OH - Anthony Waters, 42, homeless, beaten to death, Cleveland, 25 June 2008


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Aug 14, 2003
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CLEVELAND — A group of teenagers beat a homeless man to death as passers-by slowed to watch the attack, some of which was caught on videotape, police said.
Anthony Waters, 42, suffered a lacerated spleen and broken ribs during the attack Wednesday night and died at a hospital, police said.
"The pack mentality going on in the city of Cleveland must end," police Commander Calvin Williams said Thursday at a news conference where he urged the attackers to come forward.


Thats totally disgusting.....those who slowed and videotaped it are just as disgusting as those who did it. As if the homeless dont have enough to contend with without getting their heads kicked in too:mad:
The world's just not safe anymore. I sure hope these "teenagers" are caught.
I know 2 people that recently witnessed violent crimes. One was a group on the side of a busy road that murdered someone and the other was a man that pulled a knife and had a 5 minute standoff at a gas station till the police got the guy. As a result, I asked in a private forum what you would do if you saw a violent crime. The answers there were very interesting to me as I ponder what the right action is.

Although it is easy to blame the people that don't stop to help, most people are afraid to inject themselves into a situation where someone is being killed. One person alone cannot stop a violent crime and may become a victim too. I'd like to think that I'd do the right thing and stop traffic so that a group of us could intercede, but I don't know. I do think the videos will be important in court. I also think calling the police was right. It would have been nice if people driving by would have helped, but I have a hard time judging them for not injecting their lives and being heros.

The criminals are the guys that beat the homeless guy to death. I hope they were all caught and found guilty of murder. I'm glad there is video evidence to help keep that group of thugs off the street.
Lately we are hearing so many senseless killings, beatings by young people there is definiely something wrong in the family structure. This is just so sad
The world's just not safe anymore. I sure hope these "teenagers" are caught.
If they are, they'll probably get a slap on the wrist. Being young doesn't excuse this kind of barbaric violence. :furious:
So many people dehumanize people who are homeless without stopping to actually think about the situation these people are in or most importanty, WHY? Too many people are way too quick to spout out things like 'get a job, you're just a lazy bum', etc, without contemplating why these people are where they are. I volunteered at a homeless shelter because I was interested in how these people go into the situation they were in and because I wanted to help- I was sure it was not because they are just all lazy and don't want to get a job. A lot of them are mentally retarded and their care-takers have passed away and they were kicked out on the street - I hear that a lot. I talked to one man who was homeless and he used to be a normal guy with an apartment, a job, etc and he had an accident, did not have insurance and the bills literally wiped him out. He lost everything and now he is living in a shelter trying to get his life together = all because his workplace did not provide him with insurance, I talked to a woman with her two daughters who were living in Harlem in rent-subsidized housing and Donald Trump bought their building (this is a major problem here) and is turning it into luxury apts so come lease time she finds her rent has gone up $500 a month and now she has no place to live. For people in NYC who are living paycheck to paycheck it is impossible to get into an apt on short notice. You basically have to use a broker+first/last rent+deposit - It cost me over $5000 just to get into my apt so people hold onto their apt's for dear life. This woman WAS working but it was going to be awhile until she saved enough money to get into a place. In the meantime she lived in a shelter (When they could get a bed; Bloomberg drastically cut funding to homeless shelters and halved the amout of beds available) and she pan-handled to get x-tra money for food and daily thing while she saved her paychecks to go towards rent/deposit, etc. And then some of the people there were just plain crazy and there was no way they could work and take care of themselves. Women in their eighties with alztheimers with no where to go, no one to take care of them so they wander around the streets in a state of dementia.

Personally I think people react to homeless with such contempt because being faced with this brutal reality that people in America who need help are not being helped; they are living in subway stations and starving and it makes people uncomfortable and feel guilty so they react with anger. I understand the inclination to look down on someone who when they get on the train they smell so bad that everyone moves and they have urine and feces stains all over their clothes but then I have to stop and think about it. I highly doubt this person if they were in their right mind and capable of caring for themselves would ever choose to live in this condition - of course not. No one wants to walk around smelling like a sewer and lving in clothes covered with your own bodily fluids. There people do not need our contempt and our fists to beat them down further - they need our help.

May the people who sat there are video-taped this event and the people who perpetrated it be cursed with consciousness, insight and the thinking skills to understand, contemplate and absorb what type of people it takes to prey on the needy, the weak, the young, the defenseless and the abandoned.
The boys who beat this man to death were thugs. I hope they get what they deserve.
Mayor Jackson is furious!! This is the second time in recent weeks a man was attacked in broad daylight, in front of witnesses, and video cameras. For the most part I keep my family away from downtown Cleveland.
May the people who sat there are video-taped this event and the people who perpetrated it be cursed with consciousness, insight and the thinking skills to understand, contemplate and absorb what type of people it takes to prey on the needy, the weak, the young, the defenseless and the abandoned.

Gaia - I shortened your post, hope you don't mind. May I share your "curse"? I think this is absolutely the best thing you could wish on a person. It seems if they were to "come into" these qualities, they would be so guilt ridden that they would never commit another crime and they would spend the rest of their lives making up for their previous crimes.

the poor man looks like a friendly guy, just down on his luck... :(
How horrible that his misfortune gave some little beasts the idea that they could take his life. What horror the poor man must have felt!

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