New Zealand - Christchurch Mosque shooting, dead & injured reported, 15 March 2019

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Police frustrated over 'fake' notifications to hand in firearms

Why the U.S. and New Zealand's responses to mass shootings are so different

Seems a bunch of overseas pranksters are jamming the systems that have been put in place to enable the hand-in, buy-back and new licensing. It’s weird that a bunch of non-NZers are trying to protect the gun rights of kiwis by making it more difficult for the locals to safely and peacefully hand in their firearms.

Weird. . I wonder if they can find it on a map
Under the Corrections Act, everyone in custody is entitled to exercise, bedding, a proper diet, one private visitor a week, a legal adviser, medical treatment, healthcare, mail, and telephone calls. But there are exceptions. Entitlements can be withheld for various reasons including being segregated or in protective custody, health and safety, and because it's not practicable.

"He's under constant observation and isolation. He doesn't get the usual minimum entitlements. So no phone calls and no visits," said the source.

Among Corrections staff concerns is if he is found guilty and sentenced to a lengthy prison term and his security classification drops on account of good behaviour, "There is nothing we can do about it, that's our system."

Paremoremo has the highest number of Māori and Pacific Island staff in the country. The prisoner will be dealt with by officers of different ethnic origins, he said.

50% of the prisoners are Maori, 33% are Europeans and the remainder are Pacific Islanders. Then there's the prison staff - the majority being Maori or Pacific Islanders. I imagine this prison is the last place a white supremacist would wish to be incarcerated. If he behaves and his security level drops, he won't be segregated like he is now and he'll have a massive target on his back. That's when he'll learn the true meaning of fear and he'll have to live with it for the rest of his life. Karma.
New Zealand gun lobby backs ban after Christchurch mosques attack


New Zealand gun lobby backs ban after Christchurch mosques attack

Government announced immediate ban on military-style semi-automatic rifles after the shooting.


"Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's government announced an immediate ban on military-style semi-automatic rifles (MSSAs) after the shooting and will put laws to parliament formalising its action on Tuesday.

Finalising such legislation can often take months but Ardern said the matter was so urgent it will be done by April 11. …

Further curbs - potentially including a gun register, tighter vetting and stricter gun storage rules - are set to be passed by the end of the year. …

The suspect, self-confessed white supremacist Brenton Tarrant, is expected to appear in court on April 5.

He is expected to face more charges of murder during the hearing in which he is set to represent himself."
Australian Muslims Describe How Christchurch Has Changed Their Lives

Christchurch shooting
Australian Muslims Describe How Christchurch Has Changed Their Lives

"People have been looking at me longer than usual, and I wonder: are they looking at me because they feel sorry for me? Or are they looking at me because they agree with what that man did?"

Apr 1 2019
Christchurch shooter was Bulgarian guesthouse's first-ever Australian guest

"Why did Tarrant visit a run-down Bulgarian town?
The ABC retraced some of the alleged shooter's movements through Europe and visited the guesthouse in Pleven, two hours north of Sofia, where he stayed.

The town is most famous for being the site of a major battle during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877 and 1878. …

Tarrant travelled to 11 semi-rural locations in Bulgaria last November, all of which played witness to significant roles in the Ottoman wars more than 140 years ago, before crossing the border into Romania, and then travelling on to Austria.

Ten months prior, he had made a 1,500 euro donation to the Identitarian Movement, which as a result is under investigation by Austrian authorities.

The Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has announced he intends to try to forcibly dissolve the group."
Alleged Christchurch mosque killer's banned manifesto booby-trapped by hackers

Alleged Christchurch mosque killer's banned manifesto booby-trapped by hackers


"Despite the ban, however, and it being removed from the various sites it was initially posted to, copies have continued to circulate on dark avenues of the internet and social media sites.

But now, an online vigilante using the name "Māori" is circulating a "weaponised" version of the document in an apparent attempt to thwart its distribution.

When it's clicked on, it forces a system reboot that ends with a black screen featuring a message in red writing: "This is not us!"

The hacked version was discovered by security firm Blue Hexagon, which has dubbed the hack "Trojan Haka".

"Our initial suspicion was that this was targeting the press, but with all the data that we have now, it looks like it was not one specific group, just anyone who was trying to get a copy of the manifesto," Blue Hexagon researcher Irfan Asrar told PCMag."
Group warns 'emotional' Muslims to resist retaliation talk after Christchurch mosque shooting

Group warns 'emotional' Muslims to resist retaliation talk after Christchurch mosque shooting

Apr 01 2019

"Christchurch Muslims are being warned extremists can seize on the emotions of vulnerable people after a terrorist attack.

British organisation City Centre Dawah is in Christchurch to educate the public about Islam, and the risks of radicalisation in the aftermath of attacks like that on two of the city's mosques last month.

Founder Aqil Garricks-Ferguson said there was "minimal risk" of retaliation, but talking about the realities of extremist groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda was important. ...

Colleague Ali Mir said they wanted to make sure there was no backlash in Christchurch, and to ensure particularly young, naive and emotional Muslims were not brainwashed to retaliate.

"When these incidents occur, then you're going to find recruiters from either side seizing opportunities. It's a very, very dangerous time, to be honest with you."
Christchurch mosque attacks: Muslim women still fear wearing hijab in public

Christchurch mosque attacks: Muslim women still fear wearing hijab in public

1 April 2019

"Some Muslim women are still too scared to wear a hijab in public and school children fearing for their mothers' safety are needing counselling, says migrant women's organisation Shakti. ...

Shakti case manager Rina Singh said some widows of the shooting victims would need long-term help as they dealt with their own trauma and adjusted to their new lives.

Many of the women were young housewives, did not have jobs, could not drive, or were new to this country, she said.

"One client is 23 years old with two kids ... she doesn't know how to drive. She hasn't been out there in the world dealing with money, she doesn't know what a bank card is or how the ATM system works."

"Their husbands took care of everything, so we have to teach them," Ms Singh said. ...

Shakti was also having to explain to the women what counselling was and how they could provide it if needed, Ms Husain said.

"Counselling is not something that is common place in this culture. This is my primary goal, to make sure this knowledge reaches them."
Hundreds of volunteers help Christchurch shooting victims and families

Hundreds of volunteers help Christchurch shooting victims and families
Apr 02 2019

"Parker is one of the hundreds of volunteers – many coming from overseas – who have been working long hours to support those affected by the March 15 tragedy. The Muslim community identified what needed to be done and coordinated helpers.

Widows and their children left without a driver's licence needed car rides for them and visiting families, people by the side of injured loved ones at hospital needed meals, and family members on temporary visas needed immigration lawyers.

As families arrived from overseas to support the injured and the ones grieving the dead, Parker was asked to source warm clothing and toys for them. …

The team delivers the Halal meals twice a day – vegetarian curries, fruit crumbles, meatballs, vegetable pies, banana muffins – to Christchurch Hospital. Three experienced chefs supervise the food to make sure it is meeting protocols and food hygiene. Parker gets referrals through the MAC: They tell her when someone isn't coping and what's needed, be it a care package or a meal. ...

"A lot of money is coming in but you can't touch, taste or feel money. You don't get that instant feeling of warmth in your heart." …

She was overcome with emotion as she described what families needed. Widows with young children who could not drive or speak English well were in most need of help. As part of the mourning period, some widows stay in their house for four months and only leave if absolutely necessary.

Galal estimated there were more than a thousand volunteers on the ground"
No cameras in court for Christchurch terrorist attack accused's second appearance

No cameras in court for Christchurch terrorist attack accused's second appearance

April 2 2019

"A High Court judge has moved to block cameras from being in court, citing a need to preserve the integrity of the trial process and ensure a fair trial.

It's a decision Anwar Ghani from the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand fully backs.

"We totally support the judge's decision, from as far as we are concerned we do not want to see that there is any prejudice in the trial going forward.

"The New Zealand law should take its full effect on how it wants to deal with the individual concerned," Dr Ghani told 1 NEWS.

The accused gunman is due again before a judge on Friday.

That will be his second appearance after an initial hearing in the Christchurch District Court, and will be via audio visual link.

He will not be in court in person.

It comes at the same time as another debate about whether the accused man should have his name mentioned at all.

At the moment it is legal - there is no suppression on the man's name."
Iranian women's right activist condemns Western feminists | Daily Mail Online

Let me be clear with you: calling a discriminatory law a part of our culture - this is an insult to a nation.'

The issue was thrown into fresh focus last month when New Zealand women including PM Jacinda Ardern wore the headscarf in the wake of the Christchurch terror attack.

The New Zealand women earned applause in some quarters but others voiced concern, saying it was not 'empowering' to wear the hijab.
Iranian women's right activist condemns Western feminists | Daily Mail Online

Let me be clear with you: calling a discriminatory law a part of our culture - this is an insult to a nation.'

The issue was thrown into fresh focus last month when New Zealand women including PM Jacinda Ardern wore the headscarf in the wake of the Christchurch terror attack.

The New Zealand women earned applause in some quarters but others voiced concern, saying it was not 'empowering' to wear the hijab.

I totally agree
Q+A: Troll hunter Ginger Gorman on the Christchurch mosque shootings and cyberhate

Q+A: Troll hunter Ginger Gorman on the Christchurch mosque shootings and cyberhate

Apr 03 2019

"He's an archetypal predator troll, she said. ...

"The Christchurch killer fits the profile of a predator troll very well, unfortunately. He was, by all accounts, on the internet since he was a tiny kid, and he was quite isolated. So he likely spent a lot of time imbibing all those ideologies you find in predator trolls: misogyny, white supremacy, and other types of hatred. …

"They're not really separable in a case like [Christchurch], or even with most predator trolling. These guys are often online from a very young age, completely unsupervised. They often come from difficult family circumstances. They're essentially parented by the internet and they get radicalised into trolling and in the case of the Christchurch killer they get radicalised into terrorism."
Facebook hasn't improved its live-streaming service following Christchurch attacks, it tells Privacy Commissioner

Facebook hasn't improved its live-streaming service following Christchurch attacks, it tells Privacy Commissioner

Apr 03 2019

"Facebook hasn't made changes to its live-streaming service following the Christchurch terrorist attack on March 15, it told Privacy Commissioner John Edwards on Wednesday. …

"To their credit, Facebook did answer my direct question," Edwards tweeted after his meeting with Facebook representatives in his Wellington office."
Christchurch shootings accused could get life without parole - Law Society

Christchurch shootings accused could get life without parole - Law Society

3 April 2019

"New Zealand Law Society Criminal Law Committee member Simon Shamy said anyone convicted of murder was sentenced to life in prison with a non-parole period.

He said this was often a 10-year non-parole period, but theoretically there was no limit. …

The court ... can impose a minimum non-parole period of 60 years, or never, no parole ever.

"And that's up to the sentencing judge."
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