Mommie Dearest?

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Don't responsible mothers (young and old) who aren't wealthy (through other means) work to support and sustain their children''s well-being? I don't think that evidence shows KC as ever having held a job since the day her daughter was born. So JOSE, can you explain HOW Caylee was so well-nourished? Nicely dressed? Seemingly healthy? Who was ensuring that Caylee had the financial means to be cared for?

Her mother who doesn't seem to have been claiming funds of any kind from the government, who hadn't worked since her daughter was born, who was living with her parents with full-time days off? OK. And how was this loving, caring mother sustaining her child?

(I won't answer because I can't decide between stealing or leaching.)


I called her a sponge but leach fits her better IMO.
Her cell phone records alone prove she was not an attentive mother - I cant believe it
possible to spend that much time on the phone .

KC loved her phone and I suspect the phone co loved sending her those huge bills.
I kind of agree. I don't think that casey physically abused Caylee or yelled too much but I think she exhibited a ghastly indifference towards a precious little girl who just wanted love from mommy.

I think casey saw Caylee as an object to serve her needs - her need to be seen as a good mom or her need to be seen as a caretaker, or her reason for needing money, or a doll to dress up, etc.

But casey didn't really love Caylee. And unless people were wacthing her "perform" her role of a good mama, I think Caylee's basic needs were met and that was about it.

The eerie videos of Caylee where she is trying so hard and so pathetically to get a response from her mommy, to get some kind of interaction, some kind of expression, anything from her mom, but saw nothing but a cold, expressionless person staring at her steadfastly with a camera in her hand, those videos say it all. They are haunting.

To watch Caylee's face as she tries in vain to communicate with her mother, turn to confusion and then concern and then to watch that little face screw up in anguish, it breaks my heart. Yes, she was a Mommie Dearest.

I remember watching a program about how infants begin to understand facial expressions and what they mean. They showed this mom with her seven month old infant who was sitting in a high chair. The mom was instructed to simply stare at her baby and to make no facial expressions of any kind.

At first, the baby smiled and babbled and reached her little arms up to her mom. She kept trying to flirt to charm her mom in order to get a response, but none came. The baby began to look away and to make little sounds of discontent. She kept stealing looks at her mommy to see if there was a change in expression. None ever came.

Finally, the child began to show visible signs of distress and eventually began to cry and then to howl.

It reminds me so much of Caylee in those eerie, silent video tapes. Except before Caylee gets upset or too upset, the tapes cuts off:

Now here is Lillian Glass' blog about one of those videos. I think Ms. Glass goes too far in much of what she says about body language in general - she takes too many liberties and I read her blog for entertainment only, but she does make some interesting points here and her still shots are worth looking at:


Poor Caylee:(


I just watched both these videos again and they are as troubling now as they were when I first saw them. I actually find them chilling. They make me think of someone who is being stalked.

Casey may be behind the camera, but IMO she is absolutely ignoring Caylee.
Caylee is trying so hard to engage Casey in conversation/interaction but there is nothing at all from Casey.

This is abuse at its most subtle. Very passive aggressive. A stranger would be totally charmed by this little bitty girl, but her own "mother" has not one word or laugh or sigh for Caylee.
The fact that Caylee ended up the way she did shows me Casey was an abusive Mother.
The fact that Cindy wanted custody because Casey was a unfit mom shows me Casey was an abusive mother.
The fact that Jesse said he felt that Caylee had died on accident because Casey would often leave Caylee unattended when she was with men. He said Caylee would put things in her mouth, like dog food that was on the floor or rocks and that maybe she had choked. He said that Casey would leave Caylee in her playpen while Casey was in the other room and that Caylee knew how to get into the back yard by herself and had done so while on Casey's watch.
The fact that the neighbors, the Baileys knew Casey was a "party girl" and that Caylee got in the way. The fact that they were not surprised MOTY was being accused of murdering Caylee, they instantly went to speculation as to where Casey would "put the body." (It was Keo Marie who was the source of what the Baileys expressed to LE regarding the location but they also agreed and added information)
The "cake" video, where Casey and Cindy put cake on each other and Caylee and the "fighting" video where Casey is on the floor being rough with Caylee. I am certainly colored by my experiences with abuse but I read "passive aggressive" behavior toward Caylee by Casey.
Dr Vass will testify to the outrageous levels of chloroform found in the trunk, I think it will be shown by the State that Casey sedated Caylee on a regular basis. Maya D's word may or may not be anything to take into account as far as the trial(I forget if it is allowed in?) or as far as people's opinions because she is incarcerated herself: but she stated Casey told her she would sedate Caylee.
Maria Kissh stated under oath that Caylee opened the door to Tony's apartment by herself and was on the balcony by herself and was left to put on her socks and shoes by herself.
The fact that on Caylee's second birthday, Annie Dowling reported that all Casey cared about was that Cindy was trying to "play mom" to Caylee and that she was the mom. There were no other children at all at Caylee's party.

It may look, on the outside like Caylee was loved but lots of material items and being passed around by "busy" adults is not loved. IMHO. The Anthonys claim Caylee was the center of their world, I beg to differ. Caylee came in and it was she who had to fit all of them, their selfish lives did not change one bit. Cindy seemed to be (slowly)trying to make it more about Caylee but it was too late. That house was run by Casey and it was all about her, I agree with those who say that Casey saw the writing on the wall-her reign as princess was coming to a close and she was going to have to grow up or lose her free ride and in true sociopathic style she killed Caylee.

It makes no sense to a normal mind but it made perfect sense to Casey. Get rid of Caylee and she goes back to being the one it is all about. I would not have believed this all so strongly except for today and how upset Casey was at the end of the day and those who say Casey really thought George, someone in her family would bail her out. And is now upset at the idea they will not, or seem to not be playing along as she had wanted. How entitled do you have to feel to believe your family will clean up the fact that you killed your daughter?

It is beyond my scope of understanding to think I will always get away with things, or that someone will always be there to clean up my mess. I did have a harsh and emotionally abusive mother but I will thank her for teaching me I am not entitled. I have really seen through Casey Anthony these few days of the trial, and she is every dark and nasty thing that has been said about her and then some.

Casey-Mommie Dearest? Worse. And I can only imagine the mental and emotional abuse Casey would have visited upon Caylee had she not killed her. In one of Casey's jailhouse letters she waxes poetic saying she is glad that Caylee will not have to suffer in this (paraphrased)terrible world. :shakehead:

Oh, that Caylee Maire was alone with this creature. Woe that she had her as a mother. Yes, Casey was abusive to Caylee Marie.

Thank you for this thread.

All day long we listened to testimony from ICA's former friends & acquaintances who upon cross examination testified to her being, basically, a good mother. It seems she was the perfect mother, according to JB. Never yelled at Caylee, didn't abuse her (or torture her :waitasec:)...It got me thinking that ICA was TOO perfect in front of others.

As a mother to three (soon to be four) babies, ages 6, 4, & 3...I can't think of any of my friends and family that would get on the stand and talk about how I never once made a parenting mistake in their presence. Obviously I don't abuse or torture my children but there have been instances where I've yelled and I certainly get frustrated with them. Certainly there have been times where I'm not all grins and giggles as ICA is reported to be when caring for Caylee.

Is this all part of ICA's ruse of a life or was she really just the perfect mother who snapped?
None of these friends have children and most seem to have spent little time with Casey and Caylee. I can't help but wonder what base line they are using to compare her parenting skills. Additionally, by their non-verbal expressions and tone of voice none of them seem too comfortable with Baez's questions and remarks concerning the relationship between Casey and Caylee. Baez's cross examination is an awkward attempt to create a positive character image of Casey. He's stumbling over his own words, making it difficult for witnesses to answer with any kind of clarity. I'm wondering if there is a disconnect between his perception of his professional skills and reality. If he's going for "something's really bizarre here," then he's arrived.
Respectfully, I don't know of many abused kids who don't love their parents and even though abused they still crave their attention/affection/approval. :(
Absolutely! All children desire to be loved by their parents.....
Am I the only one that doesn't think KC was a great mother? I don't see how dragging your child around your life is being a good mother. No 'Mommy & Me" playdates, no letting Caylee have HER OWN childhood. Letting a child roam around an apartment and answer the door by herself--in this day and age no less; leaving her child alone in an apartment with the balcony door open; putting her child to bed on a friend's couch while she parties; having her child sleep in bed with her boyfriends. Whaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree, this is not what is in the "best interest of the child."
I talk about sociopaths a lot on here. I am blessed with having one in my life who is the bio dad of one of my children. I can tell you that I really thought that this man was an amazing father. He and I both had children from previous relationships and he was A M A Z I N G with my children and with his own. I was really excited about our daughter and couldn't wait to see how he would act with her and what an amazing life she would have with this wonderful man........who told me he was going to do something and would be back in time for dinner, 8 days before she was born and the next time I saw him I was having my cheek swabbed for a DNA test. Not because he thought that she wasn't his, but by his own admission to the nurse doing the test he was "stalling." Child support in VA is due from the date you file--unless! You request a DNA test and no matter how many continuances you ask for, the money doesn't start being due until the day you get them into court, even though you are mailed the results within 10 days. In her 4 years, he has not spent 24 hours total with her and goes sometimes 9 months without even sending a text message to as if she is okay.

Some of you may remember a couple weeks ago I mentioned this and said that out of the blue he wanted to start having her for weekends and I was going to be fighting it. I was told this on Easter, in the middle of a visit that lasted no more than 1.5 hours. At the 1.5 hour mark, he "got sick" and would be back in a day or two to see her again. He promised. He promised her. Haven't heard from him since. ;)

Another sociopath that I know of is my kid's step grandfather on their father's side. I can't even begin to go into detail, but he is a vile individual who I suspect of child abuse and sexual abuse to more than one person. I have no proof, so until I can get some there is little I can do. Especially since he is a coach for the Special Olympics, made coach of the year several times, Parent Volunteer of the year 3 years running at the school his daughter attends, Best Coach in the League for Baseball 2 years running and the list goes on and on. When he comes home at night he tells his wife how much he can't stand spending all of his time with "Those retards." One of which is his own daughter.

Sorry to be long winded. But sociopaths can fool the best of us. I fully believe that she could pull off being super mom. Older, talking, getting into stuff Caylee wasn't around that long. :(
Amazing con artist, sociopaths, they can size you up, use you, and discard you without blinking an eye. They prey upon caring individuals who are reluctant to confront due to their compassionate nature. Escaping their manipulative ploys is as difficult as a fly removing itself from a spider web.
Amazing con artist, sociopaths, they can size you up, use you, and discard you without blinking an eye. They prey upon caring individuals who are reluctant to confront due to their compassionate nature. Escaping their manipulative ploys is as difficult as a fly removing itself from a spider web.

I must bump the truth you speak. The con artist and narcissistic sociopath lack the emotions of empathy, and can be very machine like once you study their pattern. Sometimes the only escape is to con the con by understanding them to try to control their behavior or protect yourself. Caylee couldn't escape.

As far as I know, Caylee was not taken to a doctor on any regular basis, if at all. Caylee didn't have her own play group or way to socialize with other children that often. She got dragged to adult parties, and into some strange men's beds. Casey actually lying the first eight months pretending to go to work, and leaving Caylee with a friend tells how there wasn't a healthy bonding from the beginning.

It is very hard to hear these young, single people rave about what a good mother Casey was. One way or another, it looks like she is fully responsible for the death in whatever way it happened, and unwilling to admit it honestly or ever face it.
Where did Caylee spend her time for real when she supposedly was with Zenaida the nanny and Casey said she was at work at the Universal? Not with Cindy and George, apparently, so what did Casey do with her then? Was it the same friend always or a bunch of people whoever agreed to take her whenever?
Caylee loved her mother. There is not one indication whatsoever she was mean to Caylee in private. No one has said anything negative about her relationship with her daughter, thankfully.

Of course Caylee loved her mother. Of course ICA was good to Caylee in front of others. Does this prove that she was a good mother? NOPE!
Am I the only one that doesn't think KC was a great mother? I don't see how dragging your child around your life is being a good mother. No 'Mommy & Me" playdates, no letting Caylee have HER OWN childhood. Letting a child roam around an apartment and answer the door by herself--in this day and age no less; leaving her child alone in an apartment with the balcony door open; putting her child to bed on a friend's couch while she parties; having her child sleep in bed with her boyfriends. Whaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. Scoot over. :)
I was about to say the same. She could be "perfect" while she was being observed by people that she wanted to impress. We know from the videos, that when alone, she was anything but engeaged with her baby.

I think when alone, ICA was probably busy texting, etc and Caylee was probably given a coloring book or something. or sat in front of the TV.....
The "breakfast with Caylee" gives me the willies:(
Just her sitting there eating, no one talking to her. I presume ICA took the vid?
I like the vid of Caylee in the backyard, someone (GA?) is giving her something to try to eat and all laughs.
I must bump the truth you speak. The con artist and narcissistic sociopath lack the emotions of empathy, and can be very machine like once you study their pattern. Sometimes the only escape is to con the con by understanding them to try to control their behavior or protect yourself. Caylee couldn't escape.

As far as I know, Caylee was not taken to a doctor on any regular basis, if at all. Caylee didn't have her own play group or way to socialize with other children that often. She got dragged to adult parties, and into some strange men's beds. Casey actually lying the first eight months pretending to go to work, and leaving Caylee with a friend tells how there wasn't a healthy bonding from the beginning.

It is very hard to hear these young, single people rave about what a good mother Casey was. One way or another, it looks like she is fully responsible for the death in whatever way it happened, and unwilling to admit it honestly or ever face it.

I have noticed that also. Caylee didnt seem to have any little friends to play with. Why didnt KC hook up with other Mothers instead of keeping all these single, no children friends?
No, I dont see her as all that good a Mother. I think Caylee was dragged around alot.
Just the fct that a child under 3 yrs old answered the door gives me the creeps. One attentive Mother, eh? :banghead:
The videos seem very disengaged with the child.

I've sometimes videotaped my children without speaking anything because I was hoping they wouldn't notice that I was filming them and break up whatever they were doing to come and see what I was doing. But these videos aren't like that, Caylee knows she's being filmed.

Not a direct quote but IMO the petulant comment about all they care about is getting Caylee back is disengaged and a bit contemptuous of Caylee and really sounds like there was little or no bonding. If their child was dead or missing, most mothers would feel exactly the same, all they want is their child back. But she says it like it was a bad thing. Why is it about Caylee and not me me me?
If Narcissists do one thing well, it's ACT.

My mother was a Mommy Dearest and she deserved an Academy Award for her acting abilities.

My favourite quote of all time:

'Not all abusers are narcissists but all narcissists are abusers'
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