OH - Pike Co - 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue - 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #73

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Evan Millward
PIKE COUNTY TRIAL: Lock recovered near front door of trailer picked up as evidence.

Stipulation: Does not contain sufficient DNA data for comparison.

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Keys and money (appears to be a wad of ones) from Kenenth's bedroom entered as evidence.

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The jeans - which Staley said had pockets turned out - are in this bag.

Kenneth Rhoden's DNA is included in DNA profile mix found on jeans.


The iPhone found propped up in the window is in this bag.

It was not sent for DNA testing.


This is the cartridge casing found on Kenneth Rhoden's bed.


SA Staley says the headstamp is a Hornady S&W 40 - that means it's a .40 caliber bullet

SA Staley says he took blind swabs off Kenneth's hands/wrists to see if anyone had grabbed him in a struggle, even though he says there was no signs of struggle - just a precaution. "You only get one chance" to take them.

SA Staley says he found a blood stain on a wall about one foot off the bed

Staley says he finsiehd processing the scene at Kenneth Rhoden's property "several hours later." He did not help coroner remove body, he normally doesn't.

For a fourth and final time, a stipulation both parites agree to:

No DNA profiles belonging to George, Jake, Billy or Angela Wagner was found at the scene on Left Fork Rd.

So, there was NO WAGNER DNA found at any scene.

Stipulation that DNA found on blind swabs of Kenneth Rhoden's hands and wrist contained his DNA.

Defense attorney John Parker now on cross-examination of BCI special agent Ed Staley.

Clarifying that Staley did not do independent measurements, based them on the FARO scanner measurements.

Staley says the shed on Kenneth Rhoden's property smelled like fresh marijuana

Parker questions Staley about the bed's platform and whether or not a struggle would have knocked the bed off.

Staley also clarifies that the .40 caliber casing was to the right of the bed.

Dr. Karen Looman from Hamilton Co. Coroner's Office returns to the stand after lunch to discuss Kenneth Rhoden's autopsy.

Back around 1pm

link: https://twitter.com/evanmillward
Evan Millward
PIKE COUNTY TRIAL: Inside the door to the shed, SA Staley thought this black bracket was for a trail camera but he never found one.

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SA Staley says he found a stairway that went to a basement in the shed.

He found what he presumes were marijuana plants (didn't test them) in that basement. Also found grow lights, watering systems.

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SA Staley says he found no evidence of forced entry into this shed.

SA Staley is describing the front deck to the trailer. We see a hasp open on he door. A lock on the back deck. A window with a cell phone propped up in it.

No sign of forced entry in either outer or inner trailer door.

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SA Staley is describing photos as he made his way into the trailer and bedroom.

Pool camera in courtroom is not showing these, per judge's order, because you can see part of Kenneth's body.

SA Staley points out the alarm part of the sensor - ties back to the electronic device on the tree . Motion detector worked when they tested it.

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SA Staley says Kenneth Rhoden was dead on his mattress. His pockets were turned out.

Keys and money were there too.

SA Staley says he found a cartridge case on the bed too - took several photographs of it.

Defense again objects to showing photos of Kenneth Rhoden's body. Says it is repetitive.

SA Staley says he was not in the bedroom very long.

He says he couldn't tell if Kenneth's right eye was open or closed - "it was not there." Left eye was partially open/closed.

Staley doesn't believe his body was moved. Believes Kenneth was asleep.

SA Staley says he can't determine the distance the shot was fired - or the path of the bullet.

SA Staley says they also did a 3D FARO scan of the room - they did this at the other scenes too.

Used to record everything at the scene with accurate measurements.

This was the first piece of evidence collected at this scene. Lock with keys to the shed. And keys on ring.

Stipulation: No DNA profile recovered from any keys. The lock has a mix of DNA, including Kenneth Rhoden.

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This is the key fob and key also found near the shed.

Stipulation: Does not contain sufficient DNA data for comparison.

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link: https://twitter.com/evanmillward

That photo of the device on the tree was the one I thought he said was a trail cam. It wasn't. It was that device that Donald Stone or Luke mentioned - the motion detector that had run down its battery and Kenny was going to replace it. It detected anyone coming up his driveway.

Thanks for the clarification, Niner!

ETA: It sound more and more like the security cam video the state does have as evidence came from other locations that the crime scenes.
That photo of the device on the tree was the one I thought he said was a trail cam. It wasn't. It was that device that Donald Stone or Luke mentioned - the motion detector that had run down its battery and Kenny was going to replace it. It detected anyone coming up his driveway.

Thanks for the clarification, Niner!
Agent also testified that it was functional.
Agent also testified that it was functional.

He did? I was out of the room for most of that. Interesting. If so, it didn't awaken Kenneth when the killers came because the agent said it looked like KR was asleep when he was shot.

Did the Wags park on the road or somewhere else and walk to KR's camper through the woods?
Evan Millward
PIKE COUNTY TRIAL: Back form lunch break, Hamilton Co. chief deputy coroner Dr. Karen Looman returns to the stand.

She will testify to Kenneth Rhoden's injuries and autopsy results, as she has done for the prior 7 victims.


First, though, Rob Junk is questioning Dr. Looman about Hanna May Rhoden.

Says her head was pressed against the headboard of her bed when discovered.

Dr. Looman says it's consistent with mark found on back of head.

Dr. Looman says she performed Kenneth Rhoden's autopsy on Sunday 4/24/2016 around 12:40 p.m.

She did all the women on Saturday, all men except Chris Sr on Sunday.

Dr. Looman says Kenneth Rhoden had a single gunshot wound to the head. Would be through his right eye.

Describes dried blood coming from his nose

Dr. Looman says Kenneth was shot through the right eyelid - had black soot on eyelid and stippling around the eye. She believes the gunshot came from 3 inches to 3 feet away. An "intermediate" gunshot.

Here are Dr. Looman's diagrams of that injury.

She says bullet broke the right eye plate and bone underneath. It hit the back of his head - after perforating the brain.

Head1.jpg Head2.jpg

Dr. Looman says that wound would be immediately fatal.

Says Kenneth's eyes were closed because the bullet went through his eyelid.

link: https://twitter.com/evanmillward
Evan Millward
PIKE COUNTY TRIAL: Back form lunch break, Hamilton Co. chief deputy coroner Dr. Karen Looman returns to the stand.

She will testify to Kenneth Rhoden's injuries and autopsy results, as she has done for the prior 7 victims.

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First, though, Rob Junk is questioning Dr. Looman about Hanna May Rhoden.

Says her head was pressed against the headboard of her bed when discovered.

Dr. Looman says it's consistent with mark found on back of head.

Dr. Looman says she performed Kenneth Rhoden's autopsy on Sunday 4/24/2016 around 12:40 p.m.

She did all the women on Saturday, all men except Chris Sr on Sunday.

Dr. Looman says Kenneth Rhoden had a single gunshot wound to the head. Would be through his right eye.

Describes dried blood coming from his nose

Dr. Looman says Kenneth was shot through the right eyelid - had black soot on eyelid and stippling around the eye. She believes the gunshot came from 3 inches to 3 feet away. An "intermediate" gunshot.

Here are Dr. Looman's diagrams of that injury.

She says bullet broke the right eye plate and bone underneath. It hit the back of his head - after perforating the brain.

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Dr. Looman says that wound would be immediately fatal.

Says Kenneth's eyes were closed because the bullet went through his eyelid.

link: https://twitter.com/evanmillward

So, which of the Wagners shot that weapon? Someone must have been holding or controlling the dog while a third person stood lookout - maybe down by Left Fork Rd.

Again, how did the shooter see to aim in the dark?
The one originally with the glock? I think dad.

Didn't GW4 brag about being a "Glock man"? Wasn't he always posting photos of these weapons on social media?

LOL at the defense attorney and his bizarre line of questioning. Where is he going with these nutty questions? No redirect from the prosecution because the defense's line of questioning was so odd. Defense must be preparing to launch one of those crazy conspiracy theory defenses. Like maybe aliens or Sasquatch were the killers or somesuch.:rolleyes:
Evan Millward
Replying to
PIKE COUNTY TRIAL: Dr. Looman says this bullet was similar to the one used to kill Chris Sr and Gary. They found a red plastic plug too.

This one was bigger than bullets used to kill Dana, Chris Jr, and Hanna May.

Dr. Looman says the cause of Kenneth Rhoden's death was a single gunshot wound to the head.

Dr. Looman is holding the box containing the bullet from Kenneth Rhoden's head.

Defense attorney John Parker is on cross-examination now.

He's been keeping a chart of which wounds were how far away, on which victim.

Court room.jpg

Parker asks Dr. Looman if the presence of stippling and soot on the eyelid indicates the gunshot was on the closer end of her 3in-3ft "intermediate" range. She agrees.

Also had severe skull fractures from the gunshot.

Parker thanks Dr. Looman for her expertise on a "difficult case."

After multiple times on the stand, she is done.

Matt White from BCI is next witness but court needs to set up exhibits - will take a couple minutes.

Matt White, from BCI, is a forensic firearms examiner.

Prosecutor Andrew Wilson is doing the questioning now.


link: https://twitter.com/evanmillward

And I shall pick up the tweets in my morning....
Good day Betty. I believe dad was inside CR's with that gun... then used it again at KRs.
JW with the .22 and Junior with the rifle to begin with. Couldn't shoot it so JW did (maybe). I am wondering if he just made that up tho to lessen Juniors actions. And he couldn't aim good so that is why only 1 hit on CR. Both are dead before JW can shoot anyone with the .22

All JW at DRs for the most part... and dad takes out KR because he knows CR told KR about meeting him later that night.

What ya think?
Didn't GW4 brag about being a "Glock man"? Wasn't he always posting photos of these weapons on social media?

LOL at the defense attorney and his bizarre line of questioning. Where is he going with these nutty questions? No redirect from the prosecution because the defense's line of questioning was so odd. Defense must be preparing to launch one of those crazy conspiracy theory defenses. Like maybe aliens or Sasquatch were the killers or somesuch.:rolleyes:
Exactly!! LOL The tone of his questioning is awful, but this time the line of questioning was so odd. Like he was making a chart with all the distances of all the bullets fired and I kept waiting for an ah ha moment and it didn't come. Just lots of random questions like he didn't understand it the first time or he was highlighting it, but it didn't go anywhere. I'm sure he will have some grand production later to piece together this big conspiracy against his client. I can't wait..
Good day Betty. I believe dad was inside CR's with that gun... then used it again at KRs.
JW with the .22 and Junior with the rifle to begin with. Couldn't shoot it so JW did (maybe). I am wondering if he just made that up tho to lessen Juniors actions. And he couldn't aim good so that is why only 1 hit on CR. Both are dead before JW can shoot anyone with the .22

All JW at DRs for the most part... and dad takes out KR because he knows CR told KR about meeting him later that night.

What ya think?

Didn't the Glock belong to GW4?

This expert is also giving info about where killers may have been standing when they shot, based on where cartridges landed, etc.

JMO when it comes to evidence, it's still "we don't know what we don't know". There are experts who will be testifying who can give us more information than we had before.
Didn't the Glock belong to GW4?

This expert is also giving info about where killers may have been standing when they shot, based on where cartridges landed, etc.

JMO when it comes to evidence, it's still "we don't know what we don't know". There are experts who will be testifying who can give us more information than we had before.
I think when the prosecution had a case before Jake and Angela confessed, they knew they had a case. They wouldn't have arrested them if they didn't have enough. I think this testimony all will prove that this could be done as they believe it was, that 3 people were mostly likely involved and then Jakes testimony will confirm what they already laid out evidence wise. Then what I really can't wait for is all the recorded conversations, the "not talking about anything in the car/house" for fear of being recorded, the evidence showing Angela buying shoes, George buy the fuel filters a few days before the murders. His own statements after about keeping quiet, Angela so worried about which barn, etc. This is all stuff that innocent people just do not do. If you are innocent why are you worried about having conversations that are possibly recorded? Why do you care where police are searching on a property you no longer own? I can't wait to find out what all we don't know yet!
Yes... but they are a 'sharing' family. Haha
All for one and one for all.. EXCEPT if they get caught, then it's the ole, " I lived with them, worked with them, did everything with them, but not this" Nope don't know nothing about it, didn't hear about it before or after. No idea why my baby brother and mother said I was involved. :rolleyes:
Sounds like he tied those type of guns to the crime scenes.

They're going to take a break. White is going to testify about how he tested all the ballistics evidence gathered at the crime scenes. This will be important testimony.
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