Found Deceased NC - Maddox Ritch, 6 w/Autism, Gastonia, 22 Sept 2018

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How are the park employees able to see everyone who comes in and out? Is there one entrance/exit? I previously read about a fence...does it go around the entire perimeter?

Is there a charge to enter the park? If so there probably is one entrance and could be the same as the exit. Is there a map of the park anywhere? Fox, the man who gave the interview and made the 911 call, sounds as though he is very aware of goings on at the park.
Sassy..... that must be terrifying. No one can keep eyes 24/7. Everyone has to pee and sleep! So those who judge would not be immune. They just haven't had to realize how impossible it is.

I'm hoping he has the same luck, but water. Boats.... I will be more surprise if the outcome is good. But I'm sure hopinh!
<modsnip: Please remember that Websleuths is victim friendly> They’ve had hundreds of searchers and dogs and they still can’t find him. Was the mom there? How do we know they were actually at that park?
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The direction he was running from what I understand runs into a fence as has been mentioned by the park employee. The direction was kind of going towards the entrance area of the park from what I understand.

Of course I could be off base regarding my understanding of the exact location, but if that turns out to be true it's hard for me to see how he wasn't seen as the employee insinuates.
The search was an evidence grid search and that focuses on not just finding a person the size of a 6-year-old, but any small, minute piece of evidence,” FBI Special Agent Jason Kaplan.

An elite FBI dive team with specialized equipment has been brought in to assist in the search in Rankin Lake on Thursday.

"They have specialized sonar equipment,” Swecker said. “They would grid out a search even though it's a lake bottom."

Authorities said they hope the advanced technology will help them finish searching the lake.

Officials are also in the process of draining parts of the lake.

"Things like footprints and physical searches, I would say are close to winding down,” Swecker said.

Officials told Channel 9 if or when search teams do not think they will be able to find the boy, the focus of the investigation may then shift to a possible kidnapping or another scenario.
MISSING 6-YEAR-OLD MADDOX RITCH:Rainy conditions not stopping continued search for missing boy in Gastonia park

Videos and much more at link
Does fencing enclose the entire perimeter of the park? Would like to see a map. Anyone? Thanks

From what I know of the park fencing encloses all but the entrance. There is only one entrance that I've ever used and it's also the exit. There is a shooting range next to the park but that is separate from the park.
That would explain why the police are continually asking for people to PLEASE call in if they were at the park that day. Perhaps hoping against all hope that M was really there.

The FBI has stated they have corroborating evidence Maddox was there on Saturday AND that they believe the parents. See the posts below:

NEW: An important thing from that press conference to me was that the #FBI said they have corroborating evidence that Maddox was in the park Saturday. #Maddox #WBTV

WBTV Ben Williamson on Twitter


MORE: FBI: “we have worked with both parents and we believe what they are telling us is accurate.” #FindMaddox #WBTV

WBTV Ben Williamson on Twitter
From what I know of the park fencing encloses all but the entrance. There is only one entrance that I've ever used and it's also the exit. There is a shooting range next to the park but that is separate from the park.

Thanks CrownCowboy. It appears the park closes at 8:30pm, so I figured there is one entrance and exit and that is probably manned and secured when the park closes at night. Looks to be a beautiful place too.
Thanks CrownCowboy. It appears the park closes at 8:30pm, so I figured there is one entrance and exit and that is probably manned and secured when the park closes at night. Looks to be a beautiful place too.

It is a very nice place and as I said earlier, to me, it's not all that big. Of course to others it might seem like a big park but that's just how I see it. With that being said, if he is there then I feel that they will find him.
It is a very nice place and as I said earlier, to me, it's not all that big. Of course to others it might seem like a big park but that's just how I see it. With that being said, if he is there then I feel that they will find him.

Thank you for sharing all your experiences and details about the park. It helps me visualize the scene much more clearly.
Thank you for sharing all your experiences and details about the park. It helps me visualize the scene much more clearly.

You are welcome.

I'm sure that there are others that know alot more than I do about the park. If so I hope they'd comment as well.

I'll also mention that the entrance breaks off to an upper parking lot and a lower parking lot. The office building that is being mentioned I assume where the employees work out of has a total view to both parking lots at the entrance.

So I can sort of understand the park employee's perspective about having a good idea about who is there at the park more times than not.
It's cool and rainy here in Charlotte, and all I can think about is this sweet, little boy cold, wet, hungry...not to mention his mental and emotional state. Gosh I pray they find him soon. It is so hard to believe that with all these resources and manpower they still haven't found him if he is indeed still in the park. Hoping for a happy reunion for Maddox and his family.
I know. Others feel he is in the lake, and he very well could be.

I just keep wondering- would if, he's not in that park after all? Is there any chance he wandered further away on his own?
I don't post much, but just wanted to weigh in on the running part. My son is on the spectrum and is a "runner", and is insanely fast. When he runs it is because of a fight or flight sensation that he feels. He will basically glaze over and take off, not caring what or who is in his way. There have been many teachers and administrators that have not been able to catch him. He can also scale a fence like his life depends on it. But with my son, it is usually something that sets him off or upsets him. On a normal day he is not a very fast runner and could easily be caught by an adult, but if he is in a "meltdown" that is a whole other story - it's almost comparable to "super-human strength".
I of course don't know much about this little boy, but if he is anything like my son then I could totally see how he could easily get away from an adult. Hoping he is found soon, and found safe!
He doesn't actually say that in the video though (unless I am missing it, please point out the minute mark where it was said). That is the reporter writing that in the article. There are no quotes of the father's exact words. He DOES say in other videos and interviews that he often takes his son to different parks to let him run. Perhaps the reporter who wrote up the ABC article conflated that statement (they often go to A PARK) to say he had been there before. JMO.

I went back and looked at the interview and that’s correct, its just bad reporting/writing on the reporters part. I feel that many of the inconsistencies in this case (and others) are simply due to the lack of accurate journalism.
I pray this little one isn’t in the water but if the water is cold, bacterial action takes place very slowly and it could take several weeks before his little body appears on the surface. I can’t imagine these professional searchers and high tech equipment wouldn’t find him sooner if he has drowned. I want so badly to believe these parents. I really do. I guess WS has increased my cynicism.
I just watched the press interview of the father. One sentence spoke volumes to me. It was at the end. He was asked what he'd say to his boy if he could. He responded, "I'd say, 'Maddox, M-A-D-D-O-X, I love you, buddy.'"

He said it in a way that made me feel that he'd said this exact sentence many, many times before, spelling out the name for the child to learn. A parent who makes concerted efforts and wants to teach a challenged child how to spell his name is not likely the kind of parent that would harm that child. I admit, when I first heard of the Maddox Ritch story, I immediately thought of Ara (Pique) Andressian. In that case, the father is now serving time. After seeing the interview of Ian Ritch, I no longer get that vibe.

I sure hope I'm right.
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