GUILTY MS - Donna Cochran, 44, found murdered, Carthage, 11 Aug 2010

Donna's husband confessed to the murder at about 4pm this afternoon. He is currently in custody.
Donna's husband confessed to the murder at about 4pm this afternoon. He is currently in custody.

What a tragedy. I hope his daughter has a close friend or family member to lean on. At least he had the decency to own up to what he did.

I wonder why he did it.
Usually my first gut feeling is the spouse, very sad when it is confirmed.How horrible for her father that he used him as an alibi.My heart and Prays to her daughter, father and all those who loved her.How very sad for all concerned.
Donna's husband confessed to the murder at about 4pm this afternoon. He is currently in custody.

We need a link for this please and thank you.


I did a quick search and didn't find anything.

I'm so sorry for Donna if this is true.

As soon as someone finds an article, please link it.
Donna's husband confessed to the murder at about 4pm this afternoon. He is currently in custody.

My heart goes out to you and your family. I am so sorry if this turns out to be the case. Prayers for peace and justice.

Thank you, mikeysmom, for the link. I had checked all of the TV stations and newspapers, but I had not thought about radio.
I am so thankful, and at the same time, shocked and saddened, by Mike's arrest. I had heard rumors of this early on, but just couldn't allow myself to believe that he could kill his wife.
Since I taught both of them, I am totally shocked that he could do this. They were both such wonderful students.
My prayers now are for the families and their daughter.
TRMay, please know that I am thinking of you and C. daily. What a hard burden to bear.
My sister just called me and told me the news. I am just shocked....and absolutely heartbroken. Never in my life would I have dreamed this could happen.
Hats off to the Leake County LE officers for being able to get to the heart of this case - as painful as it may have been in a small community where everybody knows everybody and all seemed to think so highly of both Mike and Donna. It takes true professionalism to put friendships aside and solve a case so quickly. God Bless them.
WLBT TV station just added a story on line.
Hats off to the Leake County LE officers for being able to get to the heart of this case - as painful as it may have been in a small community where everybody knows everybody and all seemed to think so highly of both Mike and Donna. It takes true professionalism to put friendships aside and solve a case so quickly. God Bless them.
WLBT TV station just added a story on line.

Nola, thanks just wasn't enough for this post. You are so kind to recognize the integrity of this small town's police force. Greg is a fine man and a first caliber law enforcement officer. Yes, you are right. All reports I get from local friends in that area point to both the shock and grief the whole community is feeling. The murder of Donna Ganann appears to be solved, but there is no joy in finding her killer. A sad, sad day for everyone. Thanks again for your perceptive and caring post.
What is wrong with getting a divorce???

I am quite sure, imo, there was or still is another woman. I thought in the beginning it was probably the husband. The tack shop was so rural that I seriously doubted it was anyone but him.

This is so sad for DC's children and family, not only is their mother dead but now their father is going to prison.
One of the things about this case is that he sent his father to find his dil like that. Iirc, it caused him to have heart problems that hospitalized him. What if their daughter had found her! and TWO gunshots, that was not even close to an accident.
One of the things about this case is that he sent his father to find his dil like that. Iirc, it caused him to have heart problems that hospitalized him. What if their daughter had found her! and TWO gunshots, that was not even close to an accident.

I know, fhc. That is totally disgusting. As well, his alibi for the night was Donna's father. That is disgusting as well. I just can't understand all of this. So sad.
Oh dear. A family ruined. I am so so sorry for the family and the community. Everyone must be hurting so badly. :(
Salem, I'll do the best I can on this.
The sheriff said in the article in the Carthaginian that the husband left around 7:30 pm to go to his father-in-law's house to catch chickens. He was there all night. At some point, Donna's daughter came home and saw a light in the tack shop but was not disturbed because her mother often worked at night on the computer there.

The next morning, Donna didn't show up for work and a coworker called the husband. He called his dad to check on her. The dad found her and called 911 about 8:30 am. The sheriff further says that she had been dead for "several hours" when she was found. That's as close as I can come to a time of death.

She died from two bullet wounds, one to the back of the head and one to the side of the head with no evidence of any other trauma. "Mrs. Cochran likely died almost instantly" he said, "It was quick."

"It appeared" Waggoner (the sheriff) said, "to be a robbery that turned into murder." Money was taken from a bank bag and the husband said it was probably less than $500.

There was a broken window in the tack shop. Waggoner commented, "Despite the broken window, entry was apparently not made into the business through that.....(I can't make out the word.) There was no apparent sign of forced entry." In one of the other articles listed above in other posts, it said that she always kept the door bolted. So, this is a puzzle for me. Why the broken window? And how was it that there was no forced entry?

I am no sleuther. But I know many of you are seasoned sleuther. I will try to bring the info. I hope you can interpret it.


One of the things about this case is that he sent his father to find his dil like that. Iirc, it caused him to have heart problems that hospitalized him. What if their daughter had found her! and TWO gunshots, that was not even close to an accident.
Yes, it's pretty cold to risk having your daughter find her mother like that and to use your own father like that. But then again, it's pretty cold to put bullets in your wife's head, so anything else shouldn't be surprising, I guess.
Oh man. I've been following along here and hoped against hope it wasn't him. So sad.
An argument over finances leads to a gun in his hand and two bullets in her head? What happened to bring a gun into a financial discussion between two adults who have been married for 25 years? In my opinion there's a lot more to this story...
Oh man. I've been following along here and hoped against hope it wasn't him. So sad.

Me too. Fairy. I didn't have any info to offer so I never posted. But I read every post and I sure was hoping. She looked (in her photos) like a very nice woman. So sorry for all who loved them. This must be so hard. :(
To all Websleuthers,

First, let me thank all of you for all the comments, suggestions, ideas and especially the prayers. This was a very difficult ordeal for my family and friends and just knowing that all of you were out there supporting and caring helped.

Second, I would like to say a very special thanks to Sheriff Greg Waggoner and the Leake County Sheriff’s Office and the MBI for their diligent efforts to solve this case and give the family and community closure. They have helped re-establish some of my lost confidence in LE.

Third, I would like to ask for your prayers for Mike and the entire family. Mike will need them as time goes on and he realizes that in a fit of anger he killed the best thing that ever happened to him. He will need to turn to the Lord for support and forgiveness but he will still have a debt to pay to society. Also, please pray for the children, Mike’s son and daughter have not only lost their mother they have, in a since, lost their father as well.

In closing, I hope that maybe out of all this loss and tragedy, Shondra’s case will be rekindled anew and we can catch her killer.
T., your post above just proves to me once again what a wonderful man you are. Thank you for your kindness and caring, even in the face of huge adversity. You can be sure that all of you are (and have been) in my prayers daily.
My hope is also that out of this tragedy, new interest and determination in Shondra's case will finally solve it. I think of her every day.
This tragedy reminds me of some of the final lines of "Romeo and Juliet": All are punished. That is so true.....even the innocents are punished.
Love to all.

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