NY - Ex-President Donald Trump, charged with 34 criminal counts of falsifying business records, Apr 2023, Trial 25 Mar 2024 #2

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Thursday, May 2nd:
*Trial continues (Day 6) (@ 10am ET) & Contempt Hearing ( 9:30am ET) – NY - *Donald John Trump (76/now 77) was indicted (3/30/23), formally arrested, charged & arraigned (4/4/23) with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the 1st degree & conspiracy in connection with hush money payments to two women [Stephanie Clifford aka adult actor Stormy Daniels & former Playboy model Karen McDougal] before the 2016 presidential election. Plead not guilty. Warrant vacated, released on own recognizance. New York County
New York: Submitting false invoices or checks. All 34 counts against Trump are felony charges (class E) instead of misdemeanors.
Trial began on 4/15/24 with jury selection & ended on 4/19/24. Trial expected to run 4 days a week. Jury Selection Day 1-4 (4/15-4/19/24).
Jurors selected: 12 jurors & 6 alternates. [Jurors: 7 men & 5 women/6 Alternates: 5 women & 1 man].
Trial began on 4/22/24. Trial is expected to run 4 days a week [Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays].
New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Marchan presiding. Manhattan Attorney General Alvin Bragg. Prosecutors are Susan Hoffinger, Joshua Steinglass & Matthew Colangelo. Defense attorneys Todd Blanche, Emil Bove, Susan Necheles & Gedalia Stern.
Trump is required to attend each day in person — although the judge could grant permission for special absences. Trump has vowed to attend court during the day & travel to campaign events at night.

Investigation & court info from 3/30/23 thru 4/12/24 & Jury Selection Days 1-4 (4/15-4/19/24) & Trial Day 1-4 (4/22-4/26/24) reference post #930 here:

4/30/24 Tuesday, Trial Day 5: *Before bringing in the jury, Judge Juan Merchan found Trump in criminal contempt for having repeatedly violated his gag order. The judge did not go into specifics from the ruling, but said he'd found Trump violated the order nine times & fined him $9,000. Prosecutors had argued that he'd done so 10 times. The amount of $1,000 per post is the maximum the judge can hand down. He noted in his ruling the amount likely doesn't mean much to Trump, but said he is not able to increase the amount. "Because this Court is not cloaked with such discretion, it must therefore consider whether in some instances, jail may be a necessary punishment" going forward, the judge wrote. "Defendant is hereby warned that the Court will not tolerate continued willful violations of its lawful orders & that if necessary & appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an incarceratory punishment," he wrote. Judge Merchan ordered Trump to remove the posts from Truth Social that violated the gag order by 2:15pm ET. [see ruling post #945, page 48]. Trump has removed the social media posts that judge Juan Merchan ruled violated the gag order. All of the Truth Social & campaign website posts that the judge ordered Trump to remove have now been taken down [@ 1:24pm ET]
*The Judge also granted Trump's request to be excused from the trial on 5/17/24 for his son Barron's high school graduation. Trump had repeatedly falsely claimed since the trial began that the judge had rejected that request.
*State witnesses: Gary Farro, a Flagstar Bank employee who had had Cohen as a client & whose testimony was used to verify a paper trail of banking information from Cohen around the time of the 2016 election. He allegedly helped set up the home equity line of credit through which Cohen paid Daniels. Back on stand. Robert Browning, the director of C-SPAN's archives. Browning authenticated videos of then-candidate Trump that the network aired during the 2016 election, which prosecutors played for the jury, as well as one from Jan. 2017, when Trump was president-elect. In the 2017 clip, Trump called Cohen "a very talented lawyer." Phillip Thompson. The prosecution just played an excerpt of the deposition video in which E Jean Carroll’s lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, asked Donald Trump: “What is Truth Social?” Keith Davidson [an attorney who once represented Stormy Daniels & Karen McDougal].
For more info see posts #954 here:
The jury returns at 10am on 5/2/24, Thursday morning with another
contempt hearing for Trump's alleged violations of the gag order will take place at 9:30am Thursday morning where the district attorney’s office will present four more instances in which they say Trump violated the gag order. [Wednesdays are Dark]
Trump was seen shaking his head as Merchan and Blanche discussed the media attention on the hush money case.

After Merchan told Blanche that “nobody forced your client” to speak to the press, Trump shook his head and his lawyer Blanche shot back: “Nobody’s forcing him, but he’s running for president. He has to be able to go speak.”

Trump then turned around and shook his head.

“You’re telling me the scrutiny is outrageous,” Merchan said, “but nobody’s forcing him” to talk to the press in the hall.

“The entire area has been set up the way it has been set up so that your client, who is a candidate for president,” can exercise his political speech rights, Merchan emphasizes.

Merchan appeared to be losing patience, indicating that the court and the court system have made accommodations to Trump as a candidate, but that as a defendant, he also must be responsible for the content of his communications.
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/do...-hush-money-case-live-updates-rcna149907Keith Davidson texted the editor-in-chief of the National Enquirer, Dylan Howard, around 3 a.m. ET on the night of the 2016 election.

"What have we done?" Davidson texted.

"Oh my god," Howard texted him that night.

Asked what he meant in his text, Davidson said, “This was sort of gallows humor."

"There was sort of surprise amongst the broadcasters and others that Donald Trump was leading in the polls, and there was a growing sense that folks were about ready to call the election," he added.

He said there was an understanding between the two of them that "our activities may have in some way assisted the presidential campaign of Donald Trump.”
Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass presented a text exchange between Michael Cohen and Keith Davidson about a statement prepared before Stormy Daniels' Jimmy Kimmel appearance in January 2018.

The statement said that she was denying an affair with Trump. Asked how truthful that was, Davidson testified that it's technically true because no one had alleged a relationship between the two of them. He said a relationship is an ongoing interaction.

Cohen texted Davidson that Daniels "just denied the letter...claiming it's not her signature...she said she did it in front of you."

Davidson said, "She did. Impossible — she posted it on her own Twitter page."

"They showed her signature and she claimed it was not hers on Kimmel," Cohen said.

"Wtf," Davidson said.
will use this article as my references.

From your references link -
I found interesting -

Donald Trump’s lawyers are likely to seize on Keith Davidson, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, insisting that he would never characterize the $130,000 payment to Daniels as “hush money” but as “consideration for a settlement agreement” – which sounds legal-related. Recall that the Manhattan DA’s underlying case is that Trump falsified business records because the $130,000 to Daniels was recorded as legal expenses or legal retainers to Michael Cohen. It is likely that Trump’s lawyers will try to argue “consideration” is a legal expense.
In a post on his social media platform, Truth Social, Trump called reports that he's fallen asleep in the courtroom "fake news."

"Contrary to the FAKE NEWS MEDIA, I don’t fall asleep during the Crooked D.A.’s Witch Hunt, especially not today. I simply close my beautiful blue eyes, sometimes, listen intensely, and take it ALL in!!!" the former president posted.
Shortly after returning from a lunch recess, Trump's attorneys asked the judge whether they could present him a series of articles about the case."These articles are all articles which President Trump would like to post on his truth, but they discuss this case," Necheles, one of Trump's attorneys, said.

"I appreciate you bringing it to my attention, [but] I’m not going to be in the position of looking at posts and determining in advance whether you should or should not post [them]," Judge Merchan answered.

Later, he added, "When in doubt, steer clear."
In a post on his social media platform, Truth Social, Trump called reports that he's fallen asleep in the courtroom "fake news."

"Contrary to the FAKE NEWS MEDIA, I don’t fall asleep during the Crooked D.A.’s Witch Hunt, especially not today. I simply close my beautiful blue eyes, sometimes, listen intensely, and take it ALL in!!!" the former president posted.
Shortly after returning from a lunch recess, Trump's attorneys asked the judge whether they could present him a series of articles about the case."These articles are all articles which President Trump would like to post on his truth, but they discuss this case," Necheles, one of Trump's attorneys, said.

"I appreciate you bringing it to my attention, [but] I’m not going to be in the position of looking at posts and determining in advance whether you should or should not post [them]," Judge Merchan answered.

Later, he added, "When in doubt, steer clear."
They want the judge to become an editor for #45s posts? Lol!
They want the judge to become an editor for #45s posts? Lol!

I was reading a NY Times article about how trump badgers and pesters his lawyers into saying what he wants them to say, even though the lawyers know it might be inappropriate.

Mr. Blanche also appears to be resisting some of his client’s interjections; when Mr. Trump poked Mr. Blanche on the shoulder at the defense table, he shook his head and brushed off the former president.

Once, Mr. Trump exhorted his lawyer, Alina Habba, to “get up” as he banged her arm with the back of his hand.

And inside the courtroom at two recent civil trials, he badgered lawyers, directing them to object at inopportune moments, muttering grievances into their ears and twice storming away from the defense table.

(If you can't read the article, it can be accessed by signing up for a free account)
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I was reading a NY Times article about how trump badgers and pesters his lawyers into saying what he wants them to say, even though the lawyers know it might be inappropriate.

Mr. Blanche also appears to be resisting some of his client’s interjections; when Mr. Trump poked Mr. Blanche on the shoulder at the defense table, he shook his head and brushed off the former president.

Once, Mr. Trump exhorted his lawyer, Alina Habba, to “get up” as he banged her arm with the back of his hand.

And inside the courtroom at two recent civil trials, he badgered lawyers, directing them to object at inopportune moments, muttering grievances into their ears and twice storming away from the defense table.

(If you can't read the article, it can be accessed by signing up for a free account)
BBM. I think those lawyers should be disbarred.
Friday, May 3rd:
*Trial continues (Day 7) (@ 9:30am ET) – NY - *Donald John Trump (76/now 77) was indicted (3/30/23), formally arrested, charged & arraigned (4/4/23) with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the 1st degree & conspiracy in connection with hush money payments to two women [Stephanie Clifford aka adult actor Stormy Daniels & former Playboy model Karen McDougal] before the 2016 presidential election. Plead not guilty. Warrant vacated, released on own recognizance. New York County
New York: Submitting false invoices or checks. All 34 counts against Trump are felony charges (class E) instead of misdemeanors.
Trial began on 4/15/24 with jury selection & ended on 4/19/24. 12 jurors & 6 alternates. [Jurors: 7 men & 5 women/6 Alternates: 5 women & 1 man].
Trial began on 4/22/24. Trial is expected to run 4 days a week [Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays].
New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Marchan presiding. Manhattan Attorney General Alvin Bragg. Prosecutors are Susan Hoffinger, Joshua Steinglass & Matthew Colangelo. Defense attorneys Todd Blanche, Emil Bove, Susan Necheles & Gedalia Stern.
Trump is required to attend each day in person — although the judge could grant permission for special absences. Trump has vowed to attend court during the day & travel to campaign events at night.

Investigation & court info from 3/30/23 thru 4/12/24 & Jury Selection Days 1-4 (4/15-4/19/24) & Trial Day 1-5 (4/22-4/30/24) reference post #981 here:

5/2/24 Thursday, Trial Day 6: *Before bringing in the jury, Judge Juan Merchan held contempt hearing on 4 more incidents.
*Prosecutor Christopher Conroy is going through Trump's alleged violations of the judge's gag order. Violations: From remarks in the hallway outside of court on April 22: re witness Michael Cohen. From an interview Trump gave the same day to "Just The News, No Noise" on the network Real America’s Voice: talking about the jurors. From an interview Trump gave an ABC News affiliate in Pennsylvania on April 22: re witnesses Michael Cohen & David Pecker. From a press event in Manhattan on April 25 when asked about the testimony of former National Enquirer publisher David Pecker. Prosecutor Christopher Conroy made clear that prosecutors believe Trump is violating the gag order on purpose, not on accident. He not seeking jail time.
*Todd Blanche, Trump's attorney, is responding to prosecutors' claims that Trump violated his gag order multiple times, saying that the statements Trump made are part of his presidential campaign, not an attempt to influence proceedings in the courtroom. Merchan replied that Trump’s comments [re David Pecker] could affect other witnesses. “It’s about what everybody else ... sees Mr. Trump saying & not saying. It goes to the integrity of the proceedings.”
*Judge Juan Merchan does not seem particularly impressed by Trump’s lawyer Todd Blanche’s contention that the gag order is unfair to Trump because he cannot respond to attacks against Trump by people like Michael Cohen, an expected trial witness protected by the gag order, and media coverage of other trial witnesses’ testimony. “They’re not defendants in the case. They’re not subject to the gag order,” Merchan says flatly. No decision was made – no outlet said anything.
*State witness: Keith Davidson [an attorney who once represented Stormy Daniels & Karen McDougal] continues on direct & cross-exam. Doug Daus verified some records that were used in the trial. Daus was in Iraq from 2009 to 2011 doing forensic data analysis; he is now a supervising computer forensic analyst in the DA’s office.
For more info see posts #982 & 983 (articles) here:
Trial continues on Friday, 5/3/24,

"Shaking his head": Trump "in disbelief" as lawyer admits he went out of his way to bash witnesses​

Not a happy looking Mr Trump, or his lawyer as they leave the trial for the day.
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