NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #10

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Then why won’t they put the pleasure on the guy? Force his hand and cause him to slip up? Makes no sense..... When Ridgeway was quesioned long before he was arrested, it did not deter him what so ever. You would think if LE knew they had their man, they would get him. Plaster him all over the media. It would at least stop him from killing and might cause him to crack....????

From what I hear, to get a suspect to crack, you need to convince him that you have all the proof you need to convict him in court with a slam dunk. I don't think they have enough evidence to arrest him in the first place....which is maybe why they just keep questioning him 3+ times.
I feel like I am missing something regarding the fraud charges against CPH regarding the use of the MD title. Are you basing this on the document having MD after his name or are there other places he has claimed to be an MD? If it is strictly from the court document, that may have been a transcriber's error that was overlooked.

The AMA does not issue licenses or have any responsibility for disciplining doctors. That is done by the licensing boards in each state. It is not unusual for a doctor to not belong to the AMA.

I am fairly good at looking up records and found these links for verifying CPH's status.

Links to State Medical Boards

New York Medical Board

Verification searches

American Osteopathic Association verification search

New York State Physician Profile search
New York State Physician Profile home page:
(includes any malpractice or disciplinary action)

Federation of State Medical Boards

All of these sites show CPH to be licensed in good standing with no citations for malpractice or disciplinary review. I cannot find anything that indicates he ever lost his license to practrice.

Court reporters who make errors get fired. He probably bankrupted himself settling out of court so he didn't have to give up the ability to practice with his DO. Just read the court docs to learn about the malpractice, they are clear enough. When the expert witness physician says your guilty of gross negligence it means your guilty, so you probably settle and pay up. Hence his bankruptcy.
You can view it in the video remix redux @ the 50 second mark ( link )

Thanks for the link shadow !! As we were previously commenting on his understatement re the use of the word "mean", I missed this:

" ... Who would do such a horrible mean thing ... i mean, it's beyond the level of my belief ..."

Well CPH, the words "who" and "do" certainly add up to "whodunnit", don't they?

How does CPH know that something horrible and mean was done to Shannan by someone? What is this horrible mean thing that he refers to? If Shannan is merely "missing", there is no evidence that someone has done something horrible and mean. If Shannan ran into the water, this is not something horrible and mean that has been done to her by someone else.

Then Babs claims that SG's mom had the doc's name because the family went door-to-door. According to the doc, that would have been May 9, so that doesn't jive with the family saying they received the call from the doc the day after Shannan's disappearance on May 1. Gosh, maybe CPH and the wife should check the previous phone bill ;)

PS: LOL ... I thought Babs was just this side of choking when she semi-shrieked out the word "rehab". Yep, pretty distasteful, huh?
Where and how did CPH get SG's little sisters phone number before the family ever went to oak beach? I'll wait for an answer....anybody?


Didn't Alex Diaz and MP go to Oak Beach in the days after she went missing to look for her? Isn't that how he got the two phone numbers? That's the way I thought it went down.

I just got back from vacation and I'm trying to catch up with the posts here. Anything new happen?
What is this horrible mean thing that he refers to?
Here is a perfect example of how things can be misconstrued when taken out of context. From the original video, he's referring to the bodies found along Oak Beach Parkway. But yes, his terminology is odd. Importantly, his affect off. Way off.
Didn't Alex Diaz and MP go to Oak Beach in the days after she went missing to look for her? Isn't that how he got the two phone numbers? That's the way I thought it went down.
Yep. ( link )
I´m wondering about the issue of the police showing up so late, aprox. 6 am May 1, 2010.

LE have stated that the reason why they showed up that late was because Shannon was not able to give her location when she made her frantic 911 call.

HOWEVER! Gus Coletti called 911 aprox 5-5:15 am, and he was indeed able to tell his location.

SO LE's excuse for beeing so late does NOT hold water IMO.

So what was LE´s REAL reason for showing up so late?


Good Question!!!

If you read the Suffolk County Legislature Public Safety Committee Meeting Minutes from 2009, you will find out that police coverage in Oak Beach and Gilgo is already being discussed as being a problem IN 2009!!! The legislator from that area (I forget his name now) asks the head of the Marine Bureau and other SCPD brass about the spotty police coverage in this area. BUT KEEP THIS IS MIND!!! THERE IS A DEDICATED MARINE BUREAU SECTOR CAR FOR THE AREA 24/7 ALONG OCEAN PARKWAY WEST OF ROBERT MOSES CAUSEWAY!!!! And that is in the off-season months from Labor Day to Memorial Day!!! In the Summer months from Memorial Day to Labor Day, there is ADDITIONAL police coverage in that area!! So there should have been a Marine Bureau Sector SUV in that area the night of May 1, 2010 which could have responded within MINUTES!!! Where was that Marine Bureau unit in on the night of May 1, 2010????

That's the $64,000 question, Mr. Commissioner!!!

My take on this is as follows: Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy is no-nonsense kind of County Executive. He is trying to cut taxes and he is trying to do the right thing. In order to cut taxes, he needs to stop wasteful spending. The ABSOLUTE biggest waste of county money is the Police Department (BY FAR!!!!). These police officers make more money than any police department in the country!!! Average police salary is well over $150K with overtime!!! And there is relatively little danger in these jobs. A cop in NYPD has 10 times the danger but only make half the pay!

Well Steve Levy took on the SCPD and eliminated the Highway Patrol. He took the Sheriffs Department and put them in place on the highways and cut the cost of the highway patrol in half overnight!!! And the sad thing is Suffolk County shouldn't even have to worry about the highways because they are NY State Highways and NY State should patrol them with NY State Troopers. But the SCPD Union is so powerful that it convinced the NY State Legislature that it shouldn't have to patrol these roads and the state should just totally ignore them and leave it up to Suffolk County to patrol them.

Well because Steve Levy won the battle of the highways vs. the SCPD union, the union is trying to win the WAR and trying to shove it up Steve Levy's A$$. The highway patrol officers were transferred to the local precincts and the Marine Bureau and were supposed to supplement (improve) coverage. Steve Levy offered the union an olive branch and agreed to delay hiring additional cadets and allow these officers from the highway patrol and all other SCPD officers to make even more OT to pad their $150K salaries. Well this isn't enough for the union. They want even more!!! They don't take losing well so they have a work slowdown in place to send a message to Suffolk County taxpayers that Steve Levy is compromising their safety by cutting the budget of the SCPD.

That is the bottom line. It is a work action by the union that lead to the slow response time on the night of May 1, 2010. It's the police union trying to send a message. There should have been a sector car in that area! Where it was?? Nobody knows! That is the $64,000 question, Mr. Dormer!
cph has added the detail of meaness , how interesting....

our sk

has been to midtown manhattan
likes to make calls to victims families
has used burlap
has used craigslist
has been on oak beach and gilgo beach
leaves nothing forensic with victims

the fact that our serial killer seems to love his communications and using the phone and calling people because it is titillating for him, stands out in my mind.

it stands out.
Not only did SCPD blow the initial response back on May 1, 2010, but they have also blown this entire investigation!!

Dormer says that he did not see any problems with the investigation. It went exactly like any other missing person investigation that the county has ever taken on. Well that is NONSENSE!!!

The didn't review the tapes at the gate. They lost SG's jacket. They missed the earring! They didn't even know the doctor made the phone call to the family yet they have debunked the claim that the doctor made the phone call.

They have totally blown this investigation!!! Someone else needs to take over. Someone close to the SCPD is involved!!! An active officer? A retired officer? A retired police surgeon? Retired police brass? An active judge? A retired judge? Someone close to the SCPD or SCDA is involved. And they are purposely missing clues. The FBI needs to take over.

If I was the lawyer for the Gilbert family, I would be writing my US Congressman and Senator, begging them for the FBI to take over. Someone is protecting someone!!!

Didn't Alex Diaz and MP go to Oak Beach in the days after she went missing to look for her? Isn't that how he got the two phone numbers? That's the way I thought it went down.

I just got back from vacation and I'm trying to catch up with the posts here. Anything new happen?

His new alibi (in the letters) is that he got the mothers number from Pak/Diaz.
He clearly states that is where he got the mothers number, but he never said where he got the little sister's number.

The important thing here is that they both have been claiming the Gilbert's knew his name from their door to door walk. The fact that he called both the mother and the little sister before that walk has discredited that first alibi.

Now his new alibi insinuates that Pak and Diaz gave this stranger the mothers number (unlikely but possible, and contradicts the first alibi), but he doesn't dare mention that they gave him the little sister's phone number, because they didn't and it is a lot less believable. When he changed his alibi and admitted making the phone calls, he didn't scrutinize himself to realize that he didn't come up with an excuse or alibi for how he got this underage girls phone number. I dno't think he thought it through enough to realize that his new alibi doesn't completely cover up his lie. Once, you look at the time line and his new alibi you realize their is a giant HOLE in it. I will not believe that someone would have given him the little sisters number, unless he provoked someone to.

"They asked that I call the family" - CPH referring to Pak/Diaz

He doesn't even specifically say that anyone gave him the mothers number.
He simply says that HE GAVE THEM his contact info and they requested he call the family. When people are lying, they try to avoid stating the lie, when you read the letter's you assumed they gave him both phone numbers. Frankly, I doubt an escorts driver and or abusive pimp/boyfriend would have the escorts younger sisters phone number. And even if one of them did, why on earth would they find it in anyway useful to give the little sisters number to a stranger? The important thing here for me is that in his new lie (cough alibi) he doesn't directly say anyone gave him their numbers.

It would be strategic on CPH part to say Diaz gave him the number, because he has learned that society isn't necessarily going to believe him over the victims mother, which is what he has been relying on. But, who is going to believe Diaz, the abuser over this upstanding doctor?

And if you are having a hard time believing what I am saying, just listen to the little sister who did in fact talk to this man on May 9th. She calls him a "fu@#$%g liar".

Didn't Alex Diaz and MP go to Oak Beach in the days after she went missing to look for her? Isn't that how he got the two phone numbers? That's the way I thought it went down.

I just got back from vacation and I'm trying to catch up with the posts here. Anything new happen?

that is the way he wants you to think it went down, but he doesn't actually say they gave him their number, he says, "returned a call as requested", and "they asked that I call the family". He is trying to change the scenario from CPH's word against the victims mothers word, to CPH's word against abusive pimps word.

Which is a smart strategy, but he has already proven to us (and the gilbert's apparantly) that he is a liar.
Just wondering if maybe Dormer used the word "Debunk" to throw out more semi-false information.

Most people, including me, would take that to mean that the whole idea of CPH calling the family was a myth... when really they just removed the bunk (crap) out of the rumors... Dormer may know very well that CPH did call the family and they may know exactly what was said...

Don't know if that makes sense... For some reason that word "debunk" has stuck with me... jmoo
This page of the 48 hours transcript discusses JB, MP, and CPH.


"Dr. Hackett is a curious character," Sax says. "He's someone whose involvement, while we can't necessarily understand, is bizarre enough that makes you wonder, what is his connection to the case?"

Just days after Shannan went missing, her sister, Sherre, says their mother got a strange call from a man they had never heard of - Dr. Hackett - who, she says, claimed he found Shannan roaming around Oak Beach the night she disappeared and brought her into his home.

"So he called my mom and he said that he saw Shannan, he held her at his house and following morning, the driver came back to pick her up and that was it," says Sherre Gilbert.

But when the sisters made their trip to Oak Beach to find out more, Dr. Hackett denied that he ever met Shannan.

"And at that point, we were just really upset," Sherre says. "We didn't know what to believe."

In press reports, Hackett denied making any call.

"Do you believe that he called her mom? Moriarty asks Commissioner Dormer.

"Yeah. Our information is that he did," he replies.

And in fact, in a letter to "48 Hours" dated June 28 2011, Dr. Hackett admits he made not one phone call - but two - to Shannan's family.

Above BBM....I guess the phone call is no longer debunked.

MOO but I think all three of these men are lying, but why?

Aside from just racking up more points in the pathological liar dept. i believe this adds some nice points to the "living in a fantasy world" metric as well. but most importantly, it gives a lot of credibility to Mrs. Gilbert claim that he said he runs a treatment center and she was there.

His wife clearly states on many occassions, on film, that "We do not treat patients here"

Than why is his association address listed as his primary location of business all over the place! CPHs web is behind the gate, and he likes to catch and bring his prey right to him so he can "play doctor".

"This incident has exposed the dr for using his association address as a doctors office…" - Oak Beach Association insider

for anyone on here that still gives this man the benefit of the doubt, and believes anything he says upfront, please take your head out of the sand. If you believe him when he now (after lying to you on a number of occassions) says he got the phone numbers from Diaz/Pak, then I guess you are just gullible and too trusting. That being said, will you wire me $5000 USD via western union, I promise I will pay you back double on Monday!


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Just a random thought I would like to share. To help us all narrow in, focus if you will, on the important people in the case. I'm hoping after I say this that no one will any longer waste time wondering if this "drifter" could be our SK.

Define or describe to yourself what a drifter is... someone with no job, someone with no home, someone who is not likely a very responsible person, someone whose life isn't very "put together", maybe they drink, maybe they do drugs, someone you would probably never describe as "highly organized".

If you are unorganized in every other aspect of your life, you are not likely all of a sudden to be highly organized when it comes to your crime.

I have known some drifter type people in my life, and I can't imagine regardless of how hard I try, someone being a drifter AND highly organized, aside from one human being I have read about: Paul Erdos, a possessionless wandering brilliant mathematician.

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Erd%C5%91s"]Paul Erdős - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Ronald_graham_couple_with_erdos_1986.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e2/Ronald_graham_couple_with_erdos_1986.jpg/220px-Ronald_graham_couple_with_erdos_1986.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/e/e2/Ronald_graham_couple_with_erdos_1986.jpg/220px-Ronald_graham_couple_with_erdos_1986.jpg[/ame]
truthspider, Respectfully, there are 3 SK's that I can think of offhand who could be described as drifters, Rodney Alcala (CA, NY primarily but also traveled to other states),
Ted Bundy traveled from the west coast to the east, Ted Kazynski traveled from MT to IL and other locations. The FBI is currently trying to obtain his DNA (yeah, they never took his DNA, geesh) to tie him to other unsolved crimes like the Tylenol murders which occured in a radius around his parents house in IL. I can't describe his lifestyle as organized living in that remote cabin in MT, yet his crimes were very organized.

I am with you on the Dr being the #1 suspect at this point. IDK about this mysterious drifter actually being there that night as it could very well be a red herring put out by LE. It is weird that he hasn't been named in the media tho.

Just my opinion.

okay, in the 48 hours piece, I distinctly remember hearing something about the voice in the phonecalls to the little sister ( the evil calls, not the CPH calls in the letter) was not the voice of JB or ??????

does anyone remember if they included CPH? I will try to watch again later....

if so , why wouldn't they rule him out based on the voice?

do they really think the voice matches none of their suspects?
In the beginning MP was not named and there were comments he did not want his identity revealed. Maybe the reporters went along with this by calling him "the drifter." That's the only thing I can think of to explain his brief description in the news. Plus we have "the drifter" going to Georgia and MP going to Georgia.
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