MI MI - Jessica Heeringa, 25, Norton Shores, 26 April 2013 #7

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What I don't get is why all the co-workers were there off and on all day if they were not working. Strange attachment to a gas station.
I don't see how you could say most would rationalize that everything was ok, even with the light out and a van in the back. For me, YES, I would go into the store and even in the back of the store property where the van supposedly was to MAKE SURE my co-worker was doing ok. And with the fact that Jessica was working ALONE, YES, I would make sure she was SAFE and SECURE!!! Too much BAD happening in the world to think that all is well, rainbows and unicorns, etc....... And CLEARLY all was not well.........And NO CAMERAS to identify anyone if anything would happen, and something DID happen that night. Jessica was abducted. Gone.
And to add, it does not take what people say on the facebook page to put two and two together that SOMETHING doesn't add up........The facebook page is speculation, and perhaps in that speculation there could be truth and there could be falsehoods. But from the very beginning the van and sketch did not seem right to me, and I did not need a facebook page to enlighten me.
All of this said in the realm of My Opinion Only........
I also want to add that if I worked at that Exxon station KNOWING that my co-worker would have to take out the trash, and there was a van out in the back and the light was out, I would be worried for her safety.
I would in the VERY LEAST, go into the store EXPLAIN that there is a van in the back and no lights on. For Pete's Sake, I wouldn't WATCH... Makes NO SENSE! Where was the concern???
In My Opinion Only.........
It's human nature. There's a word for it that slips my mind. Maybe you would do something, but as I suggest, most wouldn't. I would like to think I would do the same as you.
What I don't get is why all the co-workers were there off and on all day if they were not working. Strange attachment to a gas station.
I would like to suggest free gas. The person arrested may know who abducted Jessica and cut a deal with the police.:party::party::party::party::party::party::party::party::party::party:
If coworkers or the eyewitnesses are involved I would think even Barney Fife could crack this case.
I'm tempted to unlike the Find Jessica FB page soon. I'm losing faith in the administrator. Making accusations with no facts. It's bordering on slander.
It's human nature. There's a word for it that slips my mind. Maybe you would do something, but as I suggest, most wouldn't. I would like to think I would do the same as you.

My take on it, I think Most Co-Workers would do something, and I feel that is human nature to do something about it, Especially when a person knows that person, and cares about their welfare. Perhaps if the person did not know the other person, maybe they wouldn't involve themselves, but in this case it was Jessica's co-worker who decided to watch and not go into the store to tell Jessica there was a vehicle in the back and the lights were out. It's difficult for me to fathom that human nature would dictate not to care about our fellow employee, or fellow acquaintance. That's self serving, to watch and not do anything about it.....

We can agree to disagree. :)

If the suspect was arrested by a different police station we will have two stations of LE working on Jessicas case.
Does a family member run the fb page? TIA.

The original administrator of FJHFB wasn't a family member, and, in fact, if memory serves, did not know Jessica and/or anyone in her family. I think that that administrator is no longer affiliated with the FB site and that others have assumed the role of administrators. I don't know what, if any, relationship they might have to the family, but I don't think that the site is run by members of Jessica's family. :moo:
OT, but I do not understand the urge for people to start Fb pages for people they don't know and/or without family permission. I think it is kind of sick. JMO
Your point is valid but someone/they did behave strangely. If you double back to see what's going on at the gas station that you work at too, notice the back lights are off but then just sit and watch things go down later claiming you got a good look at the perp and the vehicle, but don't take immediate action, something's not right. jimo

Is this a run on sentence? lol!
BDE, will you give me sentence structure lessons please?

I think it would be more normal to notice the lights out... think 'thats odd' and wonder, but carry on. Go home. Maybe chew on it a bit. ANd then either go back, or not. If you are curious enough at that moment to go back, why not drive up to the station it self and see what is going on? You think there is something hinky.. drive right up. Whether you are concerned for her, or just think there is something shady. You dont grab popcorn and watch. Unless you KNOW something is supposed to go down.... IMO
Golden Bear, your posts get my hopes up every single time I'm scrolling because you always do lines of emoticons! I'm always hoping that (post scrolling into eyesight) is finally the day Jessica comes home. Hopefully soon! :)
OT, but I do not understand the urge for people to start Fb pages for people they don't know and/or without family permission. I think it is kind of sick. JMO

I've been on FB pages for years. Not sure why people feel the need to make pages for all sorts of stuff; hoping their page will get featured or reach national attention.

I made a page for a dog that was missing locally. I went to her profile to find a better quality photo. I saw where she posted that she asked her son (who lost the dog) to make a page; "he didn't have time because he runs too many other pages"...

I am good with pages; can set them up pretty quick; my intention was to hand the page to the dog owner; so that she & her son can run it & go about my way. I also made a new flier because their flier was horrible. The son didn't have time. I ended up staying on because the owner was busy running on sightings. She would occasionally post; she was stressed out; would drop "eff bombs".. We also had people come to the page that had opinions of what happened; if I saw it I'd hide it (or ignore it) if the owner saw it; she may end up telling them off.

That was the only page that I set up & ran for someone
The original administrator of FJHFB wasn't a family member, and, in fact, if memory serves, did not know Jessica and/or anyone in her family. I think that that administrator is no longer affiliated with the FB site and that others have assumed the role of administrators. I don't know what, if any, relationship they might have to the family, but I don't think that the site is run by members of Jessica's family. :moo:

On the Sept 17th post on the Find Jessica Heeringa facebook page where the administrators ask 3 questions, the administrators do discuss which family members are the administrators as they posted that on Sept. 18th to the Sept. 17th post/thread.
So, yes, two family members are running it as the administrators themselves said so.

Does a family member run the fb page? TIA.

Yes, Jessica's sister and grandmother, as per Administrator for the facebook page, see. Sept 17th post, and they replied on Sept. 18th under the Sept. 17th post on the FJH facebook page.

OT, but I do not understand the urge for people to start Fb pages for people they don't know and/or without family permission. I think it is kind of sick. JMO

Generally agreed, but this page seems to be the exception. I'm not sure if the admin asked Jessica's family in advance, but I bet she would've removed it, no questions asked, if they expressed discomfort—she's volunteered hours upon hours meeting with them throughout this whole process. It comes down to the fact that she's younger and more social media savvy, and her being the one to constantly post updates/spread flyers/invite people freed up the family's time for in-person events at the command center.

I found it a bit strange that she would be so involved for strangers at first, too, but at least she knew what she was doing. She had mentioned that if it were here or a family member of hers, she'd want someone to do something like that for them. That, and she's writing a book about the experience. :)
Carrie Mitchell started the page to help a family (who she never met) find a kidnapped loved one (who she never met). If it makes her "sick" that she is willing to spend her time and emotional resources to help strangers, but it's perfectly acceptable that fellow employees sit and watch a dangerous situation unfold without lifting a finger to help, then kill me now because this is not a world I want to live in! Unreal. I can't believe this.
On the Sept 17th post on the Find Jessica Heeringa facebook page where the administrators ask 3 questions, the administrators do discuss which family members are the administrators as they posted that on Sept. 18th to the Sept. 17th post/thread.
So, yes, two family members are running it as the administrators themselves said so.


Thank you, Treelights. I didn't realize that the current administrators were family members. In that case, it surprises me that administrators seem to be pointing accusatory fingers at a handful of people whom they suspect of having been at the Exxon station on the night that Jessica was abducted. I'm sure that they know a lot more about what is going on in the investigation than has been made known publicly, but I question the propriety of their comments about individuals who they believe have knowledge of Jessica's abductor/s and/or her whereabouts. That said, I understand their frustration at the lack of progress in finding Jessica. I pray daily that Jessica is still alive and that she will eventually be allowed to come home :please: The missing young mother needs to return to her son and family. :moo:
OT, but I do not understand the urge for people to start Fb pages for people they don't know and/or without family permission. I think it is kind of sick. JMO

What is the difference between being on Websleuths and talking about that missing person that most people would not know as opposed to starting facebook pages for people that they don't know?
I don't understand why it would be fine to discuss someone on one venue but not the other?
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