MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #1

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i duno but what she is saying could be true id foward that file if u had permission to the le in minisota
thanks smile22--i think that the author of 'theBYRON file' is "right on the money"--personally, i don't know much about astrology....i just thought it was an interesting file so i shared it--but he/she seems to know how to interpret those charts and parts and stuff--i could not believe the stuff the author came up with --WITHOUT EVER HAVING BEEN TO THAT AREA ! ( the author stated that they'd never been to minnesota )--i was impressed with the mention of "the feet" --since there were supposedly footprints taken for ID purposes--i don't know about forwarding that file information--some law enforcement has a closed mind when it comes to astrology and stuff--and if there is a cover-up--the last thing they want is an astrologer who knows much of the details without being told--ofcourse, the astrologer never accuses anyone of anything, the astrologer's main interest seems to be finding the body--the wierdest thing is that the astrologer did all that BEFORE reading that file i read by pam schmid !!! if i was a law enforcement official, i would be asking him/her for help--i think this is another url to that file--
let me add that the statements listed above are just THEORIES and OPINIONS of mine...i am just saying i THINK there was a cover-up by one or more parties, or that the investigators were not thorough enough--i never said they did not work very hard to try to solve the case--i believe they worked very hard--now for my next point-- i believe that the coroner thought that the boy found in the river was stolen from a grave because he had been embalmed--well, embalming is a ritual-occult practice ( see )here you will see references to EMBALMING-IN PARAGRAPH 8, USE OF CHILDREN-IN PARAGRAPH 9, [UNDER 'PRACTICAL NECROMANCY']KIDNAPPING [under NECROMANTIC RITUALS]--this statement..."the necromancer travels to the underwater holding area where the FRESHLY DEAD (NOT STOLEN CORPSE) wait to be called back to land as loa-racines"[under VOUDOUN IN DISCIPLES--ASH PATH] and DEAD MAN'S HAND--basically i believe it was a ritual-killing--sexual abuse is also often involved in these rituals--thanks...froggie
i know about that site now how do i find out who was working on his case

id like to link him to the website of the byron file
hello smile22--

my opinion is that if there was a cover-up OR the case was just not investigated thoroughly enough -- the sherriff's department would not really have any interest in this THEORY of mine -- they would be even MORE inclined to ignore it

i think rather than just sending a link to ' the BYRON file' , i would send the link to THIS thread ---

why ??? because this thread has alot of links about NECROMANCY, etc.... which would explain WHY the coroner thought the body found in the mississippi river had been stolen from a grave because it had been EMBALMED--

personally, i think the sherriff's department will just dissmiss this information as non-relevant -- i could be wrong -- i don't know --

there is a website for the sherriff's department who investigated the wetterling case -- it is the STEARNS COUNTY sherriff's dept. --

the website address is

the sheriff's e-mail is

for the record, let me say that i've never INSISTED that the authorities, finger print experts, and/or coroners are involved in a COVER-UP, or that they did not work hard to try and solve the case ... i'm just saying that it is POSSIBLE that there could have been a 'cover-up', and it is POSSIBLE that there could have just been a lack of information, the fingerprint expert may have made a mistake, etc...there is always the margin of human error and the need for benefit of the doubt--also --that i am exercising my first amendment right for freedom of speech -- i do have the right to introduce a theory or an opinion

this is america...if you wanna forward links to the sherriff's dept. i can't stop you -- however --it may not be appreciated by them --furthermore, they may track you down and question you --your showing an interest in a 15 year old case may look suspicious to them--may create a hassle for you-- just a friendly warning ;)

i certainly won't be upset either way -- i don't care one way or another--

we are having an interesting conversation --

froggie :chicken:
i'll be away for a few days... :p probobly won't have much access to a computer where i'm goin' --BUT PLEASE FEEL FREE TO POST YOUR HEARTS OUT-- :laugh:
i really dont know if im going to send it im gona send the link u sent me to that lady who wrote the byron case see if she wants to do it
i send the person who did the bryon file the link u send on the le email i told her its up to her to send it and i wouldnt send something that wasnt mine to send and i really dont want le opeing up a can of worms and looking at me like im crazy but then again i was jacobs age when he was taken so then they would look at me even more funner
its aup to her but the way she was talking about water and then im thinking about that body they found and such and saying the footprint was not jacobs umm what if the foot print was the guy who dumped him their?
i think i need to clarify something about the foot...the foot that was used for the footprinting by the 'fingerprint expert' was cut off of the boy's was found in the water also ...near the body.. AFTER the body was found...from that severed foot, a footprint was made and compared against jacob's footprints (probobly his baby footprints)the person who did the comparison said it was not jacob...i question i said in my other is possible for fingerprint experts to be wrong or even lie...i even gave a link for that giving an example...thanks...froggie
i think that sending a message to police might be a mistake
i read the BYRON file today

the byron file is really an astrological analysis of
jacob wetterling and the circumstances of his dissapearance

[someone had sent me an invitation to view that document]

that is wild ! i don't know much about astrology, but the author of

the byron file must a be pretty good one...
Maybe "cover up" isn't the right words to use. What about incompetence? Has the boy in the river ever been identified? Was the head found? Wouldn't you think that, using today's technology (dental i.d./fingerprints/DNA), that this body could be identified?

What if this boy was Jacob, and he was misidentified? What if the fluid was misidentified as embalming fluid? There were "mortician's marks." What are those? Could someone have staged this - not necessarily a cult but a weirdo adult who had time to plan this? It seems strange that someone had the opportunity to plant the body of the boy in the river and got away with it. Has anything been found about this boy?
i wish i knew more about the mississippi river boy and i wish u knew more but i guess whatever their is to be found right now is only what is to be found, i was talking with a friend of mine who said how is someone to know ur son was grave robed unless his dirt was dug up and not properly replaced did they say how long the body had been dead? if it was a new death then their would have been no way to tell if ur son was grave robed so that brings up the case of anyones child grave robbed but that dosent mean somones child is missing and they never found a connection to it i wonder if the body is on doenetwork
well, the body was intact enough to get footprints ....also, if it was placed in the river in late october and not found until february....the cold temperature of the water would have helped to preserve the body...just my guess...i think no one ever reported that thier son's grave was disturbed because there was not a grave robbery to begin with....i think what happened to this child is so disturbing and sad...i just wish the person who did this would be punished...that person or persons is likely to still be out there
They determined the identity through a footprint?

Where did the get a footprint from Jacob to compare it too? His birth records?

Why did they not just do DNA testing?
i also belong to the doenetwork we also have a group up in yahoo their was a chat sesson last nite and i brought up the boy by the river and how i think he was linked to jacob, the person who started doe, says his family was so involved with his disaperance that they wouldnt have left any stone left unturned and that she says that most le would go by dental reccords to determine, so im assmuing that the foot print was checked out and his parents made sure that it was 100% accurate and there were no room for errors, but then again le could be wrong one of the chatters was intrested in the boy by the river so i sent her the only website that had the news article on him, ( well it was the onlywebsite i could find)
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