Nancy Grace - Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm going to have to read the transcript when it comes up. I caught the first part of what he was saying, then he lost me because I couldn't understand him. I still can't comprehend how processed food spoiling in garbage bags can smell the same as a decomposing human body. :waitasec:

It doesn't. Processed spoiling food smells like garbage. Period.
I think its great that there were's really going to tell alot...IMO
For the record, despite CA's well-publicized claim that there was a bag of rotting pizza in the trunk, causing the suspicious odor, the reality is that the bag contained an EMPTY pizza BOX. I imagine it had crumbs it.

If I'm wrong, just shoot me. :)

:bang: You are correct. I just want to shoot you anyway :)
Really, I think, given the obvious language barrier, that Lee was told about the pizza box, detergent box, and bag found in the trunk and he understood it as frozen food boxes.

I am not so sure, after listening to him tonight, that he has taken much time to go over the documents of what was found, where, etc.

that could start to fit

frozen box food = pizza box

were there any frozen pizza's on the grocery receipts? I know there was pizza ordered on one of the receipts, but I don't remember if there were frozen ones as well.... though I doubt the flies ate their way through a plastic wrapper.
That's the only positive thing about this case. The fact that Casey picked the stupidest (I know that's now a word) Attorney in the U.S. Jose has to be the biggest jerk!! He didn't know he wasn't supposed to have his hands all over her? Come on?? He didn't know Casey would have to give a deposition if he counter-sued? I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that one. She'll just dig her grace deeper and deeper... Keep it up Jose!!

The maggots are multiplying so by the time the trial gets here they can be flies on the wall!
that could start to fit

frozen box food = pizza box

were there any frozen pizza's on the grocery receipts? I know there was pizza ordered on one of the receipts, but I don't remember if there were frozen ones as well.... though I doubt the flies ate their way through a plastic wrapper.

I am pretty sure, please don't ask for a link, that it was a meat lovers pizza box because that is what was sent to the A's by that other site.
Obviously, AFTER LE finished with the car.... the "dump a dead body in Casey's trunk" perp snuck into the evidence yard & dumped NEW garbage into the trunk.

Will this rotten guy NEVER stop trying to frame Casey????

I'm starting to feel a little sorry for her. :crazy:
OMG :clap: that is too good!! :clap: Send it to JB ~ he'll need all the help he can get, imo!
Thank you, that's what I've been trying to find a way to say. Why were no control tests done with the other rotted food like there was with the pizza?

It's very strange, they test for pizza that, according to statements, wasn't there, but not for food products that, according to Dr. Lee, are there? :waitasec:

Or there was only PART of what they tested released. That is what I believe. There was nothing on the maggots or the blow flies. That is being held.
I am pretty sure, please don't ask for a link, that it was a meat lovers pizza box because that is what was sent to the A's by that other site.

It's so difficult to remember details anymore, but I thought at one time it was said that the pizza came from some local pizza joint, and it was not Pizza Hut.
It doesn't. Processed spoiling food smells like garbage. Period.
This weekend I just cleaned out the freezer part of our fridge to make room for the Thanksgiving turkey and there's some unused (expired) frozen food in my garbage can inside a tied plastic bag. Maybe I should go check! :D The only problem is it's not that hot outdoors now and the garbage can is currently in the garage.
I just went back to read the account of what happened between GA and SB the tow truck driver and according to them, they opened the trunk of the car and flies flew out and all that was in there was a plastic bag with rotting pizza in it and maggots. I remember SB being relieved the bag was so light because he was sure there could have been a dead body in the bag.


I did the same as you did...I am so glad that I didn"t delet those document's.:blowkiss:

Guess they're trying to claim he stole the beads & planted them. :rolleyes:

I think that the charge emanated from CA as damage control, that's why LE is pi$$ed because they are investigating distractions now to discount A Team claims on LP intentions.
I just went back to read the account of what happened between GA and SB the tow truck driver and according to them, they opened the trunk of the car and flies flew out and all that was in there was a plastic bag with rotting pizza in it and maggots. I remember SB being relieved the bag was so light because he was sure there could have been a dead body in the bag.

where are you reading this account from? I thought the LE interview transcripts actually said that Simon said flies came out of the trunk when he opened it, George says there were insects of some sort, and there was reference to a pizza box but neither of them say maggots or rotting pizza.... maybe I am confused, but what has been reported by the media has really morphed from the actual statements given on a lot of these issues
Obviously, AFTER LE finished with the car.... the "dump a dead body in Casey's trunk" perp snuck into the evidence yard & dumped NEW garbage into the trunk.

Will this rotten guy NEVER stop trying to frame Casey????

I'm starting to feel a little sorry for her. :crazy:

I'm amazed. He seems to have access everywhere. They need to catch that guy!!!!:crazy:
I am pretty sure, please don't ask for a link, that it was a meat lovers pizza box because that is what was sent to the A's by that other site.

The forensic reports said they used sausage and mushroom as the control sample, not sure what that choice was based on
It's so difficult to remember details anymore, but I thought at one time it was said that the pizza came from some local pizza joint, and it was not Pizza Hut.

You Stinker You:blowkiss:
Thank you, that's what I've been trying to find a way to say. Why were no control tests done with the other rotted food like there was with the pizza?

It's very strange, they test for pizza that, according to statements, wasn't there, but not for food products that, according to Dr. Lee, are there? :waitasec:

It is not strange at all. They most likely had prior test results for everything there except the pizza they claimed it was.

The problem with the pizza story is there was NO PIZZA - just a box. Reread it.
where are you reading this account from? I thought the LE interview transcripts actually said that Simon said flies came out of the trunk when he opened it, George says there were insects of some sort, and there was reference to a pizza box but neither of them say maggots or rotting pizza.... maybe I am confused, but what has been reported by the media has really morphed from the actual statements given on a lot of these issues

My recollection is the same as yours, although I also recall something about Simon saying he couldn't recall if there actually was a pizza box or if he heard that on the news.
Beware of Dr Lee, he will always lean toward the side that is paying him. He has
a reputation of being the best and that best also includes confusing and twisting the evidence.

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