GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #6

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"Let's hope that one's gonna tell on the other or these videos are actually going to give us the answers we've been looking for."

Let's hope!!! Find Elaina.

I sure hope so. Would love to see the videos.

Something is still very fishy with me concerning the cousin Mike (or was he a cousin?), when he ran out the back door with SK, where did he go? SK was found one street over puking by TJ. was it Mike who took the K family van and kept it until 3:00 the next morning?
QUOTE=Inana;9771781]with all due respect, I think the birth certificates he wants are the one's issued at the hospital that have their little foot print's stamped on them. I still have the ones from my children, even though we long ago sent off for the official ones issued by the state.

I think RS was playing on TJ's sentimental emotions. I just don't understand what RS was trying to get in return. While I don't know anything of him but media clips, he seems the kind of person who always has a plan--always finagles the upper hand.[/QUOTE]

Just a guess, but I think, in part, RS is desperately trying to deflect attention from his own involvement in or knowledge about Elaina's disappearance. IMO, he's provoking dissension in the Steinfurth family because if they're consumed by hurt and anger within their own ranks, they won't be looking at him, or at AS, as closely as they might otherwise be doing.

As well, IIRC, RS blames TJ for AS's problems. Somehow, whatever AS has done that was cruel or foolish or dangerous, RS believes ultimately came from the way TJ dealt with her before and during their breakup. RS's vicious act could simply be punishing TJ. My bet is that RS also blames TJ for the CPS decision not to allow RS to see KS. JMO, but RS may say "My daughter made a big mistake, so she's gotta pay the consequences.", but I think he really wants someone else to pay them for her. And that someone else could be TJ.

(I took the RS quotes from the raw footage of RS's interview after AS was arraigned which is available on youtube. I hope that's within WS rules.)

This attempt to shift attention seems, imo, to be a pattern. When I transcribed this interview, I was struck by the way RS drew other people to the media's attention, even blaming LE for his daughter's refusal to say what she knew about Elaina's whereabouts. "They shoulda kept the mother, the dad, and the boyfriend, and my daughter down there until...somebody said something." And, of course, he says the reason for AS's silence is "Stephen threatening her."

Again, this is just conjecture on my part, but I do have another thought. AS was supposed to have the children only if she spent the night at RS's home. I suspect RS regrets whatever the reasons were that AS left, taking ES and KS with her, and can't deal with those feelings. A dispute over smoking must seem pretty insignificant in light of all that has followed.

I admit that my gut feeling is that RS is really playing a deeper game, and I hope someone else has sussed out just what it is.

My thoughts are with you, Ferretmommy, and with your family. John Galsworthy said "Justice is a machine that, when someone has once given it a starting push, rolls on of itself." You and TS Sr have given justice a phenomenal push and no one, certainly not RS, will deter it from its fundamental path.
QUOTE=Inana;9771781]with all due respect, I think the birth certificates he wants are the one's issued at the hospital that have their little foot print's stamped on them. I still have the ones from my children, even though we long ago sent off for the official ones issued by the state.

I think RS was playing on TJ's sentimental emotions. I just don't understand what RS was trying to get in return. While I don't know anything of him but media clips, he seems the kind of person who always has a plan--always finagles the upper hand.

BBM Agreed ! RS is manipulating TJ. TJ is so broken and desperate right now he doesn't know which way is up. I think any of us could imagine the feelings of hopelessness and compound that by being very young and really impressionable. I'm just imagining my 19 yr old son and being put into one of the worst , if not THE worst circumstances you would put anyone into and then see how they behave. I think RS is trying to ' woo' TJ over possibly so TJ will become an advocate? for AS. I know it's crazy but I cannot imagine why else RS would be saying anything to TJ besides ' im sorry, i'm sorry , i'm sorry' . Maybe RS thinks if he plays buddy-buddy then TJ will start to say oh AS could not have done this , it had to be all SK, see? That's the only reason I can think of for any of this. What TJ needs to realize is in the long run, RS is going to cover his own butt and that of AS, period. Clearly neither of them RS or AS attempted to cover Elaina's , so why would they now cover TJ's ? So sad.
Deep love and peace to Elaina's family today . Be strong, chin up ! I don't know how but I know that you will make it through this . I know that you will.
My worry is that RS knows no more than anyone else, and that he is just lashing out and being difficult because that's what he does.

I sure wish I thought he knew more but all else aside, the very first time he was seen on video and that we heard him speak was outside of a court room or police station and a reporter asked him if he thought Elaina was alive and the way he said "no.. no, I don't" was genuinely the look and sound of somebody who was hurting and somewhat bewildered.

So.. IMO, for every single other accurate statement people have posted here about him that I agree with, I just feel compelled to say that IMHO he doesn't know anything, he just makes a lot more noise saying nothing than most people do.

ETA: and on top of that, he enjoys needling TJ and his family and continues to do so whenever possible because he feels AS can do no wrong so he blames TJ for everything that he can't blame on SK. IMO
with all due respect, I think the birth certificates he wants are the one's issued at the hospital that have their little foot print's stamped on them. I still have the ones from my children, even though we long ago sent off for the official ones issued by the state.

I think RS was playing on TJ's sentimental emotions. I just don't understand what RS was trying to get in return. While I don't know anything of him but media clips, he seems the kind of person who always has a plan--always finagles the upper hand.

Yes, he wants the ones with the footprints on them.
Yes, he wants the ones with the footprints on them.

Aww :( So it's not even a legal document but one he wants for
sentimental reasons. Because AS had the baby and anything OF
the baby's and TJ has nothing left . That's a heartbreaker.
I sure hope so. Would love to see the videos.

Something is still very fishy with me concerning the cousin Mike (or was he a cousin?), when he ran out the back door with SK, where did he go? SK was found one street over puking by TJ. was it Mike who took the K family van and kept it until 3:00 the next morning?

YES I absolutely agree. I think he will be the next one arrested, along with a few others.

If the van was really gone for hours right after E comes up missing I would think that LE would find that highly suspicious. I do not understand why it took so many days for them to search it...

Ferretmommy, did anyone else see the van gone and then return besides RS? I can't remember what was said in the past....I only remembering seeing a video with RS stating that that plates kept changing on it.
The papers are the girls SS cards, birth certificates with their footprint on them, and I'm not sure what else. He totally stabbed Terry Sr. right through his heart and he is completely devastated. Myself, as far as how he was treating me, well, let's just say it wasn't the first time. I was mostly worried about my dad. He's had heart surgery and also had a stroke just a couple years ago. I was afraid my mom would have to take him to the hospital!

No explaination needed FM.
Yes, he wants the ones with the footprints on them.
I hope at some point they are returned to him.
RS is a Piece of $%&* for playing the games with a broken hearted dad and his family.

Not that we know of. I also can't figure out why JK, SK's mom hasn't been arrested either. Pretty obvious she knows more than she's saying when she tells at least 2 different people " The only thing they can get Steven for is abuse of a corpse". LE was notified of this being said, but it appears it went in one ear and out the other, just as most other things did.
It took them so long to arrest Steven, I'm still hoping they will soon arrest the mom, dad and Mike, too. May it be soon. If they arrested mommy maybe Steven would start talking? Yeah, maybe not. It appears he cares about no one but himself.

:( ... I'm so sorry FM. What a horrible thing to have to hear and think about.
There are SO MANY families out there who have a missing child and who have no clue in the world where their baby is and would give anything to know, good or bad.

And here we have a missing baby with family members who have no clue in the world where their baby is and would give anything to know, good or bad,


There should be a law against that. Seriously. They're going to sit there and not talk come hell or high water because no matter what happens they're still not risking having to do 25 to life this way, so what's the motivation to talk? Being a good person? IF THEY WERE GOOD PEOPLE THIS WOULDN"T HAVE HAPPENED!

ugh so frustrated!!!!
I'm sorry I haven't been on WS very consistently lately. I'm taking care of a dear family member who is terminally ill and recently went on hospice, so my time doesn't seem to be my own
Though I haven't been able to follow Elainas' thread lately, I've googled her name just about every day, hoping for good news.
Ferrettmommy, you, Elaina, K and all the family are in my thoughts and prayers
I have not been on here lately, husband on vacation. But, I do say prayers each and every day.

Been reading and seems most feel that more people know what happened and like AS/SK, they are not talking!! Do these people not KNOW this is a BABY that is missing?!
What type people are they?! How can they sleep at night? So many questions, so little answers. :( Where are you Baby Girl?

Praying for a sign from Elaina...

RS has set my hinky meter off from his statements after AS arrest. I think he knows what happened and am thinking that AS lawyer is not very hopeful from the evidence they got from discovery. If it comes out that RS knew the truth from the start he too could be arrested for obstruction. Come on if AS were your daughter and you told her along with many others to keep those kids away from the King house wouldn't ypu have marched your behind down there and got the kids out of there? I would not have been oh ok when AS called and said I am going there because I can't smoke. Anyone who has come out and said they knew/didn't want her there with the kids and knew that night she was going there should have gone to get the kids even if it meant they needed to call TJ and the law. It was the first weekend after they were kicked out of the King house and she had the kids from TJ and they let her do exactly what they all told her not to do for the well being of the kids. If only they would enforced the rules.....
Not that we know of. I also can't figure out why JK, SK's mom hasn't been arrested either. Pretty obvious she knows more than she's saying when she tells at least 2 different people " The only thing they can get Steven for is abuse of a corpse". LE was notified of this being said, but it appears it went in one ear and out the other, just as most other things did.

Wow, her statement is very disturbing. I am so sorry Ferretmommy......

I think LE has been watching them all just as they were SK. They kept stating that he was not a suspect and then arrested him.

Back to what JK said, this is very telling. Shows that she too knows what happened in that house, tells that she knows her sons involvement, and maybe worse. This is so so sad :( Again I am so so sorry.

Bet they get her on obstructing justice at the very least soon enough.

The whole story with the van is very questionable. Too bad there was not a more credible witness. Hopefully they have something on video from a nearby camera....
RS has set my hinky meter off from his statements after AS arrest. I think he knows what happened and am thinking that AS lawyer is not very hopeful from the evidence they got from discovery. If it comes out that RS knew the truth from the start he too could be arrested for obstruction. Come on if AS were your daughter and you told her along with many others to keep those kids away from the King house wouldn't ypu have marched your behind down there and got the kids out of there? I would not have been oh ok when AS called and said I am going there because I can't smoke. Anyone who has come out and said they knew/didn't want her there with the kids and knew that night she was going there should have gone to get the kids even if it meant they needed to call TJ and the law. It was the first weekend after they were kicked out of the King house and she had the kids from TJ and they let her do exactly what they all told her not to do for the well being of the kids. If only they would enforced the rules.....
I agree 100% and have said the same thing many times. I also feel AS has told him things he hasn't revealed. From the beginning, he said Elaina would be found - but not alive. When on Nancy Grace, he said that he knew things but couldn't talk about it 'because it'll mess up the investigation'. When Nancy asked if LE told him not to say anything, he stammered then said no. I realize he is also Elaina's grandfather, but something deep inside gnaws at me when I see him at the vigils and the way he always manages to get a camera on himself and talk to the news crews.
The longer this baby stays missing, the less hope I feel. I keep praying and praying they will find her, yet knowing in my heart that the stories surrounding her disappearance do not add up. I know babies/children can vanish....even out of their home as the parents sleep......we have heard of cases where that has actually been the case. The difference is the the parents in those cases did everything they could do to try to help LE and to try to bring the child home. This little baby girl is in my thoughts and in my prayers......
I haven't posted here much but am always here for Elaina!! God, please bring this baby girl home!!! :please:
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