MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #9

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Yes, good call... and she has the amazing ability to stop crying at a moments notice to answer a question too!

I thought the JP interview was taped earlier and edited. Was it live?
Well, now you know one... sort of.

I mentioned it because of my personal experience.

My response was to your comment that professionals say it takes a year to recover. I've never had a professional tell me that and if the mother in this case has medical issues, surely her time would be better spent helping LE rather than talking to the media.

That is insane!! Kara has been missing for over 4 years.

I saw Harris Faulkner a while back and was happy for her. I think she's so pretty.

There is a convenience store on South 291 Hwy in LS that ALWAYS has a fresh, new Kara poster.

I don't typically watch Fox, so this is my first time seeing her. I agree, she is pretty. She looks even better than when she was here.

Have you seen Jeremy Hubbard on GMA? He looks wayyy too skinny now.

Okay - so JI used his work phone to call 911.

Then what is the explanation for the early statements by parents (as they raced around the house): "Where are the phones?"

If one has one's work phone handy, there is no need to race around the house asking "Where are the phones?"


Could this be one of the reasons why LE may doubt DB's and/or JI's account?

Maybe the work phone was in the car and the phones at the home would have been closer at hand?

“Him[Jeremy] coming in the bedroom saying, ‘Why are the lights on?’ you know, ‘why is the screen popped out of the window?’ Lisa’s bedroom door was open, and we always close it when she goes to sleep at night. He ran back and checked … came in the room and said, ‘Where’s Lisa? Where’s she at?’ I ran back and said, ‘She’s in her crib?’ He said, ‘She’s not there.’ And we got up and started screaming for her and looking everywhere, and she wasn’t there.”

It's just one of those tiny weeny things but I find this narrative a bit incoherent. She says that Lisa's dad ran to Lisa's room, and then she ran back, (from where? she had to ask him if Lisa was in the crib so apparently not back from Lisa's room) and then after they had done that they got up. Did she run back from somewhere while in her bed?

Was this clarified in the show?
Dad:...most of t lights in house were on...almost every room in the house; she leaves 1 or 2 on [at most]

I've wondered this from the moment that part of the story was given. Not much discretion in leaving all the lights on. It's like the person wasn't trying to be descreet.
If she really failed. She claims they told her she failed (why would she make that up?) and they won't comment on it.

Police lie during interrogations all the time. Don't assume she failed.

I learned a long, long time ago, not to assume anything. I base my opinions on what I garner from what has been revealed thus far.
re 3 cell phones missing

Captain: i can confirm family told us 3 cells taken, but if that led to anything we would have put that out...

So does that debunk the 2:30am phone activity?
I find it possible and just as plausible that the work phone was left in the vehicle and upon finding his daughter missing his instinct was to go for the nearest phone (ie the ones left on the counter) hence he noticed they were missing.

She said he reached in his pocket and dialed 911...they didn't seem to make a big deal out of trying to find the phones.

And...what the heck did she say about the confrontation with the police??
I think it is pretty obvious why they are searching gutters, roof, etc... They are getting pings from the cell phones at the house still...they are searching every nook and cranny.

But that would mean the phones could be anywhere within the site of that tower :waitasec:
Can they narrow it down to one house???
The father asked why the six year old was sleeping with mom. All the lights on in the house, the phones missing, door unlocked, screen looked like someone pulled it off and then put it back on half way(I am quoting)

It reminds me of coming home, after leaving teenagers alone, that got all their friends out of the house, right before I got there.
I've wondered this from the moment that part of the story was given. Not much discretion in leaving all the lights on. It's like the person wasn't trying to be descreet.

Or the person was in their own home and didn't feel the need to be discreet. JMO.
I'm just thinking it very strange that since Dad was working overtime for the very first time that you would have a son sleeping in your bed but you wouldn't check the doors to make sure they were locked.

If the Dad was surprised to see the son there, I do wonder what he thought of the stray kitten.

TY for that link, BeanE.

I seriously don't get what this whole so-called "checkered past" (as the reporter called it) deal is. So DB is still married to her ex - is that really a "checkered past"???? I don't think so.

Good grief - I think some of these reporters need to get a grip.

The married to her ex wasn't the checkered past. The checkered past is going to be covered at 10pm.
It sure didn't take me or my blood pressure a year to recover from pregnancy, nor do I even know anybody who required a year.


I'm not trying to be funny, but my BP went back to normal within days of giving birth.
If the Dad was surprised to see the son there, I do wonder what he thought of the stray kitten.



Thanks, I needed that...
Mom: they [LE] said-u failed t test; i asked how did i do?; u failed, u killed her; u know where she's at

Dad: didn't make me feel anything...told them i don't care; she's a great mother

Mom interrupting Dad again.

Jeanne P: Will u continue cooperating w/the police?
Mom: of course
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