NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #10

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I feel like our perp may like to play shell games with skulls.
minazoe, I noticed that too. Wonder how long this SK has been active as she went missing in '96?

I also wanted to link this article from January 29, 2011. Bear in mind it is a BLOG so IDK how accurate it is. But it states....

According to a Fox News account, Gilbert's mother got a call, the day after her daughter's wild flight from Joseph Brewer's house, from a man who identified himself as Dr. Charles P. Hackett, another Oak Beach resident, and told her that Shannan was at his halfway house; that she wanted to be off the streets; and that he was trying to help her.

Hackett, a former police surgeon and former head of Suffolk County Emergency Medical Services, denied ever having called Gilbert's mother.

and then there is this.....

According to police reports, there was a second man with Brewer at the house that night "partying" with Gilbert, presumably not the Asian driver who later pursued the terrified Gilbert.

According to the New York Post, the other man at Brewer's house was a 48-year-old "drifter" with a penchant for strippers who has since, according to his mother, left the state.


One thing I have not seen or read and I was wondering if anyone has any info...we originally heard profilers on the news and in MSM discuss their profile of personality characteristics, physical appearance etc.. but I was wondering if any profiler had discussed the timeline of the victims. To me, the apparent break in 2008 (whether it be haven't found victims yet, not reported, SK injured, jailed etc) seems to be important to me. Did he travel to somewhere else? Or did something get in the way that prevented him from more victims? Also, if we connect SG to the GB4 (and may or may not include the DR) something after SG accelerated his schedule of grabbing victims...not satisfied with what happened to with SG and needed to fulfill his need quickly? Prior to SG, there had been long gaps in between victims missing, now after SG an accelerated time. Did he find victims in other geographical locations during the time periods of LI victims...just questions that seem to be sticking with me

I agree NJ Guy, the SG experience clearly didn't satisfy his annual ritual did it?
That is probably why he only waited a month to take his next victim on June 6th. More or less upon arriving back in NY from his driving trip to Arizona.

May 1, his fantasy is destroyed by SG, police called, he's left feeling week instead of empowered, this angers him and provokes his appetite for domination and control

May 6, he contacts family to glean info about investigation and try and push off any ensuing police activity

May 9
, that phone call backfires on him and the gilbert family shows up banging on his door

May x, a few days later his fight or flight response is to drive to Arizona, they reach Arizona sometime before May 26.

June 6, within days of returning back to oak beach from his cross country drive, another victim is taken, clearly his craving was not satisfied, and most likely was intensified by the SG experience

I think the May 1 experience is what provoked him to break his routine and take the victim on the 6th and then another later in the summer in early sept. It angered him and he needed to compensate for feeling like a failure
Does anyone have a link to video or more detailed info on the wife of Doc?
You can view it in the video remix redux @ the 50 second mark ( link )
I think that we are dealing with a person who blossomed into a SK later than the statistical average because the trauma (accident) that started him down this path wasn't during childhood. I know we haven't been able to glean much about the accident, but I was under the impression it happened in his adult life.
You repeatedly proclaim CPH is a sociopath. And yet, you are now contradicting yourself by claiming he began killing as a result of trauma... or... as the "criminal minds" show would have you believe, a precipitating stressor. While this idea makes great copy for one hour TV shows, sociopathy (or psychopathy, for that matter) does not work that way. Otherwise put, if CPH is, as you believe, a sociopath (though serial killers are, in reality, psychopaths), he would have a history of conduct disorder as an adolescent, be diagnosable with antisocial personality disorder, as an adult, and have elevated scores for not only the PCL-R but the SORAG, VRAG, SVR-20, Static-99/RRASOR, and other tools designed to evaluate SVP risk assessment. Otherwise put, SVPs are not ambulatory psychopaths who begin killing in later life. For a number of reasons, the least of which involves developmental trajectories that fix specific personality traits in the mid-to-late 20s. Which is why most serial killers begin killing in their early-to-mid 20s, and for some, even earlier. This is primarily due to the fact that the frontal lobes, which regulate impulse control, have yet to fully develop. Importantly, SVPs are not born of a single traumatic event. In fact, research strongly indicates that their primary differentiating behavioral trait, psychopathy, falls very much within the genetic realm. And finally, while SVPs are masters at engaging in day-to-day activities without detection, there are often retrospective "tells." In any event, I am not challenging your assertion that he's the killer (though, I remain unconvinced he is). Rather, I am challenging your assertion that he is an ambulatory psychopath who later became an SVP due to a single traumatic event.
You repeatedly proclaim CPH is a sociopath. And yet, you are now contradicting yourself by claiming he began killing as a result of trauma... or... as the "criminal minds" show would have you believe, a precipitating stressor. While this idea makes great copy for one hour TV shows, sociopathy (or psychopathy, for that matter) does not work that way. Otherwise put, if CPH is, as you believe, a sociopath (though serial killers are, in reality, psychopaths), he would have a history of conduct disorder as an adolescent, be diagnosable with antisocial personality disorder, as an adult, and have elevated scores for not only the PCL-R but the SORAG, VRAG, SVR-20, Static-99/RRASOR, and other tools designed to evaluate SVP risk assessment. Otherwise put, SVPs are not ambulatory psychopaths who begin killing in later life. For a number of reasons, the least of which involves developmental trajectories that fix specific personality traits in the mid-to-late 20s. Which is why most serial killers begin killing in their early-to-mid 20s, and for some, even earlier. This is primarily due to the fact that the frontal lobes, which regulate impulse control, have yet to fully develop. Importantly, SVPs are not born of a single traumatic event. In fact, research strongly indicates that their primary differentiating behavioral trait, psychopathy, falls very much within the genetic realm. And finally, while SVPs are masters at engaging in day-to-day activities without detection, there are often retrospective "tells." In any event, I am not challenging your assertion that he's the killer (though, I remain unconvinced he is). Rather, I am challenging your assertion that he is an ambulatory psychopath who later became an SVP due to a single traumatic event.

I have never seen that tv show, I don't have cable, and don't watch much tv. (I'm a "computer person") I have very recently just read John Douglas's 3 books: Mind Hunter, Anatomy of a motive, and sexual homicides. I am brand new to this idea of profiling and behavioral science etc. Most of what you just said is totally over my head. I didn't even know there was much of a difference between socio and psycho. All I do know is what I have read in Douglas 3 books and he is not a psychiatrist or psychologist or anything like that so I am far from claiming to know the first thing about those fields.

What i have noticed is that the personality types and traits described in his books, have an uncanny resemblance to CPH...

I literally have next to no psycho or bio education. my education was in computer science and math, and the only tool I bring to this sleuthing is local knowledge, a good understanding of probability theory, and many nights in my surveillance van. what drew me in to this case was it's resemblance to a solvable puzzle.

Knowing nothing except the claim and denial of the rehab phone call, we really only have 3 choices: CPH is lying, Mrs Gilbert made it up, or the real killer is setting up CPH. To me, this is the solvable puzzle. Knowledge of the brain's parts and functions is not required to solve it.

Without knowing much about the fields that you do, I do have to say that most things in this universe are not discrete, but exist in or on a spectrum. Does he have to be a psychopath 100% and 0% socio? Or can people have traits of each?

The reason I have been on CPH like a fly on $h1t since april, is that given the 3 possibilities, as you research each possiblity, the more data you gather, the more facts you add up, 2 of the choices trend further and further into the highly improbable. One of them doesn't. CPH is lying.
many people are sociopaths...there are triggers that may cause a "rather harmless" sociopath to begin killing...not any trigger that creates sociopathy....although
drug addiction and other conditions can cause sociopathic behaviours...from what I understand.
many people are sociopaths...there are triggers that may cause a "rather harmless" sociopath to begin killing...not any trigger that creates sociopathy....although
drug addiction and other conditions can cause sociopathic behaviours...from what I understand.

David Berkowitz (son of sam) is a perfect example of this
many people are sociopaths...there are triggers that may cause a "rather harmless" sociopath to begin killing...not any trigger that creates sociopathy....although
drug addiction and other conditions can cause sociopathic behaviours...from what I understand.

From the interviews I've seen of CHP, I would class him as a Pathological Narcissist. Many of these types work in the medical field, LE, politics, ect...
In his (CHP) interviews he reminds me a lot of a family friend who was a Dr.. He lost his job and insurance coverage at 64 due to being drunk on the job and left gauze or something in a patient. He now has a police scanner and tries to go to accident scenes to help out. He has been cited many times for doing this and has come close to being arrested. So I can see how CHP wants to stick his nose in this investigation. It gives him a sense of feeling important. That is why he lies and fantasizes. I am sure he called SG's mom or sister. I'm sure he heard what was going on across the street and saw this as an opportunity to be important again. The news crews and the papers only contribute to his lunacy and odd behavior. He is not the killer type. He just got wrapped up in his own Narcissism and feelings of self importance. IMO.
From the interviews I've seen of CHP, I would class him as a Pathological Narcissist. Many of these types work in the medical field, LE, politics, ect...
In his (CHP) interviews he reminds me a lot of a family friend who was a Dr.. He lost his job and insurance coverage at 64 due to being drunk on the job and left gauze or something in a patient. He now has a police scanner and tries to go to accident scenes to help out. He has been cited many times for doing this and has come close to being arrested. So I can see how CHP wants to stick his nose in this investigation. It gives him a sense of feeling important. That is why he lies and fantasizes. I am sure he called SG's mom or sister. I'm sure he heard what was going on across the street and saw this as an opportunity to be important again. The news crews and the papers only contribute to his lunacy and odd behavior. He is not the killer type. He just got wrapped up in his own Narcissism and feelings of self importance. IMO.

Where and how did CPH get SG's little sisters phone number before the family ever went to oak beach? I'll wait for an answer....anybody?
From my understanding, both DO's and MD's are full physicians. They can both prescribe medicine, they can both perform surgery. In other words, they are on par. The only difference between the two lies in the philosophical approach to medicine.

It's also quite possible that CPH is both a DO and an MD. DO's who wish to also hang an MD title on their shingle simply have to attend a seminar and pay a fee, since they have already completed full medical training. At least, that's what my research on the subject shows.


I am not sure what you are referring to about paying a fee and hanging an MD title. A DO cannot claim to be a MD unless he has attended and finished medical school. In my research I came across an incidence in California in the 1960's where the AMA spent $8M to end the practice of osteopathic medicine in the state. In 1962 they passed Proposition 22, eliminating the practice of osteopathic medicine and issued MD degrees to all DO's already practicing for a nominal fee. This has never happened in any other state and is not done now. After much continued controversy, in 1974 the Supreme Court ruled that licensing of DO's in that state had to be resumed. Is this the incident to which you are referring?

Usually a person attends a school of osteopathy because he cannot get into a medical school. Even though osteopaths have more respect today, they still have less social status than an MD.
I´m wondering about the issue of the police showing up so late, aprox. 6 am May 1, 2010.

LE have stated that the reason why they showed up that late was because Shannon was not able to give her location when she made her frantic 911 call.

HOWEVER! Gus Coletti called 911 aprox 5-5:15 am, and he was indeed able to tell his location.

SO LE's excuse for beeing so late does NOT hold water IMO.

So what was LE´s REAL reason for showing up so late?

The first GB4 body found, Dec 11, 2010, was Melissa Barthelemy.
She was ” found a FEW FEET into the brush off the parkway, police said. ”

Take a look at the location were Melissa Barthelemy was found, she was more or less dumped right by the road!


IMO the GB4 killer, no doubt whatsoever, wanted his victims to be found.

Just like the killer of the AC4 (Atlantic City murders).

Both the AC4 and the GB4: 4 dead prostitues dumped/staged in a row, either in, or by water.

AC: all fully clothed, no shoes/socks.
GB4: all naked wraped in burlap


“The removal of shoes has also been associated since biblical times with bereavement and mourning (Ezek. 24:17, isa. 20:2-4, Jer. 2:25) Jews were buried barefoot”

On Jewish fast days, or days of atonement, the penitent customarily wore sackcloth (burlap), placed ashes on his head, and went barefoot.

So…could the killer possibly be jewish?

I seriously doubt that the Shannon Gilberts case is connected to the Long Island Serial killer case.

IMO the Long Island Serial killer and the Atlantic City Serial killer are the same man.

I think we may be reading too much into the missing shoes. They may have been removed to prevent the discovery of incriminating evidence on the bottoms of their shoes.
Where and how did CPH get SG's little sisters phone number before the family ever went to oak beach? I'll wait for an answer....anybody?

I'm sure LE has already asked themselves that question, and for sure they asked CHP. If he suppiled them with some BS not realistic answer, they would have made an arrest by now. That is a strong indicator of involvement. I'm gonna have to get with my HS buddy who is in LE and ask him how something like that would work. Sitting here at the PC and thinking about your comment, and all the logic behind it, I would assume LE would turn up the heat ( naming him an official suspect) and since the initial questioning, made an arrest by now. But there may be many factors I'm sure that could postpone an arrest.
I'm sure LE has already asked themselves that question, and for sure they asked CHP. If he suppiled them with some BS not realistic answer, they would have made an arrest by now. That is a strong indicator of involvement. I'm gonna have to get with my HS buddy who is in LE and ask him how something like that would work. Sitting here at the PC and thinking about your comment, and all the logic behind it, I would assume LE would turn up the heat ( naming him an official suspect) and since the initial questioning, made an arrest by now. But there may be many factors I'm sure that could postpone an arrest.

Factors that would postpone arrest include having no ability to arrest a man who took a missing girls phone. We know that it means he's a sk, but there is no proof that he killed anybody. I didn't say we have the legal right to arrest him, I just said he is the sk. Also, I'm not asking the police, I am asking my fellow sleuthers who know all the details of this particular case, where did he get SG'slittle sisters phone number before they ever came to oak beach?
Anyone interested in the courts docs can PM me with their email and I will send them on. They make for a very interesting read, especially since he claims in court that he is an MD when in reality he has only ever been a DO.

Isn't that a felony? At the very least it's evidence of fraudulent behavior back as far as 1989.

My guess is this is what led to his departure as SCPD police surgeon. Lying on the resume.
If he lied about being an MD, than $h1t I'm going to start questioning whether the DO title is fraudulent too.

Anybody good at looking up records want to verify if this liar actually graduated from ANY TYPE of medical school?

I feel like I am missing something regarding the fraud charges against CPH regarding the use of the MD title. Are you basing this on the document having MD after his name or are there other places he has claimed to be an MD? If it is strictly from the court document, that may have been a transcriber's error that was overlooked.

The AMA does not issue licenses or have any responsibility for disciplining doctors. That is done by the licensing boards in each state. It is not unusual for a doctor to not belong to the AMA.

I am fairly good at looking up records and found these links for verifying CPH's status.

Links to State Medical Boards

New York Medical Board

Verification searches

American Osteopathic Association verification search

New York State Physician Profile search
New York State Physician Profile home page:
(includes any malpractice or disciplinary action)

Federation of State Medical Boards

All of these sites show CPH to be licensed in good standing with no citations for malpractice or disciplinary review. I cannot find anything that indicates he ever lost his license to practrice.
Factors that would postpone arrest include having no ability to arrest a man who took a missing girls phone. We know that it means he's a sk, but there is no proof that he killed anybody.

Then why won’t they put the pleasure on the guy? Force his hand and cause him to slip up? Makes no sense..... When Ridgeway was quesioned long before he was arrested, it did not deter him what so ever. You would think if LE knew they had their man, they would get him. Plaster him all over the media. It would at least stop him from killing and might cause him to crack....????
I think we may be reading too much into the missing shoes. They may have been removed to prevent the discovery of incriminating evidence on the bottoms of their shoes.

If your crime scene includes a dead prostitute who is clothed but with no socks or shoes, common sense would tell you to swab the feet for traces of dna and bodily fluids.
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