NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #9

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as room being empty.
Zahra slept in a closet, therefore no bed.
Zahra had to leave her kittens behind......
Zahra had no toys? or very little.
I pods, probably not. books, barbies?
Zahra had very little clothes, we observed.
I doubt if SM is much of a housekeeper as far as decorating Zahra's room.
Nothing like the little girls rooms we are used to seeing............
Warning graphic question:

Is there still a smell of decomposition with a wood chipper? Or would the smell be covered up if the site continued to chip wood? The smell of cut wood is strong too. (Guess I'm still wondering what the neighbor lady smelled yesterday.) Sorry...
BByou, that is the million dollar question alright. I cannot figure out what these people thought was to be gained with the fire, the ransom note, etc. If it was meant to explain Zahra's disappearance it was a really poor plot.

That is why I lean to the "event" happening just before the fire etc, because if they wer egonna come p with some sort of plan to distract or throw off LE as to what had really happened to that little girl and they had all this time to come up with one they did a really p*sspoor job!
I still believe the fire and ransom note were intended to be when Zahra was discovered "missing", however without LE checking at that time, hence the phone call hours later. It's still possible though, imo, that she had been gone for much longer than just before the fire, and the perp(s) were sure she wouldn't be found even though LE would launch an all out search. MOO
I think LE is going to need help on this one from somebody who saw something. They aren't releasing much info on who last saw the girl or where. Just a random thought, but I wonder if they could trace these two's cell phone pings during the last month or so to see where these two have been going, assuming they both have cell phones.
the one I was looking at is on Love 4 Zahra Baker....

It was started on wednesday 10.56 pm (think that is australian time.....sorry I am a shocker at understanding this techo stuff)

it begins...the search continues...unfortunately for Zahras body and goes on to thank the police for helping to bring justice for Zahra.......also has 99 comments.....AY pipes up in the last half...

hope that helps......BS (the sister) has posted under a couple of the threads.....there also is an April and that is the aunt.........

thanks - I was hoping it wasn't the one with the 99 comments LOL
Way back in the land of previous threads.....we were talking about 21 21st ave Northwest and mapping it so it's ok to talk about that addy. ITH
Her grammie really had her dressed to the 10's for the wedding.
Grammie loved her, you can tell and Zahra had a happy life til that day..........
Personally, I can't stand to look at that photo - only because that event is what led to Zahra being where she is now- just my opinion.
I can't find the link to the article right now, but my favorite photo was from Sept. 2008 when she was with the soldier in Australia. I think that may have been the last time she was really happy. She was also adorable in the videos and photos when receiving her hearing aids. :) MOO
Are there new reports of AB not cooperating or are we still going by / quoting the one report made by the other country sheriff ???
I can't find the link to the article right now, but my favorite photo was from Sept. 2008 when she was with the soldier in Australia. I think that may have been the last time she was really happy. She was also adorable in the videos and photos when receiving her hearing aids. :) MOO

Woah this thread goes quickly and I can't keep up.

Here is what I think - I don't think she is dead. Maybe they have "hidden" her somewhere or maybe someone who cared about her well-being just took off with her. I know this is probably highly unlikely but LE have never said why the status was changed to a homicide. It seems to me the only way they could have done changed it to homicide is to find evidence of a murder or someone confessed to a murder.

I wonder if anyone that was close to her is missing as well.


At first, I thought this might be a case like that of Shannon Matthews, in England - Dewsbury, West Yorkshire. There, the child was taken and kept, with full complicity of her mother, by a relative of the latter's boyfriend. Shannon's mother garnered tons of sympathy and goods and services by appearing to be the bereft victim of her child's having been kidnapped.

This, I thought, would certainly fit my perception of SM in this case - wanting attention and being fully capable of using her stepdaughter to gain it.

But in this case the SM was soon arrested, and there would seem no purpose to continuing a charade.

I agree on wondering why this was changed so soon to a homicide; evidently, that information has not been revealed.
That is my speculation as well, and explains why dogs hit on the engine compartment of a woodchipper. If that was used earlier, say a month or so, then there's been rain, use, rain, use, rain, use (you get the picture) to lose evidence thus far BUT... not in the engine compartment which I would assume is partially if not fully covered. I'm going to start a new abbreviation: MOG. (my own guess) LOL

BBM I really like the MOG = My Own Guess. Bravo. Gibby you'll go down in history for that. I'll try to tell everybody. LOL
what is she really?
What are the 3 other tat's
and she wore a cross in one photo.......
was her wedding to adam religious???
white gown and all?
I think this abuser has no idea what she is.
anything to be a 'misfit'..........says she was a 'misfit'
on classmates.............a person that likes to SHOCK people.
People fear her and she gets her kicks that way.............
and him also??? Does AB like that saddist ways also????

I have tats
I used to wear crosses in the 80s "Like A Virgin" era
My wedding was with a pastor, tho I'm agnostic (no flames!!) in Idaho at The Hitchin' Post and my shirt was white, skirt was black (yeah, prolly explains

I think she's crazy (not legal crazy). I agree, she has no idea who she is. She's never developed an identity other than being needy and wanting attention and a bully. She'd draw facades for shock value. I think people avoided her more than feared her, except for poor Zahra (and most probably her own children), whom I'm certain she feared SM. I was a misfit in high school, but I was in a class of 17 in IA and I'm a...uh... unique Aquarian individual. LOL I think she found a lot in common with AB.
Here are the two completed versions of Zahra's photo that I worked on:



Anyone is free to use either of this re-worked photos as they wish. The one can be made into an avatar (as done in my case) and the other makes a lovely signature. I know that this photo of Zahra was taken at AB and EB's wedding, but she looks so innocent and beautiful. I believe she was joyous in this photo and it is how I choose to remember sweet Zahra.​

It was bittersweet to make these, but I believe Zahra would approve.​

Thank you Lexingtons... I'm going to put it on my FB now. :)
What do you think about this? Caption under photo posted at 3:26 am on Oct. 8..

Wow K*** look at zahra she looks stoned lol, I miss bein around her she is so sweet and polite, she deserves a hell of a better life!! Wish they would just sign her over to us lol

Only edit was to the name. And yes, Zahra does look stoned in the photo. I'll upload it to the flickr site in a minute.
Yeahhhhh... uh... this is where I stand up here too. Wiccans and Pagans are not cannibals.

Some people wear the goth "hat" without a religious connontation.

Oh, bellyup... hit me. (with a shot, I'm at the bar... LOL)

Exactly....Wicca is a set of beliefs based on natural law, quite beautiful, and definitely not cannibalistic, Pagan describes the religions which existed in Europe before christianity was introduced IIRC..and yes Goth is many things to many different people.
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