OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #29

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No, it is not right, but young men should protect themselves from this kind of thing.

As should young ladies, especially if they are going to sow some wild oats before settling down.. She kept the child's existence from him. He had no clue he had a child for almost two years. That's on her. He's paying his child support and she has nothing to do with even trying to work anything out and he's not got the money to go to court, and the child is calling another man Daddy at this point. She only hunted him out b/c welfare told her they were cutting her off if she didn't give up names. She was sort of in the position that HMR was in and there were three folks waiting to see who got the news, and the man he calls "daddy" wasn't one of them. I give that fella kudos though for staying the course though.

If he were b*tching about paying support I'd tell him in a heartbeat that he needed to shut it up and wrap it up next time.
I have always thought the 10pm pick up was odd. A three year old should have been asleep for two hours before 10pm. Was she three years old at that time?

I think, she was 2.5 at the time. Don't quote me on that though.
In my opinion, these are people that get their 15 minutes of fame by saying I was supposed to be there that night. Either that, or they had a heads up and stayed away. My bet is the former.

It's possible. But we are talking about someone who:
- is the daughter of one of the victims
- the cousin and best friend of another victim
- who questioned the security of the evidence warehouse
- made on 2 other occasions comments that would lead us to believe she was made privy of information in the case.

I highly recommend viewing her Jody Barr interview from october. I said when it came out it was the most interesting reporting piece, I still believe so.
As should young ladies, especially if they are going to sow some wild seeds before settling down.. She kept the child's existence from him. He had no clue he had a child for almost two years. That's on her. He's paying his child support and she has nothing to do with even trying to work anything out and he's not got the money to go to court, and the child is calling another man Daddy at this point. She only hunted him out b/c welfare told her they were cutting her off if she didn't give up names. She was sort of in the position that HMR was in and there were three folks waiting to see who got the news, and the man he calls "daddy" wasn't one of them. I give that fella kudos though for staying the course though.

If he were b*tching about paying support I'd tell him in a heartbeat that he needed to shut it up and wrap it up next time.

I was not criticising your son. Just trying to say, that the wild oats can be traced now and they should be aware and protect themselves from something that is going to last for a long time of their lives, financially, and even longer emotionally, knowing that you have a child out there and have no influence on how it is rared. Your own flesh and blood.
To all those who would like to believe that Jake picked his daughter a week before the slaughter, remember this:

Chelsea Robinson: dropped of her and Frankie's son and left at 10:30 pm. Night of 4-21-16.

Chelsea stated she saw Jake picking up S. on the night of 4-21-16.

Chelsea is a witness who contradicts Angela's "new story" contradicting Jake's statement about picking up S on 4-21-16.
To all those who would like to believe that Jake picked his daughter a week before the slaughter, remember this:

Chelsea Robinson: dropped of her and Frankie's son and left at 10:30 pm. Night of 4-21-16.

Chelsea stated she saw Jake picking up S. on the night of 4-21-16.

Chelsea is a witness who contradicts Angela's "new story" contradicting Jake's statement about picking up S on 4-21-16.

Well, it mustn't be unusual in that family for toddlers to be dropped off or picked up hours after most toddlers are safely tucked up in their beds.
I was not criticising your son. Just trying to say, that the wild oats can be traced now and they should be aware and protect themselves from something that is going to last for a long time of their lives, financially, and even longer emotionally, knowing that you have a child out there and have no influence on how it is rared. Your own flesh and blood.

Believe me, my kids got the b&b speech w/o the books or videos, etc... I gave it to them straight. However, once they're out into the world, and out of our site, they'll do as the wish, and then they'll have to deal with the consequences of their actions. I still deal with a few of mine. Not all of them are bad consequences though. Who knows, one day the child might look him up when he is of age.
To all those who would like to believe that Jake picked his daughter a week before the slaughter, remember this:

Chelsea Robinson: dropped of her and Frankie's son and left at 10:30 pm. Night of 4-21-16.

Chelsea stated she saw Jake picking up S. on the night of 4-21-16.

Chelsea is a witness who contradicts Angela's "new story" contradicting Jake's statement about picking up S on 4-21-16.

Do you have a link to where CR states that she saw JW that night?
KR2 spoke about it somewhere along the line. I honestly don't buy it. No matter how high your pain tolerance is, your baby is four days old...

I personally cannot believe that . I just had a c section in January . My baby was almost 10 pounds- granted, the weight of the baby shouldn't matter. That is a MAJOR surgery. I couldn't get out of the hospital bed with screaming 3-4 days later and for a few weeks after that the pain was still unbearable

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What do I expect of the governor. Well, as a resident of Pike County, where the biggest crime in the state has occurred, it is with respect I say it would be nice if he did one of the following:
1. Sit down for lunch or something with DeWine or Reader, let press take a photo.
2. Participate in a press conference with them, not talk but show his support.
3. Actually physically visit the area with Reader.
4. Come to Pike County and show everyone we also have a governor.
Its too late for him to do any of these things now, but if he's looking at another presidential run it might be nice to carry his home state. We like visitors down here too. He is governor of the whole state after all.

All those things would accomplish nothing except provide a lot of photo-ops. They wouldn't bring this case one inch closer toward being solved.

Actually I think a far bigger crime is the massive influx of illegal opioids and their derivatives into the state. These have taken the lives of of far more than 8 people [who I suspect, and have always suspected, had a little something to do with this influx].
I removed some of my post. I get a bit tense over fathers being left out, if they want to see their child. This is similar to what happened with my son. He took the dna, and was very surprised. The judge put arrears on him, all the way back, from the birth of the child, who he didn't even know that he had. It's thousands of dollars now. Then they wouldn't hear his request for visits. He's seen the child twice. He took the child some gifts, on court day, and she let him give them to the child, in the courthouse parking lot. Nice... That was over a year ago and the last time he's seen the child. It's not right.

With my son, there was no DNA test. Just his signature stating he was the father. No father was listed on the birth certificate and they told him by admitting he was the father, they would get his name put on the birth certificate. That did not happen just like visitation did not happen. Just mandatory support and reimbursing birthing costs. He had to get an attorney to get visitation.Eventually she gave him custody.
She actually had something to gain. Child support. They were already trading out weeks. There would be no reason that a judge would take the child from the mother and give him sole custody, solely based on the fact that they may have had more money. As long as HMR was being a good parent, wasn't a meth head, or placing the child in imminent danger, they'd have just legalized it and most likely JW would have also had to pay for her insurance, too. It is to the child, and both parent's benefit, that everything is done legally. Fathers do have rights.

I disagree. My sister has 'shared parenting' with my nephew's father. Because their agreement has my nephew spending one week with dad and one week with mom, there is no Child Support. If there is a visitation style agreement, where one parent has sole custody and the other has 'visitation' time with the child, then there would be reason for Child Support. The non-official arrangement that HR and JW had would likely not have merited a Child Support aspect if they had formalized it in court.
Even so, they've got it all wrong. If he'd picked her up a day early, he'd have picked her up on Friday and found her there with all of the deceased. He picked her up more than a day early. That was one thing I found odd early on that he'd pick her up at 10 p.m. but it was explained away b/c he was off work for a long weekend and wanted to have her for Fri - Sat. IIRC. We didn't imagine this statement from him. It's all over the internet.

That is some of the things I hate about MSM. They seldom admit mistakes. If corrections are made, they are hard to find. The original story is headline news but the correction or retraction is buried or barely noted. Just think how often the reports on this case changed the firts few days alone...
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