GUILTY NY - Laura Garza, 25, Manhattan, 3 December 2008

I was wondering.... is it a mistake that it says found safe in the forum title?

Sorry I was posting at the same time. My heart did skip a beat thinking I was reading about another girl. :banghead:
You know, I saw this article last week but had no idea who it was.

About the watch, .................wonder if THAT is what he was frantically looking for in the trash bin? :eek:

Wouldn't that be something if his dna was on the watch or it could be traced back to him. Is a 'chronograph watch' something special? Would it be registered by serial number?


omg, now THAT would be something wonderful, Fran. We can only hope.

The internet has images of hundreds of chronograph watches, ranging from $50-$600+. The more expensive ones ask for registration by serial number, yes, but I'm thinking his watch was more of the Timex variety ... not that there's anything wrong with that, I just don't think his is expensive.
I'm sorry - but I just have to get this off my chest.

As the mother of a 20-year-old daughter, it pizzes me off to no end that young women cannot just go out dancing and have a good time without having to worry about some lowlife harming them.

I have THREE in their 20's and single!



Rest in Peace Laura. How very sad to have come to NY and have your life taken from you. I hope justice is served and Mele gets arrested quickly.

I am so happy to hear they finally found her. Laura's family can have some closure.

Now I hope they have all they need to nail this guy.

Regarding the men's watch, were there two watches found?? Or did she wear a men's watch?? I'm not sure if this info has already been posted, but this states there was a watch found with her that was consistent with a watch she wore:

A watch "consistent with a watch she was wearing when she disappeared" was found on the remains, Olson said. Forensic experts would be brought in to examine the skeleton and determine how Garza died, he said.

PS: Here we have another family that shields (and maybe helps?? IMO) a murderer. These people make me ill.
The Michael Kors watch that was found comes in men's or women's. The women's version is smaller, less bulky, but looks just like the men's. There are pictures of Laura wearing what appears to be that watch.

I hope that freak never walks the streets again. He was a ticking time bomb and his parents helped him walk among the innocent.
RIP Laura. :(

This monster shouldn't have been on the streets... :furious:
The Michael Kors watch that was found comes in men's or women's. The women's version is smaller, less bulky, but looks just like the men's. There are pictures of Laura wearing what appears to be that watch.

I hope that freak never walks the streets again. He was a ticking time bomb and his parents helped him walk among the innocent.

My husband and I have matching Michael-Kors watches and they aren't easy to tell apart, on the surface. I'm sure it's possible that the media confused the watch to be a mens watch on the surface. It was most likely her watch that was found.

His parents truly shock me (well, so does he, actually). Covering up for a murder/unthinkable crime should be a felony..and they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent for helping to conceal a crime, especially something like murder. That's disgusting to think that they thought it was ok.
I don't think they will ever get Mele to talk. I just hope that they can find enough evidence with the remains that they can nail him without any confession.
Hi Guys...Oh My God...I have just read thru this entire thread and for an ex party girl this sent shivers up my spine....

this to me is one of the "only in the movies" case.....American Psycho....

an ex policeman's son and very good looking and would never pick it...

he definitely is/was a serial killer in the making.......

my thoughts to Laura's family and what a waste of a beautiful life...

Now lets hope this stupid modern legal system does not let this guy out EVER!!!!! he is way too dangerous..........

and any lawyer that tries to get this guy off should be ashamed off themselves
My condolences to this beautiful young woman's family.

Dance with the angels, sweet girl.

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