OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #31

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Woah. Sinaloa Cartel.

Federal investigation, federal grand jury

Auxiliary police officer arrested in connection to the case

Initial arrest that spawned the investigation was done by local Middletown LE and Ohio State Patrol

Wonder if we can find the names of the defendants in the other states? Just curious.

The defendants in the Cinti case:

Also significant. This is how you do it. Don't just bust for drugs, follow the money, too.

Did all the cash go back to Mexico?

Scroll below the top article at the link to another article about one of the local Middletown people busted as part of the operation

Apartment manager on accused drug ring member: ‘I just thought he was a stoner, a pothead’

Published: Friday, March 09, 2018 @ 12:19 PM
By: Rick McCrabb - Staff Writer

He sounds pretty much like a low level local guy, not a big fish.

Jeez, the Sinaloa Cartel has this system organized about as well as a string of McDonald's franchises.

Landlord said there were a lot of cars with Kentucky plates at the drug distributors apartment. I hope the feds monitored and got all the license plate numbers.

Here's another update about the apartments used as distribution centers:


Kudos to the new federal prosecutor, Benjamin Glassman. He's the same guy who investigated and prosecuted the Ohio State Patrol officer who was dealing drugs up north of Columbus.

Also this:

Wow. Interesting. We need to read the indictments for the Columbus and Eastern KY groups.


This was organized well enough that a small fish in the pond could be considered a problem if that small fish might get LE looking closer at what is going on...
I wonder if RW took any vacations south of the border...
:welcome: Good to have you here MittenScarpetta! Are you a fan of the Kay Scarpetta books? Me, too.

Good questions, and they've been discussed before. JMO, any of those scenarios are possible, given what we know. And we don't know much. LE has released very little information and most of what we do know about KR's death comes from the interviews DS did in the news media.

From my understanding of DS's interviews, the padlock was on the outside of the camper.

(Apologies, but I've been extremely busy in another thread here at WS today doing a lot of searching archives, finding links and cutting and pasting quotes for people arguing over a different case. So I'm taking a break from doing the old search, read snip, copy paste, etc.)

Somewhere back in those DS interviews, he may have said he saw the padlock unlocked on KR's camper door that morning. It would have to have been unlocked as the one he referred to was on the outside of the camper door and DS would not have been able to enter without a key. Was there another padlock or deadbolt or something on the inside of the door? We don't know, or at least I've never found any details on that.

Also, I think DS said KR kept one of his dogs inside for security, so that would have worked if he was sleeping with door unlocked.

So any of those scenarios you've proposed could be accurate. Some here have speculated that KR was talking to a visitor when he was shot. Was it a visitor from Thursday night? We can't know for sure because LE has redacted all the info from the autopsy reports that would otherwise give us an idea of KR's time of death.

All we know is that DS said he talked to KR the day before when they decided to get up early and work on cars Friday morning. Some have said that was unknown to other family members as his daughter thought KR had left for work Friday morning.

Feel free to cut and paste some details here if you wish. I'm too tired to do it right now, haha. There are some links in our Media & Timelines area


DS saying they were going to work on cars that morning always has seemed strange. No one but DS seems to know that was to happen. I suppose that will
never be known unless his employer would say KR planned to take the day off... Most of DS's actions that morning were strange.
I’m a new poster to this thread and am trying my best to read all of the preceding threads. While I didn’t follow this case on ws, I did follow the case in the media and on other forums. I’m somewhat familiar with the surrounding area (not Piketon itself) in real life and also with the Appalachian culture. I know this case has MANY rabbit holes and am trying my best to not be confused by the numerous theories.

With that said, I do have a question and it may have been asked and clarified previously. If so, I apologize in advance.

In regards to DS finding KR, I’ve noticed a couple discrepancies. Again, these very well may have been cleared up previously, but I haven’t found the answer yet. I’m hoping some of you can help me clarify.

It was stated that KR would padlock his camper if he wasn’t there. It was also stated by DS that he found KR in bed. This leads me to ask this: if KR padlocked his camper when he was gone, I can’t imagine he would be asleep in his camper without it locked at night. KR was clearly asleep when he was murdered because he was in bed. He also must not have heard his attacker when they entered his camper because he was murdered in bed which gives indication that he never knew what was coming. So, with that said, is it possible the murderer was in the camper with KR Thursday night and KR perhaps was letting this person stay the night, unsuspecting that he was about to be murdered? OR did KR leave his camper unlocked because he was expecting DS to be staying the night, KR wanted to go to sleep, DS wasn’t there yet, so KR proceeded to go to sleep and left the door unlocked so DS could just come in when he got there?

If I’m remembering correctly, it was stated somewhere that the camper was unlocked when DS went to check on KR.

I do not think we know he was IN bed. He was ON the bed. When I heard DS describe the scene, I was thinking KR might have been sitting on the bed and fell back on it. I could be wrong...
[FONT=.SFUIText-Semibold]Just a heads up when referring to BBL and RW safer to jut use initials. (I think you got my drift ) :escape:
This is all from my scribbling notes while reading about this case over the last 2 years.
Back when I looked originally at Adams Health Solutions, LLC (this listed RW girlfriend initials (JW )as the name associated with AHS along with CRsr ) a number of businesses used the address 100 Grove Street in Peebles. RW (owned the property at one time). Also at one time several other medical businesses were operating out of that location. For the last few years, RW was leasing that space to a day care center. Later he sold the property to a person named McGraw? I believe.
[FONT=.SF UI Text]

[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText-Semibold]His wife or ex-wife was a physical therapist they/she owned a Sports Med /Physical Thearpy clinic in southern Ohio. Not sure if she was still there at the clinic when it and number of other clinics were closed down. [/FONT][FONT=.SFUIText-Semibold]So any attempt to understand the holding of the BBL empire is very difficult because I believe it stretches even out of state of Ohio.But I have not looked at that.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Text]
[FONT=.SFUIText-Semibold]I am going by my notes some of my article and videos are by now broken links. Please correct me if I have erred.

I know there are many who have followed this tragedy for years.



Just a heads up when referring to BBL and RW safer to jut use initials. (I think you got my drift )

Not sure what you mean by this? I was commenting about the NAICS code that AHS was registered under in CR1's name.

His wife or ex-wife was a physical therapist they/she owned a Sports Med /Physical Thearpy clinic in southern Ohio.

Could this mean a pill mill since physical therapy usually deals with pain?

I find it interesting that CR1 was listed with RW's girlfriend as the owner but that TR was actually more of a long term employee at BBL. The way RW talked about CR1 he was only called to work at BBL on a contract basis when something needed built, not a full time employee as TR was.

But I agree, the entire family was deeply embroiled in the affairs of RW and BBL.

When everyone first sleuthed that info, my first guess was that Dana R wanted to start her own home health nursing agency. Instead of working at a nursing home, she could be her own boss and possibly also employ Hannah. I'm not an expert, but I don't think it requires a lot of additional training and certification to be qualified to run one of these agencies. There are a lot of these "mom & pop" type home health agencies in our area and I'm sure they're in demand in rural areas with elderly populations.

That said, it doesn't sound like there would be a need to include Waddell in the mix, though he probably took his cut of everything. He may have also had different ideas for the business that the Rhodens weren't aware of.


Betty I thought that too until I saw the link to AHS posted here the other day. The NAICS code caught my eye since I see those things in my sleep sometimes. The NAICS code for a home health care business is 621610 Home Health Care Services. So basically AHS was registered with the IRS under the code 621999 which is defined in the IRS code as" Offices Of All Other Miscellaneous Health Practitioners" a sub category of MD's and specialty physicians like a P. A. (Physicians Assistant) or something like that. Not an MD but still licensed to practice medicine and write prescriptions. The code for a chiropractor is 621310 and a physical therapist is 621340 while a physician is 621111. So that rules out it being for physical therapy. Counseling and psychologists are under code 621112 and Outpatient Care Services is code 621400.

I could never quite visualize exactly what DS meant when he described how he found KR.I finally got that ahaha moment when you brought up the scenario of KR just collapsing back on the bed when shot.

I do not think we know he was IN bed. He was ON the bed. When I heard DS describe the scene, I was thinking KR might have been sitting on the bed and fell back on it. I could be wrong...

Oh my Rainisback I am so sorry for my poorly worded sentence. My comment about the need forvsubbing names for initials was not directed at you. I was just thinking out loud. In my previous post I had goofed. I very quickly went back to edit & remove the last name and replace with it with his initials.

Thanks for your post it just does my heart good to think I might be onto something to see the evil perps arrested

Just a heads up when referring to BBL and RW safer to jut use initials. (I think you got my drift )

Not sure what you mean by this? I was commenting about the NAICS code that AHS was registered under in CR1's name.

His wife or ex-wife was a physical therapist they/she owned a Sports Med /Physical Thearpy clinic in southern Ohio.

Could this mean a pill mill since physical therapy usually deals with pain?

I find it interesting that CR1 was listed with RW's girlfriend as the owner but that TR was actually more of a long term employee at BBL. The way RW talked about CR1 he was only called to work at BBL on a contract basis when something needed built, not a full time employee as TR was.

But I agree, the entire family was deeply embroiled in the affairs of RW and BBL.

Finally welcome MittenScarpetta:dance: This is one heck of a team on this thread.What a wealth of information they have gathered. I am hoping to see justice for the 8 victims. When the perps are finally arrested I will stick around for the trial.I want to see the demonic perps who brutally executed the Rhodes family found guilty and punished.

Kind of along a tangent of your pondering BBL, Chris's employer, I wanted to review and organize the information relating to Chris Sr & Kenneth's other business: growing pot.

rsd1200, I know you crunched some numbers on this previously. Do you still have them around?

In this article, a "law enforcement source" told CBS there were 200 plants in the 3 Rhoden grow ops



There was also this interview with Felix Jimenez, a retired DEA agent, discussing the market demand for MJ and competitive factors, which I found interesting.

Felix Jimenez, who worked as a DEA agent for more than 30 years, said the Piketon, Ohio, killings on April 22 are a message from Mexican drug cartels.


“The message is they are in control, they are going to have the complete market, and if you try to invade their territory these will be the consequences you will receive, and you will pay with death,” he said.


So, if we're looking at the grow ops being related to the murders, there are a couple of assumptions / theories to consider:

1 The murders were done by cartels or some other organized crime group; torture was involved

2. The motive was:
a. Revenge over missing funds (money was taken from the crime scenes); or
b To get rid of competition; or
c Some combination of the two

Here are my questions for discussion:

How much MJ would the Rhodens been capable of producing with their indoor grow ops? If they could harvest 200 plants at time, how often could they turn over a harvest of that size?

The article said each plant was capable of producing 1 lb of MJ. So shall we assume each harvest was 200lbs of MJ?

Who is buying the product each time it's harvested? Foreign cartel? Local cartel?

If they were growing for a cartel, the cartel would take care of sales and marketing. CRSr & KR would just harvest, load it up and ship it out,right?

If Rhodens were handling their own marketing and sales, who were they selling to and how? It's not like you can put an ad on Craigslist.

Were they selling it in a single lot to a wholesaler who then distributed it?

Which markets were they selling in? How far away? Was some of it sold locally, the rest shipped elsewhere?
How was it transported to market?

Who was collecting the money? How much of a cut were the Rhodens getting? Who else was getting a cut?

How did the Rhoden grow op relate to the other grow ops in the area? There were several large scale busts before and after the murders, with operations even bigger than the Rhodens. Were they competitors or just fellow farmers? Were they all selling to the same wholesalers or brokers?

Of all this grow op activity (especially the Rhodens) who in LE may have known about it? Local or federal or both?

I know we've answered many of these questions before, but I'm trying to organize the info and see if we can eliminate some possibilities.

ETA: For the sake of discussion, let's just set aside anything that BCI or local LE have said about Rhoden grow ops, cartels, etc. It's just so much white noise right now.

I am probably out of this discussion before it starts good since I am the dummy who asked what was left after you cut off the leaves and stems of a MJ plant so an expert on this I am not. But to me the 200 plants iirc were in trays. That leads us to assume they were not planted yet. According to what I have learned here on websleuths, the plants are no good if they are male (or female, I forget which) so it is possible a large number of those 200 plants were no good. The law of average would say maybe 50 percent? Assuming every plant was healthy and reached maturity then that would be maybe 150 LBS. People smoke MJ like tobacco so 150 lbs of MJ would not be that much in one county in a years time since I could see 150lbs of cigarettes being consumed in a county maybe every month. Of course taking in account that more people smoke tobacco than MJ (I think) that still would not be a huge supply for an area. I think it would only be enough for friends and family.

Now I will sit down and let someone who knows more about it than I do take the floor.
Could CR1 and RW had a falling out and RW told his affiliates they gotta go or we're all down the tubes?
His email address alludes to health issues of feet/ankles, on the one, but the biz is stated as: Publishing of newspapers, journals and periodicals. The biz address is in a subdivision on Lake Erie. He's described as a "partner". The biz address was last sold, to the current owners, in 2004. (there's a dup of this one in the records).

He is prez of Southern Ohio Sports Med. The biz is health and medical. Only lists a P.O. Box in Peebles, and gives a phone number. The SIC is: Offices And Clinics Of Medical Doctors

He's prez of Southern Ohio Medical, Inc., in Bainbridge, too. The industry is described as: Medical and dental practice activities, Human health activities. There is no SIC code, and it has a physical location, but there's nothing there but a B&B, w/acres of farmland. Unless it's been built on the farmland, since google earth's last update? Oh, and it kinda between Pike, and Chillicothe, in the middle of nowhere.

I'd put links but not sure if I'm overstepping TOS at this level, so am erring on side of caution.


All this health/medical/doctors stuff is leading me to pill mills set up under fake business in order to write scripts for opoids to sell to addicts.

Since the pill mills that operated out of a physical address with a real building and a real doctor have mostly been put out of business by LE could the same people setting up the previous pill mills be setting up under a business that has no real clinic type building? It would be a brilliant idea if it could be managed since LE couldn't shut it down if there was no building to be padlocked or even raided.

I’m a new poster to this thread and am trying my best to read all of the preceding threads. While I didn’t follow this case on ws, I did follow the case in the media and on other forums. I’m somewhat familiar with the surrounding area (not Piketon itself) in real life and also with the Appalachian culture. I know this case has MANY rabbit holes and am trying my best to not be confused by the numerous theories.

With that said, I do have a question and it may have been asked and clarified previously. If so, I apologize in advance.

In regards to DS finding KR, I’ve noticed a couple discrepancies. Again, these very well may have been cleared up previously, but I haven’t found the answer yet. I’m hoping some of you can help me clarify.

It was stated that KR would padlock his camper if he wasn’t there. It was also stated by DS that he found KR in bed. This leads me to ask this: if KR padlocked his camper when he was gone, I can’t imagine he would be asleep in his camper without it locked at night. KR was clearly asleep when he was murdered because he was in bed. He also must not have heard his attacker when they entered his camper because he was murdered in bed which gives indication that he never knew what was coming. So, with that said, is it possible the murderer was in the camper with KR Thursday night and KR perhaps was letting this person stay the night, unsuspecting that he was about to be murdered? OR did KR leave his camper unlocked because he was expecting DS to be staying the night, KR wanted to go to sleep, DS wasn’t there yet, so KR proceeded to go to sleep and left the door unlocked so DS could just come in when he got there?

If I’m remembering correctly, it was stated somewhere that the camper was unlocked when DS went to check on KR.

DS sold his story to the Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-feet-shot-head-reveals-man-horror-scene.html

He does say KR was 'in bed' not on it. To me that means asleep or ready to sleep.

That's a good point about the lock. DS didn't seem to be surprised that he could walk in, since the padlock wasn't on. He did express surprise that someone could get in without the dog making noise.

Since the dog hadn't been fed for probably 12 hours, it's curious DS didn't say how the dog reacted when he arrived.

Even a 'friend' can't normally walk past a guard dog in the middle of the night when their master is sleeping, without it barking a little before being hushed, IMO, so this is all very, very suspicious. The idea that someone was already there is a good one. Or someone came in, and when the dog barked, KR thought it was DS.

All this health/medical/doctors stuff is leading me to pill mills set up under fake business in order to write scripts for opoids to sell to addicts.

Since the pill mills that operated out of a physical address with a real building and a real doctor have mostly been put out of business by LE could the same people setting up the previous pill mills be setting up under a business that has no real clinic type building? It would be a brilliant idea if it could be managed since LE couldn't shut it down if there was no building to be padlocked or even raided.


A page back I replied to you. In case you missed it I am so sorry for my poorly worded sentence in a pior post. My comment about the need for subbing names for initials was not directed at you. I was just thinking out loud. In my previous post I had goofed. I very quickly went back to edit & remove the last name and replace it with his initials.

What you have described in your post has been troubling me a long time. I felt I was dancing on the head of a pin every time I hinted at a pill mill.

The ringleaders of the fake clinics must not be worried because their presence is so thinly veiled you have to keep your eyes shut not to see it.

I truly believe CRsr plied his carpenter work as he could find the jobs. Otherwise I think DR and the kids all worked hard to make ends meet. I think they helped other family members too. I also believe that the BBL guy behind the fake clinics hooked these poor locals into the easy cash. Back a few pages poster rsd1200 said its easy to get in with these dealers but like in the song 'Hotel California' you can never leave. The entire tragedy that took the lives of the Rhodes family just gets to me.

:welcome: Good to have you here MittenScarpetta! Are you a fan of the Kay Scarpetta books? Me, too.

Good questions, and they've been discussed before. JMO, any of those scenarios are possible, given what we know. And we don't know much. LE has released very little information and most of what we do know about KR's death comes from the interviews DS did in the news media.

From my understanding of DS's interviews, the padlock was on the outside of the camper.

(Apologies, but I've been extremely busy in another thread here at WS today doing a lot of searching archives, finding links and cutting and pasting quotes for people arguing over a different case. So I'm taking a break from doing the old search, read snip, copy paste, etc.)

Somewhere back in those DS interviews, he may have said he saw the padlock unlocked on KR's camper door that morning. It would have to have been unlocked as the one he referred to was on the outside of the camper door and DS would not have been able to enter without a key. Was there another padlock or deadbolt or something on the inside of the door? We don't know, or at least I've never found any details on that.

Also, I think DS said KR kept one of his dogs inside for security, so that would have worked if he was sleeping with door unlocked.

So any of those scenarios you've proposed could be accurate. Some here have speculated that KR was talking to a visitor when he was shot. Was it a visitor from Thursday night? We can't know for sure because LE has redacted all the info from the autopsy reports that would otherwise give us an idea of KR's time of death.

All we know is that DS said he talked to KR the day before when they decided to get up early and work on cars Friday morning. Some have said that was unknown to other family members as his daughter thought KR had left for work Friday morning.

Feel free to cut and paste some details here if you wish. I'm too tired to do it right now, haha. There are some links in our Media & Timelines area


Thank you[emoji4] I am a fan-great books! I’m glad you brought up his dog. Considering the dog was ready to attack officers, it makes me lean even more strongly towards someone was at that camper there with KR that he and the dog were comfortable with. I do recall DS speaking about the padlock and if I remember correctly he stated something along the lines that KR would lock the padlock when he left the property and it wasn’t locked when DS arrived (paraphrasing of course) which makes sense because you can’t lock a padlock on the outside if you’re in a camper. I also tend to believe there would have been an inside camper door lock. I’ve never been in a camper that doesn’t have a door lock, but then again anything is possible.

I’ll go find the articles that reference DS interviews. Most of the sites though seem to require a subscription to read them now.
DS sold his story to the Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-feet-shot-head-reveals-man-horror-scene.html

He does say KR was 'in bed' not on it. To me that means asleep or ready to sleep.

That's a good point about the lock. DS didn't seem to be surprised that he could walk in, since the padlock wasn't on. He did express surprise that someone could get in without the dog making noise.

Since the dog hadn't been fed for probably 12 hours, it's curious DS didn't say how the dog reacted when he arrived.

Even a 'friend' can't normally walk past a guard dog in the middle of the night when their master is sleeping, without it barking a little before being hushed, IMO, so this is all very, very suspicious. The idea that someone was already there is a good one. Or someone came in, and when the dog barked, KR thought it was DS.

I was just about to reference this article and then saw your post. Yes, it clearly states he was in bed and DS saw his foot before walking over to the bed (paraphrasing)

I guess what I’m getting at is there’s too many questions raised from the circumstances surrounding KR and his camper, dog, and DS was supposed to stay the night there on the night that lead to the murders. I don’t know what any of it means but it has just never sat well with me because IMO 1+1 does not equal 2 in this scenario...the “math” isn’t adding up.
I am probably out of this discussion before it starts good since I am the dummy who asked what was left after you cut off the leaves and stems of a MJ plant so an expert on this I am not. But to me the 200 plants iirc were in trays. That leads us to assume they were not planted yet. According to what I have learned here on websleuths, the plants are no good if they are male (or female, I forget which) so it is possible a large number of those 200 plants were no good. The law of average would say maybe 50 percent? Assuming every plant was healthy and reached maturity then that would be maybe 150 LBS. People smoke MJ like tobacco so 150 lbs of MJ would not be that much in one county in a years time since I could see 150lbs of cigarettes being consumed in a county maybe every month. Of course taking in account that more people smoke tobacco than MJ (I think) that still would not be a huge supply for an area. I think it would only be enough for friends and family.

Now I will sit down and let someone who knows more about it than I do take the floor.

I would agree with you that “marijuana plants in trays” would be plants not yet planted yet in the terms that the way the plants were described makes it sound like these plants were fresh sprouts from seeds and definitely not mature plants. Marijuana plants can grow to be 15 feet high, depending on the climate/circumstances they’re being grown in.
I am probably out of this discussion before it starts good since I am the dummy who asked what was left after you cut off the leaves and stems of a MJ plant so an expert on this I am not. But to me the 200 plants iirc were in trays. That leads us to assume they were not planted yet. According to what I have learned here on websleuths, the plants are no good if they are male (or female, I forget which) so it is possible a large number of those 200 plants were no good. The law of average would say maybe 50 percent? Assuming every plant was healthy and reached maturity then that would be maybe 150 LBS. People smoke MJ like tobacco so 150 lbs of MJ would not be that much in one county in a years time since I could see 150lbs of cigarettes being consumed in a county maybe every month. Of course taking in account that more people smoke tobacco than MJ (I think) that still would not be a huge supply for an area. I think it would only be enough for friends and family.

Now I will sit down and let someone who knows more about it than I do take the floor.

It's difficult to assess how much they would get from the estimated 200 plants. Assuming these were growing indoors, it depends entirely on the amount of light: both it's brightness and square footage. The plants will grow to whatever size uses the available light, ie you can have 50 big plants or 200 smaller plants, they'll produce the same harvest. http://www.growweedeasy.com/how-many-plants-to-grow

As you say, we don't know whether these were only female plants, we also don't know if these were at different stages of growth. We don't know how much money they'd invested in high tech grow lamps. My tendency is to assume, not much.

150 lbs is definitely too high an estimate. Indoor grown plants with just ok lighting (high quality lights are expensive) and no wasted plants might produce (50gx200plants)÷453= 20 lbs (50 grams per plant, see link above )

In comparison, I noticed this statement

In 2010, the DEA seized 22,000 plants from Pike County

habitual recreational user might smoke 1/2 lb per year (225 grams, based on a gram of non-daily, shared, use), a heavy user might use a lb per year. So if they were supplying friends and family, that'd be 30 or 40 people, IMO. A pretty large number.

The wholesale price for a lb today in Ohio is $3000.
http://budzu.com/prices/usa/ohio. So if all went well, all the plants went to harvest, they had invested into lights, they had good contacts to sell to, they could make $70,000 over 4 months. Divide between the partners/workers.

This seems correct, since the 38 lb package of, presumably, cheaper California weed sent via the post office was valued at $100,000.

It's a tidy sum for guys who don't look like they lived large. Not exactly cartel-sized earnings though.
I’m a new poster to this thread and am trying my best to read all of the preceding threads. While I didn’t follow this case on ws, I did follow the case in the media and on other forums. I’m somewhat familiar with the surrounding area (not Piketon itself) in real life and also with the Appalachian culture. I know this case has MANY rabbit holes and am trying my best to not be confused by the numerous theories.

With that said, I do have a question and it may have been asked and clarified previously. If so, I apologize in advance.

In regards to DS finding KR, I’ve noticed a couple discrepancies. Again, these very well may have been cleared up previously, but I haven’t found the answer yet. I’m hoping some of you can help me clarify.

It was stated that KR would padlock his camper if he wasn’t there. It was also stated by DS that he found KR in bed. This leads me to ask this: if KR padlocked his camper when he was gone, I can’t imagine he would be asleep in his camper without it locked at night. KR was clearly asleep when he was murdered because he was in bed. He also must not have heard his attacker when they entered his camper because he was murdered in bed which gives indication that he never knew what was coming. So, with that said, is it possible the murderer was in the camper with KR Thursday night and KR perhaps was letting this person stay the night, unsuspecting that he was about to be murdered? OR did KR leave his camper unlocked because he was expecting DS to be staying the night, KR wanted to go to sleep, DS wasn’t there yet, so KR proceeded to go to sleep and left the door unlocked so DS could just come in when he got there?

If I’m remembering correctly, it was stated somewhere that the camper was unlocked when DS went to check on KR.

Both are theories that I've had, as well, only I think he may have been awake, if the money was strewn about. I've wondered if he had it out for a specific reason, but they shot him instead. He had to go. I've got one other theory that he may have been the one they pumped for info. He'd know, the next day, who had committed the murders. Final note: I don't think DS accomplished this but I find him very sketchy.
This was organized well enough that a small fish in the pond could be considered a problem if that small fish might get LE looking closer at what is going on...
I wonder if RW took any vacations south of the border...

Kentucky plates. I remember hearing about that bust and I had just mentioned to my s/o the other day that I'd not heard of many ODs lately. I'd wondered if maybe it was kinda moving out of our region. I guess it was!
Both are theories that I've had, as well, only I think he may have been awake,if the money was strewn about. I've wondered if he had it out for a specific reason, but they shot him instead. He had to go. I've got one other theory that he may have been the one they pumped for info. He'd know, the next day, who had committed the murders. Final note: I don't think DS accomplished this but I find him very sketchy.


I have wondered if he was awakened by them and saw the gun and thought they were there to rob him. He would have pulled the money out to give to them.
A page back I replied to you. In case you missed it I am so sorry for my poorly worded sentence in a pior post. My comment about the need for subbing names for initials was not directed at you. I was just thinking out loud. In my previous post I had goofed. I very quickly went back to edit & remove the last name and replace it with his initials.

What you have described in your post has been troubling me a long time. I felt I was dancing on the head of a pin every time I hinted at a pill mill.

The ringleaders of the fake clinics must not be worried because their presence is so thinly veiled you have to keep your eyes shut not to see it.

I truly believe CRsr plied his carpenter work as he could find the jobs. Otherwise I think DR and the kids all worked hard to make ends meet. I think they helped other family members too. I also believe that the BBL guy behind the fake clinics hooked these poor locals into the easy cash. Back a few pages poster rsd1200 said its easy to get in with these dealers but like in the song 'Hotel California' you can never leave. The entire tragedy that took the lives of the Rhodes family just gets to me.


I did see your reply. No offense taken. I was just wondering what it was in reference to. I was thinking maybe I had accidently posted a full name.
Kentucky plates. I remember hearing about that bust and I had just mentioned to my s/o the other day that I'd not heard of many ODs lately. I'd wondered if maybe it was kinda moving out of our region. I guess it was!

There's actually some recent data that was reported showing KY has seen a decline in opiod deaths. Ohio has seen increases as have other states.


ETA: That study measured opioid overdoses, not deaths. Still encouraging news for KY. Something is working.
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