"Mistatements" and/or Lies by Cindy & George

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I stayed up last night to listen to all of Cindy's depo because it was the first chance I got to sit an listen to it's entirety. I had listened to George on the 9th.

Just off the top of my head what jumped out at me with Cindy..
When being questioned about the various people that babysat Caylee, during that line of questioning she stated that she had no reason to have numbers of any of those people because it was none of her business.
But then all of a sudden she has all of Zany's numbers and addresses???
Why whould she have hers and no one elses? And she claimed to have passed the info to LE. I wonder if it was after Casey was bailed out and she had a chance to fabricate some ficticious info.

IMO the above will be just one of the lies that Cindy told in her depo that she will be busted out on.
Dogs WILL NOT hit on anything but human remains ....... They are trained with human organs only....They will pass and go back and HIT sometimes that isnt that uncommon....afterall they have to sort through alot of smells..

Are you sure they won't hit on blood from a finger cut or a feminine pad, etc? I'm sure it would decompose and it is human. I think that is what the dog hit on in the yard. And that still doesn't address why they would hit on the right side of the trunk and not in the center where the stains were. Delayed reaction?
I stayed up last night to listen to all of Cindy's depo because it was the first chance I got to sit an listen to it's entirety. I had listened to George on the 9th.

Just off the top of my head what jumped out at me with Cindy..
When being questioned about the various people that babysat Caylee, during that line of questioning she stated that she had no reason to have numbers of any of those people because it was none of her business.
But then all of a sudden she has all of Zany's numbers and addresses???
Why whould she have hers and no one elses? And she claimed to have passed the info to LE. I wonder if it was after Casey was bailed out and she had a chance to fabricate some ficticious info.

IMO the above will be just one of the lies that Cindy told in her depo that she will be busted out on.

Great catch!!
I'm working on George's, then Cindy, then cross referencing. As soon as I saw this thread, I said, "Honey, I'm home!!" :crazy:
All CA & GA were trying to do is present doubt. Thats the only prayer KC has to get out of being convicted of murder is reasonable doubt~~

Both CA & GA will either say they didnt say it that way your twisting the truth or I misstated that or that was part of LE lies. In court they will be no different with their testimonies, all full of twist and turns!
Dogs WILL NOT hit on anything but human remains ....... They are trained with human organs only....They will pass and go back and HIT sometimes that isnt that uncommon....afterall they have to sort through alot of smells..


Wind direction has an impact on the dogs ability to sense decomposition, too. If there's a breeze going in the opposite direction, the odor may not be as distinct. The wind changes direction, the dog then picks up on the scent and gives the signal indicating a hit.

I think the OP is intent on discounting the dogs ability to differentiate between human remains and rotten pork (or whatever was in the garbage). That's fine but I know and you know these dogs are pretty darned good at what they do! :) I'm sure JB will attempt to tear these findings apart. Note to JB: Good luck with that :rolleyes:
Are you sure they won't hit on blood from a finger cut or a feminine pad, etc? I'm sure it would decompose and it is human. I think that is what the dog hit on in the yard. And that still doesn't address why they would hit on the right side of the trunk and not in the center where the stains were. Delayed reaction?

LOl yes dear I am positive ..... I work for LE and had training at my home .... I have worked in LE for over 40 years. The part about a fem pad or cut finger is so ridiculous we have all laughed about it at work! It is decomposed body they hit on ....

Wind direction has an impact on the dogs ability to sense decomposition, too. If there's a breeze going in the opposite direction, the odor may not be as distinct. The wind changes direction, the dog then picks up on the scent and gives the signal indicating a hit.

I think the OP is intent on discounting the dogs ability to differentiate between human remains and rotten pork (or whatever was in the garbage). That's fine but I know and you know these dogs are pretty darned good at what they do! :) I'm sure JB will attempt to tear these findings apart. Note to JB: Good luck with that :rolleyes:

Read my post ..... I have worked in this area ..... lol .....geesh!!!
I agree...and its true once you have had a wiff of that smell you never do forget it. After the rig leaves the body it becomes limp and all the body juices start coming out, and that mixture puts out a smell that is entirely different from anything else. Its like weed once you have smelled that you dont forget.

Correct. It is not just blood from a cut, it is all the organs in the body that have shut down and starting to decompose, turning into liquid. You just can't mistake that smell, it's not a processed meat such as luncheon meat or raw meat. GA knew what he was smelling and so did CA. Their initial response was correct, after that it was get into coverup mode.
Respectfully snipped:

Here's another doozy...but on December 21st I believe she said to YM " I had my people search there, there was nothing there"

I remember that too, but I can't find the clip. Anyone have an actual link to that clip??? Please.
Yes, I'm aware of that. I'm referring to a debit card used over the internet or phone.

Edit to add: I found it on p2873 of the docs, bank account debit authorized for 574.60. I don't believe I recall Casey debiting Amy's bank account, only using her checks. Is that correct?

Casey paid her phone bill online using Amy's account information from the checks. The payment was first approved then denied the next morning because first, there was not enough money left in Amy's checking account to cover the debit, and, Amy had notified the bank of Casey cleaning her out.
A few people have mentioned that they think George was paranoid for thinking he was being given the finger.

I respectfully disagree. I think it was just part of his plan to always make it look like he is a victim. He was hoping he'd convince us the lawyer wasn't being nice to him and that we'd feel sorry for him. Just like he told LE he lost the family money in a Nigerian scam, cause he thought he'd look like a victim and he likes playing that role.

I think that whole exchange is just a demonstration of that family's mentality. Hostile, agressive, combative. IMO that house must have been a battle zone most of the time. Just by Cindy's body language, I can see her, in my mind's eye, choking Casey on the night of June 15th. I do not believe her testimoney that when she confronted Casey about her stealing monies, those conversations were resolved peacefully, matter of factly.
Then they go on to attack the plaintiff...her phyisical appearance. To me that was just another demonstration of how these folks go on the attack.
Low down and dirty.
I remember that too, but I can't find the clip. Anyone have an actual link to that clip??? Please.

I was thinking it was during the Hoover or DC interview with John Allen. Hope that helps.
I am wondering how they will keep GA, CA, and LA separated when they testify. Did you notice the slips made in GA's and CA's answers? I am wondering if GA is deaf or dumb, since he didnt know about alot of things that went on in that household. I believe he will screw up only because CA wants to argue the points, at the same time while she reveals more. Did anyone else get that from listening to the depos?
Of course she can claim this type of distress,and she will. But the facts remain the same that even under tragic amounts of stress you still have to tell the truth. ( Personal spotlight on mimi for a moment, when my infant son passed away we were actually questioned by the police and family services right in the hospital! Distraught isn't even a strong enough word when you are holding your child for the very last time and people are asking you if you did anything to hurt him) Its a horrific thing to go have to go through that kind of interrogation at any time in your life, but we opened our home willingly so they could do their job of protecting our child from posssible harm.I remember thinking at the time, I am so thankful that it is someone's job to come in and investigate a family when a child passes away under mysterious circumstances....of course it was hard for us, but I know I was thinking that if it helps one child who is in actual danger then this is a great system.There just isn't ANY compassion in the A home, for anyone especially Caylee.:furious:

I'm so sorry.....{{{{Hug}}}}
All of these people were a part of some "underworld"? And all of their neighbors, friends, relatives, were too?

Is there a link, or backup showing what she spent verses what she stole? The A's certainly weren't honest about the amounts she's taken from them and who knows how many other's she's stolen from (small amounts, $10 - $20) who didn't even notice?

My first laugh of the day - "Underworld". Alright, which one of you guys is already 'shopping KC into Kate's leather armor? I know it's coming. :Banane18:

Hey, I know something the entire underworld can't evade - taxes! Secret service, FBI, CSI - pfffft! Rather than waste a beautiful day like today locked up inside like KC trying to analyze ways her lies about a group of individuals were 'explainable' in the face of Caylee's death, I'm just going to say this: bring on the IRS.

Let's start with KC, GA & CA, then we'll move on to bigger theories about the disappearance of witnesses to a ZFG and any information about anyone associated with an off-the-table "chop-shop-esque" business going by the name Universal, (but not the Universal KC took LE to while they were trying to find Caylee).
I am wondering how they will keep GA, CA, and LA separated when they testify. Did you notice the slips made in GA's and CA's answers? I am wondering if GA is deaf or dumb, since he didnt know about alot of things that went on in that household. I believe he will screw up only because CA wants to argue the points, at the same time while she reveals more. Did anyone else get that from listening to the depos?

Too bad they can't be locked up in separate hotels. They need to be called to the stand on the same day, no time left for them to get together and plot in between their testimonies.
George is going to be a problem with all of his "I don't knows", but loose lips Cindy will answer for him.
I am wondering how they will keep GA, CA, and LA separated when they testify. Did you notice the slips made in GA's and CA's answers? I am wondering if GA is deaf or dumb, since he didnt know about alot of things that went on in that household. I believe he will screw up only because CA wants to argue the points, at the same time while she reveals more. Did anyone else get that from listening to the depos?

I noticed that, too. It appears GA was constantly left out of the loop. I think he was living under a roof with little interaction with the women in that house with the exception of Caylee. Notice in his depo he states that the real Zanny weighted about 125-130 pounds, where CA states Zanny weighted 140 pounds (which is what KC had written in her statement). By the way, who says someone has perfect teeth??? Did KC think there was a dentist on LE's staff????
A few people have mentioned that they think George was paranoid for thinking he was being given the finger.

I respectfully disagree. I think it was just part of his plan to always make it look like he is a victim. He was hoping he'd convince us the lawyer wasn't being nice to him and that we'd feel sorry for him. Just like he told LE he lost the family money in a Nigerian scam, cause he thought he'd look like a victim and he likes playing that role.

I agree. A role he has been practicing for quite some time. I believe every reaction and outburst from him was contrived and staged.
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