NY - Christopher Porco - Another Menandez situation? - sentenced

jannuncutt said:
June, Thanks for this info. I have always had doubts about Chris' guilt. The whole scenerio provided by the police never sat well with me. We really have to wonder why the mafia link wasn't pursued....or maybe it was...I don't know.
Jannuncutt: just my opinion, but I highly doubt that we have to wonder about anything at all related to the mafia in this case. It makes for fun reading, but I think June Cleaver is just joking around here. Jannucutt; you asked for a link or proof that Frank Porco was related and you received no proof that Frank and Peter Porco were related, so it's doubtful they're related. And did the Mafia also forge and steal Peter Porco's personal information and then secure a $32,000 bank loan in his name? That was Chris Porco, who robbed his dad. Think about the insanity of a 21 year old kid who steals their parents info and gets a $32,000 loan. Not a $300 loan or $3,000, but $32,000! That sends up a red flag that this kid definitely has a crazy and bad side. No mafia needed here. Now a neighbor says he saw a yellow jeep in the driveway at 4:00 a.m. or so, so did the Mafia steal the jeep in Rochester and drive it to Delmar? This story of "2 black sedans" is really far fetched and I'm guessing just a joke. If the mafia wanted to frame Chris; they'd use a yellow jeep; just like his; not 2 suspicious looking black sedans . Also a toll booth collector testified back in December. We don't know what the toll booth operator said, but maybe they can identify either Chris or the jeep or both. Remember, toll booths also have cameras, so it's possible that the jeep or Chris or both are seen on video footage. I think the most striking evidence is the actual timeline because it fits perfectly that Chris Porco could have committed this crime. Chris Porco and his friends all say they watched football until 12:45 a.m., which was about 3 1/2-4 hours before the murder happened. At 11:30 p.m. Chris and a friend moved his car and came back and watched the end of the game. Everyone went to sleep at around 12:45 a.m. No one in Rochester says they saw Chris Porco between roughly 12:45 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. This is a 7 hour and 15 minute time frame, where Chris is not seen. Now Rochester to Delmar is about 225 miles, which is about a 3 hour drive; if someone flies down the highway at 80 mph. So if Chris is the killer; he would have had about 6 hours driving time and another hour and fifteen minutes to commit the murder, get gas and do a few other quick things. Now in the past 2 years, Albany courts have prosecuted some New York City mobsters, including a man named Frank Porco; so there is that very slim chance that a mafia connection is possible in the Peter Porco case, but it's still highly unlikely. I doubt June Cleaver will post here again
No such luck, sheer. I'm still here. If it all seems so clear to you, why do you think they haven't made an arrest?
SheerLuck said:
Jannuncutt: just my opinion, but I highly doubt that we have to wonder about anything at all related to the mafia in this case. It makes for fun reading, but I think June Cleaver is just joking around here. Jannucutt; you asked for a link or proof that Frank Porco was related and you received no proof that Frank and Peter Porco were related, so it's doubtful they're related. And did the Mafia also forge and steal Peter Porco's personal information and then secure a $32,000 bank loan in his name? That was Chris Porco, who robbed his dad. Think about the insanity of a 21 year old kid who steals their parents info and gets a $32,000 loan. Not a $300 loan or $3,000, but $32,000! That sends up a red flag that this kid definitely has a crazy and bad side. No mafia needed here. Now a neighbor says he saw a yellow jeep in the driveway at 4:00 a.m. or so, so did the Mafia steal the jeep in Rochester and drive it to Delmar? This story of "2 black sedans" is really far fetched and I'm guessing just a joke. If the mafia wanted to frame Chris; they'd use a yellow jeep; just like his; not 2 suspicious looking black sedans . Also a toll booth collector testified back in December. We don't know what the toll booth operator said, but maybe they can identify either Chris or the jeep or both. Remember, toll booths also have cameras, so it's possible that the jeep or Chris or both are seen on video footage. I think the most striking evidence is the actual timeline because it fits perfectly that Chris Porco could have committed this crime. Chris Porco and his friends all say they watched football until 12:45 a.m., which was about 3 1/2-4 hours before the murder happened. At 11:30 p.m. Chris and a friend moved his car and came back and watched the end of the game. Everyone went to sleep at around 12:45 a.m. No one in Rochester says they saw Chris Porco between roughly 12:45 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. This is a 7 hour and 15 minute time frame, where Chris is not seen. Now Rochester to Delmar is about 225 miles, which is about a 3 hour drive; if someone flies down the highway at 80 mph. So if Chris is the killer; he would have had about 6 hours driving time and another hour and fifteen minutes to commit the murder, get gas and do a few other quick things. Now in the past 2 years, Albany courts have prosecuted some New York City mobsters, including a man named Frank Porco; so there is that very slim chance that a mafia connection is possible in the Peter Porco case, but it's still highly unlikely. I doubt June Cleaver will post here again
SheerlLuck - While I am not convinced that Chris is guilty, I agree with what you said about the so-called mafia connection. A new poster came and dropped a smoking bomb and ran. I am embarrassed that I fell for it.
June Cleaver said:
No such luck, sheer. I'm still here. If it all seems so clear to you, why do you think they haven't made an arrest?
Well June Cleaver, great question, but those of us hangin' on after 10 months here, were hoping you'd provide a link showing Peter Porco was related to Frank Porco. Your idea certainly broke the monotony here, but were you just telling stories or you got proof that Peter and Frank were related? Anyway 3 possibilities for the delay that I can think of: 1 is that I'd guess all the evidence is circumstantial and they've patiently waited and hoped in vain for a major break--for example a friend of Porco's come forward with new evidence, maybe a bloody bag of clothes is found or maybe the killer cracks and confesses. The hope might be they've got strong circumstantial evidence, but that they were hoping to catch a break and combine it with slam dunk evidence before the trial. Unfortunately, if Chris Porco is the killer, he might be too smart to crack under pressure

a second possibility is time consuming detective work. Here's just a few of the many angles that we've been told were investigated: allegations that Chris Porco owed bookies lots of money, that he robbed his father of $32,000 loan, that he stole computers and sold them on Ebay, that Peter Porco had a possible enemy in Maryland and maybe other court related enemies and that letters were sent to local newspapers threatening judges. That's just a few of many angles, so maybe there should have been more cops on the detective work end of this.

the third possibility is that Chris Porco is innocent, but I doubt it. The timeline, the family anger, the personal nature of the attack and so much more; all points to Chris
jannuncutt said:
SheerlLuck - While I am not convinced that Chris is guilty, I agree with what you said about the so-called mafia connection. A new poster came and dropped a smoking bomb and ran. I am embarrassed that I fell for it.
jannuncutt: nothing to be embarrassed about--we're coming on 11 months and no arrest, so any new ideas are possible! But no proof means zero credibility.
We had been told a few months ago that the police were trying to track down stolen computers from the Porco's home and from Rochester University. After very lengthy police work, involving several subpoena's; it looks loike the police can now show that Chris Porco stole a computer from his parents and sold it on Ebay. I'd imagine there's lot more work being done tracking other stolen computers from Rochester. Here's the article from the Times Union and also the grand jury meets next Friday, which is interesting. Will Porco finally crack? He might:

In the TU article, Porco's lawyer says that Chris Porco was watching tv with friends on the night/morning of the murder and that Porco claims that; while all the other kids went to sleep in their dorm rooms; as 99.999% of all college kids do every night; Chris Porco claims to have fallen asleep on the couch in the tv room and slept there. That explains why all the other kids say they didn't see him go back to his dorm room to sleep; but did Porco really sleep on the couch; or is that just a fabricated alibi and did he really commit the crime after all the other kids went to sleep? Remember, the 7 and a half hour time frame where no one sees Porco is plenty of time to drive to Albany, commit the murder and drive back to Rochester. Now if Porco at the age of 20 steals his parents computers and sells them on Ebay; he obviously has a bad vice or 2; like maybe gambling plus cocaine/crack. We were told he had owed sports gambling bookies a lot of money and ironically, what the kids at Rochester were watching on tv; before the murder took place; was the Bills lose badly to the Patriots on a Sunday night football game. Gamblers tend to "double up" as they lose bets, so individual night games is when they often try to recover all their losses from the afternoon's full slate of games. Often gamblers get crushed on the Sunday night game. Just speculating that this could have happened to Chris Porco. On a sidenote, tomorrow night, the Sunday night football game is the Bills/Patriots again. What a long investigation.
Here is one more very important new piece of evidence from the TU article, that we never were told:

The evidence includes footage from a campus security camera that allegedly captured Porco's yellow Jeep Wrangler leaving campus late on the night of the murder.
Here's another story, similar to what SheerLuck posted:

Laptop Could Link Porco to Murder
by Mark Schoenberger/Linda Loy
Published Oct 29, 2005

Authorities say they have a critical piece of evidence to link a University of Rochester student to the death of his parents.

Newspaper reports out of Albany say a laptop computer stolen from Peter and Joan Porco has been traced back to their son, Christopher.

The Porcos were found beaten with an axe inside their home last November. Peter Porco died from his injuries. His wife, Joan, survived the attack and says her son didn't do it. Prosecutors in Albany are now hoping to show Christopher lied and stole from his parents, and would do anything for money.

Nearly one year after 52-year-old Peter Porco was found dead and his 54-year-old wife Joan found severely beaten with an ax inside their Delmar home, the investigation into who committed these gruesome acts is still ongoing.

The Porco's son Christopher, has been the main suspect thus far.

Saturday, the Albany Times Union reports that a laptop reported stolen from the Porco's home in 2002, has been traced to a man in San Diego.

The newspaper is reporting the man obtained the laptop after buying it on e-bay from Christopher Porco.
SheerLuck said:
Here is one more very important new piece of evidence from the TU article, that we never were told:

The evidence includes footage from a campus security camera that allegedly captured Porco's yellow Jeep Wrangler leaving campus late on the night of the murder.
That is a very important piece of evidence. SheerLuck, don't you live in the area? Do you know where Chris is living and what he is doing?
jannuncutt said:
That is a very important piece of evidence. SheerLuck, don't you live in the area? Do you know where Chris is living and what he is doing?
Hi jannuncutt: last I heard Chris Porco was still employed at a Delmar vetenary hospital, but that should end today after the grand jury meets. I think they have plenty of evidence to indict him today. As all the evidence is reviewed; it looks incredibly obvious that Porco committed the crime; especially if the Rochester security camera shows his jeep leaving the campus after he claimed to have fallen asleep on the tv room couch. The time line would fit; if the jeep is seen leaving the campus around 12:30 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. The murder is believed to have taken place between 4:00 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. and Rochester to Delmar is about a 3 hour drive; if the driver is going 80 mph on the highway. A neighbor has testified that he saw the yellow jeep in the driveway at around 4:00 a.m., which is also important evidence. Also in January a toll booth operator testified, but we don't know what he or she said. I've heard from sources that law enforcement is absolutely positive this kid committed the crime, but that they made a few mistakes early on, but now have tons of evidence to get the indictment today
SheerLuck said:
Hi jannuncutt: last I heard Chris Porco was still employed at a Delmar vetenary hospital, but that should end today after the grand jury meets. I think they have plenty of evidence to indict him today. As all the evidence is reviewed; it looks incredibly obvious that Porco committed the crime; especially if the Rochester security camera shows his jeep leaving the campus after he claimed to have fallen asleep on the tv room couch. The time line would fit; if the jeep is seen leaving the campus around 12:30 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. The murder is believed to have taken place between 4:00 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. and Rochester to Delmar is about a 3 hour drive; if the driver is going 80 mph on the highway. A neighbor has testified that he saw the yellow jeep in the driveway at around 4:00 a.m., which is also important evidence. Also in January a toll booth operator testified, but we don't know what he or she said. I've heard from sources that law enforcement is absolutely positive this kid committed the crime, but that they made a few mistakes early on, but now have tons of evidence to get the indictment today
SheerLuck, I had my doubts before, but I do think that Chris is guilty. I hope that the DA has enough good evidence to present to the grand jury to get an indictment. If he gets away with this, it would be horrible. It seems that he has gotten away with alot in the past. I think that there is a very dark side to Chris, and I hope that it all comes out in the wash.
I just heard on the radio that Chris Porco has been indicted. Will try to find a link.
jannuncutt said:
Son Charged in Porco Murder
Christopher Porco held without bail in the murder of father and attempted murder of mother last Nov. 15th

Yep; they got him. Jail with no bail is also a good move because most likely he'd leave town. I thought he might leave town earlier this week, but he stayed around. Here's another link to todays indictment and at the bottom of the news story is a list of about 30 news stories dating back to November of 2004; for anyone who might want to re-read the full year chronicle.

LE is being very tight lipped about what evidence they have,but I have to believe its pretty good or they would not have recieved an indictment.I hope they nail this kid,presuming he did it. How horrible for his father to have his last moments fighting his son for his life!
PrayersForMaura said:
Here's another link from this morning... http://www.rnews.com/Story_2004.cfm?ID=31776&rnews_story_type=18

It's pretty much rehashing the same stuff.

Why is the mother now siding with the son? Didn't she identify him as the atacker initially? Is she protecting him now because she doesn't want him to go to prison, can she not remember or is she afraid of him??
Joan Porco says she has no recollection of the attack, so it's not surprising that she feels her son is innocent. No Mom would want to think their son would commit such an attack. The police put out an APB(all points bulletin) for Chris; immediatey(on the morning of the attack); because they said that before Joan Porco passed out from the attack; she indicated her son committed the attack. When people awake from a coma or a passed out state; they sometimes can remember the events that led to the coma, but often they can't. My gut feeling is Joan Porco remembers nothing and trusts her son. If guilty her son faces 50 years to life in prison. One sidenote to this is that Joan Porco doesn't say it was someone else who committed the attack, but that she simply remembers nothing from the attack. What Joan Porco might remember are possible family fights between Chris and the father; after the father discovered the $32,000 loan that Chris retained.

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