MI - Nevaeh Buchanan, 5, Monroe, 24 May 2009 - scooter abandoned - #3

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I have come to find out most people do not want to know. Do not want to talk/discuss it until it happens in their hometown. Most folks want to deny the reality of it all because it makes them feel safer. I can't get my own family to listen.......

you right, I am from town, the most that happen is dui and fights, A girl did murder boyfriend the other nights, But the area I am from think we live in safe haven:confused:
Has anyone heard from Scarlett? She was so instrumental in all of this.
that work too:eek: I don't care about the money, I think our childern are more important than big old campain dinners, fancy hotel rooms, and other big money spend by our goverment:furious::furious:

You would think but until "Missing Children" are able to pay for big time lobbyists and such, it just aint gonna happen. Oh, a bill and a law might get passed here and there but anything of significance will not happen until people are willing to listen, pay attention and lobby their states representatives and the few of us here at WS just isn't enough. That is reality and I hate reality.
This is a 'sleuthing' board. The concrete 'could' be very informative in attempting to create a time line which 'could' lead to the identity of the killer or provide additional information that might help lead to the killer. If you have a problem with people 'sleuthing' on a 'sleuthing' board, I guess it's your right to piss and moan about it.

Aw, Chilly... I don't think Issi meant any ill will. I think it's just frustration and anger out of everything happening of late. :blowkiss:
that work too:eek: I don't care about the money, I think our childern are more important than big old campain dinners, fancy hotel rooms, and other big money spend by our goverment:furious::furious:[/QUOTE

You are so right, tffohning. Politicians will promise anything to get elected then forget to stand good on what got them elected.

Something just has to be done for the safety of our children. Take the 'good time' away for the pedophiles. Change the sentencing guidelines for them. Make 20 to life mean life.

I am going to do as much as I can locally whereas I have mostly just been giving it lip service. I am sick of it.
OH NO......!!!!! In my heart, I knew this would be the end we would finally come to, but that doesn't make it any easier!!!! I will always be horrified at this kind of evil that rips the best life has to offer out of our midst. I will never, ever, give up watching, praying, and caring about ANY of our victims!!! Their soul goes on....and I will cherish the good that they gave to this life while they were here. Nevaeh fought the battle against evil - and she won!!!! Yes SHE DID!!! She will live forever in eternity, while the evil that did this to her will live forever in He!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will try to live my life even better tomorrow - in Nevaeh's honor. God bless you sweet girl...... I love you.

May her eyes shine with the brightness of love in heaven, and longer look dull and sad as they did in pictures here on earth. JMO
Mometective, if I hadn't looked closer and saw that it was you posting... I was gonna say something really smart *advertiser censored*.

I am for one is one horribly terrified that Neveah was found like she was.

My piss and moan is that we don't need a freakin' chemistry lesson on how concrete works. Anyone can look that up. It's not nuclear physics.

It's the cruelty that disturbs me... not the mechanics.

You must have me confused with someone else...lol... I don't know chit 'bout concrete...just know it should never be used on 5 year old little girls!
I was wondering what the connection to the river was...it has to be there. There has to be a connection, it's not just a random area IMHO.
Has anyone heard from Scarlett? She was so instrumental in all of this.

yes, yes, yes she was!
Where are you Scarlett?
I hate that she is probably going to check in here in a little while and just be devastated like the rest of us....and have 50 or more pages to read through.
I haven't posted at all on this case, although I've kept up with it. I have been so heartbroken over little Adji Desir, that I didn't think I could really bear thinking that much about another missing child. I know that is wimpy, but it's the truth. I would just like to post this once to say that I hope that little angel didn't suffer, to offer my heartfelt condolences to her poor grandmother.

No Patches, it is not wimpy at all. I think we all feel like this is too much. Too many innocent children being lost at the hands of monsters.

Take a break. Re-energize and post again when you feel like it. :hug:
Issi, you are correct about it's not about nuclear physics but my horror upon hearing this made me so sad, and then I go to anger, then I went to figuring out how she could be there and what sick people could do this and fastly. It's upsetting and so tragic.

May Nevaeh's voice be heard. Rest in peace little one.

Doc... I'm seriously upset. Very angry.

I don't need a GD lesson in concrete thermodynamics..

Very sad about this turn of events. :(

Posted on Monroetalks by poster Jenniferdavis

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