OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #9

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#5...hmm good idea, curiosityscat. I can search the satellite databases and see what I can find.

#6...I gotta disagree about searches being a minor point. Searchers claiming multiple HRD hits- well, let's just say I pick incompetence. :(

#6 - previously posted - Oriah - Ok, let me rephrase/clarify, I think the lack of experience, competence, record keeping by the local LE at the time of their disappearance has kind of come out as being "obvious" (Sorry to those who honesty did try in Latimer County, but that's my opinion).
I believe that if there were actual "hits" or indications by cadaver dogs and/or searchers, it is certainly different, than just focusing on LE incompetence to coordinate or keep records or lack of contact yrs ago.
I never meant to belittle your opinion, I only meant, the lack of proper coordination has been evident, and it's an unchangeable, so the choice to me (IMHO) seems to be to move on and go from what can be done now. Because we can't change what a happened, only address things moving forward (I'm NOT saying let anyone from LE in the past "off the hook", but they've moved on and obviously don't care *shrugs*, if I'm wrong about that and LE reads this -- doubt it-- then "DO SOMETHING!" Prove you give a flying about this MISSING Family, and I'll shut my mouth and apologize)!

Ya know from what you have said, it sounds like what has happened in the past needs to just be chucked out (because how reliable could the existing records be to determine "new" search areas, if things with the search were so fouled up to begin with?), and a new search begun from square one. Ok, I realize it's easy to say 'toss what happened and start over' when I have absolutely no search abilities (physically due to illness) and I wouldn't be of help to anyone on that count, but, really, what are the choices? Can't go by the records, since they seem to be bunk. So only option on it I see is start from square one. But, who is to do that? I know I can't.

Q: Did anyone ever figure out who owns the land where the truck was found?
Q: Would the land owner give permission to re-search their land?
Q: Who would be willing to go out in that terrain to do a search? I'm talking organized, well documented with experience (and preferrably dogs)?

A) little726 - do you have pics of the truck that show the window broken or after the day of? I'm just wondering about the broken window comment (I'm still reading through past posts on WS)..what am I missing? Because I've only seen 2 photos - same photo, one was just 'cropped' smaller, and in that one the truck's windows weren't broken out (from anything I saw, and that's taking into consideration light, shadows and amount of light in the truck). I do not wish to assume, so I'm asking.
Q: Are there photos of the truck showing a broken window?
Q: Are there photos of the truck in a condition other than the one w/the cop/guy whomever, that are shown "on-site"?

---Praying for the Jamison Family, where ever they may be! ----
Oriah, do you mean the rear window? If so, I would say to get the dog out. I know around here, LE has a tool that will unlock the door. Dosen't Latimer sheriff have a tool like that?

Yep, I sure did, little- thank you for the correction.

The pics of the doll on the left rear passenger side of the vehicle have always made me wonder if that has anything to do with the broken window.
I can't imagine that Latimer Co doesn't have tools available to open vehicle doors.

Be good to know what was used to break the window.
No worries, curiosityscat. And I very much appreciate you noting that there were, and have been, many folks in Latimer County and elsewhere- with completely pure intentions of finding the Jamisons.

Imvho, the initial search efforts were somewhat lacking in organization- and likely in experience in multiple ways.

A disappearance that calls for such a massive response from LE and SAR should have records like crazy. But unfortunately they are both lacking in a lot of different ways.

What's an HRD 'hit' without a sample taken and placed into evidence? Kwim?

It's useless. Especially if a crime is thought to have occurred.
Oriah - Thanks, and please let me/us know what you find w/the satellite photos - good or bad, something or nothing, regardless.

I know we all kindda seem to get into the LE bashing sometimes, because of how things were so poorly handled (for whatever the reason), but yeah Thanks, I do realize that there were (still are I'm sure) many ppl in Latimer County (and the surrounding areas), that had/have good intentions for wanting the Jamison Family found, and have made efforts to do so.

Little726 - Thanks for that URL post!

Uumm...can one of ya'll WS's please kindly point it out when I'm being clueless or miss a link..or something that has been posted documentation wise in the past..(When it's so obvious?)..*snickers*..(I'm working via cell here so I tend to view links after I make posts as it's too hard to flip back and some links don't work for me)..
Ok, 1st time I've even seen those pics and I've been digging through pages for days..*sheesh*!..

Consider me floored!

I have to say that now I "get" the dog in truck comments. yes, I get a dog eating it's (no 'nicer' way to say) poo to survive, but that truck looked exceedingly clean (junky but clean with regards to a dog inside for 12 days, not saying that's not true, possible, or it didn't happen), but that's gotta be the best house trained dog on the planet!

-- Actual HRD hits per police document?! I don't even know what to say to that one, but good heavens!
-- Given the photos were much later, but what's up w/no police pics of a broken window yet you snap photos of the soaking wet truck bed? (serious lack of common sense!!)
-- Interesting document on Bobby's father, no offense to the deceased, but I don't think that guy's elevator went all the way to the top floor! (Whether or not he or other family members had anything to do with the Jamison's disappearance I don't know)
-- Again, the Real Estate land link rears it's head..personally, I find that very suspicious! And it makes me stick to my original opinion even tighter, RE had something to do with it, either a deal gone bad or as a set up for other reasons.

Brought to mind a question or two I had been meaning to ask:

Q: (BASED ON RUMOR! - as I've seen no call records stating this) - Last calls by Shirelyn's cell were made to ex-Billy 4 calls made day of 10/09. The reported response by ex-husband was that she called regarding the viability of drilling through rock (or moving them). He's suppose to have moved, but at the time of the Jamison Family disappearance, supposedly worked a very short easy drive distance from the 'scene' site.
Q: What do ya'll think about that?
Q: Anyone know if Shirelyn's ex-husband even participated in any searches? Just curious. (Even if I hated my ex, I'd still look for ex if my ex went missing as the parent of my kid, but that's just me.)

Fyi, that "weirdness" with voicemail calling by Bobby Jamison to his cell voicemail, happens on my company's billing sometimes too. I think it has to do with call routing on the Carrier's end, when sometimes, even if you're not or haven't moved, and your cell phone flips to a different mode (like w/mine for AT&T my cell goes from recognized "in network" EDGE to GRPS-considered "roaming" -- and I haven't moved), so it bounces off a different tower or router or something. But, considering the reception on a mountain type area, it makes sense for a cell to bounce for service if it is in roaming mode even if the phone doesn't move. Though it doesn't explain calls much later, however LE checking vn would. *shrugs* just a thought.

Oh, and not sure why, maybe because I'm using a cell phone?, but my "Thanks" button doesn't always work right, so if I seem to miss checking it on your post, but I've checked it on other posts before and after, then it's just that on yours my Thanks submit didn't go through.

-- Praying for the Jamison Family where ever they may be! --
Welcome to the wonderful world of all-things Jamison, curiosityscat.
Make sure to pick yourself up from the floor, because you'll need to throw yourself down again a couple hundred more times!

Have not found anything interesting yet on the satellite history, but haven't gotten all the way back yet- still looking.

Your point about the cell calls is the same conclusion I came to.
(Course, it sure would've been nice if the phones hadn't been released from evidence, so that the stored data could be double checked. How helpful, huh? NOT.)
Welcome to the wonderful world of all-things Jamison, curiosityscat.
Make sure to pick yourself up from the floor, because you'll need to throw yourself down again a couple hundred more times!

Have not found anything interesting yet on the satellite history, but haven't gotten all the way back yet- still looking.

Your point about the cell calls is the same conclusion I came to.
(Course, it sure would've been nice if the phones hadn't been released from evidence, so that the stored data could be double checked. How helpful, huh? NOT.)

Oriah - Yeah, I seriously need to compile an organized file of all this stuff (personally) just so I can see the forest for all the trees. Though there does seem to be a couple common themes.
*laughs*..that's ok, I have enough padding and I'm used to falling or getting knocked on my keester.

I know that you have mentioned the release of evidence by local LE on multiple occasions about multiple different and specific items, so the question I have is:
Q: Do you have any clue what still remains in evidence?
I mean from the look/sounds of things (RUMOR-because I don't know for certain, nor have I spoken to LE), ITEMS PRESUMMED RELEASED by LE: physical cell phones, physical truck, physical or copies of: Sherilyn's journals.
The local LE are sure making any potential one day 'conviction' hard on the DA's office! I'm just stating the obvious. Sharing info is one thing, releasing physical evidence is a whole new level of incompetent (IMHO - and if it turns out to be true!).

--- Praying for the Jamison Family, Where ever they May Be! ----
Oriah - Yeah, I seriously need to compile an organized file of all this stuff (personally) just so I can see the forest for all the trees. Though there does seem to be a couple common themes.
*laughs*..that's ok, I have enough padding and I'm used to falling or getting knocked on my keester.

I know that you have mentioned the release of evidence by local LE on multiple occasions about multiple different and specific items, so the question I have is:
Q: Do you have any clue what still remains in evidence?
I mean from the look/sounds of things (RUMOR-because I don't know for certain, nor have I spoken to LE), ITEMS PRESUMMED RELEASED by LE: physical cell phones, physical truck, physical or copies of: Sherilyn's journals.
The local LE are sure making any potential one day 'conviction' hard on the DA's office! I'm just stating the obvious. Sharing info is one thing, releasing physical evidence is a whole new level of incompetent (IMHO - and if it turns out to be true!).

--- Praying for the Jamison Family, Where ever they May Be! ----

Well- I have an answer to this question, but I don't think you're gonna like it...
Well- I have an answer to this question, but I don't think you're gonna like it...

RE: My prior question:

"Q: Do you have any clue what still remains in evidence?
I mean from the look/sounds of things (RUMOR-because I don't know for certain, nor have I spoken to LE), ITEMS PRESUMMED RELEASED by LE: physical cell phones, physical truck, physical or copies of: Sherilyn's journals."

Oriah - *laughs*..there's a reason I chose the screen name I selected, all too often my curiosity tends to over rule my common sense. Eh, I'm used to hearing things I don't necessarily like *shrugs*, but I've always felt it's better to hear them, than ignore reality, so...I'll bite, Go For It! Please provide as many details and/or references as possible. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

-- Praying for the Jamison Family, Where ever They May Be! --
COwinky of the day.... The sheriff from the unrelated you tube video, has the same last name as Sherilyn once had.
COwinky of the day.... The sheriff from the unrelated you tube video, has the same last name as Sherilyn once had.

Don't you love it, Soul!

Ah, the things in life that make us going hmmm...
RE: My prior question:

"Q: Do you have any clue what still remains in evidence?
I mean from the look/sounds of things (RUMOR-because I don't know for certain, nor have I spoken to LE), ITEMS PRESUMMED RELEASED by LE: physical cell phones, physical truck, physical or copies of: Sherilyn's journals."

Oriah - *laughs*..there's a reason I chose the screen name I selected, all too often my curiosity tends to over rule my common sense. Eh, I'm used to hearing things I don't necessarily like *shrugs*, but I've always felt it's better to hear them, than ignore reality, so...I'll bite, Go For It! Please provide as many details and/or references as possible. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

-- Praying for the Jamison Family, Where ever They May Be! --

Your curiosity will not like this then, curiosityscat... because I don't know there to be a blessed thing taken as evidence in the Jamison's case that has remained solely with LE.

Not the money, not the vehicle, not the phones, not the dog, not anything found inside the vehicle, not the case file, not the ICE report, not the ATF report, not the SAR reports, not the keys to the vehicle, not the chips, lol- nothing. Oh- well maybe the prescription bottles are hiding somewhere in a locker.

I think the best we've got is fingerprints. :innocent:
Your curiosity will not like this then, curiosityscat... because I don't know there to be a blessed thing taken as evidence in the Jamison's case that has remained solely with LE.

Not the money, not the vehicle, not the phones, not the dog, not anything found inside the vehicle, not the case file, not the ICE report, not the ATF report, not the SAR reports, not the keys to the vehicle, not the chips, lol- nothing. Oh- well maybe the prescription bottles are hiding somewhere in a locker.

I think the best we've got is fingerprints. :innocent:

Magic Oklahoma lockers.. Think Sharon Marshall...

Finger prints???

Off this thread (I wont say topic)
Also I need some help..for something else..Anyone feeling like looking at Joe neffs thread just the last page for a quick minute? I need to find out who was arrested at the body shop. Also there might be some worthy info to store for later.
Here is the website for OETA TV: http://www.oeta.tv/

They will be airing the story on the missing Jamison family on, Friday September 16, 2011, at 7:pM.

For the people who live out of town, it will be posted on Youtube.
Yes. And it was over two years ago that I made my inquiry, actually. I suppose illness or a similar personal situation might explain both the lack of response, and the retirement (?)

You know what's really odd? I know one of the persons they 'thanked' on their web site. And I don't think this person knows what they are being thanked for! :waitasec:

ETA: I will check on the Joe Neff connection.

They havent been retired that long ,I found where in march or may of this year they had a causes facebook page set up and were asking for donations. The google cache is still available I believe but the page expired itself.
Here is the website for OETA TV: http://www.oeta.tv/

They will be airing the story on the missing Jamison family on, Friday September 16, 2011, at 7:pM.

For the people who live out of town, it will be posted on Youtube.

Thanks for the info, little726! (You could have also written, "For the people who live out of town or the actual Okies like wfgodot, who doesn't own a TV set, it will be posted on Youtube"!)
They havent been retired that long ,I found where in march or may of this year they had a causes facebook page set up and were asking for donations. The google cache is still available I believe but the page expired itself.

Yeah. Yup. Yerp. Yuh huh.
(Oriah says, as bites tongue.)

Guess they just didn't want to deal with us?
I suppose I could chalk it up to just being hated in OK in general, lol.
(Says Oriah, whilst suffering from lack of self-esteem.)
Thanks for the info, little726! (You could have also written, "For the people who live out of town or the actual Okies like wfgodot, who doesn't own a TV set, it will be posted on Youtube"!)

wfgodot, that is such a lie. You SO own a TV set.
Every Okie with internet access owns a TV set. :)
wfgodot, that is such a lie. You SO own a TV set.
Every Okie with internet access owns a TV set. :)

Nope. Luddite ol' me limits his sweet self to staring at only one sort of monitor these days.

Do we actually have anyone in OK who does own a TV, and thus might provide live coverage of the OETA thing Friday?
Nope. Luddite ol' me limits his sweet self to staring at only one sort of monitor these days.

Do we actually have anyone in OK who does own a TV, and thus might provide live coverage of the OETA thing Friday?

Well, I'm not in OK currently. But I shall try. Just for you, my friend. :)
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