OH Pike County: 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested#38

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If I was her, I'd have kept my tail in AK! No, I'd not have given any of them a 2nd look! Not with all that negative publicity. Take a look at GW4 too. In the Adams Cty. court records. He filed for divorce on 11/26/2014. It was finalized on 02/03/2015. Then that was it, until Sept. 2018 and the ex filed for a change of visitation (if I'm reading correctly). I think that's why he came back to OH, to straighten that out. Was someone urged to file? To get him here? Interesting filings on 11/02/2018 (at least I thought so).
Have you ever found documentation JW did actually marry? As in legally? Tysm

I’m frothing at the mouth over something I wish to post. Not sure it’s allowed per TOS. Do I need to email a mod, for advice or permission? I don't want the thread to erupt.
If you send it to a mod first and it is torpedoed...it is what it is. We are guest in Tricia's house, so I think it best to follow the rules. (Or you could post, and I'll screen shot it really quick, Nah....:D:D Just teasing, of course)
If you send it to a mod first and it is torpedoed...it is what it is. We are guest in Tricia's house, so I think it best to follow the rules. (Or you could post, and I'll screen shot it really quick, Nah....:D:D Just teasing, of course)

I’m gonna ask permission.
Ahh, your fine print. Chuckle, chuckle.
Exactly! It’s only my opinion that someone is going to flip and get some type of a deal for talking & I believe it will be Jake. Based on nothing, of course. IMO, AW is slick & thinks she can get out of this, G4 looked as if he might doze off during his arraignment, IMO. I wondered if he even comprehends wtf is going on. Maybe he’s on meds, idk.

I think G3 knows very, very, well what is going on. He may not be an educated man, but I don't think that makes him stupid. Has he and his family made stupid decisions? Yes. Pre-meditated murder is more than stupid. Heinous. That's still different than being mentally disabled. I see stupid decisions made by, what I'd call, relatively intelligent individuals, every day.
It’s not fair, at all, but preconceived views of the defendant can impact the jury, as well. Frankly, I could not be on G3’s jury because I find his appearance bothersome. Literally, I would have to advise the Judge of my feelings & let him know I couldn’t consider him “innocent” until deliberations, based on his looks.

I agree, most murder defendents get a shave, a haircut and wear a suit for the first time when they go to trial. Whatever will make a jury think 'I can't imagine this person committing the crime.'

I think GW3's prominent brow ridge makes him look mean, but it's just genetic. He also has a habitual expression when his face is at rest, that looks like he's scowling. At first glance here, he looks like he's staring daggers at the judge, but probably he isn't. Pic.jpg
Hubby and I decided to do a little house cleaning today. We were afraid the ceiling might cave in with all the stuff piled in the attic so we took a tour up there. I found boxes and boxes of stuff. One box had a contract for a new car my grandparents bought in 1954. Also a contract for a new TV bought by hubby's uncle in 1955. The car was 3800.00 and the TV was 359.95. Boy have things changed.

Anyway I got to thinking about those trailers LE searched that were parked at the Browns before the W's went to Alaska. We all saw pictures of piles of possessions laid out on the ground.

My thoughts are. Were the W's pack rats like me and hubby and apparently my entire family? Were those trailers full of stuff no longer needed but not trash either? If so then what did LE find in them? Is that where they recovered parts of the suppressor? Or did they find other evidence in them? Like blood?

And what about Fred? What did LE find in her attic? Parts of a suppressor someone built? She denied that LE found anything. I remember she said "They found zilch." Would they have told her if they found something? How did they know she lied to a GJ? Something they found at her home that they later asked her about and she lied?

I guess my point is, when the W's packed up to move to AK they could only take a limited amount of stuff with them. So what did they do with all the rest of that "No longer needed but not trash either" stuff? Store it at Fred's?


I got a 52" T.V. for just a little more than what your parents paid for theirs! I got it on sale of course, but still, it was a buy!

I have a bunch of stuff that doesn't belong to me stored in my basement. Child moves out, they leave their stuff. Can't take it with them? Lands in my basement, with; I'm coming back for it!!! Never happens. I even had some of their deceased, bio, father's things down there, b/c the kids had no clue what to do with four medium sized boxes of stuff. I have never even looked in some of those boxes. Just pointed to a space, and said stack them there.
I’ve looked for info regarding a bride. I have found nothing. Idk if his detention center intake log would have the info or not. If he did wed, I hope she filed for annulment before her name is forever attached to him. I’m going to run a deeper search for a marriage license.

I read CW checked “widow” on his paperwork in WI, but that is state level.

Seriously? He's a whole different breed of animal.
I think G3 knows very, very, well what is going on. He may not be an educated man, but I don't think that makes him stupid. Has he and his family made stupid decisions? Yes. Pre-meditated murder is more than stupid. Heinous. That's still different than being mentally disabled. I see stupid decisions made by, what I'd call, relatively intelligent individuals, every day.

True. I’ll never go so far as to consider him intelligent.
I think there’s some type of deficiency going on....not sure what. Of course, with AW, it didn’t matter, she compensated for him.
I agree, most murder defendents get a shave, a haircut and wear a suit for the first time when they go to trial. Whatever will make a jury think 'I can't imagine this person committing the crime.'

I think GW3's prominent brow ridge makes him look mean, but it's just genetic. He also has a habitual expression when his face is at rest, that looks like he's scowling. At first glance here, he looks like he's staring daggers at the judge, but probably he isn't. View attachment 160213

I think you’re exactly right. But, I can’t help myself.
He does look better with his hair cut. When he was arrested in KY, he looked like a mountain man.
Imagine trying to come up with mitigating factors for any of the 4, should they actually go to trial & get the DP.

I suppose for the boys a few might be found. Perhaps, their youth or their childhood tribulations.

But for mom & dad. Hmmmmmmmm
If I was her, I'd have kept my tail in AK! No, I'd not have given any of them a 2nd look! Not with all that negative publicity. Take a look at GW4 too. In the Adams Cty. court records. He filed for divorce on 11/26/2014. It was finalized on 02/03/2015. Then that was it, until Sept. 2018 and the ex filed for a change of visitation (if I'm reading correctly). I think that's why he came back to OH, to straighten that out. Was someone urged to file? To get him here? Interesting filings on 11/02/2018 (at least I thought so).

Is that an order for a blood test? Paternity test? Or mental examination? Hmmm

It does make me wonder why a young girl would get involved with Jake after all the publicity. But it makes me wonder more about her parents. I have a feeling the young lady in question and her parents may have been members of that church in AK the W's attended. But I don't care how much the good church people talk about forgiveness there is no way I would let my daughter any where near them.

I got a 52" T.V. for just a little more than what your parents paid for theirs! I got it on sale of course, but still, it was a buy!

I have a bunch of stuff that doesn't belong to me stored in my basement. Child moves out, they leave their stuff. Can't take it with them? Lands in my basement, with; I'm coming back for it!!! Never happens. I even had some of their deceased, bio, father's things down there, b/c the kids had no clue what to do with four medium sized boxes of stuff. I have never even looked in some of those boxes. Just pointed to a space, and said stack them there.


But LE would look if they had a search warrant, wouldn't they? That's why I am wondering if Billy or one of the others may have stashed something in Fred's storage building or attic before they left for AK. The reason I ask, is they said they found the suppressor 10-31-18 right after they searched the FWF for a third time. At least according to locals they searched it a third time around that date, then wallah they release to the media they found a suppressor. Kind of makes me think the W4's may have stashed the suppressor on her place.

Also I think they may have found some of the materials used to build the suppressor when they searched the trailers right after the 4W's left for AK

I don't think they even make license plates any more. We just buy a sticker instead of plates every year. I'm not sure what they do other than food prep and laundry. The last mention I see of prison farms is 2914. I tried a Google search for what work Ohio prisoners do and found nothing basically.

All six of the W's would quickly be assigned a job. Inmates have pretty much the same jobs we in the general public have but they're highly supervised (they're basically not even allowed to have a screwdriver unless under direct supervision). If you consider that a prison is basically a town of 2,000 people (more or less), it needs people to keep it running, the same as a small town does. The inmates have jobs like carpenters, janitors, cooks, line servers, dish washers, plumbers, painters, electricians, gardeners, lawn care, maintenance, library, recreation area, laundry, commissary ("grocery store") and most anything else we do on the outside including (in some prisons) small engine repair and automotive mechanics. Some inmates are even trained in bio-hazard cleanup to take care of blood spills. The corrections officers, of course, would be the city cops.
The DP is only a consideration due to the nature of the crimes meeting the criteria to be considered aggravated/capital, correct? Even if only one person had been murdered, the criteria might still be met.
Personally, I think the threat of the DP looming, will illicit some pleas & bargaining. Why wouldn’t the state love guilty pleas in exchange for LWOP sentences?
I read most Ohio cases tried as DP cases DO NOT end the way prosecutors hope. Even if the jury recommends DP, it’s ultimately up to the Judge.
Just my opinion.
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All six of the W's would quickly be assigned a job. Inmates have pretty much the same jobs we in the general public have but they're highly supervised (they're basically not even allowed to have a screwdriver unless under direct supervision). If you consider that a prison is basically a town of 2,000 people (more or less), it needs people to keep it running, the same as a small town does. The inmates have jobs like carpenters, janitors, cooks, line servers, dish washers, plumbers, painters, electricians, gardeners, lawn care, maintenance, library, recreation area, laundry, commissary ("grocery store") and most anything else we do on the outside including (in some prisons) small engine repair and automotive mechanics. Some inmates are even trained in bio-hazard cleanup to take care of blood spills. The corrections officers, of course, would be the city cops.

Exactly. It takes a village to raise an inmate!!!
Most must work, unless medically unable. Most want to work for their sanity. Sure, they don’t make much money but they do get benefits. Free meals, medical, room & board, laundry, mail delivery, on and on and on. They also have the stainless steel amenity package in their crib!
Is that an order for a blood test? Paternity test? Or mental examination? Hmmm

It does make me wonder why a young girl would get involved with Jake after all the publicity. But it makes me wonder more about her parents. I have a feeling the young lady in question and her parents may have been members of that church in AK the W's attended. But I don't care how much the good church people talk about forgiveness there is no way I would let my daughter any where near them.


I think that it is a mental exam. IANAL but this is what I've found, see link, and I agree, I'd drag my own child to a mental health eval if she took up with either one of them boys!

Rule 35. Physical and Mental Examinations
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