MO MO - Ricky McCormick, 41, St Louis, 30 June 1999

I wonder if that means Ricky McCormick isn't his real name.

People do not appear in the SS Death masterfile if they still have someone receiving their benefits, period, end of story. He had several children. One or more of them may still be under 18 and receiving his social security and medicare, which is also under his social. There is nothing unusual about this!
People do not appear in the SS Death masterfile if they still have someone receiving their benefits, period, end of story. He had several children. One or more of them may still be under 18 and receiving his social security and medicare, which is also under his social. There is nothing unusual about this!

Can you cite a government pub or source for this? I've never heard this before and it could be a factor in a couple of missing persons cases I've been looking at...
People do not appear in the SS Death masterfile if they still have someone receiving their benefits, period, end of story. He had several children. One or more of them may still be under 18 and receiving his social security and medicare, which is also under his social. There is nothing unusual about this!
Ah, okay. Thx! That makes more sense.
Can you cite a government pub or source for this? I've never heard this before and it could be a factor in a couple of missing persons cases I've been looking at...

I used to work in Social Services with disabled adults who got benefits for their entire adult lives and this was common knowledge in my industry. I understand you wanting to see it yourself though.

It's also listed on the SSDI main site:

" The SSDI does not include death records for everyone who has been issued a Social Security Number (card). Common reasons for exclusion include the following:...

...Survivor death benefits were (are) being paid to dependents or spouse."

Edited to add: typically if it's just a spouse receiving benefits you'll still find them in the SSDI. However, I have rarely seen those with dependent children or those with disabled adult children appear in it. I think it has to do with the active medicare cards the children get.
It really does seem to me that if the FBI genuinely wanted help from the public brain pool, they would have provided a lot more details. Especially if this case is as cold as the date and investigation's success suggests.

We are probably sniffing at trails their dogs have run a hundred times. I understand the benefit of fresh eyes, but it helps to at least know what has already explored.

This almost has the makings of a hoax were it not about the mysterious death of a real person.
It really does seem to me that if the FBI genuinely wanted help from the public brain pool, they would have provided a lot more details. Especially if this case is as cold as the date and investigation's success suggests.

We are probably sniffing at trails their dogs have run a hundred times. I understand the benefit of fresh eyes, but it helps to at least know what has already explored.

This almost has the makings of a hoax were it not about the mysterious death of a real person.

Power of suggestion is strong. The less we know, the lower the odds that we'll overlook something. I get where you're coming from, though.

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All I can tell you is that my cousin died last year and she has two children getting SS benefits and she is listed on the SSDI along with her SS#, so that is NOT the case. The kids have their own SS#'s and that is how they are paid.
I think also the obvious question is why would the FBI be involved in this to begin with? It was a suspicious death in a smallish town...seems like it would be an issue for local police to contend with.

You're right, there is something much bigger to the picture they are leaving out.
All I can tell you is that my cousin died last year and she has two children getting SS benefits and she is listed on the SSDI along with her SS#, so that is NOT the case. The kids have their own SS#'s and that is how they are paid.

Sheer, it's not absolute. These are people entering this data into the system and they are inconsistent. I shouldn't have said "period, end of story" I've just seen this question brought up so many times when there is often no conspiracy to speak of, just a legitimate reason that they aren't appearing.

It makes me wonder if it has to do with them receiving medicare (i.e. the child is disabled in some way) as opposed to routine social security payouts. That was pretty much the only group I worked with.
New Article with some new facts; I think we're on the right path and I've read some real whackjob commentary on some of the sites that have been posted. Several of the posters are obsessive about claiming credit and secret insight into Mccormick. Let's never forget that this is a team effort by committed people trying to find and assemble all of the pieces of the puzzle. Each of us brings a different perspective and when one views the totality of all of our work common threads begin to emerge and one person may find a piece of the puzzle and another may have insight into where it should be placed in the big picture. Ego s should be left at the door upon entering.
Sheer, it's not absolute. These are people entering this data into the system and they are inconsistent. I shouldn't have said "period, end of story" I've just seen this question brought up so many times when there is often no conspiracy to speak of, just a legitimate reason that they aren't appearing.

It makes me wonder if it has to do with them receiving medicare (i.e. the child is disabled in some way) as opposed to routine social security payouts. That was pretty much the only group I worked with.

That is a VERY good point. Unless it was highly suspected that the body was transported across state lines and dumped, I am not sure the FBI would be running the show. I dunno.
Hey everyone this is my first post. I have been investigating my own take on this project. I believe that a large part of this note is in shorthand and includes actual references to chemical and biological experimentation involving cloning. For instance NCBE is well known in biochemistry as a main regulator of cell ph in the body. There are also many other references in this note that address known bio terrorism agents that have been created. There was research being conducted in the St, Louis area back in the 90's and it still could be continuing today. If someone knows for about biochemistry then me maybe they should take a look into the angle. It would make sense why some think that the list seems like a list for a drug dealer. I think it is a proof of illegal activities being conducted to develop something for profit or for more illegal activities. Also the 71, 74, and 75 refer to the % of amino acids in the NCSE protein. Another issue that involves NCSE is cloning. The people that have been found would be great subjects for illegal testing and that could add to the mystery around their deaths. Much better than working on rats. Again I could be completely off my rocker but it is out of the box thinking. Combine science with shorthand (type of coding) and maybe this fellow just stumbled onto something he should have stayed away from. Have fun everyone and it's great to see so many great minds at work.
I used to work in Social Services with disabled adults who got benefits for their entire adult lives and this was common knowledge in my industry. I understand you wanting to see it yourself though.

It's also listed on the SSDI main site:

" The SSDI does not include death records for everyone who has been issued a Social Security Number (card). Common reasons for exclusion include the following:...

...Survivor death benefits were (are) being paid to dependents or spouse."

Edited to add: typically if it's just a spouse receiving benefits you'll still find them in the SSDI. However, I have rarely seen those with dependent children or those with disabled adult children appear in it. I think it has to do with the active medicare cards the children get.

Thank you. This may be a factor in another case I've been looking at.
Thank you. This may be a factor in another case I've been looking at.

carbuff, if you're working a case and you have the deceased's social, you should be able to walk into a local social security office and they will at least verify that the individual is deceased. I haven't done that recently though, so I don't want to speak in absolutes anymore :).
Hey everyone this is my first post. I have been investigating my own take on this project. I believe that a large part of this note is in shorthand and includes actual references to chemical and biological experimentation involving cloning. For instance NCBE is well known in biochemistry as a main regulator of cell ph in the body. There are also many other references in this note that address known bio terrorism agents that have been created. There was research being conducted in the St, Louis area back in the 90's and it still could be continuing today. If someone knows for about biochemistry then me maybe they should take a look into the angle. It would make sense why some think that the list seems like a list for a drug dealer. I think it is a proof of illegal activities being conducted to develop something for profit or for more illegal activities. Also the 71, 74, and 75 refer to the % of amino acids in the NCSE protein. Another issue that involves NCSE is cloning. The people that have been found would be great subjects for illegal testing and that could add to the mystery around their deaths. Much better than working on rats. Again I could be completely off my rocker but it is out of the box thinking. Combine science with shorthand (type of coding) and maybe this fellow just stumbled onto something he should have stayed away from. Have fun everyone and it's great to see so many great minds at work.

Upper, welcome! That's really fascinating!
New Article with some new facts; I think we're on the right path and I've read some real whackjob commentary on some of the sites that have been posted. Several of the posters are obsessive about claiming credit and secret insight into Mccormick. Let's never forget that this is a team effort by committed people trying to find and assemble all of the pieces of the puzzle. Each of us brings a different perspective and when one views the totality of all of our work common threads begin to emerge and one person may find a piece of the puzzle and another may have insight into where it should be placed in the big picture. Ego s should be left at the door upon entering.

Well, that clears up one thing for me I think. The FBI was code-stumped (or not) and said "uncle" back in the day. I think that this same code may have reemerged they are looking once more, but don't know where to start.

“Even if we found out that he was writing a grocery list or a love letter, we would still want to see how the code is solved,” Mr. Olson said. “This is a cipher system we know nothing about.”

No matter what, it's pretty intriguing and definitely not an April Fools hoax.

The added mystery is why the FBI was involved at all, as sfbaynancydrew pointed out earlier.

No idea! Just makes it look a bit odd that all those CLUBS were right there. I should use Google World and look at that.
Hey everyone this is my first post. I have been investigating my own take on this project. I believe that a large part of this note is in shorthand and includes actual references to chemical and biological experimentation involving cloning. For instance NCBE is well known in biochemistry as a main regulator of cell ph in the body. There are also many other references in this note that address known bio terrorism agents that have been created. There was research being conducted in the St, Louis area back in the 90's and it still could be continuing today. If someone knows for about biochemistry then me maybe they should take a look into the angle. It would make sense why some think that the list seems like a list for a drug dealer. I think it is a proof of illegal activities being conducted to develop something for profit or for more illegal activities. Also the 71, 74, and 75 refer to the % of amino acids in the NCSE protein. Another issue that involves NCSE is cloning. The people that have been found would be great subjects for illegal testing and that could add to the mystery around their deaths. Much better than working on rats. Again I could be completely off my rocker but it is out of the box thinking. Combine science with shorthand (type of coding) and maybe this fellow just stumbled onto something he should have stayed away from. Have fun everyone and it's great to see so many great minds at work.

Great post! Welcome!

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