NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #24

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Shaniya went to visit her mother on Oct. 31. Lockhart said she packed Shaniya enough clothes for two days and expected to pick her up that Sunday.But on Sunday morning, Lockhart said, Davis called and told her that she'd never see Shaniya again. Lockhart said Davis was angry that she had disciplined Shaniya for getting into a fight with her cousins.

Alright, I cave, does anyone have a link to Carey herself saying that she dropped Shaniya off the 9th. I keep seeing the 9th, but it's always BL saying it, not Carey herself.
They need more investigators...:waitasec:
Like I said yesterday Carie is no Queen Bee....NO, NO...
she is her brothers keeper....

If she is divorced and has 3 kids, her BROTHER may be her keeper right now.
It would probably be easy to find out if it was just for two days,because of what all was gone from Shaniya's bedroom at her Dad's.If the bedroom had alot of things missing for Shaniya to go live with the Mom,then the two day thing wouldn't be true.How much of Shaniya's things were in that MH,because I doubt the mother had money to buy her anything,so most of what was hers,probably came from her Dad's house.

I was kinda thinking the same thing.
Shaniya went to visit her mother on Oct. 31. Lockhart said she packed Shaniya enough clothes for two days and expected to pick her up that Sunday.But on Sunday morning, Lockhart said, Davis called and told her that she'd never see Shaniya again. Lockhart said Davis was angry that she had disciplined Shaniya for getting into a fight with her cousins.

Alright, I cave, does anyone have a link to Carey herself saying that she dropped Shaniya off the 9th. I keep seeing the 9th, but it's always BL saying it, not Carey herself.

Look at the Oprah interview; she asked each for the date. Carey answered the 9th.
Coe already messed up the estimation of how much stuff at the trailer would have been Shaniya's, with his comments that she wore his daughter's clothes when she was there.
I thought that was a picture of his niece (Aunt Carey's daughter).

She was also at one of the memorials. Their body language together was that of a girlfriend. She's been able to keep her name out of this so far.
For the past couple of weeks, I've shed sooo many tears over Shaniya...compiled with tears over other child victims. With so many bad things happening, I can only wonder if this is the beginning of the end...kwim? It makes for an interesting holiday season, when families come together and share warmth - as well as faith, love, presents, food, and so on. I wondered to myself if I could actually find something good in something like this happening? My immediate response to my lingering question was Hell No! Then I thought again...

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for you, Shaniya, for touching my life. I thank you for making me take it to the next level in getting involved. I thank you for pushing me over the edge with wanting to get my point across, and not stopping until I'm heard. I thank you, Shaniya, for helping me to help get your message out there to my congressmen and other government officials. I thank you for reminding me to cherish every single moment I share with my children. This Thanksgiving, I will light a candle in your honor, and my family will all follow suit. You're story has cut me to the core, and I will remember you for the rest of my life. So...Thank You, Shaniya. You really do make a difference in this world!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I won't be on til later this weekend. Please be safe!

Love & Kisses,

Coe already messed up the estimation of how much stuff at the trailer would have been Shaniya's, with his comments that she wore his daughter's clothes when she was there.

Has this been proven to be a false statement? Haven't seen it disproven.
"When he's gone, Shaniya's with me. And on October 9, Antoinette had called me and asked me if she could visit with Shaniya," Carey says. "Shaniya loved her mother very much, and she did want to be with her."

But then in the Observer article (and ONLY that one article, it's the 31st.)
That ones' linked above.
So there is the shift in Carey's statement, if not a typo in the one article.

Also interesting, as I hadn't had time to get through the whole O interview, is that this is the first time that I have seen it said that AD called Carey to see Shaniya.
But I could have missed that.
Has this been proven to be a false statement? Haven't seen it disproven.

Never said it was false, just that he made the comment, and that could mess up the estimation of how much stuff was Shaniya's and how much wasn't, if there was any kid stuff in that place at all.
I don't believe it to be a false statement. MOO.
Well, I think the biggest flag is thrown up by the Charlotte observer news article saying that Aunt Carey recieved a phone call from AD saying she would never see Shayia again. Of course we really don't know the validity of that article. If that is really true, it changes this whole situation. It's odd to go from that point of view to Aunt Carey still dropping her off with 2 days worth of clothes. I saw Aunt Carey say that on video. Then to the point of basicly being able to sit there with BL on Oprah as he speaks of giving Shanyia back to her mother. I understand the not wanting to air dirty laundry? My big question is did BL give Shaniya to AD or did AD kinda just run off with shaniya like the Charlotte Observer says? :banghead:

Dates, angry phone conversation with AD (you'll never see child again), only weekend stay, dates they last spoke with Shaniya, date removed from school, etc.

IMO - The 31st wasn't a typo - it went along with a story that painted Lockhart's as good/AD bad. I think it was a case of the guilts and maybe just given to the media/not LE. I'm not blaming, but I hope they haven't given LE any runaround stories. LE needs the truth and I hope they are hearing a consistent version of events.

I took the 31st as a reporter error, just like the one about Shaniya's birth date, but who knows. It's hard to imagine they'd expect that lie not to be caught, though... and it puts the onus on them for Shaniya not being in school after mid-October. :waitasec:

The rest just seems to fit together for me, as in:
- Carey was told to take Shaniya to AD's for two days, and packs her up and drops her off expecting that to be the case.

- Two days later, she hears from AD that it isn't the case, and Shaniya will be living with her from now on.

- Carey is very upset and thinks her brother will fight for official custody when he returns.

- Carey calls her brother and finds out that he intends Shaniya to live with AD, to give her a chance to be a mother.

- Carey is upset about Shaniya living with her mother, but with both parents agreeing, her hands are tied.​

I can't see anything they've said that doesn't fit with that scenario, but maybe I missed something?

The only thing I wonder about is when BL made that decision - whether it was before Carey took Shaniya over, and he just didn't tell her because he knew she'd resist taking Shaniya over for more than 2 days? Or did he only decide after he talked to Carey and/or AD about the "you'll never see Shaniya again call."
The 31st is likely an error, since that is a Saturday and the article says that she packed her enough clothes for 2 days and expected to pick her up on Sunday.
That would make it Friday that she left, which is consistent with the 9th, but not the 31st.
I took the 31st as a reporter error, just like the one about Shaniya's birth date, but who knows. It's hard to imagine they'd expect that lie not to be caught, though... and it puts the onus on them for Shaniya not being in school after mid-October. :waitasec:

The rest just seems to fit together for me, as in:
- Carey was told to take Shaniya to AD's for two days, and packs her up and drops her off expecting that to be the case.

- Two days later, she hears from AD that it isn't the case, and Shaniya will be living with her from now on.

- Carey is very upset and thinks her brother will fight for official custody when he returns.

- Carey calls her brother and finds out that he intends Shaniya to live with AD, to give her a chance to be a mother.

- Carey is upset about Shaniya living with her mother, but with both parents agreeing, her hands are tied.​

I can't see anything they've said that doesn't fit with that scenario, but maybe I missed something?

The only thing I wonder about is when BL made that decision - whether it was before Carey took Shaniya over, and he just didn't tell her because he knew she'd resist taking Shaniya over for more than 2 days? Or did he only decide after he talked to Carey and/or AD about the "you'll never see Shaniya again call."

I've thought of this scenario too. I end up with the same question as you.
If she is divorced and has 3 kids, her BROTHER may be her keeper right now.

Jmo,if she lives with him,speak out,get out perhaps!If visa versa,then since she don't work,he was paying the bills,because his baby lived there.MY mom paid my granny's bills for years because she kept my sister and i part time when my mom was out of town,for months at a time.So who know but CLD IMO seem hesitant to speak straight up about BL and just insinuate her feeling toward BL,again jmo.Son's B-day today,better get off my butt,and start moving around.I'm so addicted to this site.You guys and(gals) make my time go by quicker,as i'm disabled right now and waiting for surgery.I'm am so very happy to be around people that,feels strongly about kids and what we can do to stop this madness.God bless you all and keep you and your families safe this holiday.I pray for you all as i hope you will for me and my family.
"When he's gone, Shaniya's with me. And on October 9, Antoinette had called me and asked me if she could visit with Shaniya," Carey says. "Shaniya loved her mother very much, and she did want to be with her."

But then in the Observer article (and ONLY that one article, it's the 31st.)
That ones' linked above.
So there is the shift in Carey's statement, if not a typo in the one article.

Also interesting, as I hadn't had time to get through the whole O interview, is that this is the first time that I have seen it said that AD called Carey to see Shaniya.
But I could have missed that.

This is the first time I've seen that AD called - the 9th is on a Friday. It makes no sense. Brad's friend Tim said they offered alternatives to going with AD. Brad agreed and on October 1 changed his mind.
With the story as of Oprah being that AD called Carey, how does that play in with the unconfirmed theory of Shaniya being sent by BL to live there?
I also believe that it was planned for her not to come back, at least for a while, but Lord only knows when that plan was made.

But if they were in the habit if sending Shaniya to AD every time she asked, BL and AD might have felt comfortable with AD's request being honored, if it were planned by them ahead of time.
I just don't know. My head is swimming.
This is the first time I've seen that AD called - the 9th is on a Friday. It makes no sense. Brad's friend Tim said they offered alternatives to going with AD. Brad agreed and on October 1 changed his mind.

Thanks, now I know it's not just me that hadn't seen it.
This really means one of two things. Carey is being deceptive for whatever reason, or all the other people that have come out and said they offered alternatives are being deceptive...

I have no idea which.:banghead:
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