Miley Ray Cyrus!!

NO... she's a nasty little HO just like the rest of 'em.. and why is she pigeon toed...??? LOL she looks like a mutant.. then again I don't really give a rat's arse about celebrities..... they aren't even worth the 30 seconds it took to write this.

Do you know her personally enough to say she is a ho? Maybe she is completely virtuous. Your comments in general are mean spirited and you're obviously jealous. :slap:
NO... she's a nasty little HO just like the rest of 'em.. and why is she pigeon toed...??? LOL she looks like a mutant.. then again I don't really give a rat's arse about celebrities..... they aren't even worth the 30 seconds it took to write this.

Did you seriously just nastily call a 15 year old girl who by all accounts is a pretty nice and sweet girl a ho? That is just sad and pathetic.
Bahaaa, ho's. LOL. Britney wasn't a ho at 14, 15 or 16 either. About the same age as Miley in this pic:

I sure hope Miley grows into adulthood with her head screwed on right. The odds are against it, but I hope it happens. She's already very, very wealthy.

You're right. I probably wouldn't have thought Brit or Lindsay were ho's at that age. I hope Miley doesn't burn out too early and go nuts! Raven Simone seems to be doing far!
Aww, I like her! I LOVE Hannah Montana (show), and I've seen her interviewed as just plain Miley. I'd invite her over anytime. If I'd been on the ball we (dd and friends) would have gone to see her concert, but we'll have to just settle for the movie, I guess.

I hope she doesn't succumb to the whole party girl thing like Brit, Lindsay, Paris etc. That outfit is a bit old for a 15 yr old. :(

Did you see the show on the country music station where Billy Ray gave Miley a birthday party with all of her "real" girlfriends and I think one boy was invited? It was a surprise B-party and she had just gotten in from somewhere. She was such a "girl" and so sweet. They had the barn...I believe.. all decorated..done by the other kids..and it was all just so down to earth. I would guess that ole Billy Ray keeps a pretty good eye on his kids and is trying to give them a good upbringing. Miley seems to be his pride and joy.
I have not ever watched her show.. But as a parent I am wondering WTH are her parents thinking??

She's at the Grammys not downtown having a coke with her girlfriends. Of course she is going to have a lot of makeup on and look older then she is. Her outfit...beautiful. It isn't slit down to her belly button and I don't think the shirt is to short for the event. I think we need to take into consideration where she is along with how much older she looks. At her concerts and on her show she is just a regular 15 yr old girl and she acts like it.
I think the blonde wig thing may have been taken from her real life experience...or maybe I am just making that up.

In the show, it is to protect her "normal kid" identity. The wig goes with the name. It makes me wonder if they ever did anything like that to protect her from the press when she was singing as a little girl and didn't want anyone to know she was Billy Ray's DD.

I hope she can get through without the pop princess fiascos!
Miley has some adult-ish myspace pictures that got leaked a few weeks ago. It might be what Reb is referring to.*advertiser censored*-alert/
She's at the Grammys not downtown having a coke with her girlfriends. Of course she is going to have a lot of makeup on and look older then she is. Her outfit...beautiful. It isn't slit down to her belly button and I don't think the shirt is to short for the event. I think we need to take into consideration where she is along with how much older she looks. At her concerts and on her show she is just a regular 15 yr old girl and she acts like it.

I am just saying that dress is way to short for a 15 YO to be wearing.
I have a hard time reconciling my feelings about Miley. My kids love her, I enjoy her show for them and can actually sit and watch with them, that's rare with kid's television, lol. The kid's love this song, and yikes, I find it so catchy too.

I just WORRY about this girl, as a Mother. I'm sure her own Mom does too, how could you not. We all worry about our babies. I so want Miley to have a healthy life. Go to college, ya know?
Why must we call kids "ho's"? seriously... we're talking about children here. (...and Britney wasn't one either as a child, nor do any of us know her personally, to evaluate such a tasteless term.)

As for Miley's name... her father has gone on the record: as a baby she smiled a lot, so he nick-named her Smiley... that eventually evolved into Miley. I think it was on ET that they did an interview with Billy Ray a long time ago, Miley was barely out of toddlerhood (I think) and that was the name she was answering to when he intro'd his kids.
Aww, I like her! I LOVE Hannah Montana (show), and I've seen her interviewed as just plain Miley. I'd invite her over anytime. If I'd been on the ball we (dd and friends) would have gone to see her concert, but we'll have to just settle for the movie, I guess.

I hope she doesn't succumb to the whole party girl thing like Brit, Lindsay, Paris etc. That outfit is a bit old for a 15 yr old. :(
Well, if dressing like a "big girl" is the worst thing that she does, she'll be fine. :) I have read that she is very close to her family. It does sound like a have a grounded family unit. So, I hope that it helps her keep a level head!
Miley has some adult-ish myspace pictures that got leaked a few weeks ago. It might be what Reb is referring to.*advertiser censored*-alert/
Yikes! Someone needs to alert her parents. A few of these would be considered soft *advertiser censored*, especially that first one. :( She does not need to post photos like this. She definitely is not playing to her fan base.
I have a hard time reconciling my feelings about Miley. My kids love her, I enjoy her show for them and can actually sit and watch with them, that's rare with kid's television, lol. The kid's love this song, and yikes, I find it so catchy too.

I just WORRY about this girl, as a Mother. I'm sure her own Mom does too, how could you not. We all worry about our babies. I so want Miley to have a healthy life. Go to college, ya know?
I know what you do I. I think she is as cute as a bug in a rug. :)
Yikes! Someone needs to lert her parents. A few of these would be considered soft *advertiser censored*, especially that first one. :( She does not need to post photos like this. She definitely is not playing to her fan base.

It's already a scandal. It happened in January & she has publicy denounced the commentary people are making. She said it was at a slumber party & the were just being goofy.

I still think she has her head on straight.
It's already a scandal. It happened in January & she has publicy denounced the commentary people are making. She said it was at a slumber party & the were just being goofy.

I still think she has her head on straight.
And kids do things like that when they are 16 at slumber parties. I think she is a good kid. Wonder which sleeze sold out the pictures?
And kids do things like that when they are 16 at slumber parties. I think she is a good kid. Wonder which sleeze sold out the pictures?

Yup, looks like typical slumber party antics. If it was anything worse, her dad would have killed her by now, lol. Having him help her navigate her fame has to be a real benefit, having been thought all of that, himself. if she was REALLY bad, she'd have been giving the finger to the camera in those photos, lol.
It's already a scandal. It happened in January & she has publicy denounced the commentary people are making. She said it was at a slumber party & the were just being goofy.

I still think she has her head on straight.

I never heard that she did that. All I heard was that the pics were photoshopped.
It's already a scandal. It happened in January & she has publicy denounced the commentary people are making. She said it was at a slumber party & the were just being goofy.

I still think she has her head on straight.

I think what it is in her advantage is having a dad that knows the industry and how to stay away from the pitfalls, on top of the fact that her dad and mom make a collaborative effort to keep the whole family grounded.

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