Found Deceased MI - Venus Stewart, 32, Colon, 28 April 2010 - # 7 *D. Stewart guilty*

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Where are you seeing multiple imposters? I'm only seeing references to one.
From her link:

However, police say that for up to 48 hours prior to that time at least one person, possibly more, was traveling around Newport News, Virginia claiming to be Douglas Stewart.

Investigators say they have evidence that they can't currently discuss which puts Doug in Michigan on the morning Venus disappeared. They also say Doug was back at his home in Virginia just after 8:00 pm the same day.

Ok, he snatches her between 7:30 and 8:30 am. It's at least a 12 hour drive back to NN (over 750 miles, per mapquest), and through NoVA traffic that he would have hit right at the peak of rush hour going away from DC---ever tried to get through that mess??? It's nothing to take 2 hours or more to get from Woodbridge to Fredericksburg... trust me, I know :( ... then into the Richmond/Norfolk/NN traffic? But he's at home, 12 hours after her disappearance. And when does he stop to pee, eat, nevermind do *whatever* to Venus.

Sorry MSP. Don't see that happening.

Kim, found it. I was quoting the article puf linked to above (if you follow the arrows).

Imposter sought in Stewart disappearance

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) – Tuesday saw new developments in the search for missing mother Venus Stewart.

Stewart disappeared in late April from her parents' home in St. Joseph County. Investigators have searched, but have yet to find the missing mother of two.

Police have stopped short of referring to Venus' estranged husband, Douglas Stewart, a suspect, saying only that he's a person of interest, but they are taking a closer look at his story.

Doug says he was in Virginia when Venus was abducted and says there are witnesses and documents to back that up, but now police say they know the alibi is bogus.

Investigators say they have evidence that they can't currently discuss which puts Doug in Michigan on the morning Venus disappeared. They also say Doug was back at his home in Virginia just after 8:00 pm the same day.

However, police say that for up to 48 hours prior to that time at least one person, possibly more, was traveling around Newport News, Virginia claiming to be Douglas Stewart.

“He probably must have had a number of Doug Stewart's personal documents,” said Lt. Mike Risko of the Michigan State Police. “We believe that he was pretending to be Mr. Stewart or impersonating Mr. Stewart at a number of different businesses, paying bills, drawing funds, things of that nature.”

Police say the imposter was wearing a hooded sweatshirt, ball cap and dark mirrored sunglasses. They are looking for help in identifying the man they say was pretending to be Douglas Stewart and say if the imposter doesn't reveal himself in the next few days he could be facing serious charges.
I remember a couple threads back a member was speculating about that very idea (being contacted at 8:00pm) but I've not seen a link substantiating it. MOO

There was a link. Puf posted it this afternoon. It was the one where police stated there may have been more than one imposter.
You know the comparison to Drew Peterson, more I think about it, seems kind of apt...obviously DS is not thumbing his nose publicly to LE the way DP did, but if he plotted this out and sat back with his "I have an alibi" story, it does suggest a certain smugness possibly bordering on a sense of invincibility...and while DP has not been yet charged with Stacy's death, he is finally the facing up to his alleged deeds. I don't think we will wait as long for DS to be charged with murder, even if Venus is not found. At least not years and years as in some cases. There is just too much going on here, IMO.

In my former hometown, Cal Harris was successfully convicted (twice, in fact) of murdering his estranged wife Michelle and she still has never been found and there was very little physical evidence and lots of circumstantial and anecdotal. But until he was convicted, he did have custody of their four children...which I don't see happening in this case. Anyway, sorry if OT.
Who's the guy in the background? He looks kinda like Doug.


They should look somewhat alike - that guy is Doug's dad. ;)

This video from TV 8 has RISKO saying they have a new witness that was discovered last week saying they spotted DS the morning of the abduction in Michigan. Or is he?

It is clear from this video that the walmart evidence is the reciept, and it doesn't involve video footage. I'm sceptical of the value of their eye witness placing him in MI on monday morning, since it sounds like this person came forward weeks afterwards. If they didn't personally know him there is no way they would recall seeing a stranger a couple of weeks earlier and remember enough to identify them.

I'm thinking that Risko is just fishing, throwing stuff out there in the hopes that something might happen. What he has been doing over the last few weeks doesn't seem like a professional way to handle an investigation anyway. Unless he is just a talking head that LE sticks out there to handle PR and doesn't really know what is going on.
Police say the imposter was wearing a hooded sweatshirt, ball cap and dark mirrored sunglasses. They are looking for help in identifying the man they say was pretending to be Douglas Stewart and say if the imposter doesn't reveal himself in the next few days he could be facing serious charges.

That has to be one of the dumbest things I've read from a report. If this person was doing what LE say he was doing, he WILL be facing serious charges, there is no "could" about it.
Virginia does not have legalized slot play in the state.

There are no legal slot machines in the state of Virginia. They do have one horse track, but there are no slots there. It is listed below.

Colonial Downs in New Kent, Virginia

Most gas stations and other stores have security cameras pointing right at you when you enter and when you he could have a series of 'impersonator' sightings through out those 2 days. showed some class today by admitting that while you may not agree with or like what some of the folks in here have pondered, that it does keep you on your game, and that's what makes you good at sleuthing. If we don't ask questions, we don't get answers. I can't speak for any of the other posters here, but when the majority of the people feel that something happened a certain way, there is some challenge in trying to imagine how it could have happened differently. I, for one, don't feel that anyone who posed any alternate theories has any malicious intent towards the victim or her family at all. I know that I don't. As I've said before, if he's guilty, I hope he rots...but I appreciate those of you who are allowing at least some debate without taking it as a personal affront. We all want the same thing. We want VS to come home...hopefully alive. I'm sure sorry I wasn't around for most of the day to join in with you guys.

Did they check to see if the DS that is in Michigan has a belly button? Clones don't have belly buttons...

Wow... thanks, thinkaboutthis. Very kind of you.
Most gas stations and other stores have security cameras pointing right at you when you enter and when you he could have a series of 'impersonator' sightings through out those 2 days.

True, but she was asking about casinos and slots. They don't have those in VA. At least not legally ;)

This has been an interesting day. I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and see the latest crazy twist to this case lol.

Sweet dreams, all :)
Sorry I missed this earlier.
He was in Virginia when Venus disappeared and police say his alibi is solid.
Police once told 24 Hour News 8 that Doug's alibi was solid
Police said his alibi appears to be true.

Exactly. As I said, and you were responding to, only reporters have used the word 'solid' in regards to the alibi, not LE. I'd said I hadn't seen the word 'true' used in regards to the alibi. Thanks for the link. Again, that's a reporter using that word, not LE.
The thing that took it into fantasy land for me was the police stating there may have been more than one imposter running around NN. That's ludicrous.

There was a link. Puf posted it this afternoon. It was the one where police stated there may have been more than one imposter.

See the article you quoted and linked above. It was a reporter who said that, not LE.
There is nothing new under the sun.

This alibi scenario reminds me of the Brothers case. Vincent Brothers lived in CA with his wife and children. Vincent went to Ohio to visit relatives and while he was in Ohio his wife and children were murdered in CA. Credit card transactions and statements from relatives proved Vincent was in Ohio at the time of the crime. His brother Melvin later admitted it was him using Vincent's credit card and ID in Ohio while his brother Vincent went to CA, killed his family, and returned to Ohio.

Here's an article about that case.
Hey everybody - please stop with the 'Douginator' name calling. "Faux Doug" would be alright or "imposter" but no name calling using DS's name.

In no way was my term Douginator intended as disparagement towards Mr. Stewart. I don't name-call. I'm sorry you took it that way.

Having aspired to maintain somewhat of an objective, non-partisan POV and having a difficult time doing so now, I proffer a pair of potential possibilities:

(a) the police do NOT have video of DS making the purchases at the Ohio Wal-Mart and their video proof of a DS impersonator in VA is susceptible to attack (perhaps tertiary footage of the person in question in the vicinity of one of the sightings of DS's double but not actually at the point of purchase/transaction/money shot). That is, they have the hooded/shaded/ball-capped perp on camera near one of the alibi transactions, but they do not have actual video of the impersonator making one of the alibi transactions (e.g., withdrawing $$'s from an ATM etc).

(b) LE has DS on video @ the Ohio Wal-Mart and/or his impersonator on video at an atm (or other verifiable time-stamped location) and they are holding back on arresting DS in attempt to goad him into:

(i) contacting his alibi impersonator ;
(ii) contacting anyone else involved/accomplices;
(iii) visiting the location where he left Venus;
(iv) any sort of mistake at all.

If the former is the case, I expect LE to make daily statements this week indicating where there's smoke, there's fire, but never actually pulling the trigger on arresting DG.

If the latter is the case, I expect LE to become silent for a day or two and then to arrest DS by the end of the week--they were hoping he'd give up some more but they have enough that they would be remiss in not arresting DS and placing him in custody, where he is no longer a danger to anyone other than himself.

I'm guessing in either case, DS is under 24/7 audio/visual/communication/internet surveillance this week, and that any move he makes will be tracked by LE.

I still think that LE should've arrested DS long before now and treated this case more as a missing persons case than as a homicide, but, at this point, it seems there's little hope of the former coming true.

This video from TV 8 has RISKO saying they have a new witness that was discovered last week saying they spotted DS the morning of the abduction in Michigan. Or is he?

I watched the video and listened carefully more than once. I didn't hear Risko say that.

Here's what I heard Risko say:

"He was not in Virginia at that time. It was recently learned, last week, that we also have him now in Michigan the morning that she was, she disappeared."

In the video with this article, Risko says:

"We had learned here recently of some information I can't go into right now that he was in Michigan that morning."

Okay, this article is so silly...

If you or someone you know were impersonating DS in Newport News, please contact us...

Did you give the wrong link? I don't see that anywhere in that article, and the article isn't showing an update.

Here's what this article says:

Police are asking for anyone who has information about Doug Stewart or someone who may have been impersonating him in the Newport News, Virginia area this year on Sunday, April 25 or Monday, April 26 to contact them. Call the Michigan State Police at (269) 483-7811.
I watched the video and listened carefully more than once. I didn't hear Risko say that.

Here's what I heard Risko say:

"He was not in Virginia at that time. It was recently learned, last week, that we also have him now in Michigan the morning that she was, she disappeared."

It seems as though the MSP have all they need on DS. And it seems a bit cavalier or "putting out fire with gasoline" not to arrest him and place him in custody and deny him bail at the earliest opportunity rather than to delineate all the evidence against DS (paint him into a corner) while DS is still free and able to kill again. If he's killed once... :confused:

I've wanted this guy arrested since I first read about this case, what's the hold-up now?
Kim, found it. I was quoting the article puf linked to above (if you follow the arrows).

Imposter sought in Stewart disappearance

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) – Tuesday saw new developments in the search for missing mother Venus Stewart.

Stewart disappeared in late April from her parents' home in St. Joseph County. Investigators have searched, but have yet to find the missing mother of two.

Police have stopped short of referring to Venus' estranged husband, Douglas Stewart, a suspect, saying only that he's a person of interest, but they are taking a closer look at his story.

Doug says he was in Virginia when Venus was abducted and says there are witnesses and documents to back that up, but now police say they know the alibi is bogus.

Investigators say they have evidence that they can't currently discuss which puts Doug in Michigan on the morning Venus disappeared. They also say Doug was back at his home in Virginia just after 8:00 pm the same day.

However, police say that for up to 48 hours prior to that time at least one person, possibly more, was traveling around Newport News, Virginia claiming to be Douglas Stewart.

“He probably must have had a number of Doug Stewart's personal documents,” said Lt. Mike Risko of the Michigan State Police. “We believe that he was pretending to be Mr. Stewart or impersonating Mr. Stewart at a number of different businesses, paying bills, drawing funds, things of that nature.”

Police say the imposter was wearing a hooded sweatshirt, ball cap and dark mirrored sunglasses. They are looking for help in identifying the man they say was pretending to be Douglas Stewart and say if the imposter doesn't reveal himself in the next few days he could be facing serious charges.

That article has been updated, and both the reporter's reference to Doug being back home at 8:00, and the reporter's reference to there being more than one imposter, have been removed.

There's now nothing about Doug being back in Virginia, or 8:00, and the articles refers to one imposter:

but police say it wasn't Doug, but rather an imposter and a new person of interest in the case.
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