NY - Christopher Porco - Another Menandez situation? - sentenced

How horrible for Joan Porco to have lost her life as she knew it. I live in Delmar and know of the family. They are an average middle class, working family, just like mine. I suppose this could happen to any of us? I know a LOT of folks who know the family and they say the warning signs were there. How tragic that they were ignored. Let this be a wake up call for all of us.
max said:
How horrible for Joan Porco to have lost her life as she knew it. I live in Delmar and know of the family. They are an average middle class, working family, just like mine. I suppose this could happen to any of us? I know a LOT of folks who know the family and they say the warning signs were there. How tragic that they were ignored. Let this be a wake up call for all of us.
Just wondering what you mean by "warning signs". Do you mean in relation to Chris and his rumored outgoing life style in Rochester? Warning signs that maybe he was partying too much and falling apart? Or do you mean warning signs that related to family friction between Chris and his parents? I've talked to people who knew of his fraternity type life style away from his family, but they had no clue there was family problems
bestfriends said:
Oops! Us means us parents who pay room and board for our children to attend U of R. There is cheaper ,nicer , lots more space and in house security for our students, also very close to campus, and real police protection, if needed. The police did have a vehicle parked near CP Frat house for weeks, which was comforting but as I said before there have been some violent incidents involving
I know what you mean. I always say "us" because I foot the bills. :eek: LOL
The fact that none of Chris Porco's relatives were in court to support him at his arraignment must mean something. His brother lives not far away, in Saratoga Springs - he didn't come. His aunt, (Peter's sister) came from Vermont but, seemed aligned with law enforcement. None of his relatives from Rochester, where his mother is living, came. The only two people with Chris were his attorney and his boss (with whom he is living).
jannuncutt said:
The fact that none of Chris Porco's relatives were in court to support him at his arraignment must mean something. His brother lives not far away, in Saratoga Springs - he didn't come.

Jannuncutt: great point. The complete lack of support from his family is an obvious hint as to what they think; especially his brothers silence; as brothers of similiar age have the closest ties and understanding of their little brother. The media has been pathetic as they've focused only on what Kindlon says and what Porco's employer says. Not once has the media said anything about what matters most, which is the actual 7 and 1/2 hours, where no one says they saw Porco; combined with circumstantial evidence showing his jeep enroute from Rochester to Delmar. In court, the prosecution will probably focus on the timeline, which fits perfect; combined with the fact that Porco's alibi of sleeping in the tv room throughout the night of the murder; is disputed by his fraternity brothers. A security camera showing Porco's jeep leaving campus 3 1/2 hours before the murder, a toll booth operator seeing either Porco or his jeep and a neighbor seeing the jeep in the driveway at 4:00 a.m. is also strong circumstantial evidence. To get a conviction though, the police will probably need more. To get the indictment, I suspect they have a lot more that we haven't heard about yet. The stolen computer attacks Porco's charecter, but I think the indictment was for a lot more than just that. Bail hearing is Novemebr 16th or so
According to the local paper today,the DA will let out some of the evidence they have. I believe its the bail hearing tonight. The brother has finally spoken out in support of Chris as well as many other friends. Reading some of the quotes from friends,I can't help thinking how naive people can be. Don't they know murderers come in all forms? Remember the Perfect Scott Peterson?
The local TV station WNYT has stated that there was no decision on the bail hearing that was held this evening. Another hearing has been scheduled for next week. Chris Porcos mother Joan was in the courtroom to show support. Photos show how devastating her injuries are. I feel that the son commited this crime. The viscious nature of this attack shows such anger and there IMO there is sufficient circumstantial evidence to indicate his involvement.
Jessica said:
Photos show how devastating her injuries are. I feel that the son commited this crime. The viscious nature of this attack shows such anger and there IMO there is sufficient circumstantial evidence to indicate his involvement.
A second hearing is a surprise; it indicates the judge is concerned with the severity of the crime, but I'm guessing the judge probably wants the prosecution to show more of the circumstantial evidence that they have. Tonight the prosecution revealed some serious flaws in Chris Porco's charecter; by presenting as evidence that Porco staged a robbery at his home, but that it was actually Porco himself who stole the family computer and sold it on Ebay. This attacks Porco's charecter but doesn't mean he killed his Dad. The judge wants some evidence that links him with the murder or weakens Porcos alibi of sleeping in the tv room for 7 plus hours
This is the first I've heard of this case. Couldn't the mother identify her son as the person who murdered her husband and hurt her? She must have seen him????? I'm confused :confused:
Bobbisangel said:
This is the first I've heard of this case. Couldn't the mother identify her son as the person who murdered her husband and hurt her? She must have seen him????? I'm confused :confused:
Bobbi, Joan and her husband were attacked while sleeping in bed. According to LE, when they found her, Joan identified her son as the attacker (she said this to a paramedic) . However, because of trauma, she now has no memory of the attack. If you go to today's Times Union, you will see feel sad to see how disfigured she is. She was a very attactive woman.

jannuncutt said:
Bobbi, Joan and her husband were attacked while sleeping in bed. According to LE, when they found her, Joan identified her son as the attacker (she said this to a paramedic) . However, because of trauma, she now has no memory of the attack. If you go to today's Times Union, you will see feel sad to see how disfigured she is. She was a very attactive woman.

It seems with each article lately we get a new piece of evidence. In the TU article it says that not only did Porco steal and forge his fathers info for his college tuition money, which we knew all along, but that he also forged his fathers info and bought the new jeep as well. Kindlon doesn't dispute any of these charges. So we now know that he robbed his parents of a computer and sold it on ebay and that he robbed his parents of 32 grand and bought a new jeep and college tuition. Clearly a criminal pattern developed, with a need for money
SheerLuck said:
It seems with each article lately we get a new piece of evidence. In the TU article it says that not only did Porco steal and forge his fathers info for his college tuition money, which we knew all along, but that he also forged his fathers info and bought the new jeep as well. Kindlon doesn't dispute any of these charges. So we now know that he robbed his parents of a computer and sold it on ebay and that he robbed his parents of 32 grand and bought a new jeep and college tuition. Clearly a criminal pattern developed, with a need for money
Sheer, I am listening to the Paul Vandenburgh radio show (even though I can't stand him). He read portions of e-mail from Peter to Chris. Peter was very upset with his son. He told Chris that he was going to turn him in for forging his signature.
Wonder if there has been a psychological evaluation done on this kid? He sounds alittle sociopathic to me.I hate to keep drawing comparisons to Scott Peterson,but some of this just seems so familiar. The whole "double life" thing.
The brutality of it all leads me to think it was a rage thing and aren't those types of crimes usually done by someone very close? I can't wait to see what other evidence they have.
hockeymom said:
Wonder if there has been a psychological evaluation done on this kid? He sounds alittle sociopathic to me.I hate to keep drawing comparisons to Scott Peterson,but some of this just seems so familiar. The whole "double life" thing.
The brutality of it all leads me to think it was a rage thing and aren't those types of crimes usually done by someone very close? I can't wait to see what other evidence they have.
I agree with you regarding the comparisons to SP. I sincerely hope that they have good, solid evidence. I also think that you are right about the rage. This was not random - this was personal.
hockeymom said:
Wonder if there has been a psychological evaluation done on this kid? He sounds alittle sociopathic to me.I hate to keep drawing comparisons to Scott Peterson,but some of this just seems so familiar. The whole "double life" thing.
The brutality of it all leads me to think it was a rage thing and aren't those types of crimes usually done by someone very close? I can't wait to see what other evidence they have.
Hockeymom, I agree that something isn't right and he might be a sociopath. Sociopaths tend to be normal people, with good social skills and friends, but they also are the people who can plan a crime in advance and fool everyone around them. They tend to be very intelligient, but also able to hide their dark side very well. Interesting you asked about new evidence: Here's a news article tonight that gives us another new piece of evidence; a strong piece. The alarm system at the home was disabled by someone who punched in the security code. Later the same night; it was broken and made to look like the home was burglarized, but the intruder made a mistake. He left behind a computer chip in the basement containing information on how entry actually was gained. Here's new article:

jannuncutt said:
E-mails reveal Porco family rift
Mother questions son's lucidity, father angrily accueses him of wrongdoing days before attack.

Good link with more new info. Slowly the case is looking stronger and stronger and Kindlons continued attacks of LE are starting to look a bit foolish. Especially this statement from Kindlon:

Kindlon, during an impassioned argument Wednesday at which he asked a judge to set bail for Christopher Porco, characterized the alleged loan forgeries as "everyday parent and son-in-college stuff."

Kindlon was foolish to try to present to the judge, what Chris Porco did as normal; I mean forging documents to grab $32,000 is not "everyday parent and son-in-college stuff." That kind of statement from Kindlon to the judge definitely had to influence the judge not to set bail. Judges don't like this sort of line of bs thrown at them. And what's up with these vetenarian parents? They say that even if Porco robbed them too, that it's okay?
Yes! What is up with these veterinarian parents. I heard a TV interview when the gal vet (can't recall her name at the moment )said she is Chris' surrogate mom. Whats up with that? Chris' mother Joan is living with relatives in Rochester. Why is Chris not there with his mother and relatives? I understand that he is employed in some capacity by this Vet hospital and living with the owners but it seems strange that he is not with his family. Any thoughts?
Jessica said:
Yes! What is up with these veterinarian parents. I heard a TV interview when the gal vet (can't recall her name at the moment )said she is Chris' surrogate mom. Whats up with that? Chris' mother Joan is living with relatives in Rochester. Why is Chris not there with his mother and relatives? I understand that he is employed in some capacity by this Vet hospital and living with the owners but it seems strange that he is not with his family. Any thoughts?
I'd guess there's a sucker born every minute and in this case, we have 2 suckers: the vetanarian and his live in girlfriend, who haven't caught on yet that the Chris Porco they knew as a clean cut, high school kid; has changed into something quite different. His brother supports his bail but said its because he hasn't seen evidence to convince him otherwise. Translation: his brother won't support him if the evidence destroys Porco's alibi that he slept all night in Rochester. Kindlon might have to push the idea that Porco's jeep was stolen and driven that night to Delmar; especially if it registered once or twice on EZ Pass.
jannuncutt said:
E-mails reveal Porco family rift
Mother questions son's lucidity, father angrily accueses him of wrongdoing days before attack.

That's the good thing about computers and email ... nothing is really, really erased if you still have the hard drive.

The poor parents. What a terrible thing to do to your parents .... steal from them, deceive them and then viciously attack them, all for your own selfish regard ... for material things. Good God, what an evil person Chris is.

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