Identified! MO - St Louis, N 6th St, BlkMale 16-40, UP9815, dressed in suit & tie, poss traveling, Jan'12 - Joseph Daniel Pierce

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I hope this helps, and let's keep working together to give our UID here his name back, at the very least.
Per email I recieved from the ME.. Devonte Choice is too young. He must not be local. There have been zero inquiries, which is unusual.
Raine, any idea how much attention LE has been able to assign to our guy? Have they checked Larry Rice and other outreach centers? I tried finding conventions or events in the downtown area over MLKJr weekend, but the Chamber's calendar only seems to go forward, not back, and other Google searches were less than fruitful. :(
The ME and I have not discussed alot about the LE, except they had checked the area where he was found and nothing so far.. I do not know about the outreach centers, I am guessing they may have checked there first.. The ME based on info is thinking he is not from the area. She contacted LE about cameras and I have not had an update on that. Per ME we do not know if it was a accident, suicide or homicide based on her report. No evidence was found yet to conclude what has happened, still may be an illegal we are searching all avenues. I am doing alot of the searching and they are doing the rules out and she is giving me the info when she receives it.
Do we know what his headphones were plugged into? A phone, an iPod, anything? Even knowing what kind of music he might have been listening to could provide a clue.

Raine, thank you so much for your efforts on this man's behalf.
From article of Jan 25 2012:

Image of his headphones:

They found nothing else, what is so strange his him having money in his wallet and no id.. The amount of money was a small amount per the ME.. I will ask the ME Monday about the headphones again. I searched for newly reported missing today I have found nothing new.
They found nothing else, what is so strange his him having money in his wallet and no id.. The amount of money was a small amount per the ME.. I will ask the ME Monday about the headphones again. I searched for newly reported missing today I have found nothing new.

I wonder if the small amount was $4.50 and in a small envolope. Thats what Larry Rice gives those seeking a place at his shelter to get the city only background check he requires. Its a very great question, small amount of money? How do you define small amount, very subjective and vague.
She did not give me the exact amount, but I will ask her Monday, we where discussing possible sucide and the money and she it was a small amount, no where near enough to pay for final expenses.
I agree that there are homeless people, I've volunteered with Larry Rice, Otis Woodard and the Sunshine Mission. My point is not that we don't have homeless people...we don't have a lot of YOUNG homeless like they do in bigger cities. I agree that there are homeless of all ages, but the majority of the young ones wouldn't be walking around in a suit and tie. Sorry I wasn't more clear about that in my original post.

Could you provide some insight into why you believe he may indeed be homeless? That may be more helpful and would keep us on track with IDing him.

First one was a post made that his clothes may have come from a second hand store and third he had a small amount of money and no id. Homeless people get robbed more then you would think and since they are homeless sometimes lack documentation to get a new identification. We stamp those insiffeciant id on a background check. Also Larry Rice sends those seeking shelter at his place with $4.50 to get a city only background check. Just tossing it out there, open to other theories. My second would be someone not from local aea. Based on a previous john doe that after a few weeks was traced to California hence not being identified sooner. As for fingerprints wonder how they were submitted, if he didn't have record in Saint Louis they probrably would not match but he could have some sort of record in a different jurisdiction Don't know where the fingerprints were sent.
She only told me there was no hit on his prints, not even on a visitors visa, passport, she also said it is possible he could be illegal so no prints on file. Per our discussion last week, she is thinking he is not from the area. I have submitted names from several states for a match, but so far none.. I know she has put out a call to the investigator handling this case to my knowledge she has not gotten a return call, she is very good at updating me the days she has any news.. As far as a photo they will not release, have not released morgue photo to LE. She did tell me he does look like Mr. Parker that is missing in Georgia but it is not him, he was ruled out after I talked with the Monroe investigator.
I am wondering if he is not American and we discussed that also and she said it is a possibility. I only hope we can find out who he is. Also, we discuss other cases I am working on in the unclaimed forum. So we speak and email several times a week.
lieber32 any theories you have let's discuss and run with them, we are at a stand still at this point.
Waiting to hear back on submitted Prentice Kane Peters. Just wished more info was up on these newly missing, instead of nothing available
If there was no device connected to his headphones and nothing in his pockets to connect them to, then robbery would be a likely scenario in this case. I can't imagine anyone wearing headphones with nothing to use them with.

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I pretty much just dared all my FB friends and their friends and so on to share this, so that this man may get his name and finally rest! I will keep searching until we find his name!

Even if people in your life had given up on you in life, I hope you know there are people that will never give up on you in death..we will find your name !
No prints on file could also just mean he's a legal resident who had no criminal record, and didn't teach.

Headphones with no obvious means of connecting to a player/device says Bluetooth... Did he have a device or car that responded to that headset? (Sorry, have not yet identified exact make/model/year of his headphones...)

The Lion Apparel pen should not be forgotten either...
No prints on file could also just mean he's a legal resident who had no criminal record, and didn't teach.

Headphones with no obvious means of connecting to a player/device says Bluetooth... Did he have a device or car that responded to that headset? (Sorry, have not yet identified exact make/model/year of his headphones...)

The Lion Apparel pen should not be forgotten either...

They appear to be the Rocketfish Bluetooth HD Stereo headphones (RF-MAB2). $40 on Amazon


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The more I have been reading on countless MP, whenever I see "suffers from mental illness" I think of this man. Could that explain the no ID and the bizarre pen?

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