GUILTY NY - Driver pulled from SUV, viciously beaten by bikers, Manhattan, 29 Sept 2013

Just an aside here, but this whole scenario reminds me of the movie, "Escape From New York". I've heard, in other places, that we are always told/shown in advance what will happen. Well, I can honestly say, this is the first time the weird truth has hit me in the face.

See the face-obscuring helmets, the surrounding of the SUV, the violence, the rage, and read WHO were in that gang of thugs - off-duty cops, and criminals with rap sheets 6 pages long.

My opinion only, read it and weep
This reminds me of something from the Mad Max movies. We can't tolerate these thugs riding in packs, breaking laws and harassing citizens. IMO, one of the reasons why this got out of hand the way it did, is because they believe they are above the law. Considering LE ignores them for the most part and rides with them, i'm not surprised. As time goes on the violence will only increase if nothing is done. Laws may have to change because of this and this will affect all bikers. Every law abiding biker should be outraged by this. It's only the thugs that are speaking on their behalf.

From the link posted above:

One of the bikers who spoke to investigators said that Mr Lien 'drove erratically and bumped the bike on the side,' adding 'when he bumped that bike on the side, that bike became aggressive because his life was in danger,' according to WABC.

I'm sorry but after watching tons of footage of these "riders" illegally lane splitting and passing within inches of motor vehicles, I don't beleive that Mr. Lien bumped them, "if" there was a bump.

I don't believe a word out of any of the riders mouths that have been quoted. They have zero credibility. Hopefully, in that large group there were some that have more video and a conscious and will come forward to testify on the behalf of my Lien if a suit does arise out of this.

Meanwhile, NYPD spokesman John McCarthy confirmed Saturday that the unnamed detective believed to be an off-duty narcotics officer and member of a biker club was stripped of his gun and badge pending the outcome of an internal affairs investigation why it took the agent four days to come forward.
He was riding with the Frontline Soldiers biker club, according to the New York Post. The papers aid the club also counts several others among its members.

Quoting from the Frontline Soldiers website it states: In no way shape or form, under any circumstances will this M.C. take part in any sort of criminal activity.
This reminds me of something from the Mad Max movies. We can't tolerate these thugs riding in packs, breaking laws and harassing citizens. IMO, one of the reasons why this got out of hand the way it did, is because they believe they are above the law. Considering LE ignores them for the most part and rides with them, i'm not surprised. As time goes on the violence will only increase if nothing is done. Laws may have to change because of this and this will affect all bikers. Every law abiding biker should be outraged by this. It's only the thugs that are speaking on their behalf.

What laws do you see that need to be changed? :waitasec:
Bikers getting hit by motorists in vehicles is a real problem. But I'm thinking these perps were merely pissed off because a car dared to get into their formation. Jerks.

I'm still catching up and ran across the below article. It's probably already been posted here.

Even the Hells Angels are shocked by the NY biker gang who attacked SUV driver in front of his wife and toddler, with one member saying it was 'appalling'

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Laws don't need to be changed. They need to be ENFORCED. However, these thugs don't really care about laws anyway. :banghead:
What laws do you see that need to be changed? :waitasec:

Softail, I'm not that versed on all the laws. I tried to do some research when I saw video after video of these guys complaining about illegal roadblocks, being harassed by LE and the like.

There is more footage of the video I posted up thread of the rider break checking the cop. Apparently, a cop pulled over another rider in that group and said he was taking his helmet cam. The rider refused and then the cop arrested him for having a concealed plate. Here's the video:

So, maybe it's not laws that need to change, maybe LE needs to figure out better, proper ways to deal with riders that break the law. There definitely will be more innocent citizens hurt if something isn't done. Watching them ride high speed down city streets and riding on sidewalks, I can't help but picture a young child or adult ending up dead because of their actions.
Softail, I'm not that versed on all the laws. I tried to do some research when I saw video after video of these guys complaining about illegal roadblocks, being harassed by LE and the like.

There is more footage of the video I posted up thread of the rider break checking the cop. Apparently, a cop pulled over another rider in that group and said he was taking his helmet cam. The rider refused and then the cop arrested him for having a concealed plate. Here's the video:

So, maybe it's not laws that need to change, maybe LE needs to figure out better, proper ways to deal with riders that break the law. There definitely will be more innocent citizens hurt if something isn't done. Watching them ride high speed down city streets and riding on sidewalks, I can't help but picture a young child or adult ending up dead because of their actions.

:winner: I agree with this. I don't think any laws necessarily need to change. Rules of the Road are no different for bikers, than for any other driver on the road.

I've seen most of the videos. I see part of the problem is that there are no plates visible. That makes it harder for LE to catch them. Another thing is that LE is part of the problem. :twocents:
:winner: I agree with this. I don't think any laws necessarily need to change. Rules of the Road are no different for bikers, than for any other driver on the road.

I've seen most of the videos. I see part of the problem is that there are no plates visible. That makes it harder for LE to catch them. Another thing is that LE is part of the problem. :twocents:

If they don't obey the present laws why would they obey any new ones. They seem to be untouchable.
Thank goodness the police don't believe his BS story! This is the guy who slowed in front of the SUV. There is a video interview at link, and Dan Abrams weighs in.....

Christopher Cruz, Biker Charged in SUV Attack, Says He's Not Responsible

Oct. 7, 2013

"I was looking over my shoulder to see where my friends were," he said. "I wanted them to pull in front so I could follow them. I didn't brake but when I looked over my shoulder, my hand came off the throttle a little, but the driver didn't slow down at all and bumped me."
:winner: I agree with this. I don't think any laws necessarily need to change. Rules of the Road are no different for bikers, than for any other driver on the road.

I've seen most of the videos. I see part of the problem is that there are no plates visible. That makes it harder for LE to catch them. Another thing is that LE is part of the problem. :twocents:

Yes, I worded that wrong. :floorlaugh: I've been reading to much and watching to many videos. I can feel the frustration that LE must feel when they do try to do something about it. I'm trying to think from their standpoint. (the ones that try, not the ones that ignore and do nothing)
You can't catch them, you can't get a plate number and they can maneuver around road blocks. What to do....? They have to figure something out.

Another thing that bothers me is they truly justify in their minds that they are endangering no one but themselves. This simply is not true. As noted by the arrests, we are not dealing with just young dumb kids here, these are adults and LE, who are very aware of the dangers posed.
um yeah, as a bike rider, what say you to Cruz's story softail? I know my thoughts :rolleyes:
um yeah, as a bike rider, what say you to Cruz's story softail? I know my thoughts :rolleyes:

Pure BS! He is like so many other people who regret their actions, only after they have been caught! His life has been turned upside down! :boohoo: :violin: :tears:

In that situation, he was not trying to change lanes. BS! The only thing that may be correct is that he took his hand off the throttle, rather than braking. I didn't see his brake light, but who knows maybe it didn't even work. :dunno: On a highway, at a high rate of speed, letting your hand off the throttle can significantly slow you down without braking.

He was clearly looking back at the SUV.

:liar: :

"[It was] never my intention to make him stop," Cruz said. "I didn't think I was doing anything wrong with just turning into another lane. The other bikes are going as slow as I am."

Regardless, his story is a bunch of baloney, and I'm really glad to see that the police think so too! :)

These last paragraphs infuriate me.

But police have seen it differently, making numerous arrests this year before the chase on the West Side Highway — part of Route 9A — as well as impounding several dozen motorcycles.

Douglas said such attempts by law enforcement to impede the event wouldn’t stop it.

“For people that own bikes, they bought their bikes for a reason,” Douglas said. “To ride.”
And Another one!

A 29-year-old motorcyclist has been arrested in connection with the beating of an SUV driver in New York last week, a spokesman for the New York Police Department said Monday.

Craig Wright is expected to face charges of gang assault and related charges in the beating of driver Alexian Lien on September 29, police said.

Wright, of Brooklyn, is seen on a video "punching through the window of the SUV and kicking (Lien) twice," the spokesman said, though it was unclear to which video he was referring.
What am I going to believe? What some of these bikers are saying, or my own two eyes? Do they think we are dumb?Too bad for them, it's on video. SUV does not drive erratically, he is driving in his own lane, until these bikers all surround him, and one gets into his lane (while looking over his shoulder) and slows down in front of him.
And Another one!

A 29-year-old motorcyclist has been arrested in connection with the beating of an SUV driver in New York last week, a spokesman for the New York Police Department said Monday.

Craig Wright is expected to face charges of gang assault and related charges in the beating of driver Alexian Lien on September 29, police said.

Wright, of Brooklyn, is seen on a video "punching through the window of the SUV and kicking (Lien) twice," the spokesman said, though it was unclear to which video he was referring.

Good! Keep 'em coming! :gavel:
I'm actually surprised at who she chose to be her client. I would think she would have chosen the Lien's. She still could have had her media "fix" with them. :twocents:

I don't have a link handy, but do recall reading one of the many articles that said "no attorney would touch these bikers with a 10 ft. pole." Lose - Lose situation.

Gloria Allred has rubbed me the wrong way for a long time. She's become the bottom feeder of lawyers, representing dubious clients and trumping up dubious claims for payoffs. Recent examples: Tiger Woods' mistresses, one of Anthony Weiner's "twittermances", Arnold Schwarzeneger's mistress, one of biker Jesse James' mistresses. I'm sure she's hoping to extort *cough cough* I mean score some kind of settlement from the Liens. And get her media fix at the same time!

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