Motivation Report has been released

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It's obvious to me. He was the brightest bulb in the bunch. He's darn near done...Knox and Raff has ruined their entire lives with their inability to accept consequences. IMO Had they opted for the fast track, they could have put this behind them , accepted responsibility and still have been young with the rest of their lives ahead of them.


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Did it ever occur to you that the Italian prosecutor could be wrong?
The motivation report, written in Italian, has been released. While we don't have an English translation yet, the media articles, etc. are discussable.

Please link your comments so everyone knows where the info is coming from.




The thread was opened to discuss media articles about the motivation report... Stick to the topic please!!! To reiterate, link your comments, so everyone can see the source of the information...
I think it's pretty clear there had been animosity between the two young women. Knox went out of her way to claim were friends...
Knox supporters scoff at the motive sex games gone wrong, argument over money, poop...knox's slovenly ways...
It doesn't really matter to me what the argument was about. I'm convinced it happened. I'm convinced she was there and took part in the killing of Meredith and RS was right there in the thick of it as well. All IMO.

Her defense IMO consisted of the smoke and mirrors defense, american style...
Raffaele Sollecito speaks tomorrow on the Today show.... Interviewed by Savannah Guthrie.
MILAN — For Meredith Kercher's family, the Italian court reasoning this week goes a long way to vindicating the account they have long and unwaveringly believed — that their 21-year-old daughter was murdered by American roommate Amanda Knox, her boyfriend at the time and a drifter.

Read more here:

"Let's say in general, it is a version that we have always in some ways sustained," Kercher family lawyer Francesco Maresca said Wednesday. "We have always maintained there were mixed motives."


Read more here:
Why is the crimescene limited to Meredith Kerchers bedroom? Why was RGs DNA not mixed with MKs in the bathroom that he would've washed up in? (I mean if DNA is left everywhere and so easily found)

IMO the spot in Filomena's room is not so simply explained away and Nencini agreed.

Here we go again. Why is it that a crime scene in the US obviously includes all evidence related to the crime (such as a broken window down the hall from the deceased), but a crime scene in Italy should be restricted to the chalk line around the deceased? That, in itself, suggests that there is some pretzel twisting in order to perceive Knox as something other than a convicted murder.
Did the motivations report state the time of the murder?

No. The time of murder is framed by other events and witnesses statements. We've always known that the time of murder was between 9PM and 12:10AM. It has been narrowed down to some time between 9:30 and 11ish.
The family of Amanda Knox disputed an Italian court's report Tuesday that she killed her roommate Meredith Kercher after a "mounting quarrel" that may have culminated with Kercher accusing Knox of stealing 300 euros from her. Knox’s family said Tuesday that the court's reasoning was flawed, that there was no reason for Amanda Knox to steal money from Kercher. The family told ABC News that at the time of Kercher’s murder, Knox had over $4,000 in her bank account that was immediately accessible to her. In addition, she had a job and received monthly allowances from her parents.

Nencini is saying Meredith's girlfriends might be contributors to the Y chromosome profile on the clasp because they could have innocently touched her bra. :facepalm:

page 8

Ed infatti Meredith Kercher, per quel poco che è possibile ricavare dalle testimonianze in atti, era una ragazza normalissima, che aveva intrecciato da poco una relazione sentimentale con uno dei ragazzi che abitavano al piano seminterrato della villetta, che quindi è ragionevole ritenere avesse una vita sessuale normale. Ciò può far ritenere quindi plausibile che sul gancetto del reggiseno vi avesse potuto lasciare traccia anche il fidanzata della ragazza; così come è ragionevole ritenere che vi potesse essere stato depositato del DNA da parte di qualche amica della ragazza che avesse avuto modo di toccare il gancetto dell' indumento.
Ma tutto questo è del tutto imlevante ai fini dello specifico significato della circostanza di aver rinvenuto il DNA di Raffaele Sollecito sul gancetto del reggiseno indossato da Meredith Kercher la sera dell'omicidio. Non vi è ragione alcuna perché il DNA di Raffaele Sollecito fosse presente su quel gancetto, non essendo risultato accreditato da emergenze di causa alcun rapporto intimo o anche confidenziale della vittima con Raffaele Sollecito; se non quella di essere stato egli stesso presente la sera dell'omicidio e di aver scostato con le dita della mano il gancetto per poter effettuare il taglio netto dell'elastico di chiusura al momento in cui la vittima venne aggredita. In buona sostanza, per usare un'espressione poco tecnica ma forse più efficace, su quel gancetto forse c'era stato il passaggio di piu mani, ma ciò che rileva in causa è la mano di Raffaele Sollecito, poiché il dato processuale colloca l'imputato sulla scena del delitto la sera in cui venne commesso l'omicidio, e ci indica una condotta attiva del medesimo nella aggressione di Meredith Kercher.
He completely ignores that everything tested negative for blood. The TMB results are not even mentioned in the entire report.

from pages 308-328

We know for certain, because the probative picture allows it, that immediately after the murder within the cottage of Via della Pergola there were three persons present, certainly two men and a woman. This is confirmed by the genetic investigations and from the results of the traces revealed by luminal. We can also affirm that one of the men, who stepped in Meredith Kercher’s blood, left a visible trace of his foot on the blue bathmat found in the small bathroom of the apartment. This footprint was attributed by the investigators, an attribution that this Court agrees with based on the already developed considerations, to the right bare foot of Raffaele Sollecito. One of the footprints revealed by luminal was attributed by the judicial police to a female foot corresponding, by measurement, to that of Amanda Marie Knox, just as the mixed traces of DNA in the small bathroom of the apartment were attributed to Amanda Marie Knox (sink, bidet and Q-tip box).

Professor Vinci Footprint Analysis translated.

Original Italian.


He gets the times wrong here:

Both the defendants only by 8:00 p.m. of the evening of November 1st, 2007 were aware that they could spend the night together. In fact, Amanda Marie Knox, who had left Sollecito’s apartment to go to Patrick Lumumba’s pub were she was to work for the whole evening, received a text from Lumumba communicating to her that she didn’t have to work that night at the pub. The girl then returned to Raffaele Sollecito’s home. He then received a communication at 8:30 p.m. that there was no longer the necessity that he accompany his friend, Popovic, to pick up a suitcase from the bus station at midnight that had been sent to her by her mother.

Popvic was 8.40pm Massei p 64

53] So Jovana Popovic, after finishing her lesson at the Tre Archi, which ended at 8:20 pm, returned on foot to the home of Raffaele, to tell him that she no longer needed to be accompanied to the station. It took her about twenty minutes to walk the distance, so she arrived at around 8:40 pm, again finding Amanda, who opened the door and let her know that Raffaele was in the bathroom

There's no proof she was out walking to work and work started at 9pm.


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Hellmann said AK and RS did not fit the profile of murderers because they are good white kids.

Hellmann said RG fit the profile of a murderer because he is a bad black man.

Supporters of the convicted murderers put up the blackest pic of RG over and over again

can you please cite the correct passages in the hellman report for the first two assertions, and then, somehow, demonstrate the third is also true (and was done to intentionally draw attention/ascribe meaning to his race). tia.
Regarding the knife, all of Patrizia Stefanoni's lies and perjury have been ignored and her fabricated lab work fully endorsed.

See p 62

Since from the Real Time quantification (never carried out!) she obtained a concentration of “a few hundred picograms of DNA” (GUP, page 178) she took steps to further concentrate the extract in order to obtain a final volume of 10 μl which she would have used for the PCR reaction.

Oct 4, 2008 transcript page 178

C&V quantification report

The c&v report showing how her technical report said Samples A-C were assessed with real time PCR except they weren't.


At the trial she testifies before the defense even got the SAL and Quantification report and conveniently couldn't remember how much DNA was on the knife she's claiming is the murder weapon.

p166 Italian

DIFESA – Avv. Ghirga
DOMANDA – Un’ultimissima proprio in relazione a quanto è emerso, l’estrazione del DNA sul coltello lei mi pare che ha detto che non si ricorda quanto DNA ha estratto dalla lama, dalla graffiatura.
DOMANDA – Si può controllare sul registro estrazioni?
RISPOSTA – Sì, si può controllare.
DOMANDA – È un dato che si può acquisire?
DOMANDA – L’estrazione si può ricavare dal registro delle estrazioni come dice lei.
DOMANDA – Però non se lo ricorda, vero, quanto DNA ha estratto…
RISPOSTA – Dell’estrazione si può ricavare in realtà la data da quel S.A.L., quello sì.
DOMANDA – Però non se lo ricorda adesso?
RISPOSTA – No, qui no.
DOMANDA – Si può acquisire questo dato?
RISPOSTA – Sì, la data di estrazione, sì.
DOMANDA – Mentre conferma quanto poi è stata… quanta è stata l’eluizione ed il ricavato del DNA per fare…
RISPOSTA – Sì, è stato concentrato in prima battuta, poi è stato quantificato e poi dopo è stato riconcentrato a 10 microlitri.
DOMANDA – Dopo essendo di interesse acquisire il dato sulla quantità di DNA estratto dalla graffiatura lo possiamo acquisire, diciamo nelle forme dovute, è così?
DIFESA – Avv. Ghirga – Grazie.

Nencini increases the blade size to 31cm from 17cm and now out of no where there's mixed DNA of Raffaele & Meredith on the knife.


Il coltello, con lama lunga circa 31cin, venne sequestrato dalla polizia giudiziaria nell'appartameiito di Raffaele Sollecito nel corso della prima perquisizione iveffettuata L'ufficiale di polizia giudiziaria che materialmente lo prelevò dal cassetto ove erano riposte le posate dichiarava nel corso del dibattimento di primo grado clie la sua attenzione era stata colpita dal fatto che quel coltello, e non altri presenti nel inedesimo cassetto, risultava molto più pulito rispetto alla generalità delle posate, tanto da lasciar immaginare clie fosse stato lavato con cura e di recente. Questa circostanza, che potrebbe apparire un dato di percezione personale e irrilevante, portò a conclusioni rilevanti nel processo. Esaminato il coltello dalla polizia scientifica, sulla sua lama, all'interno di una serie di striature quasi impercettibili ad occl-iio nudo, veniva rinvenuto DNA niisto di d~iec ontributori: Meredith Kercher e Raffaele Sollecito.
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