet ski were destroyed and will never be found. When asked about the lab results on Tiffany's blood-stained life vest, Gonzalez said, "It was human blood. It did belong to David Hartley."

Gonzalez also said at least four sources had confirmed Tiffany Hartley's account of what happened. Sheriff Gonzalez said this now makes four suspects in the Falcon Lake murder case.

Mexican investigators questioned Tiffany Hartley twice at the FBI field office in McAllen. Hartley then left the Rio Grande Valley and returned to her parents' home in Colorado. She remains an outspoken advocate of the need for more border security and has appeared on numerous national programs, including "ABC's World News," "Good Morning America" and "Dr. Phil."

The publicity surrounding the Falcon Lake murder has taken a toll on the Zapata tourism business. During what is typically the busy fishing season, some local hotels and motels reported a 70 percent decline in business. In an effort to bring nervous anglers back to Falcon Lake, a group of grandmothers has organized an all-female fishing tournament."

Sheriff Gonzalez said he'd been trying for several days to call his counterparts in Mexico with information about the two new suspects. As of Thursday evening, he said they had not called him back.

I don't think the Mexican officials feel this is credible.
There was an article in the last thread that said not only do they take and hide bodies, they are very skilled at it.

I can pull the link if needed.

But, I don't think we should keep saying they would not take and hide the body. That's been proven to be incorrect.

I don't doubt the skill of pirates at killing & disposing of their victims, but, going out of their way to retrieve a sinking body so that they could better dispose of it...than the bottom of a lake? Not buying that along with much more of Tiffany's story.

Border cities lose ties due to unrest

LAREDO -- Over the past decade, rising waves of narco violence in Mexico and a dramatic tightening of border security by the United States over fears of terrorism have strangled cooperative relationships between officials of many "sister cities."

In many cases, professional friendships and cross-border ties among city leaders and police and fire departments have fallen by the wayside.


He said that after David Hartley was killed on Falcon Lake in late September, he was able to arrange a meeting between the family and Mexican police. And, he said, Mexican police recently helped him by returning a fugitive from Reynosa.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Just fwiw, my son and his family were in Brownsville during the Holidays. The word in Brownsville that it was the Zetas who shot David Hartley. The locals have no doubt, they know the deal.

Now it seems even the missionaries aren't safe either. :(


Police: US Missionary May Have Been Killed for Chevy Truck

An American missionary shot dead in Mexico may have been targeted for her expensive pickup truck, police say.

Nancy and Sam Davis were attacked by gunmen Wednesday while driving their 2008 Chevrolet pickup on a highway near San Fernando, about 70 miles south of the Mexican border city of Reynosa, police said.

A bullet struck Nancy Davis, 59, in the head. Her husband raced to get her to medical help, speeding across a border bridge into the United States against oncoming traffic, police said. He was met by Pharr, Texas, police officers. Nancy Davis was rushed to a Texas hospital but died of her wound, Pharr police said.


The Davises are the second U.S. couple to come under attack in Mexico in recent months. On Sept. 30, McAllen, Texas, resident David Hartley was Jet-Skiing on the Mexican side of Falcon Lake when he was killed. His wife, Tiffany, said Mexican pirates opened fire and shot her husband, whose body fell into the water. Tiffany Hartley was able to make it back to shore on the U.S. side of the border lake.

The Mexican side of Falcon Lake is controlled by the Zeta drug gang. The Zetas are also very active in the area where the Davises were attacked, authorities said.

Tiffany Hartley expressed sympathy today for the Davis family.

"I don't know them, but my heart breaks for them," she told the AP.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
I would love to see some arrests here and something done...


Two suspects identified in Mexico lake killing

Two additional suspects have surfaced in the fatal shooting of an American man on a lake that straddles the United States and Mexico last September, Zapata County Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez told CNN.

David Hartley was allegedly shot on the Mexican side of Falcon Lake. He and his wife, Tiffany, were on personal watercraft on the lake when gunmen opened fire on them, authorities say. The killing remains unsolved.

Gonzalez said officials would not release the new suspects' names.

"We're just waiting for more information. We understand that they were there, they participated in the shooting. They were given the orders to go kill (Tiffany) also," the sheriff said.

The new information, based on cooperation from informants, came to light last month, but is just now being released publicly.
Two suspects identified in Mexico lake killing


"(CNN) -- Two additional suspects have surfaced in the fatal shooting of an American man on a lake that straddles the United States and Mexico last September, Zapata County Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez told CNN.

David Hartley was allegedly shot on the Mexican side of Falcon Lake. He and his wife, Tiffany, were on personal watercraft on the lake when gunmen opened fire on them, authorities say. The killing remains unsolved.

Gonzalez said officials would not release the new suspects' names.

"We're just waiting for more information. We understand that they were there, they participated in the shooting. They were given the orders to go kill (Tiffany) also," the sheriff said."

From the above link, I'd just like to add this quote:

In the months since the attack, many doubts have been raised by law enforcement sources suggesting Tiffany Hartley's version of events does not ring true. Rumors persist that somehow, in some way, the Hartleys themselves were involved.

Gonzalez, who says he always believed Tiffany Hartley, said that the new information on the suspects corroborate her story.
From the above link, I'd just like to add this quote:

In the months since the attack, many doubts have been raised by law enforcement sources suggesting Tiffany Hartley's version of events does not ring true. Rumors persist that somehow, in some way, the Hartleys themselves were involved.

Gonzalez, who says he always believed Tiffany Hartley, said that the new information on the suspects corroborate her story.

Thanks Fran. That's good to hear.
I hope they get who really did this so Tiffany can have some peace.

Falcon Lake widow to mark attack anniversary

Tiffany Hartley, along with her family and friends, plan to hold on a rally Wednesday at noon on the west side steps of the State Capitol in Denver.

Tiffany Hartley now lives on a farm in La Salle with her parents.

In an email, Tiffany Hartley said she wants Gov. John Hickenlooper, President Obama and other elected officials to put pressure on the Mexican government to find David Hartley's body and his alleged killers.

***Gosh! I can't believe it's been 6 months!
the one and the same they were far we have heard she never spoke to them, they never said anything, the pirates had what do we do now expressions, she begged them not to shoot....take your pick as it changes daily...or just wait as it appears new versions arrive daily...

not only did she hear whispers but she also heard bullets landing in the water while going 60+mph in the water ...fascinating....

I am waiting for the physics people to chime in on how seemingly impossible her version is with the hail of bullet fire from 3 boats with 3-4 pirates in each shooting while the jet skis are going 60+ mph and probably zig zagging etc while their own boats are moving at their highest rate of speed....

Not only that, but one of them shot David in the head while all this movement was going on. I'd say that's a pretty good shot, so how they missed her, I have no idea.
Not sure if this has any new info or not - I just saw it and haven't read it yet...

A 'stupid' mistake or murder?

(CNN) -- It was planned as a day of recreation for the young couple but turned into tragedy. A 30-year-old man dead, his body lost -- possibly forever.

As his grieving widow waits for answers, suspicion is cast on her. Then an investigator is murdered as he looks into the crime.

Today, nearly six months later, some of the puzzle pieces are falling into place regarding what happened to Americans David and Tiffany Hartley that September day on Falcon Lake, which straddles the U.S.-Mexico border.

Forgive me if this has already been posted;

..."Everything she's telling me has happened before in the other events, the other cases," Gonzalez said.

Doubts about Tiffany Hartley's story were somewhat lifted after the gruesome murder of Rolando Armando Flores Villegas, who was leading the Mexican investigation into her husband's death. His head was delivered in a suitcase to a Mexican military post shortly after David Hartley's death.

Mexican investigator beheaded

Gonzalez said he doesn't believe that the Hartleys were involved with drugs or that Tiffany Hartley was somehow involved in her husband's death to collect insurance money -- some of the theories that have been bandied about by those who doubt her story.

"There is no evidence to indicate any of that," he said. ....

I don't think she had anything to do with it. Of course this is my first post in this thread so if somebody wants to tell me the evidence against her I'd love to hear it.
There is no evidence against her.
Forgive me if this has already been posted;

..."Everything she's telling me has happened before in the other events, the other cases," Gonzalez said.

Doubts about Tiffany Hartley's story were somewhat lifted after the gruesome murder of Rolando Armando Flores Villegas, who was leading the Mexican investigation into her husband's death. His head was delivered in a suitcase to a Mexican military post shortly after David Hartley's death.

Mexican investigator beheaded

Gonzalez said he doesn't believe that the Hartleys were involved with drugs or that Tiffany Hartley was somehow involved in her husband's death to collect insurance money -- some of the theories that have been bandied about by those who doubt her story.

"There is no evidence to indicate any of that," he said. ....

I don't think she had anything to do with it. Of course this is my first post in this thread so if somebody wants to tell me the evidence against her I'd love to hear it.

IMO Many people disbelieved her because her story kept changing.
But she has never been named a POI or a suspect.
Nobody in LE in America has ever mentioned doubting her story that I am aware of.

She's a victim.
But she has never been named a POI or a suspect.
Nobody in LE in America has ever mentioned doubting her story that I am aware of.

She's a victim.

I agree that she is the victim here. I think the reason some people did not believe her is because they are not fully aware of the violent chaos that is overtaking Mexico. It is hard to believe so they think she made it up, imo.

I wish she and her husband has stayed on the U.S. side of that lake.
I wonder who's gonna' pay for this killing of a priest? This murdering innocent people is really out of hand. David Hartley was only a very small part of the problem. :(


Brownsville diocese expresses sorrow, solidarity after priest's death

Duran-Romero died Saturday afternoon after being caught in the crossfire of a shootout between armed gunmen and the Mexican military. Sources outside of law enforcement said the shootout began when members of the Zetas tried to enter Matamoros.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Widow sues for information on Falcon Lake killing


"(CNN) -- Almost a year has passed since Tiffany Hartley's husband was shot and killed while on a personal watercraft on Falcon Lake, which sits on the border and is shared between Texas and Mexico.

Now she has sued the State Department, the Justice Department and the FBI in an attempt to get answers about what happened that day and why no one has been brought to justice in the killing of David Hartley.

It is believed that he was shot by members of the Zetas drug cartel, but no one has been arrested or even named as a suspect in his death.

Gonzalez, who patrols the Falcon Lake area, testified that he knew the names of people who were possibly among the shooters and had information on where the orders to shoot came from. Unfortunately, he said, Mexican officials have not moved forward with anything."

I hope she gets her answers one day.

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