NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #39

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If LE has her body I am sure that the men and women that are out there searching for her would very much like to know so that they can go home.
I can only remember one from across the Rd on 21st reporting that they had seen him use one.

There was no woodchipper reported to be in the yard though, just a log splitter.

The Baker house is a simple, one-story structure, with a tarp over part of the roof, stacks of firewood in the backyard, a log splitter and a truck from Real Tree Services of Morganton.
An adult dog and a puppy stay in the back yard. A neighbor, according to a passerby, waters the dogs.
No, I don't think it's possible.

LE has no reason to "hide" the fact that a body has been found, if they found one.

Well I'm just curious because they did hide the fact that they found the leg. How much time passed before we found out about that? Also how much time passed before we learned about the mattress?

I don't think they have to announce that they found a body. They may send it in to be ID'd first. Wouldn't it be something IF they did find her and then AB went in there and saw that she had been found? IF he was guilty he would be sweating bullets.

I totally agree. Mental illness is not a defense and she has admitted in the letters that she knows what happened was "horrifying".

Question though - can LE impound those letters as evidence now that they have been released? Some of the statements are incriminating in my opinion and I find it hard to believe that they can be sold. Maybe the prosecution can use copies in court and therefore doesn't care about the originals.

Another question - if she (or he for that matter) files for divorce can they testify against each other if the crime was committed during the marriage?

Where is Zahra?

They can choose to testify against the other whether they are currently married or not. Spousal privilege says you cannot be compelled to testify when it applies, not that you cannot testify if you choose to.

In most states marital privilege does not apply if the victim of the crime is the child of either spouse, so they probably won't be able to use spousal privilege even if they stay married.

Though they have both pretty clearly been throwing the other under the wheels of the bus from the beginning, so I don't think that is going to be an issue anyway.
Your child is still your child no matter what horrible thing they are connected to (I can't say whatever he did because he hasn't been charged yet) and you support them, and you do whatever it takes to make sure they do the right thing now.

I'm sorry I have two little girls of my own and I do understand unconditional love, but this really takes the biscuit. He is part of this and if it was one of my girls I'm sorry but I would have to distance myself. Or maybe I just dont know because I'm not in the position. My brain hurts
OK. Must go to bed.

Thank you to those who have shared your insights with all of us, and to those who will sit with Zahra overnight. And to the mods, who keep us in line and (SPECULATION ALERT AND MOO-->) have the hardest jobs here.

Heck of an end to a day that started with so much meatloaf... :grouphug:

There was no woodchipper reported to be in the yard though, just a log splitter.

The Baker house is a simple, one-story structure, with a tarp over part of the roof, stacks of firewood in the backyard, a log splitter and a truck from Real Tree Services of Morganton.
An adult dog and a puppy stay in the back yard. A neighbor, according to a passerby, waters the dogs.

Pretty sure there was one there when EB called 911 for the fire. :waitasec:
Can someone point me to the original letter where she talks about "we didn't really kill her" or "we really didn't kill her". Let's get this cleared up, because they are very different beasts.

1st letter transcribed:
[ame=""]NC NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #39 - Page 2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

2nd letter transcribed:
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NC NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #39[/ame]
Pretty sure there was one there when EB called 911 for the fire. :waitasec:

There wasn't one "reported" by msm. However one or more of our locals said there was one at the house and that it was now gone.
There was no woodchipper reported to be in the yard though, just a log splitter.

The Baker house is a simple, one-story structure, with a tarp over part of the roof, stacks of firewood in the backyard, a log splitter and a truck from Real Tree Services of Morganton.
An adult dog and a puppy stay in the back yard. A neighbor, according to a passerby, waters the dogs.

I was wondering earlier if the puppy seen being caring from the home today could have been one who lived there, being taken out.
Your child is still your child no matter what horrible thing they are connected to (I can't say whatever he did because he hasn't been charged yet) and you support them, and you do whatever it takes to make sure they do the right thing now.

I love my children unconditionally. However, I reserve the right to withhold my support if they behave in ways that are unacceptable to me.

Reports indicated early on that the Bakers had two Pit Bull's, right? Does anyone remember hearing/reading whether or not either or both of those dogs were ever kept inside the home? Just curious.
Just want to make sure we are all using the definitions of words as they are usually used here on WS. If you already know this stuff just ignore.

Insanity: is not a medical diagnosis anymore. It is used in the Legal definition.

IMHO a prior diagnosis of a mental illness can be used to support an insanity defense. It depends on what mental illness the diagnosis was as to if that is successful.

Maybe a few old timers can help me with this one. I have yet to see a Personality disorder used as a successful defense. (I have a foggy memory about one was presented but it failed miserably?)

The legal definition insanity is very specific. Each state is specific on how and why it can be used.

As for low IQ, I don't know the standard for NC. I only know the one for TX. I'd have to go look that one up. Anyone know offhand? TIA.

All JMHO and thoughts.
That is one of the things I just cant grasp. Why is she still standing behind him??? I can understand a Mothers unconditional love, but this is way beyond anything a Mother could handle. Does she really believe he is totally innocent? I dont care if he didn't deliver the blow or hide the body (or body parts), but he IS INVOLVED IN SOME CAPACITY!

I don't get why his Mom is still supporting him either. She has to realize that AB is lying -- I mean she's his Mom. I'm sure she is as tired as we are of hearing AB say, " I don't know". I'd be asking him "what do you mean you don't know?" After all, she is his only child and he was responsible for her welfare. When it comes to AB, I call .
I love my children unconditionally. However, I reserve the right to withhold my support if they behave in ways that are unacceptable to me.


Right, but would you withdraw that support before they were even indicted? Or would you hope that the evidence would support their claims that they had nothing to do with it?

I don't find it odd that his mom is standing by his side at this point. Half the posters in this thread think he might just be clueless but not guilty. I don't find it unreasonable that his mom is waiting for something more concrete than what we have seen.

and hardly any of the institutions will allow Hardback many hiding places in a hardback. I actually used to have people come to the store and want me to stamp a package of theirs I guess thinking that it would slip on thru, lol..or buy some mags and books and then hand me a few other things to put in there.. I would be like..WHAT!?..Do I have STUPID written on my forehead!..of course I didn't say that.. but I dang sure wanted to!

In Washington state you can not send an inmate reading material such as books, magazines or newspapers directly. You have to have them mailed directly to the inmate from somewhere like Amazon or Barns and Nobles or by subscriptions. (you can send photo copied articles but only so many pages are allowed.)

And not to be argumentative but I don't see how any correctional facility can get away with opening legal mail- you can't even monitor lawyers phone calls or visits. I think inmates could sue the facility if they opted to.
And I know it isn't done here- all legal correspondence is handed directly to the inmate to open.
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